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Claire Donohue

Definition Essay

1 October 2020

Head Start

Renita Sequiera once wrote about privilege, stating, “Privilege can either blind or be an

eye-opener. The choice is ours.” How can people ensure the latter? How can a society begin to

take steps toward equality and empathy? The first course of action is to understand what

privilege is, and what is it not. Many people become defensive when told of their privilege

because they feel invalidated; however, being privileged does not mean that one’s life is easy or

perfect-- it simply means that their struggles are not due to their skin color, gender, sexual

orientation, or nationality. It does mean their first place title is unearned, it simply means they

had a head start.

There are many forms of privilege. Male privilege is being able to park a car away from a

street lamp. Whereas a female must consider the safest space to park in order to decrease her

chances of being abducted or assaulted, men have no need for this tactic. Male privilege is when

elementary school teachers ask boys to move chairs in the classroom or carry the books because

they are automatically seen as “strong” and “able,” while girls must fight to prove themselves as

capable of the same tasks. It is the fact that only men have ever been president, it is the ability to

go for a run alone, it is being excused because “boys will be boys.”

White privilege is also prominent in society. “Skin-Color” Bandaids only being

manufactured in tan and people being represented in toy dolls and television shows are examples

of white privilege; however, the most significant aspect is not having to face the stereotypes and

dangers of racism every day. White people are not told that they “fit the description,” arrested,
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and shot by police because of the color of their skin. White people are not automically

considered aggressive, or stupid, but are valued and favored. This is white privilege.

Unfortunately, there are many forgotten forms of privilege in society. Simply having

access to clean water and a comfortable bed to sleep in, is first world privilege. Not having to

teach people what pronouns to use is cis privilege. Thin privilege is the ability to fit in movie

theater seats and restaurant booths. Straight privilege is holding hands in public without fear of

being ridiculed, harassed, or harmed.

Privilege is not personal. It would be impossible to find someone who has no privilege

because there are so many forms of it. It is inevitable, and therefore it is important that it is

accepted. Without awareness of privilege, people allow injustices to continue based on innate

characteristics. Although it is easy to become defensive when learning of privilege, it can be

used to level the playing field and create a better, more inclusive environment for everyone. Let

it be an eye-opener, not a blindfold.

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