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International relations is the study of the interaction of nation-states and non-

governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security.

The Value of International Relations in a Globalized Society

Although international relations has taken on a new significance because of
our increasingly interconnected world, it is certainly not a new concept. Historically,
the establishment of treaties between nations served as the earliest form of
international relations.
The study and practice of international relations in today’s world is valuable
for many reasons:

 International relations promotes successful trade policies between

 International relations encourages travel related to business, tourism, and
immigration, providing people with opportunities to enhance their lives.
 International relations allows nations to cooperate with one another, pool
resources, and share information as a way to face global issues that go beyond any
particular country or region. Contemporary global issues include pandemics,
terrorism, and the environment.
 International relations advances human culture through cultural
exchanges, diplomacy and policy development.

The practice of international relations is valuable in a wide array of settings.

Some examples inlcude:
 Humanitarian organizations
 Action Against Hunger
 Oxfam International
 World Food Programme

 Government agencies
 Department of State
 Department of Homeland Security
 Department of Commerce

 International corporations
 General Electric
 BP
 Exxon Mobile
 Toyota
 Nestle
 Siemens

 Media outlets
 Washington Post
 The Guardian
 Der Spiegal
 New York Times
 Forbes
 Wall Street Journal

 Intergovernmental organizations
 World Trade Organization
 United Nations

 International communications
 Amnesty International
 Freedom House
 Human Rights Watch
 Reporters Without Borders

 Research centers/Think tanks

o Brookings Institution
o Center for International Policy
o Council on Foreign Relations
o Global Public Policy Institute

Global politics, also known as world politics, names both the discipline that
studies the political and economic patterns of the world and the field that is being
studied. The discipline studies the relationships between cities, nation-states, shell-
states, multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations and international
Impact of COVID-19 on the World Politics
Like many prior crises, the COVID-19 pandemic can be a transformative
moment. At least three possibilities are worthy of attention by scholars and
policymakers. First, the pandemic has induced significant, large-scale behavioral
change that governments can accelerate. The crisis has shut down long-distance
travel and local commutes for many workers. Some localities are using the
opportunity to redesign urban infrastructure in favor of eco-friendly transportation.
Government support for technologies and investments that institutionalize greater
interaction with less energy-intensive mobility will have long-lasting consequences
for salient outcomes like climate change, work-life balance, and political geography.
Second, COVID-19 has the potential to transform domestic politics in many
countries. COVID response has dramatically increased government intervention in
society through restrictive measures and economic stimulus. Furthermore, COVID
has highlighted and exacerbated long-simmering income and racial disparities. The
crisis provides an opportunity for governments to experiment with radical policy
shifts, such as a universal basic income or a Green New Deal. It may also turn the
global tide against populism and soft-authoritarianism, as leaders like Donald Trump
and Jair Bolsonaro demonstrate the pitfalls of ignoring scientific expertise in favor of
nativism and tabloid conspiracy theories. However, the pandemic also provides a
pretext to justify unprecedented intrusions into the daily lives of citizens, which can
strengthen the hand of autocrats and further erode democratic institutions.
Third, COVID presents an opportunity for transformational change of the
international order. The order was already under strain prior to 2020 with challenges
from rising powers such as China and from retrenchment by traditional supporters
like the United States and the United Kingdom. The liberal international order came
to be associated with rising inequality and out-of-touch global elites. The COVID
crisis highlighted the dangers of both US disengagement and Chinese influence over
the WHO. The international order is in urgent need of reform to strengthen crisis
surveillance, prevention, and response. This time, the system did not work: it needs
TASK. Make the presentation/essay in which you will present the
most high-profile events in the international arena that have had the
greatest impact on modern world politics.

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