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WIE t ae RES es Oe aa a ee ey GONDOR AT WAR formes MIDDLE-EARTH RON yr i a yh lc ad fay a Me tv Na bl “You have failed. The world of Men will fall.” - The Witch-king of Angmar, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. 3 ‘The Dead Arrive 56 “The Battle of Pelennor Fields. 58 HISTORY OF GONDOR 4 “The Black Gate oe ‘The Black Gate: The Left Hill 6 SCENARIOS. 6 ‘The Black Gate: The Right Hill 6 Defence of Orgiliath 5 Retaking of Osgiliath 10 GONDOR AT WAR CAMPAIGN. 68 Ambush in Whilien R Raiding of Pelargie 14 ARMIES. ” Fall of Orgiliath 16 Minas Tirth 76 ‘The White Rider. 8 ‘The Fiefdoms 40 Faramir’s Charge. 20 Rohan a The Battle for Pelargir. 2 ‘The Dead of Dunharrow. a6 Atop the Walls. a Mordor. as The Gate is Breached 26 ‘The Serpent Horde 2 ‘The Streets of Minas Tirith 28 Far Harad, a ‘The Witch-king’s Arrival 30 Gorsairs of Umbar. 8 harge of the Rohirrim. 32 Denethor’s Madness. 4 LEGENDARY LEGIONS. 100 ‘War Beasts from the South 36 Rangers of thilien 102 The Horre and the Serpent 38 ‘The Grey Company. 108 Death of the King. 40 ‘The Return of the King. 106 Final Fate ofthe Witeh-king. a ‘The Riders of Théoden. 108 The Ride of the Fifdoms a“ ‘The Men ofthe West 110 ‘The Grief of Eomer. 46 ‘The Army of Gothmog. m2 Defend the Gate 45 Grand Army of the South m4 The Docks of Harlond. 50 ‘The Black Gate Opens m8 Death of Gothmog se ‘That Still Only Counts As One! Sf MINIATURES SHOWCASE. 120 Produced by the Middle-earth team in the Specialist Product Studio ‘Thanks to “The Ringwraiths’ for their playterting endeavours, special thanks to Frank Barron, Wendy Ryn, and Chaz Fitehugh from Warner Bros, and Fredrica Drates, Sam Benson and Joseph Mandragons at Middle-earth Enterprises, Ent nA igh syd, THE HOBBIT. AN UNEXPECTED JOURNBY, TE HOBBIT: THI DESOLATION OF SMAUG and The Sn Zara Congany Ae Mids ep de rt Now ie cen (9 2018 New Line Produc a. Alsigh res Te Ladi Ring The Pw Ring, Tt Lad fis Rings The Te Tee Ti: Ln eh Ring The Return sing 0 {hers af corte em ve pas rn res of Th Sl Ze Compe dl Meets Ep ree New a Peds Mi he Mier ge,The Ladi Rng md he afc eet em od plc enn deat of “he Sn Zante Copy bl Mie-ais nes 2C dderere eG Werte cd. Aged ‘Mute eon JRA Tali any Te df te Ring cig ye les ha Te Tein Re 1545, 196 © Copg Game Worn Lins 209 Gia mes Won a 8 nd llamo er 8 oe TM andor © Games Wor ised Noparfthipaaie may been sed in ei t,o aed ayy aya dee ‘esa peeing cringe erie ithe pr pinion o New ine tions ies Wot, Telit doing ilies Acordes eas orb ou dc eh ery, Pees sted ms pons Games Workshop website ‘wove UK NORTHERN EUROPE Games Workshop Led, Games Workshop Lad, Willow Ra, Lenton, Willow Rd, Lenton, ‘Nottingham, ‘Nottingham, NG72WS NG72WS Forge World website sewn NORTH AMERICA Games Workshop Retail Ine {6211 Kast Holmes Road, Memphis, ‘Tennessee 141 AUSTRALIA, Games Workshop Oz Pry Ed 23 Liverpool Street, Tngleburn, NSW 2565, INTRODUCTION ‘elcome to Gondor at War, the first supplement for this edition of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. This 128- jage sourcebook covers the events and battles that surround the realm of Gondor in the closing years of the Third Age, spanning from the bitter struggle to control the ruined city of Osgiliath, all the way up to the desperate last stand at the Black Gate ~ and much more in between! Within Gondor at War, you will ind the following: NARRATIVE PLAY SCENARIOS ‘A whopping 29 Narrative Play Scenarios, more than we have ever ppt in a single rules supplement before. There ate Scenatios to represent all of your favourite moments from both the films and the novels surrounding the events in Gondor, fiom the Fall of| Osgiliath and the Raiding of Pelargir, to the mighty Battle of the Pelennos Fields and Battle ofthe Black Gate LINKED CAMPAIGN “There isa campaign system that links each Scenario together, forming a lowing campaign where the result ofeach battle will have an impact on one, or more, future games in the campaign, ‘The result ofthe campaign will, ofcourse, have a huge impact on the fate of Midale-earth! ‘THE HISTORY OF GONDOR A background section detailing the history ofthe realm of | Gondor, from its founding by the High King Blendil all the ‘way tothe time of the coming of Aragorn in the closing years of the Third Age. ARMY LISTS Gondor at War seo contains an in-depth look at all of the armies that took part in the bautles encompassing the realm of Gondor, featuring background, tactics andl army lists for Minas Tait, Rohan, The Ficfioms, The Dead of Dunhasrow, Mordor, The Serpent Horde, Far Harad and the Corvaits of Uinbar, Several of these army lst also contain new profiles representing more of the Heroes that fought either for the defence of the White City, oF to see it fall LEGENDARY LEGIONS "There are also a total of eight Legendary Legions included in this book, highlighting some of the most iconic scenes and armies from the War of the Ring, For those of you that are now thinking “What ss a Legendary Legion”, well, you wil just have to turn to page 100 to Gnd out! MINIATURE SHOWCASE Finally, there is a showcase ofa selection of Citadel and, Forge World models for each of the armies presented Gondor at Waris the ist in a new era of supplement books, and, ‘we have worked hard to cram as much content into its pages as ‘we can, We really hope that you enjoy playing the Scenarios and ‘using the profiles and army lists as much as we did writing them! HISTORY OF GONDOR ‘he armies of the Dark Lord have spilled forth from the land of Mordor, and now the War of the Ring has ‘came to Gondor; her people embroiled in a fight for their lives. The coastal cities burn, assaulted by the Corsairs of Umbar, and the Anduin has been claimed for the Dark Lord, allowing his armies to sail towards Minas Tirith. The forces of Darkness have re-conquered the ruined city of Osgiliath, and Minas Tirith seems to stand alone against the threat of Mordor. Yet Gondor has known hardship before, and still stands proud and unwavering in its defiance of Evil, THE FOUNDING OF GONDOR AND ARNOR Ancient history ells the story ofthe drowning of Westernesse and ‘the exiles that managed to escape, washing up on the shores of Middle-earth before they eould suffer the same fate as theit kin, Determined to forge a new fatuse for his people, it was the High King Elendil that led the noble men of the west forth, founding the twin kingdoms of Armor in the north and Gondor in the south in the image of hs los ancestral home, For many years, Blendils kingdoms prospered, for the Nimenor were long-lived and stronger than the othe Men that already dvvelt in Middle-earth. As the kingdom of dil grew, so t00 did its power, and before long the kingdoms of Amor and Gondor covered vast areas of the western lands of Middle-earth. In pride it was claimed that there was no arzay that could prevail against the might of Gondor and Amor, yet the ever-growing darkness in the east would seek to leave such bold THE FIRST WAR OF THE RING Concealed within the land of Mordor, Sauron, ever the enemy of the Men of Nimenor, had been amassing his forces, Without warning, the Dark Lord unleashed his fll might upon an unteady Gondor, routing her armies and bringing ruin to many of her cities. Such an assaull was devastating, and Elendil become aware that even the combined might of fend off the armies of Mordor unaided jondor and Amor could not 1 was in these datk times that Blend consulted with his ally Gilgalad, the High King of the Hlves, and together they lorged, the last alliance of Men and Elves; the sole purpose of which was to fight back against the forces of datkness, Together, the armies of Men and Elves marched on the land of Mordor, and During this battle, the Dark Lord Sauron, through murderous power and terrible sorcery, slew both Gikgalad and Elendil, leaving both Men and Elves eadevless, It was in this momen when all hope seemed lost that Isildur, som of lend, took wp the shards of Nail, hie father’s sword, and ent the Ring of Power fiom the Dark Lord's hand, bringing about Saurom’s defeat. With the battle won, Isildur found himself in possession of the Ring of Power, and had one chance to end the evil of Sauron forever: However, lildur, ensnared by the Ring's allure, refused to cast the Ring into the fires of Mount Doom, and instead kept it for himself, With thie act of selishness, the power of the Dark Lord, was permitted to endure for millennia, CONSTANT WAR Even with the Datk Lord defeated, the kingdoms of Amor and. Gondor could not find peace. Within but a few years of hie victory ‘upon the slopes of Orodruin, Isildur was slain on the Gladden Fields and the Ring was lost, Peace ever remained out of reach for Gondor and Amor, and clashes with Oves, Basterlings and other Evil Men were commonplace [As the years of the Third Age continued, Gondor became embroiled in greater conflicts. Wass were waged and won against ‘the Easterlings and the Haradrim, yet the tragedy was that even in victory, the kingdom of Gondor shrank in size, its lands lost to sain or the attrition of endless strife. Many great cities fll, and the realm’s glory became but a shadow of what it had enjoyed in the times of Elendil Gondor only watched as the kingdom of Amor crumbled, falling to disease, famine and constant war against the forces of the Witcheking of Angmar. As it collapsed, the once-great domain of Elendil had been reduced to but a single kingdom, and even that ‘was under threat. Osgiliath, the former capital of Gondor, could not escape, and it too was overtin and atined by hordes of Ores, Upon thie terrible los, the city of Minas Anor became Gondar's new seat of power. HE LINE OF KINGS I$ BROKEN Gondor's fortunes did not improve, and soon the fortes city of ‘Minas Ithil fell into the hands of the Nazgal, becoming a dread, place of evil and malice, and was henceforth known as Minas “Morgul. With the fall of Minas lhl, the capital of Minas Anor ‘was renamed as Minas Tivith ~ the Tower ofthe Guard. As the lands of Gondor receded, the royal lie faltered; becoming distant and detached, caring mote forthe legacy of ts bloodline th ruling over its people. After Earmur, the last King of Gondor, rode ‘off to war, never tobe seen again, the rule of Gondor fell to the stewards; noble and just men, but nonetheless lesser than the kings ‘who had nuled before, THE TIME OF THE STEWARDS ‘Though the stewards ruled inthe stead of the kings of Gondor, they did not claim the throne for themselves. Instead, they would take up the rule of the kingdom until such a time that their hopes ‘would be realised and an heir of Fld would claim the throne. Under the nule ofthe stewards, the kingdom of Gondor remained plagued by war, her borders constantly assailed by the armies of darkness. In these times of hardship, Gondor’s lst of allies grew thin; Armor had been laid to ruin, the Elves were no longer a power tobe relied upon, andl the Dwarves cared litle for whatever happened outside theit own borders Yet the kingdom of Gondor did not stand entirely alone ~ new alliances were forged in times of war. During the rule of the Steward Gition, a band of northern men provided aid to Gondor against invaders from the east, and so were rewarded with the land that would become known as Roba, A LIGHT FROM THE SHADOWS In secret, in the lands of the north, the blood of Niimenor endures ‘within the veins of the Diinedain, Though tunbeknownst to those {in Gondor, an heir of Elendlil emains stil, and as the Third Age draws to a crescendo, the rightlal heir to the throne of Gondor ‘will come to her aid. But until that time atises, the realm of Gondor must continue to await the return ofthe king, Scenarios DEFENCE OF OSGILIATH 1 the years since his last defeat, the Dark Lord has remained hidden away in the land of shadow, preparing io assail Middle-earth once more in search for the Ring of Power. As his strength grows, s0 too do his armies; legions of Ores and other foul creatures are drawn to him, and behind the Black Gate of Mordor, the forces of the Dark Lord gather in numbers beyond count. As the War ofthe Ring begins, Sauron’ forces attack the runs of Oxiliath in the eastern parts of Gondor; the former capital being the frst to fel the Dark Lord's wrath Ac the garrison camps within the ruins of the city, an army of Mordor Orcs marches tcwards them, intent on capturing it and stripping ateay Minas Tirth’ last line of defence. Amidst the fllen sone and crumbled building, the howls of the Ores can be heard, sigualling the beginning oftheir assault upon the city and the commencement of Sauron’ fullscale invasion of Midalecarth. Faramir must now lead the defenders against the onslaught of Ors; if they cannot hold Back the inoaders, the city will fall nto the hands of Mordor for the {first time in centuries > Obes gs = BESS ees BEEN aoe Dolepmen te NY s re Ahjatie SS Dat | ‘ Ae ae The board represents the ruined city of Oxgiliath, and as such, should be covered in ruins, buildings statues and piles of rubble of all shapes and sizes, The board should have a variety of walkways of different sizes, Some could represent the major roads through the city and would he big enough for whole warbandl ta fight side- by-side upon. Others will be the narrow alleyways that separate the buildings and may ft one or two models through t “objectives should be placed, as shown om the map. em, Three The Good player deploys their force within 6” of the centre of the board. The Evil player then deploys their force within 12" of the caster edge of the board The game lasts for ten turns. The Evil player wins if they can destroy all three objectives by the end of the tenth turn, The Good player wins if they can prevent this, Hordes of Mordor — Countless Ores have flooded the iy, and more are constanly joining the fight Bach time a Mordor Warrior Acthe end of each Evil Move phase, roll a D6 for ea Warrior model kept aside model anywhere within the Evi player’s deployment zone. ode is slain, place it to one side, h Mordor this manner. On a 44, place the Faramir — The young Captain of Gondor has been tasked with the Aafence of the city, and doesnot wish to yield it wnfought Faramir must always Charge ifable to do so, however, he may then spend a Will point not to Charge. Should Farannir be sli the best result the Good player can achieve isa dra ‘Objectives — The commanders ofthe Ore armies have tasked ther forces swith destroying the defenders supplies If they are succesful, Ogiliath's garrison wil hase no choice bul to fallback to Minas Tirith vil model ean destroy an objective by being in base contact with it duting the End phase of any turn, x0 long as they did not take part in a Fight {including suppor preceding Fight phace. ing) in the Good: Faramir, Captain of Gondor with bow; Mads Captain of Iibilen; Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien; 12 Wantiors of Minas Tisith: 4 with shield, 4 with spear & shield, 4 with bow; 12 Rangers of Gondor: 8 with no. additional wargeas, 4 with spear. Evil: 3 Mordor Ore Captains with shield: 96 Mordor Ores: 12 with shield, 12 with spear, 6 with two-handed weapon, 65 with Ore bow RETAKING OF OSGILIATH th has fallen into Orcish hands, their assault roving more than the forces of Gondor were prepared to deal with, and Faramir and his garrison have been forced to retreat to Minas Tirith or face their death. Upon receiving news of his youngest son's failure to keep the city safe, the lord Denethor entrusts his eldest son, Boromir, with the task of retaking it from the forces of Mordor. With the orders fom his father given, and the Banner of Minas Tirith held alof, Boromir and Faramir lead a force from Minas Tirith towards ‘the former capital i order to reclaim her for the Kingdom of Gondor. Upon the strets of Orgiliath, the cash of sword upon shield can be heard «the brothers im arms fight sidebyside forthe city yet should they fall, ‘the hope of their men shall surely fade, and Oxgiliath ill never be restored to her former glory. an oo Deployment | 4 “are < a > The board represents the ruined city of Oxgiliath, and as such, should be covered in ruins, buildings statues and piles of rubble of all shapes and sizes, The board should have a varity of walkways of different sizes, Some could represent the major roads through the city and would he big enough for sole warbandl ta fight side- by-side upon. Others will be the narrow alleyways that separate the buildings and may ft one or two mode! ‘The Good player deploys their force anywhere within 12” of the ‘western board edge. The Evil player then deploys their force anywhere within 12° of the eastern board e The game lasts until one force has successfilly completed their objective. The Good player wins ifthe Evil force i wiped out, The irand Faramnir are slain before this Exil player wins ifboth Boron can happen, Ifboth players achieve their objective in the same turn, the game isa draw ‘The Sons of the Steward — It is Boromir and Faramir who lead the assault on Orgiliath, and the Orcs know that without them, the forces of Gondor cannot hepe to claim victory Evil models may re-roll failed To Wound rolls against Boromir and Faramis. For Gondor! — With a rousing ery, Boromir thrusts himself inte the ‘fay inspiing those around hom todo the sae, Ina tum in which Boromir or Faramir Gondor Warrior models that also Charged them gain a bonus of +1 To Wound during the Fight phase 1 Tower, with the Good: Boromir, Captain of the W Banner of Minas Titith; Faramir, Captain of Gondor with Dow; Mads 12 Warsi & shield, 4 with bow; 12 Rangers of Gondor: 8 with no, additional wargear, 4 with spear Captain of Hilien; Damtod, Ranger of Khilien; 8 of Minas Titith: 4 with shield 4 with spear Evil: 3 Mordor Ore Captains with shield; 36 Mordor Ores: 12 with shield, 12 with spear, 6 with two-handed weapon, 6 with Ore bows 1 Mordor ‘Troll AMBUSH IN ITHILIEN s the power of the Ring grows stronger, the Dark ‘The Rangers of Gondor make ther resence known tothe Haradrim Lord Sauron continues to gather all manner of {forces peppering them with arrow after arrow as they remain hidden Evil Men and other creatures to him. From the distant, from sie among bushes, trees and shrubbery. If Faramir and his Rangers and arid deserts of the south march the armies of the ‘an prevent the Haradvim and ther feared war beats fiom reaching Haradrim and their dreaded Mémakil - the people of ‘the land of Mordor, then they will have made a significant dent in the this tribal race have pledged themselves to the Dark Dark Lord’ plans. Lord's cause in return for the riches and renown that they have been promised. Yet in order for the armies ofthe Haradrim to reach the Black Gate and ‘enter the land of Mordor, they must ft travere the densely forested terrain of bien. These lands are constantly paroled by bands of Gondorian Rangers unde the command of the Stewards younger son, Faramir. As the Haradrim make thir way though the woodlands, they are wnaveare that they are being hunted by Faramir's Rangers, Boul Deployment Ror ‘This Scenario is played on a 4'x#' board. There should be lots of hedges, trees and bushes dotted around the board ideally not heavily impeding movement across the centre of the board. These should be denser along the northern and southem boaxd edges. STARTING POSITIONS “The Evil player deploys the two Miiakil touching the western board edge, as shown. They may then deploy their remaining models anywhere within 6" of either Mimmak. The Good player may'then split their force into two equal parts — the first containing 12 Rangers and Fara, and the second containing Madsil, Damtod and 12 Rangers. The Good player then deploys Faramir’s half anywhere within 6" ofthe southern board edge, then their remaining models within 6" ofthe northern board edge. OBJECTIVES ‘The Haradrim journey to Mordor to join with Sauron’s armies before the assault on Minas Tiith ~ the more ofthem that can, ‘make itto the Black Gat, the stronger the Dark Lord's armics will be, Faramir has noted that the kunbering Mrimakil pote the greatest threat to Gondor and has tasked his Rangers to see to their downfall ‘The game lasts until there are no Miimakil left on the board. The Exil se wins if oth Miimakil can move off of the board via the caster board edge. The Good player wins ifthey can slay both of the Mémalil, on board, the game isa dravs nak has managed to escape the SPECIAL RULES Unseen Hunters — The Horadrim have no idea thatthe are being watched bythe Rangers of Gondor, let alone that they are walking into an ambush At the start of the game, before the fist Priority is rolled for, each Good model may make a ‘eee’ shooting attack as fit were the Shoot phase, Additionally, for the ist thtee twens of the game, all Good models gain the Stalk Unseen special rule and may re-roll any Is To Wound when making a shooting attack PARTICIPANTS Good: Faramir, Captain of Gondor with bows; Mads, Captain of Ihilien; Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien; 24 Rangers ‘of Gondor: 16 with no additional wargear, & with spear. Evil: 2 War Mitmakil of Harad cach with 12 Haradrima Warsiors with bow; 24 Haradtim Warriors with spear. RAIDING OF PELARGIR th the War of the Ring having begun, Sauron has summoned all manner of Evil Men and creatures in his name and start their assault upon the Free Peoples. The Corsairs of Umbar did not take much persuasion to join the Dark Lord’s ranks ~ the promise of ppillage, plunder and revenge on hated Gondor was enough to seal their loyalty. And now, upon their black-sailed ships, the Corsairs journey up the coasts of Gondor to lay siege to her coastal settlements. ‘The city of Pelargr was perhaps hit harder than any other, or ts ports were the kay to transporting the Dark Lord's forces up the river Anduin towards Minas Tirth, andthe Dark Lord had decreed that the city be taken by any means necessary. Under the cover of night, the Corsair raid ‘upon Pelargir began; howes went up in flames and those within the city ithe fled o7 were slaughtered asthe Corsair tore through the streets However, this was not to be the simple coastal raid that the Corsairs of Umbar were used to. On the outskirts ofthe city, the army of Lamedon had made camp upon their journey tothe city of Minas, Tivith to aid thelr liege in war, Seeing the Corsairs defile Peargir, Anghor the Fearless leads his men against the southern invaders in an allempt to protect the ports and prevent the Corcairs from reaching Minas Tirith LAYOUT ‘The westem half ofthe board should be covered in a variety of different buildings, with a sevies of roade that run between thera, ‘The eastern half of the board represents the docksides of Pelargir and so should have no buildings but instead be dotted with, bartels, crates and all manner of items that would be found on a dock, The eastern board edge represents the Andain, STARTING POSITIONS The Good player deploys their models anywhere within 12" ofthe ‘western board edge. The Evil player then deploys their models, anywhere within 12° of the eastern board edge OBJECTIVES ‘The Corsairs of Umbar are ransacking the city of Pelargr, destroying houses and setting buildings alight. Should they wreak enough havoe then Pelargir will surely fall Angbor and his clansmen have come to halt the Corsairs' acts of destruction and prevent the city of Pelargir from being captured. ‘The game lasts for ten turns, At the stat ofthe game, starting with the Evi player, players take itn turn selecting buildings within the western half ofthe board edge until ive buildings have been selected, At the end of the game, the Good player wine if more of the selected buildings are not om fie than have been set alight. The Evil player wins if more ofthe selected buildings have been set alight than have not. SPECIAL RULES ‘Torching Buildings — The Corsair of Umbar plan on setting ‘as much ofthe ety on fre as posible to ensure that Plarir falls under their contra ‘The five selected buildings are the targets that the Cotsars intend toset ablaze as they plunder the city. Any Corsair model that ‘ends ite move in base contact with one of the selected buildings daring the Move phase can attempt to set it alight. Roll a D6. On 64, the building has been set alight. Flaming Arrows - Many of the Corsair ule flaming arrows, allocing them to burn the city of Plargir from range Corsair models may shoot at any of the selected buildings as it ‘they wore enemy models, without taking In’The Way tests for intervening models. Any building that is wounded by an arrow or crossbow bolt will immediately be set alight. Buildings count as having Defence &. Put the Fires Out! — As the city becomes engulfed in la Clansmen of Lamedon attempt to subdue the ire. ne the Any Good model that ends its move in base contact with @ building that ison fire may attempt to put it out, Roll a D6. Ona 6, the fre has been put out. However, should the Good player roll 41, then the building will be consumed by the flames and cannot bbe pat out for the remainder ofthe game PARTICIPANTS Good: igbor the Fearless; 24 Clansmen of Lamedon, Evil: Dalanmys, Fleetinaster of Umbar; Delgainar, Gatemaster ‘of Umbar; 2 Corsairs of Umbar: 8 with shield, 8 with spear, 8 with bow; 6 Corsair Arbalesters; 6 Corsair Reavers FALL OF OSGILIATH lauron’s armies have gathered to him in great numbers, Score of boats, crammed fill of Ors, make their way across the river, and Jand now the Dark Lord is ready to unleash his fall upon reaching the far banks, the Ore army rushes into its crumbled runs, strength against the realm of Gondor. From deep within the overwhelming those that oppose them. Men and Orcs engage ina deadly bowels of Mordor and the regions loyal to Sauron, legions _batlebtwcen the city's rocks and pillars, wher every step could cause of Ores, Trolls and Evil Men are sent forth to conquer «4 warrior to falter upon the broken and uneen ground, and suffer an ‘Middle-carth and bring the peoples of the free lands to untimely death at the hands of ther fos. their knees in the search for the One Ring. Despite ther valiant efforts, the assault of Gothmeg’s forces has proven ‘The Dark Lard’: hammer blow shall trike fvt against the necly retaken tobe overwhelming for Faramir and his men. With swathes ofthe city ity of gia, fo the ruins ofthe former capital of Gondor sand alang falling, and finding themselves tobe hepelesly outnumbered, the force of Sewron's path to Minas Tirith. Under the cover of darkness, bands of Gondor mast make haste to eoacuate the city, or perish Morannon Orc silenly row aces the Anduin,lteards the unsuspecting garrison whe occupy the city. > Reinforcement Print, iz Sd A Uhl i i ak { et J mee as Dp ot ‘ce < > LAYOUT ‘The board represents the ruined city of Oxgiliath, and as such, should be covered in ruins, buildings statues and piles of rubble of all shapes and sizes, The board should have a varity of walkways of different sizes, Some could represent the major roads through the city and would he big enough for whole watbandl ta fight side- by-side upon. Others will be the narrow alleyways that separate the buildings and may ft one or two mode! STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Good player deploys their force anywhere within 6" ofthe centre ofthe board. The Evil player then splits theit force into two equal parts, with Gothinog and Gothiog’s Enforcer and Guritz in the other. Gothiog’s half of the army ie deployed. anywhere within 12° of the eastern board edge. Gutita’s half is deployed anywhere within 12° of the westem board edge in one half OBJECTIVES ‘The forces of Gondor must escape Osgiiath in order to remain alive, whilst the Orcs have simply been commanded to destroy the world of Men and plan om starting with those within Osgiiath, ‘The Good side wins if atleast 33% oftheir models can escape the Dboard via the westem board edge. The Evil player wine if they can Faraniris slain, the best result the Good side can prevent this. achieve isa draw. IfFaramir escapes the board, the best result the Exil side can achieve is a draw, SPECIAL RULES Hordes Without End — There are countess Ores assaulting Oxgiiath, ‘and more are constantly joining the Bate from across the Anduin, Each time an Evil Warrior models slain, place it to one side. At the end of each Evil Move phase, roll a D6 for any models placed aside in this manner, On a 4, they may re-enter the board from cither ofthe points marked on the map. Nazgiill = Overhead, the Nazgil ride thir dread Fell east, causing terror n the hears ofthe belt. Avthe start of each turn, the Evil player may zelect a single Good Warrior and roll a D5. On a 34, this Warrior becomes paralysed by fear and may not Move or Shoot that turn. They may fight if they are subsequently Engaged in combat, although their Fight value will be reduced t0 PARTICIPANTS Good: Faramir, Captain of Gondor with bow; Madi Captain of lthlien; Damtod, Ranger of Ithilien; 12 Warriors of Minas Tiith: 4 with shield, 4 with spear & shield, + with bow; 12 Rangers of Gondor: 8 with no, additional wargear, with spear Evil: Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron; Gothmog’s Enforcer; Guxitz, Master of Reserves; 36 Morannon Ores: 9 with shield, 9 with spear, 9 with spear & shield, 9 with no additional wargear THE WHITE RIDER Ihe city of Osgiliath is lost, taken by Gothmog and is Orc hordes. Having heen outnumbered and defeated, and losing many Men, Faramir and those under his command that remain alive have fled the ruined city on horseback and now ride for the sanctuary of Minas Tirith, However, Faramir and his Men are sll in danger. Upon the backs oftheir winged Fell Bast, the Nazgi pursue the flecing Men as they race across th fields of Pelonnor towards the sanctuary ofthe White City. The horrific sereehes from the fal beasts and their dread rides can be heard not far behind, and without help, Faramir, along with what i eft of hs garison, shal surely perish Yel help sot hand — from the gates of Minas Tit rides Gandalf upon is sted, Shadows, lend aid to those in ned. The White Rider must make haste wards Faramin and those who sl ture, for shold he arrive too late then they wil be slain by the dead mount ofthe Nazgal @ Ferami ond LAYOUT ‘The board represents the fields of Pelenmor and so should be fairly barren, with afew small patches of scrubland and rocks. The ‘western board edge represents the walls of Minas Tirith, with the gates ofthe city in the centye of the western board edge STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Good player deploys Faramir and the Knights of Minas ‘Tisth within 6" ofthe centre of the eastern board edge, and then deploys Gandalf touching the centre of the western board edge ‘The Evil player docs not deploy any models; instead, they will be available later in the game. OBJECTIVES Gandalf rides out to save Faramir from a terible fate atthe jaws of the Nazgal’s Fell Beasts; only by escorting the youngest son of the Steward through the gates of Minas Tirith will he be safe from harem, The Nazgil have been tasked with slaying Faramir and his watsiors who ride towards the White City, and Params their main target Any Good models can move off the board through the gates of Minas Tivith, The Good player wins if Faramix moves off the board through the gates of Minas Titith, The Evil player wins if they can slay Faramsir before this can happen. If Faramir moves ofl the board, but Gandalf hae been slain, the game isa draw. SPECIAL RULES Ride to Minas Tisith ~ The riders from Osiliath left the city as quickly as they could, and are ahead oftheir pursuers ~ at least for now. “The Good player automatically has Prioyity on the firs tar, Flight of the Nazgal ~ Upon thir winged stds, the Nazgl give ‘hase tothe vides fem Osgilith “At the end of the frst Evil Move phate, the Evil player may move all oftheir models onto the board irom any point on the eastern board ealge via the rules for Reinforcements, PARTICIPANTS Good: Faramir, Captain of Gondor with bow on horse; andalf the White on Shadowfax; 12 Knights of Minas ‘Tivith with shia. Evil: 3 Ringwraiths on Fell Beast, each with 2 Might, 14 Will and 2 Fate FARAMIR’S CHARGE returning to Minas Tirith following his narrow Fully armoured upon his sted, nd witha band of lyal nights a his pon 6. ie ‘escape from the clutches of the Nazgal, Faramir side, Faramir begins the charge acros the Pelennor. Yet asthe cavalry of brings news of Osgiliath’s fall to his father. Yet Faramir’'s Gondor draw near, the Ors within the ruins of Oxgiliath ready their bows safe return brings no sense of joy and relief to the lord ta fire. en as Faramir rides towards Osgiliath, he is aware that his Denethor. Instead, the Steward has little regard for his mision is all but futile and that he along with his men, shall most likly son's endeavours and only expresses anger. De klled before he can reach the iy ‘Believing his youngest son to be weakswilled, and failing to Resp the lands is favoured son, Boromir, protected, Denethor decrees that the city of Osiliath must be retaken and that Gondor wll not yield her outer defences unfought, Though some try to reason with him, asthe ely has been overrun bythe forces of Mordor, the Steward wil not be swayed. In «an altempt to prove himself to his father, Faramir accepts hs lords will ‘and readies himself to charge upon Osgiliath aie bb Pesomir 5 £ ¥ taour ‘The board represents the plains of Pelennor and the very edges of Osgilath. The area within 6” of the eastern board edge should be covered in ruins, rubble and the remains of buildings. The rest of the board should remain barven, giving the Knights of Min ‘Tiith a clear surface to charge across STARTING POSITIONS “The Good player deploys their force anywhere touching the ‘western board edge, with Farannir touching the centre ofthe ‘western board edge. The Evil player then deploys thei forces anywhere within 6” of the eastern board edge ‘OBJECTIVES Denethor has ordered that Osgilath be retaken, and this can only be achieved by wiping out the hosts of Mordor that lie within it The Ores see the advancing knights asa small cone they can easily dispatch with a few volleys of arrows. ‘This battle continnes until one force is wiped out, at which point their opponent is declared the winnes. SPECIAL RULES Volley Fire — By fring thir arrows high into the air, the Ores cam hit largets tha would usually be out of range of thee brie Any Ore Tracker ean choose to shoot their Ore bow ata target up to 36° away, rather than the usual 18°, However, any Ore ‘Tracker that targets an enemy model over 18" away will only hit on the roll of a6 Lethal Shot — As the Knights of Minas Tivth charge towards the ruins of Osiliath the Ores within ready their bows for the kil, (Ore Trackers gain a bonus of 11 To We wand when firing their Ore bow against an enemy model within 1 PARTICIPANTS | Good: Faramir, Captain of Gondor with bow on horse; 12 Knights of Minas Tinith with shield. Evil: Gothmog, Liewten: 12 Morannon Oves: 3 wi Santon; 12 Ore Trackers h shield, $ with spear, 3 with spear & shield, 3 with no additional wargear. Designer's Notes: On pape, this Scenario may stem far more in faconr ofthe Evil player, and the fact is that i i, In the fl, Farainir and hit Knights don't even get clove to Oxgiliath before they are pappered by Ore arrxes~ hope in thi Scenario the Good ‘layer wil hase a bit more luck? THE BATTLEFOR PELARGIR ‘pon emerging from the paths of the Dead, Aragorn is greeted with the sight of the city of Pelargir in flames, the Corsairs of Umbar having set it ablaze as they ransacked it and twisted it to their own ends. Upon this fell sight, Aragorn and his companions make haste in order to prevent the Corsairs from sailing up the Anduin and invading the kingdom of Gondor As they make ther way towards the city, Aragorn and his companions encounter the Men of Lamedon and their leader, Angbor the Fearless After fighting against the Corsais inthe city, the Clansmen of Lamedon had ultimately been driven bac, unable to hal the relentles advance of the southern invaders. Hewever, with the heir of Tidar and an army of long dead warriors, the Men of Lamedon ready themcloes orejvin the ‘Pgh for Pear Catching the Corsairs of Umbar unaveares, the Shadow Host and Grey Company assault Pelargir to deliver it from its pirate captors and desperate battle erupts in it strets; if Aragorn can lead his companions to victory ‘then they can sil to the aid of Minas Tiith Ifthe Corsair can put an end tothe righ ing, then the realm of Gondor shal surely fall 7 Gud Deployment Aimy of the Dead Diplopncnt Area fi LAYOUT The board represents the city of Pelargir, and as such should be covered with buildings, roads and other terrain to give it the fel ofa city. The area within 6” ofthe eastern board edge is the port, and should be made of walkways with barrels and erates sather than buildings, Inthe centre of the eastern board edge is @ walkway onto one of the Corsair ships, a8 shown on the anap, STARTING POSITIONS 3" of the Good ‘The Evil player deploys their force anywhere with centre line ofthe board that nuns fiom noxth to south, T player then deploys the King of the Dead; the Heralds of Dead and all Warriors of the Dead anywhere within the east hhalf ofthe board but at least 6" away from any Corsair model.‘ Good player then deploys the remainder oftheir models anywhere ‘within 12" ofthe western board edge. OBJECTIVES shadow Host has struck fear in ust leave the city of Pelargir {sail up the Anduin to raid Minas Tisth, ir foes on the run, Aragorn connmands his followers to lorsairs ftom fleeing up-river and bring their leaders stop the to their knees ‘The game lasts until there are no Corsair Heero models left on the board. The Evil player wins ifat least three Corsair Hero ‘models can move off the board via the point shown on the map (marked X), including either Dalamnyr or Delgamnar. The Good player wins ifthey can prevent this from happening, [fat least three Corsair Hero models escape the board, but both Dalamyr and Delgamar have been slain, the game is a draw, SPECIAL RULES ‘The King of the Dead has come! ~ The sight ofthe longdead hing strikes untold fear into the hearts ofthe Corsair Corsair models within 6" of the King of the Dead suffer a1 penalty to all Courage tess PARTICIPANTS Good: Aragorn — Stiider with Andiail, Flame of the West; Legolas Greenleaf, Gimli, son of Gléin; Harbarad with Banner of Arwen Evenstar; Elladan & Elzohit; The King of the Dead; 2 Heralds of the Dead Angbor the Featless 20 Warriors ofthe Dead; 12 Clansinen of Lamedon, Evil: Dalannyr, Fleetmaster of Umbar; Delgamas, Gatemaster of Umbay; 2 Corsair Captain; 2 Corsair Bo'sins; 36 Consairs ‘of Umbar: 12 with shield, 12 with spear, 12 with bow, 12 Corsair Arbalesters; 12 Corsair Reavers ATOP THE WALLS Ihe legions of the Dark Lord have gathered outside ‘Minas Tirith, and the battle for the city is about to begin. Under the command of Gothmog, hordes of Ores rush forwards, and huge Mordor Trolls push giant siege towers crammed with Ores towards the outer walls. As the siege towers approach, those atop the walls frantically Jose arrow after arrow at the beasts pushing the crude contraptions in the hope of felling them and rendering the towers useless. From the top of the walls ofthe White City, Gandalf vals the Men of Gondor in defence of Minas Tirith. Yet een the porers of the White Wizard cannot present the siege txwers of Mordor from teaching the battlements. With the sound of breaking stone, the sige towers" ramps come crashing down, shattering the mate stonework beneath them and unleashing a torrent of Ores upon the defenders Along the lengths ofthe walls, the men of Gondor and their ales mast {fight to stave of the waves of Ores which now fled the batlements ‘Only by blunting ther attack can the forces of Mordor be driven back ‘and the warvonsof Minas Tiith earn a brief respite before the battle inevitably continues, ‘Sandal the Wit LAYOUT ‘The area within 9" of the western board edge represents the area on top of the walls of Minas Titith and therefore should be relatively clear, perhaps with a few steps, crates or small sections of wall to add variety. The area within 3" of the eastern board edge represents the edge ofthe Pelennor, and the sheer drop frore the battlements, Within this area there should be the ramps for five slege towers, each one being 3” by 3" and spread out along the castern board edge so that they touch the battlements. STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Good player deploys Gandalf in the centve of the board, with Pippin within 1 of him. They then deploy the remainder oftheir models on the walls of Minas Tirith, but not within 2" of any part of the ramp of a siege tower. The Evil player then deploys their models either on the vamp of a siege tower or atop the walls within I" ofthe ramp of a siege tower. OBJECTIVES Unless they can slay buge numbers of Ores, the defenders of Minas Tirith will be overwhelmed by the invaders, The key to victory is the White Wizard — should he fll, all hope willbe lost ‘The Good player wine if at the end of any turn, they have slain a total of 30 Orcs it's important to keep track). The Evil player wins if they can slay Gandalf before this can happen, Ifboth players complete their objective in the same turn, the game isa draw. SPECIAL RULES. ‘The White Wizard — The hope ofthe men of Minas Tivith is fading. Only by joining the fight forthe city can Gandalf restore ther courage and surge them to continue ta fight Geadalf must always Charge ifhe is able to do so, Additionally, ‘on a turn in which Gandall Charges, Giendly Gondor Warrior models within 12° of him will count as being in range of a banner tuntl the end of the turn, ‘The Hordes of Mordor — Counts Ors have searmed the wally and more constantly climb the siege testo jin te bate Each time an Ore Warrior is slain, keep it to one side. At the end of each Evil Move phase, any models kept aside in this manner ‘may move onto the board from the eastern board edge Battlements of Minas Tirith ~ The height of Minas Tirith's ealls ‘means that any warrier unfortunate enough to fll fiom them wil meet an untimely death ‘The castorn edge of the walls of Minas Tisth axe lined with, battlements that can trap a model against them, Additionally, any model that is pushed from the edge of a siege tower and onto the Pelennor is automatically slain ~ i's a rather ong fall PARTICIPANTS Good: Gandalf the White; Peregrin Took, Guard of the Citadel; rolas, Captain of the Guard Beregonds 24 Warviors of Minas Tivith: # with shield, & with spear & shield, 8 with bow. Evil: Zagdish, Ore Captain; 2 Ore Captains with shield 36 Mordor Ore Warriors: 12 with shield, 12 with spear, ‘with Ore bow, 6 with two-handed weapon, THE GATE IS BREACHED hordes of Mordor Orcs spill over the walls of Minas Tirith, other Ores attempt, in vain, to break down the city’s huge gates. Under the orders of Gothmog, Grond, the giant woll’s head battering ram, is marched towards the gates, Ifthere is anything that could breach them, itis undoubtedly Grond. those within Minas Trith es of Gonder gather ound in the The crash of Grond upon the city gates ale diate predicament, and asthe f andalf commands allo hold th whatever manne of el breaks though the gates The gates of Minas Trith showering the courtyard with shards of wood and metal. From the oping inter as Grond delivers one final blow, nd inthe side ofthe ity, a sea of Ores and a numberof hulking Mordor Troll pour in, intent on bringing death te the people of Minas Tirth. Those vw stand and fight against the hordes of Mordor If they cannot hold them back, then the frst lecl ofthe city wll fall thin mast IC Good EGins Roe Deploptet ‘ ‘dre bat \ Deployment 1 Cara < 7 > AYOU The board represents the courtyard of Minas Titi. In the centre of the eastern board edge are the remains ofthe city’s gates, The board should be relatively bare around the centre, perhaps with a few sinall piles of rubble and debris, whilst around the edges of the board there should he a few buildings. In the centre of the board, fs. fountain with a diameter of 8", The fountain ie shallow water TARTING POSITIONS The Good player deploys al their models within 12" oft ‘western board edge. The Evil player then deploys all of models within 12° ofthe centre of the eastern board edge OBJECTIVES The forces of Mordor must capture the courtyard, securing a foothold before the rest of the city can fall if they can overwhelm the lower levels they can make their way into the rest of the city. The game lasts for eight turns, after which whoever as the most models within 6" ofthe centre ofthe board isthe winner. Ifboth, sides have the same number of models within 6” of the centre of the board then the game isa draw, If Gandalf is slain, the best result the Good player can achieve is a draw. SPECI ‘The Hordes of Mordor — Countless Ores have swarmed the gate of Minas Tiith, and more constantly flood through to join the bate Bach time an Ore Warrior is slain, koepit to one side, At the end of each Evil Move phase, any models kept aside in this manner may move onto the board fi caster board edge. the centre of the ‘You will Stand your Ground! - Under the command ofthe White Wizard, the men of Gondor will fight to the ast to protet their ety Good models do not have to take Courage tests to Charge a Mordor Troll, PARTICIPANTS Good: Gandalf the White on Shadowlax; Hiitin the Tall, Warden of the Keys; Ingold, Warden of the Rammas Echor; Irolas, Captain of the Guard; Beregond: 36 Warviors of Minas Tivith: 12 with shield, 12 with spear & shield, 12 with bow. Evil: Goroth, Captain of the Morannon; Zagdéch, Ore Captain; 2 Morannon Ore Captains with shield; 36 Morannon Orcs: 9 with shield, 9 with spear 9 with spear & shield, 9 with no additional wargeas 3 Mordor Troll THE STREETS OF MINAS TIRITH ‘he courtyard of Minas Tirith has been overrun, and Within the upper levels, Dencthor’s madness has taken over his senses, the streets of the White City are awash with Ores and and he is intent on burning himself and his presumed-dead son alive, ‘Trolls, Within the cobbled streets and narrow alleyways, like the heathen kings of old. Upon learning ofthe Steward’ intentions, the men of Gondor fight desperately to fend off the ever- Pippin races towards the lower leas of Minas Tisth in search of advancing waves of Ores and Trolls, to prevent them from Gandalf. If Pippin cannot reach the White Wizard in time, then Faramir reaching the city’s upper levels. vel surely perish ‘Those whe remain within the lower lee fight with al of their strength 1 sem the endles tides of Ones and monsters that sek to destroy the city’s peopl, and are led by Gandalf the Whit, Hiri, Ingold and Irlas in then desperate defence LAYOUT ‘The board represents the streets ofthe lower levels of Minas Tisith, ‘There should be plenty of buildings and ruins that form a variety of different streets and alleyways of various widths. Some should be wide enough for blocks of infantey and Trolls, whilst others should only fit afew models side-by-side, STARTING POSITIONS “The Good player deploys Gandalf touching the centre of the caster board edge, and then deploys Pippin touching the centre cof the western board edge. The Good player deploys Ingold and 12 Warriors of Minas Tisth in section A on the map. The Evil player then also deploys the Morannon Ore Captain and 12 ‘Morannon Orcs in section A. ‘The Good player deploys Irolas and 12 Warriors of Minas Titith in section B on the map. The Evil, player then also deploys Goroth and 12 Morannon Oxes in section B, The Good player deploys Hidrin and 12 Wassiors of Minas ‘Tirith in section C on the map. The Evil player then also deploys Zagdiish and 12 Morannon Orcs in section G. No models may be deployed within 3" of an enemy model OBJECTIVES “The Ores are hungry to bring death and destruction to the people of Minas Tirith ~ should enough men fll, the city will be ‘overrun, Pippin must reach Gandalf before Denethor can set the pyre alight, otherwise Faramix will perish, ‘The game lasts until the end ofa turn when either Pippin or Gandalf are removed from the board, The Good side wins if both Gandalf and Pippin exit the board via the westem board edge daring the same turn, The Evil player wins ifthey can reduce the Good force to 25% ofits starting numbers, Irboth players, oF jeve their objective, then the game isa draw. neither player, a SPECIAL RULES Pippin — Pippin ts racing through the city in search of Gandalf, ducking and weaving Between the Men and Orcs that fight on all sides. Merciful, the Ores have not yet noticed his small stature n the chaotic melee, Pippin counts as wearing an Elven cloak. Additionally, any Evil ‘model that wishes to Charge Pippin must fist roll a D6. On a roll ofa natural 6, they may Charge as normal. On a 1-5, the model may not Charge Pippin, but may Move as normal, even charging another enemy, ifthey wish, Gandalf - The White Wizard is busy defending the city from the Ors ‘that now surge through it; he will only leave the battle after hearing Pippin’ pleas, UF, during the End phase of any turn, Pippin and Gandalf are in base contact and Gandalfie mounted, Pippin may mount Shadowfax and be treated as a passenger. Gandalf may not enter ‘the western half of the boael until Pippin has reached bin, PARTICIPANTS Good: Gandalf the White on Shadowfax; Peregrin Took, ‘Guard of the Citadel; Fhirin the Tall, Warden of the Keys; Ingold, Warden of the Rammas Echor; Irolas, Captain of the (Guard; 96 Warriors of Minas Tisith: 12 with shield, 12 with spear & shield, 12 with bow. Evil: Goroth, Captain of the Morannon; Zagdlish, (Ore Captain; Morannon Ore Captain with shield; 36 Morannon Ores: 9 with shield, 9 with speat 9 with spear & shield, 9 with no additional wargear; 5 Mordor Trolls, THE WITCH-KING’S ARRIVAL midst the swirling battle that has engulfed the lower Jevels of Minas Tirith, news of Denethor’s madness has reached Gandalf. Upon hearing the Steward’s plan to burn himself alive and Faramir with him, Gandalf lifts Pippin onto the back of Shadowfax and makes haste to the hallows of Minas Tirith. ‘As Gandalf and Pippin ride through the stets to rescue Faramir, plercing shrick ills the air around them, heralding th arrival of Sauron’s deadliest servant. Swooping davon upon his dread Fell Beast onto the Daitlements ofthe White City, the lord ofthe Nazgal Blocks Gandalf’ and Pippin’ path, determined to end the poser of the White Wizard for good. Gandalf and the Witch King are now locked in a battle of sorcery and awit. If Gandalf can drain the Witching of his power then the shall be banished. However, i the Wit king is victorious in this duel of ‘magical ability, he will beable to break the staff ofthe White Wizard, and loose his Fell Beast to feast upon him ~ unles something more important races him aca 0 This Scenario is represented by a minigame, and as such does nab fells the usual rales for the Strategy Bate Game, Instead, i wes ‘the series of unique rules provided here to help capture the fel ofthe scene in question SET-UP For this mini-game yon will require a deck of ordinary playing cards, Gandalf the Whit, Pippin and the Witch-king of Angmas Separate the cards into the for suits and then give the Diamonds to the Good player and the Spades to the Evil player. Next, lay ost the Hearts as shown below. Finally, sulle the Chubs and place thes in a pile face-down, ‘The Good player places Gandalf on the Ace of Hears, then the Exil player places the Witch-king on the King of Flea, Both players will ako each need to havea pile of 20 Power tokens ‘These can be represented by anything from dice to coins to markers — whatever you have to hand, [ealled[es[ez] [eel fes[eal[eu) edisjial[e4 OBJECTIVE The frst player to reduce their opponent to 0 Power tokens immediately wins the game. a GAME TURN ‘At the beginning of each tur, both players sinullancously play ‘one card from their hand face-down. The Good player reveals their card and moves Gandalf to the card on the grid with the same value (eg. if Gandalf plays a 4 then he will mave to the 4 ‘on the grid, ete), The Good player then applies the effec that is associated with the value of the card they moved to, as deseribed, in the table below The Evil player then follows the same process with the Witch-king. “After the Evil player has finshed their tar, the Good player then flips over the top card from the Clubs deck and places Pippin on. the card on the grid with the corresponding number. Note that when Pippin moves, he does not apply the effects of any card. ‘The turn then ends and the next turn begins EXTRA RULES If at any point, ndalf and the Witch-king are on the same card, and Pippin is not also on the same card, Gandalf immediately loses half of his remaining Power tokens fat any point, Gandalf, Pippin and the Witch-king are all fon the same card, the Witch-king immediately loses half of his Power tokens Wat the end of any turn, Pippin and the Witch-king are on the same card, and Gandalf ie not ako on the same card, Pippin is slain and is removed from the game ~ players no longer flip over a card fiom the Clubs deck A__You gain 3 Power tokens 2 Your opponent loses 1 Power token. 3 Your opponent loses 1 Power token. Ifyour opponent is adjacent (including diagonal) to you, they instead lose 3 power, 4 You gain D3 Power tokens 5. Stcal D3 Power tokens from your opponent. 6 Rolla D6. Ona 34, you gain 2 Power tokens; on a 1-2, ‘you lose 2 Power tokens. 7 Your opponent loses 1 Power token; you may then move them to any adjacent space 8 Your opponent discards a card from their band at random, 9 Roll four dice; your opponent loses | Power token for cach 4+ you rolled 10 Rolla D6, Ona 1-3, Gandalf loses 2 Power tokens; on a 4>, the Witcheking loses 2 Power tokens J. Your opponent loses 2 Power tokens, Q Gandalf ignores all card elfects until the end of the turn, K Your opponent loses D6 Power tokens. CHARGE OF THE ROHIRRIM ‘pon the fields of Pelennor, the siege of Minas Tirith is well underway; hordes of Ores and Trolls spill through the gates and over the walls of the city and have begun to raze it to the ground. Even as the city is ablaze, and its people are slaughtered in the streets, countless more of Sauron’s minions march upon it. Yet, even as the situation looks hopeless, help is at hand for the ‘people of Gondor As dason breaks, the sound of horns can be heard calling out actos the brick morning ar, a sound that heralds the arival ofthe Riders of Rohan, At the head ofthe thousands of Men and horses alop the hile overlooking the Pelennor stands Théoden, King of Rohan. With arousing spech ‘that would inspire exen the mest craven heart, Thoden leads the charge towards the ranks of Ors that are arrayed on the ground before them. Fallewing the lead oftheir king, the Rohirim charge toward ther foes without hesitation r fear. Even as hail of arrow rain doen upon them, the Rider of Théodon do not falter as they rapidly close the distance betceen themselves and the Mordor hosts, The Ore that oppose them must attempt to weather the oncoming charge for if they cannot, thy ill be seep aseay by its momentum zm Good Deplaymem Arve esl Deplopment Arma AYOU The board represents the ields of Pelennor, the barren ground upon which the battles outside the gates of Minas Tiith are fought. As there is very little terrain on the felds, there isnot auch to place on the board apart from a few small arcas of| rocks and serubland. STARTING POSITIONS “The Evil player deploys their force within 12° of the couthern board edige. The Good player then deploys their force with of the northern board edge, 1 ORJECTIVES “The Rohirrim have arrived to deliver Minas ith froma the grip ‘of Mordor; only by routing the Ore hordes can they hope to acconaplish this, Gothmog is wise to the plans of Théoden, and knows that without their leaders at the head of theit chaxge, the Robirviza will surely break “The Good side wins if they can reduce the Evil force to les than umbers. The Evil side wins i'they can slay both Théoden and Eomer before this can happen. If both sides 25% of ts starting achieve their objective in the same turn, the gamne is a draw SPECIAL RULES Gharge of the Rohirrim - Such is the force with which they strike, the Riders of Rohan are capable of sending ther fos spraoling to the ground while maintaining the momentum oftheir charge. The Good player always counts as having Priority. Additionally Good models must always Charge ifable to do so. Gothmog - Though Gothmog fully expects his ranks fo outlast and Aafeat the Rohirvin’s charge; the wily Ore is not above falling back to safety if things look precarious “Aller the Evil force has been reduced to lese than 50% of their starting models, Gothmog may attempt to escape the battle by exiting the board via the southern board edge. If Gothmog. manages to escape in tis way, the best result the Good player ean, PARTICIPANTS Good: and armoured horse; Eon Théoden, King of Rohan, with heavy armout, shield ; Marshall of the Riddermark, ‘with armoured horse, shield and throwing spears; Dernhelm; Gamaling, Captain of Rohan, with horse and Royal Standard of Rohan; Déorwine, Chief of the King’s Knights; Elfieln, Captain of Rohan, with horse; 24 Riders of Rohan: 16 with no additional waxgear and & with throwing spears Evil: Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron; Gothmog’s Enforcer; 2 Morannon Ore Captains with shield; 36 Morannon Orcs: 9 with shield, 9 with spear, 9 with spear & shield 9 with no additional wargear. Dencthor’s mind has been fractured hy the death of his favoured son, Boromir, and now the threat of war and the apparent loss of his youngest son has driven the Steward to madness. As fighting rages in the lower levels of the city, the lord Denethor makes his way along the Rath Dinen towards the Houses of the Dead, the resting place of the kings of old. 11s within the Houses ofthe Dead that Denthor plans t burn himself ‘and Faramir upon a funeral pyre, to escape death a the hands ofthe forces of Mordor. Upon learning ofthe Steward’ intentions, Pippin races to find the White Wizard amit the svirking melee that runs through ecery street «and alley of Minas Tirith’ ower levele. Together with Gandalf, they make haste to rescue Faramsr fom the hands of his father. Upon their arical atthe Houses ofthe Dead, they discover that Beregond has kept the Steward’: guard at bay, keaping Faramir alive for long enough to ensure that Pippin and the White Wasard can sae him, Yet the Steward’s mind isuterly broken, and he as already st alight ‘the pyre Beneath his fet. Only by remocing Faramir from the flames, can he be rescued, Hendetfte waie land Pregrin Tea SEH Dance tS ent Ftd Guard Doman SQ" are LAYOUT The board represents the Houses of the Dead and the long corridor that leads to it. ‘There are a series of walls that are Jmpassable, as shown on the map; these create 2 corridor that is 12" long fiom the northern board edge and is 6" wide as close to the centerline ofthe board as possible, Denethor's pyre is placed 3 shown on the map, 1m the centre of the southern board edge as STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Evil player deploys Denethor and Faratnir at the pyre; start Faramir starts the game Prone. The four Citadel Gi thin 5" of the pyre. The Good player deploys centre of the board and Gandalf the White ‘on Shadowfax touching the centre of the northern board edge. Pippin starts the game as a passenger on Shadowiax. OBJECTIVES Denethor has truly been driven to madness and plans to barn himself and his son alive. If Gandalf, Pippin and Bereg retrieve Faramir from the flan ind cannot he will dc, The game las for eight turns. I tthe end ofc Farum either upon the pyre o within IoC the Evi page cai ee oe ea 1" away from the pyre by the end ofthe eighth turn, the Good player‘ the winner. 1 turns, SPECIAL RULES Faramir — The young captain of Gondor has been rendered unconscious by the counds he safered in bal, and is unaveare ofthe peril that he isin fe does not act at @ normal Faranniris unconscious and the model, Instead, he is treated as a Heavy Object that can be moved by another model. Any Good model that isin base contact with, the pyre can remove Faramir from its smouldering kindling. However, they cannot move any further that turn, Any Evi) ‘model that is earrying Faramir and is in base contact with the however, they cannot pyre may place hitn Prone atop the p move any further that turn, ‘The White Wizard - Following his encounter withthe Witebking, Gandalf has not only been temporarily drained of his strength, but has also had his Staf of Power destroyed. Gandalf does not have his Stalf of Power in thie Scenario, and begins the game with only a single point of Might, Will and Fate Sacred Ground — The Howes ofthe Dead are an important place tothe people of Minas Tivth, and spilling blood within their wall is frbidden Good models may not make shooting attacks and may not make Susikes ifthey win a Dul roll, However, in his madness Denethor and hie guard have ignored the city's ruling ~ they may act as normal Denethor ~ The Steward’ mind i completely committed tthe idea of uring lke the heathen kings of ld 1 Faramnir has been Denethor may not move un removed from the pyre PARTICIPANTS Good: Gandal Peregrin Took, Guard of the Citadel; Beregond; he White on Shadovax; Faramir, Captain of Gondor. ‘Evil: Denethor, Steward of Gondor; 4 Citadel Guard. WAR BEASTS FROM THE SOUTH Ihe charge of the Rohirrim has plunged far into the ranks of Gothmog’s Or -asualties as they drive deep into their: ‘a devastating charge has shaken the very core of Gothmog’s forces, sending hundreds of Orcs fleeing from the battlefield, Yet the battle is far from won. As the Ores turn and fle, and the Riders of Rohan begin ts what they belive tobe an incredible victory, Théde and deadly foe approaching. Sauron has enlisted the service of tribes of Heradrim from the south, and tothe Battle of Pelennor Fields they hace brought with them their most fearsome seeapons of war = the Mamakil Huge, cartshaking strides can be fellas these enormous beasts thunder towards the Rohirrim. Upon their backs are howedahs il Haradrim warviors, ‘each armed with bows thatthe tribal warriors use to lose poiconed ares at ks are ited with a variety of deadly weaponry fos, and thes huge, sharpened ts spikes and eter wicked loki Upon secing these monsters lumbering twwards his people, Théoden orders that the lines be reformed; ad upon his comms {nto battle However, these are not mere Ores, and it will tak «single charge, wo matter haw brave, to fell hese ge beasts cannot sloe the relentless strides ofthe Mita, then the d, the Rohirrim charge o If the Rehirim of Minas Tivith may yt fall ah Thode go Bhan Deplyre dee ve i « ’ > AYOU The board represents the ields of Pelennor, the barren ground upon which the battles outside the gates of Minas Tiith are fought. As there is very little terrain on the felds, there isnot auch to place on the board apart from a few small arcas of| rocks and serubland. STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Good player deploys their models anywhere within 12" cof the western board edge with Théoden at the point shown, ‘The Evil player then deploys their models within 12" of the eastern board edge ORJECTIVES The Méinakil are bearing down upon the city of Minas Tisth, with only the Rohiavim standing in their way. Théoden must le his people against these beasts if they arc to save the city ‘The game lasts until the Good force has been reduced to 25% of its starting numbers, or the Evil force is wiped out. At the end of the game, ifthere are no Mina left live, ne Good player is the winner. Ifthere are two or more Mimaki sill in play, then the Evil player is the winner, Ifthere is only one Miimak left alive, the game is a daw. SPECIAL RULES Death! — Such i the bravery that Théoden has inspired in hic fllocers, ‘the will charge into battle without hesitation. Good models autor cically pass Courage tests t Charge any Mémak models. ‘The Maimak War Leader — At the head ofthe Horadvim forces, the Mamak Wear Leader sts atop his Reyal War Mamak. Should he fall, the rest ofthe army wil begin to fale. Ifthe Mémak War Leader is slain, the best result the Exil player can achieve is a draw. Good: Théoden, King of Rohan, with heavy armour, shield and armoured horse; Eomer, Marshall of the Ridderinark, ‘with armoured horse, shield and throwing spears; Dernelm; ming, Captain of Rohan, with horse; Déorwine, Chief he King’s Knights; 24 Riders of Rohan: 16 with no additional wargear and 8 with throwing spears. Evil: The Méimak War Leader, with | in the TTowdab; 2 War Miimaks of Harad with Mabid Beastmaster and 12 Haradrim Warriors in the Hovidab, Haradrim Warriors Ihe fearsome War Mémakil of Harad have been unleashed upon the fields of Pelennor, leaving a devastating trail of destruction as they lumber towards the White Gity. Under the command of their king, the Robirrim have engaged them, hoping to bring as many down as they can, Yet the arrival of these great beasts only signals the beginning of the Haradrim threat. As the Rehirrim combat the huge war beasts, the Sespent Horde marches 4 war. At the head of the army sits Suladén, the Serpent Lord, cho has singled out Théeden asa worthy opponent, Suladan firmly blives that dy slaying sucha formidable foe he wll beable to coment his rule ofthe tribes of the Hearadrim, farther enhancing his reputation ax Harad's most farsame chieftain With fame and glory in his sights, Suladan charges into the fay; the Serpent Horde accompanying him to battle. Upon hearing the rear cries of more Haradrim, and seeing them racing towards his people, Thioden rallies those around him to meet Suladin and his tribes headon. ‘The battle besween the to proud leaders i about to begin, and only 2 Goode | Deployrat | ‘Arca <4 Thesden gg S28 Saladin Hing of Rotax the Spent > Evil \ Footie of | # Rar LAYou" ‘The board represents the fields of Pelennor, the barren ground ‘upon which the battles outside the gates of Minas Tiith are fought, As there ie very little terrain on the fclds, there isnot ‘much to place on the board apart from a few small areas of rocks and serubland, STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Good player deploys their models anywhere within 12" of the western board edge, with Théoden at the point shown, The Exil player then deploys theit models within 12" ofthe eastern board edge, with Suladén atthe point shown, ORJECTIVES ‘The aim for both armies ie simple; slay the leader of the opposing forces, Should either force have their lord sain, their morale will be shattered. The game lasts until the end of a turn in which, cither Théoden or Suladn has been slain, The Good player wins if Suladin has been slain, whilst the Evil player wins i Théoden has been slain, Ifboth Suladiin and Théoden have been slain then the game ie a draw, (CIAL RULES A Duel of Kings — The entre battle hinges upon the confiontation beticeen Thioden and Suladan: a fight neither will back down fiom. Both ‘Théoden and Suladin must Charge each other if they. are able to do so. Protect the Serpent Lord — Réza is Suladdn’s personal bodyguard and has Ben entrusted with fighting off all of those that would bring harm to his lige Riza may select two targets for his The Serpent's Weapon special rule, rather than one. PARTICIPANTS Good: Théoden, King of Roban, with heavy armour, shield and armoured horse; Déorwine, Chief of the King’s Knights; 24 Riders of Rohan: 16 with no additional wargear and S with throwing spears Evil: Suladin the Serpent Lord on armoured horse; Riza, Fang of the Serpent; Haradvim Captain; 12 Serpent Riders; 24 Haradsita Warriors: 12 with bow, 12 with spear, DEATH OF THE KING ith the armies of the Haradrim defeated, and their leaders slain, the remaining Rohirrim rejoin the fight against the Mordor hordes. Rousing his followers once more, Théoden leads the Riders of Rohan into battle against the forces of the Dark Lord, With their allies still contained in the White City, the armies of Rohan may be their only hope of driving the Orcs from the kingdom of Gondor. Swords clash against stel asthe Men of Rohan engage ther Orcsh fos, ringing death and ruin upon them. AL the head of the Rohinrim's charge, Théoden cuts through ranks of Orcs, Herugrim gleaming inthe sun before ‘being plunged through armour and flesh. With the Haradrim routed, and the Ores seemingly daftated, victory sems tobe at hand, Yet piercing shrick fil the air asthe Lord ofthe Nasgi fle towards ‘the batle upon his dread Fell east, As the Witching of Angmar hurtles towards the King of Rohan, Théaden readies himself to faethe deadlst ‘warrior in Sauron’ eric, lnowing ful wel that he wil either stand victorious, r perish WH S SOE Deployment re Deployrcats| SS S dices AYOU The board represents the elds of Pelennor, the barren ground ‘upon which the battles outside the gates of Minas Tiith are fought, As there is very little terrain on the fields, there isnot auch to place on the board apart from a few small arcas of| rocks and serubland, STARTING POSITIONS “The Evil player deploys the Ores within 12" ofthe western board edge. The Good player then deploys their models anywhere within 6" ofthe eastern board edge, ‘The Witeb-king is kept to onc side for later in the game DBJECTIVES ‘Théoden must face a foe more skilled and deadly than any hae has faced before; he must ither slay the Witebeking or die in the attempt. The game lasts until the end of a tum in which either Théoden or the Witch-king has been slain. The Good player wins ifthe Witch- king has been slain, whilst the Evil player wins if Théoden has bbeen slain, If oth the Witch-king and Théoden have been killed then the game is drave EO SPECIAL ‘The Witch-King’s Arrival — The Witching has spent much of ‘the bat cirling over Minas Tirith and combating Gandalf upon the ramparts; ony the sound of the horns of Rohan has alerted the Witelsking to the Rohirrin’s arrival, \ the end of each game turn, roll a D6 and add the number of the tum you are on, Ifthe totale 7 or more then the Witeh-king will arive next tm, When the Witch-king arrives, he will move ‘onto the board at the end of the Ex player's Move phase from a table edge of the Exil player's choice, The Witeh-king may Charge fon the turn in which he arrives, ‘The King of Rohan — This is Théoden’s defining moment, on where the must use every ounce of skill he has to emerge victorious, Bach time Théoden slays an enemy model, he may immediately regain a single point of either Might, Will or Fate that was spent carlier Good: Théoden, King of Roban, with heavy armour, shield and armoured horse; 12 Riders of Roban: 8 with no additional wargear and 4 with throwing spears Evil: The Witch-king of Angmar with Crown of Morgul, Fell, Beast, 2 Might, 14 Will and 2 Fate; Morannon Ore C: with shield; 12 Moran plain on Ores: 3 with shield, 3 with spear, 3 with spear & shield, $ with no additional wargeas. FINAL FATE OF THE WITCH-KING Ihe Witch-king’s arrival has been swift and deadly, and the attack upon Théoden has left the King of Rohan broken upon the fields of Pelennor, mortally wounded and staring into the face of death. At the command of the Witeh- king, his dread mount slowly stalks towards the body of the king, intent on feasting upon him in his final moments. iling to just seatch athe el erature approaches her fallen king and ace, Boy moves te sand alone beeen the Lord of the Nargil ond his ‘prey Secing naught but another meal in frent of, the Fell Beast lanes Aowards the figure: its outstretched ave gaping, reealngrazrsharp teth ‘tha sil tear lh from bone. Yel asthe beast lungs forth, Eoxeyn sity eps aside efor cleaving thebeats head fom ite neck Even asthe erature vorthes in its death threes, the Witch king slowly rises from the dust seemingly unphased bythe warrior of Rohan tha stands defiant before him. Rassing an enormous flail in a single hand, the Witck- ing of Angmar coms facetoface with the Shield Maiden of Rohan ~ an ‘encounter that will resonate throughout history. hit Scenario is represented by a minigame, and as such doesnot {oll th usual rues for the Strategy Batle Game. Instead, i uses ‘the series of unique rales provided hereto help capture the fel of the scone in question. SET-UP For this mini-game, you will require a deck of ordinary playing, cards, Eowyn, Merry and the Witch-king of Angmar, Spit the deck of eatds into the fous suits, Lay the Hearts out ina circle on the hoard as shown below, and then give all othe Spades, except the King, 1 the Evil player. The other two suits are not used. ‘The Good player places Eowyn and Merry on the Ace of Hearts then the Evil player places the Witeh-king on the King of Hats 98g, Coanc? omyEcrIve ‘The Good player wins ifthey can slay the player wins ifthey'can slay Eowyn, GAME TURN 1 the beginning of each turn, the Evil player places one card fom their hand face-down - this is where the Witch-King is attacking with his flail, The Good player then rolls 2 D6 and moves Eowyn around the board in either direction that number of cards; note that she must move the full amount in a single direction, ‘The Evil player then reveals their card and places a token on the corresponding card to show where the Witeh-king has attacked with his lil ~ it also looks better if you rotate the Witch-king to face the direction he attacked, The card i then discarded. In the unlikely event that the Evil player has no more cards remaining, collect the discarded cards and continue the game. Ifthe Witch-king has attacked the same card as where Eowyn is standing, Bowyn suffers a wound. I'the Witch-King has attacked 4 card that adjacent to Boneya, rola D6, Ona, he sales ‘a wound. The Witch-king’s token remains in place until he next attacks. Neither Fowyn nor Merry may move through the token — this may force Eowyn to move in a certain ditection ifshe cannot move her fll amount in a particular direction, ‘The Good player then rolls another D6 and moves Mery around the board in either dxection, Note that, mike Eowyn, Mesry does not have to move the fll amount, f Merry lands on the card thats opposite to where the Witching has ust attacked, rll a D6, On a 4+, the Witch-king sllers a wound. ‘The tum then ends and the next turn begins. EXTRA RULES If Eowyn sulfers three Wounds, she has been slain by the Witch- king and the Bvil player isthe winner Ifthe Witch-king sfers three Wounds then Mery has managed to bring the Lord of the Nazgil to his knecs, allowing for Eowyn to deliver the death blow = the Good player is the winner. THE RIDE OF THE FIEFDOMS \he arrival of the Riders of Rohan has given renewed hope to those fighting within Minas Tirith - the Hordes of Mordor are now being attacked on two sides and this has allowed for the forces of Gondor to push back their foes and reclaim key areas of the city. As the Rohirrim cleave their way through ranks of Orcs, some within the White Gity steel themselves to charge onto the Pelennor. From the gates of Minas Tirith, the wartiors ofthe Fiefdoms of Gondor vide out towards the batle that has engulfed the filds of Pelennr. Prince Inrahil leads the Swan Knight of Dol Amroth ar they charge towards the ‘fay, Alongside the prince is Hirn the Tall and the army of Lessarnach, led bythe aptly named Forlong the Fa; ther forces veadyto give ther ices in the defence of the White City should it come to that Upon the Pelennor, even as the Riders of Rohan make their mark upon the armies of Sauron, Dol Amroth and Loscarnach fight sidebyside against ‘the overchelming numbers of Ons, in an effort to turn the tide of batle ack in ther favour Evil Doloment / aa Reno \ ce Depart te z < e > Avot The board represents the elds of Pelennor, the barren grownd ‘upon which the batles outside the gates of Minas Tiith are fought. As there is very litle terrain on the fields, there is not auch to place on the board apart from a few small arcas of| rocks and serubland. “The Good player deploys their forces anywhere within 12° centre of the board in the western half ofthe board. The player deploys their forces anywhere within 12" ofthe centre of the board in the eastern halfof the board, but at least 6" away. from any Good model. OBJECTIVES “The warriors of the Fieldoms sally forth to defend the White City. By inflicting devas swing once more in Gondor’s favour. However, without Inrabil, forces of the Fieftloms ing loses upon the foe, the tide of battle wall Hiisin and Forlong to spur them on, th will be left leadesless and easily broken, ‘ae Good player wins if at the end of any turn, they have slain a total of 30 or more Evil models. The Evil player wins if, at the nd of any turn, Imrabil, [Kirin and Forlong have been slain. Tf Doth sides achieve their objective in the same turn, the game is a salt the Good player can as. Prince Iinrabil is lain, the be achieve i a draw SPEC ‘The Hordes of Mordor — There are countless Ors upon the Pelener, cand more will join the fay a the Battle rages on ach time an Ore Warrior is slain, keep it to one side. At the end of each Evil Move phase, any models kept aside in this manner ‘may move onto the battlefield froma any board edlge in the Evil player's board half. ‘The Prince’s Duty — Inrahil knows that his duty to Minas Tivithis to drive back the forces of Mordor, and will top at nothing to ensure the safety of the city. Prince Iinrabil may call a Heroic Move atthe start of each Move phase without spending Might; however, Imrabil must always charge if able to do so, PAR’ Good: Prince Imrabil of Dol Amroth with lance and armoured horse; Forlong the Fat; Hsrin the ‘Tall, Warden, of the Keys with horse; 12 Knights of Dol Amroth with armoured horse and lance; 12 Axemen of Lossarnach, Evil: Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron; Gothiog’s Enfor Morannon Ore Captain with shield; 36 Morannon Ores: 9 with shield, 9 with spear, 9 with spear & shield, J wargear; | Mordor Troll 9 with no addit THE GRIEF OF EOMER Ithough he has been vanquished, the Witch-king of | __Upon witnessing Bnmr's fury andthe predicament tha he is in, Prince Angmar has left devastation in his wake; Théoden has _Inrahil and Harn gather ax many ofthe Stan Knight of Dol Amroth at been slain and Eowyn les unconscious upon the Pelenor. they can and make haste towards him. Ifthe forces of Mordor hold them Upon seeing his sister lying unmoving in the dit, Eomer up for too long, Eemer wil sly perish presumes the worst has befallen her and that she has joined ‘Théoden in the halls oftheir fathers. Unable to contain his pial oer ies into'n St of rage and clnrgen toward the tnemy lines to avenge his fallen kn, a small band of followers riding alongside him. With thin el let, omer erases tvowgh te Baleline of Ores, ‘hat stil fight upon the Plennor. Blinded by his fury and caring naught {for his un safety, the ito Rohan's cru gins hacking at Or afer (re, laying as many as posible to sat his ned for vengeance, Howee, in his reddesmess, Bomer and a his filles now and srrounded by Crean arin danger offering the same fate as Thénden S Warrion of Rohan Deployment Area Bi Eomer Eail Deployment Area LAYou" ‘The board represents the fields of Pelennor, the barren ground ‘upon which the bales outside the gates of Minas Tiith are fought, As there ie very litle terrain on the fclds, there isnot ‘much to place on the board apart from a few small areas of rocks and serubland, STARTING POSITIONS “The Good player deploys Homer inthe centee ofthe board and the Warors of Rohan within 3° of Eomer. The Evil payer then deploys their models anywhere on the board atleast 6" froma Bomex and more than 6 fron any table edge. The est ofthe (Good model ae kept aside for later i the game, OBJECTIVES Prince Innrabil leads his followers in an ellort to reeeuse Homer. I he cannot reach him in time, the new king of Rohan will uffer the same fate as Théoden, “The game lasts until the end of a tar in which one side has ‘completed ther objective, The Good player wins i they ean seduce the Evil force to 25% of ther starting numbers. The Evil player wins f Homer is slain, IFboth players achieve their objective inthe same tum, the game is draw SPECIAL RULES Elomer’s Fury ~ Overcome with rage atthe apparent os of his ster, omer wil op a olhng slay thse he holds responsible Bomer must Charge ifable to do so. Additionally, omer may r= rol faiedTo Wound rolls during the Fight phase. Ride of Dol Amroth ~ Leading a contingent of Stean Knights Inrahil rides to Bomers aid Atthe end of the Good players frst Move phase, the rest of| the Good models move onto the board from the centre of the ‘western board edge, PARTICIPAN Good: Homer, Marshal ofthe Riddermark; Prince Tznrabil of Dol Amoth with lance and armoured horse; Hiirin the ‘Tall, Warden of the Keys with horse; 6 Warriors of Rohan “with shield; 12 Knights of Dol Amroth with Iance and armonted horse Evil: Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron; Gothmog’s Enforcer; 36 Morannon Orcs: 9 with shield, 9 with spear, 9 with spear & shield, 9 with no additional wargear; | Mordor Troll. s Prince Imrabil lends the knights of Dol Amroth to rescue Eomer, he leaves a large contingent of warriors to defend the gates of Minas Tirith from the advancing Ore hordes. Men from Rohan, Minas Tirith and the rest of Gondor stand side-by-side against the forces that bear twa upon them, asked withthe defence ofthe city by Prince Tmrahil, Forlon, the Lord of Lassarnach, commands his men to stand their ground in the fae of evil. At his side, Duinir and the archers ofthe Blackroot Vale ready themselves, heir bows aimed at the huge Mimakil that stride towards them, From the White City itself, Ingold leads a band of warriors of Minas Tirth; and following the death of his king upon the field, Déoesine commands the ‘remaining warriors from Rohan. Men from four diffrent ities and Kingdoms now sand united, all rpared t give ther lives to secure Minas Tivth and win victory for the Fie Peoples, They ar the last line of defence against the Dark Lord's ‘orees~ ifthe fll the city willbe overran, LAYOUT “The board represents the fields of Pelennor, the barren ground upon which the battles outside the gates of Minas Tiith are fought. As there is very litle terrain on the fields, there is not such to place on the board apast ftom a few small areas of rocks and serubland. Along the western board edge ate the walls of| Minas Tirith, with the city’s gates occupying the edge of the western board edge within 3" ofits centre, STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Good player deploys their models within 12° of the centre of the western board edge. The Evil player then deploys their models anywhere within the easter half of the boatd, OBJECTIVES In the face of such seemingly insurmountable odds, the Men of the West must fight to prevent the forces of Mordor from entering the city. Iftoo many Orcs or Evil Men break through their lines and into Minas Tivith, hope will fail and the eity will be lost. ‘The game lasts for 12 turns. The Good player wins if at the end. of 12 tums, less than ten Evil models have moved off the board via Minas Tivth’s gates. The Evil player wins if at the end of 12 turns, more than ten Evil models have moved off the hoard via Minas Tivith’s gates, Any other result isa draw. SPECIAL RULES ‘The Last Defence — Those defending Minas Tirth know that they are the final line of defence against the force of Mordor, and wll fght othe death to ensure the citys safely. Good models may re-roll failed To Wound rolls in the Fight phase whilst they are within 12" of the gates of Minas Tit. Death to the Captains! — Goroth has made it his mission to destroy ‘those in command ofthe defence of Minas Tivith; something the hulking (re is mare than capable of achicing. Each time Goroth slays a Good Hero, his Might is restored to its starting value. PARTICIPANTS Ingold, Warden of the it of the King's Knights; 12 Axemen of Lossarnach; 12 Blackroot Vale Archers; 12 Warriors of Minas Tiith: 4 with shield, 4 with spear & shield, 4 with bow; 12 Warriors of Roban: 4 with shield, A with throwing spear & shield, 4 with bow. Evil: Goroth, Captain of the Morannon; Morannon Ore Captain with shield; War Miizaak of Harad with 12 Haradsimn Warriors: 6 with bow, 6 with spear 36 Morannon Orcs: 9 with shield, 9 with spear, 9 with spear & shield, 9 with no additional wargear. THE DOCKS OF HARLOND s the Battle of Pelennor Fields rages on, the Ores that have garrisoned the docks of Harlond await the ‘2rrival of their Corsair allies that they expect to be sailing up the Anduin. As the black-sailed ships of Umbar pull into the docks, the awaiting Orcs jeer and insult them, berating their allies for arriving late, as usual. However, no Corsair: ar present to hear the abuse Instead it is Aragorn, ‘along with Legalas and Gimli, cho leap fiom the side ofthe ships and onto the stane docks, While at frst the sight of thaee ragged travelers scems to sare the Ores stationed at Harlend, ther surprise son turns to sncers; there is no eeay that thre lone warriors can stand against a chole garrison of Ore As Aragorn begins hit charge loweards the Orcsh lines, he ramaons {forth an army more deadly than any ater in Middlecarth. Under the ‘command of the heir of Lildur, the Dead of Dunharrow spring into battle; «tering spectralgreen force intent on slaying all who stand against ‘thes liege, delivering victory t» Aragorn and finally being at peace, having {falfiled a millennia old ath LAYOUT ‘The board represents the docks of Harlond, It should contain a few buildings, mins and piles of rubble dotted around the board. ‘The southern board edge represents the edge ofthe docklands, ‘whilst the nosthem board edge represents the wall that surrounels Harlond. In the centre of the northem board edge there should bbe a 6" gap that represents the gates between the docks and the fields of Pelennor. STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Evil player deploys all of their models anywhere in the northern half ofthe board. The Good player then deploys all of their models within 12" ofthe southem half of the board. OBJECTIVES Aragorn and his followers are trying to make their way to the Batlle of Pelennor Fields, and now a garrison of Morannon Orce stands between them and the White City. ‘The game lasts until Aragorn is removed from the battlefield. ‘The Good player wine if Aragorn and cither Legolas or Gimli can move off ofthe northern board edge via the gates of Harlond. If this has been done, but atleast half of the named Hero models have been slain, the game isa draw. Tn any other result, the Evil player the winner: SPECIAL RULES ‘The Heir of Isildur ~ Such is the relentless determination with which Aragorn fights that those around him are inspired to battle othe last Good models within 6" o ronge of a banner. “Aragorn count as bein PARTICIPANTS Good: Aragom ~ Strider with Andi, Flame of the West Legolas Greenleaf, Gini, son of Gin; The King of the Dead; 20 Warriors ofthe Dead: 6 Riders of the Dead. Evil: Gusitz, Master ofthe Reserves; 8 Morannon (Ore Captains with sicld; 36 Morannon Ores: 9 with Shield, 9 with spear, 8 with spear & shield, 9 with no additional wargeas. Designer's Notes: This Scenario depicts the scenes as they are shown inthe mooie, If yu wish lo play this Scenario as it appears inthe books, simply soap the King ofthe Dead, the Warrior of the Dead and the Riders of the Dead for Elladan & Elrohir, Halbarad with the banner of Artcen Evenstar, Angbor the Fearless, 12 Ranges “ofthe North and 12 Clansmen of Lamedon ee y 4 DEATH OF GOTHMOG triking the final blow that defeated the Witch-kiing of As things ook dr for owe, help i at hand, for Aragorn and his JAngmar has left Eowyn wounded and unable to stand, companions have finally made their ay 1 the bate and have begun lo the wounds from his mace and the numbing cold from cat thir ay though the Morannon Orcs that stand eee thm and dealing the deathblow rendering her incapable of Fighting. the Whit City. Seeing Bsuyn craelng aieay fom Gothmog, Aragorn Yet, as she gasps for breath, Eowyn becomes aware ofthe and Gili make haste te deliver er fom th death that would await her disfigured frame of Gothmog staggering towards her, still shold the oul Ore each he fi suffering from the wound ta the back of the legs Eowyn had inflicted upon him earlier in the battle. Sensing here to ein mortal danger, Baty begins t eral eeay from the neared Orin am eft sro, Yeven a the dc, Goth hbbestowerds hr, sd none hand and snevng grimace fom his face athe though of diving his blade though the flsh of ne tthe had bested him thir lat encounter. | ped The board represents the ields of Pelennor, the barten ground ‘upon which the battles outside ofthe gates of Minas Tisith are fought. As there is very little terrain on the fields, there isnot auch to place on the board apart from a few small arcas of| rocks and serubland. “The Evil player places Gothmog in the centre of the board and the Morannon Orcs within 6” of the southern board edge, but at least 1" from the edge of the board. The Good player then places Eowyn 6° away ftom the northern board edge as shown on map. The Good player then places Aragorn and Gimli anywhere touching the southern board edge. Gothtaog has one thing on hie mind; killing the warrior of Rohan that sow his lord and caused him such embarrassment and pain in the battle. As Eowyn attempts to cravl to safety, Aragorn ake haste to save her from the clutches of Gothmog. carl and Gi The Good player wins immediately if Gothiog is slain, The Evil player wins immediately if Eowyn is lain. There is no way to draw this Scenatio, ‘The Walking Wounded — Bark Gothmog end Eowyn have feed injuries daring th cone of th bale and thefts ee taking their tl onthe Eowyn starts the game in the Prone position, She may not cand up lor any teagon, even i'she wins a Duel roll, Gothinog, begins the game with only a single point of Might, Will and Fate Additionally, Gothinog’s Move value is reduced to 3° forthe duration of th Scenario, Leave Her to Met — Githeg has instructed the Ores under Ais command oleae Bay to hin, 0 that he may have is engeene nf hr Gothtog is the only Evil model that may Charge Eowyn Good: Aragorn ~ Strider with Anditil, Flame of the West; Gini, son of Gléin; Eowyn, Shield Maiden of Rohan, with armour: Evil: Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron; 12 Morannon Ores: 3 with shield, $ with spear, 5 with spear & shield, 3 with no additional wargear. THAT STILL ONLY COUNTS AS ONE! \he arrival of the Three Hunters and the Army of the Dead has caught the Orcs garrisoning Harlond by surprise, allowing Aragorn and his followers to cleave their way through their ranks with relative ease and make haste to the Pelennor. However, as Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli reach the swirling melee of Orcs and Men in the battle ‘proper, one of the great War Mimakil of the Haradrim Jumbers towards them. This Scenario is represented by a minigame, and as such does not follow the ual rules forthe Strategy Battle Game. Instead, it ues the serie of unique rules provided here to help capture the fee ofthe scene ‘OBJECTIVES Legolas must slay all ofthe Haradrim in the Howdah and then. seach its front (marked X) by the end of the fousth turn, otherwise Azagomn, Gita and their allies wil be flattened by the Mémak’s massive bulk, The Haradvim win ifthey can slay Legolas oF ihe ‘cannot complete his objective in time ‘Once one player has played a game as Legolas, we would suggest swapping over and playing it again; and whoever can accomplish the mission the quickest will earn the title of the Hero of Pelennor! PARTICIPANTS Good: Legolas (obviously) Evil: 6 Haradrim Waariors with bow; 6 Haradrien spear; 1 Haradrim Chieftain Legolas starts atthe point on the Howdah as shown on the diagram, The Chieftain is placed on the very top of the Howda, whilst the rest of the Haradrim may be deployed anywhere clse on the Howdah, For this mini-game, we will not be using the normal Strategy Battle Game rules, nor the profiles found in the vasious publications, Instead, we will present a brand new way. to play this Scenasio that ie tactical, fast-paced and, most importantly, a lot of fan! Without hesitation, Legolas seies an opportunity and, using hit natural Elven agiiy scales the thick leathery hide of the Mamak and reaches the Howdah atop the beast. Springing into its confines, Legolas is confronted by the Haradrim that have Been riding the Matmak into battle, The Elven prince mast fight his wway through them before he can fll the Beast itself ut should he take too long it may crush Legolas’ allies before they can save the White City STATS ‘Action Points (AP) - These are used by the models to complete the following actions: moving, shooting or fighting in combat, Shoot (8) — How good a model is at using their bow, or othe xanged weaponry. This shows the score on D6 that a model need to hit~ go the lower, the better! (Combat (C) ~The number of D6s 2 model will roll when fighting in combat Wounds (W) ~The number of Wounds the model can suller before being dain. Should a model's Wounds ever be reduced to 0, they will he dain ~ remove the model from the Howdah, GAME ROUND, “Atthe start ofeach turn, exch model is allocated the number of APs that is stated in their saline — this ie all that they will get for that turn, Starting with the Good player, both players take it in turns to activate a model that has APs remaining (a model that has no APs cannot be selected ntl both players have used up all of the APs their se has been allocated. During a model's activation, it may spend any number of APs available to that model to make any of the Basic Actions that follow. A model that i activated must spend at least one AP during its activation, but does not have to spend all ofits APs ifit has more than one — thie may mean that a model can activate multiple times over the course of a turn, ‘Once both players have spent all oftheir APs, the turn ends and ‘anew one begins. APs are re-allocated to the models and play resunes with the Good player once more BASIC ACTIONS Moving: Cost - 1 AP ‘Any model may move during its tum by spending any amount of APs it has available. For each AP spent inthis way, the model ‘may move 1" or anove up or down a level in the Howdah, When moving up or down a level, simply place the model in the nearest space available inthe level they wish to move to, as close to where they started their move as posible. Shooting: Cost - 1 AP Any model armed with a ranged weapon may fire it at an enemy ‘model that it ean see. For each AP spent, the model declares which ranged weapon they are using and rolls a D6. Ifthe result of thie rol s equal to or greater than the models Shoot value, then a hit is scored, For each hit that is scored, you will need to roll To Wound, Bach ranged weapon will state what D6 score is roquited to cause @ Wound, and for each roll of a D6 that matehes or ‘exceeds thie roll, the target aullers a Wound. A model may shoot at a target that is on the same level or the one below without penalty. However, fa model shoots ata target that is on 2 higher level and causes a Wound, the Wound will be ignored on a D6 roll ofa 4+, Fighting: Cost - 1 AP “Any model may fight an enctay that is within I" and on the samme level ofthe Howdah, For each AP spent, the model declares which combat weapon they are using and rolls a number of D6 equal to theit Combat value, Fach weapon will state what D6 score is required to cause a Wound, andl for each roll of D6 that matches this roll, the target sulers a Wound. X= Front A= Legolas Start B- Haradrim Chidftain Start LEGOLAS Ves ew ye RANGED WEAPON ELEBow: Seore to Wound — 3 ‘COMBAT WEAPON, Daggers: Score to Wound = 4 ABILITIES Elven Agility: Each time Legolas sullers a wound, he may spend 1 AP to use this ability. Roll a D6. On a 2+, the ‘wound is ignored. HARADRIM WITH BOW. aPoos GOW 1 om 1 oo RANGED WEAPON Bow: Seate to Wound — 5+ ‘COMBAT WEAPON, Dagger: Score to Wound — 6° ABILITIES Poisoned Bow: This model may re-roll To Wound rolls of a 1 ashen shooting. HARADRIM WITH SPEAR aps GW Poe ot od RANGED WEAPON None ‘COMBAT WEAPON | Spear: Score to Wound — 5+ ABILITIES Poisoned Spear: This model may re-roll To Wound rolls of a1 when fighting HARADRIM CHIEFTAIN aP os GllUW 3. 2 8 RANGED WEAPON None COMBAT WEAPON Spear: Score to Wound - 5+ ABILITIES Lethal Poison: This model may re-ollall'To Wound, rolls when fighting. THE DEAD ARRIVE Ihe arrival of Aragorn brings the Dead of Dunharrow to the Battle of Pelennor Fields, heralding the turning of the tide of the battle. A sea of ghostly-green warriors spills from the docks of Harlond and onto the barren and dusty fields outside the walls of Minas Tirith. Their task is simple; to deliver the city and her inhabitants from the Orcs assailing her walls. The Ores that makeup the frces of Mordor have never seen such a foe as the Dead of Dunharroe, and teror and dread is truck inte their heats, As the lines ofthe Dead meet thei foes, thy begin to wash over the Ores ‘that pollute the Pelenno, leaving none alive in their wake. Yeteven as the Ores pose litle resistance tothe Dead, the great war beasts of the Haradrim could be the undoing ofthe shadowed host. The lumbering forms ofthe Miimatil may yet be enough ta prevent the Dead from fulfilling their cath, for if they can delay the Dead of Dunharrew for Tong enough, the city of Minas Tirth will fall and there willbe no one left Jor the Dead to save LAYOUT ‘The board represents the fields of Pelennor, the barren ground ‘upon which the batles outside the gates of Minas Tiith are fought, As there is very litle terrain on the fields, there is not such to place on the board apart ftom a few small areas of rocks and serubland. STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Evil player deploys their models anywhere within 24° of the northern board edge. The Good player then deploys their models anywhere within 12° ofthe southern board edge. OBJECTIVES ‘The Dead have only one task ~ to lay anything that poses @ ‘of Minas Tirith and her people, I'they can deliver the White City from the forces of Mordor, they can finally be at peace threat tothe ci ‘The game lasts ntl the end of a tar in which one force has been reduced to 25% of ts starting numbers, at which point the other force is the winner. IPboth forces manage to reduce each other to 25% of their starting models in the same tum, the game is a draw SPECIAL RULES March of the Dead ~ The rlentless fry ofthe King ofthe Dead will not be slowed by the Orcs in hi path ‘The King of the Dead may call a Hexoie Combat each tus without expending Might to do s0 | PARricrPANTS | Goods The King of the Dead; 2 Heralds of the Dead | 20 Warriors of the Dead: 14 with shield, 6 with spear THE BATTLEOF PELENNOR FIELDS Ihe siege of Minas Tirith is reaching its peak; hundreds of Ores, Trolls and servants of the Dark Lord have swarmed into the streets of the White City, flooding them with a sea of ruthless and callous beings that will stop at nothing to see the city fall. Those that have been tasked with the defence of Minas Tirith find themselves desperately fighting for survival as huge numbers of Orcs overwhelm the defenders of the city, and as the battle continues, the situation becomes increasingly dire. Yetevem as the city looks lst, help is at hand. From the north the sound of horns can be heard ringing out across the crisp morning air; a sound that heralds the arivalof Théoden and the Riders of Rakan. With shitlds at the ready and the tps of ther spears gleaming inthe morning sunlight, the Riders of Rohan charge down the hills ofthe Pelennortvwards the ranks of Morannon Ores standing between them and Minas Tit Le Conpery Dopo Mdliddlidlddd ny y Easting & Kam Doployint ds LOiw0xn With the armies of Mordor forced ta focus their altentons upon the Rokirrim that threaten to break though ther rank, Prince Imrahil leads the remaining defenders of Minas Tivith as they surge out ofthe city gates to drive Back ther fos. From the south, Aragorn leads his lyal conpanions, a contingent of rim faced Ranges from the narth, and a shadowed hast of lng dead warriors more deadly than any other force in Middlecarth, to relieve the seg of the White Cy. However even asthe forces of Mordor look tobe on the Back foot at long last th armies of Evil Men arrive. Rank upon rank of Easterings, Khandish Men and Hearadrim march to war upon the Pelenner, thir lumbering scar beasts in ow. The arrival of the fearsome Wear Mimaki ofthe Haradrim are the catalyst that wil plange all of thse upon the Paennor into the greatest battle ofthe Third Age \ Whilst the prvions Scenarios break the epic Battle of Pelennor Fels doen into a ee of btesze games, each focusing on a particular ‘even, tis Scenario tackles the whole battle at once! Ifyou ar going to play tis gam, we suggest gathering a group of frends, plenty of tea and seed cake, and taking the whole weekend to play out the mast fnportant battle ofthe Third Age! Layour ‘This Scenario is played on an 8'x6! board, Along the northern board edge are the walls of Minas Tirth, inthe centre of which is the Gatehouse, The rest ofthe battlefield is barren, very befitting of the fields of Pelennor and providing plenty of space for the huge number of models that take part inthis bate STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Evil player deploys the Mordor force except the Witch-king. of Angmar) anywhere between 24" and 48" from the northern board edge and at least 24” from both the caste and western board edges (see map). They then deploy the Easterling and Khand force anywhere between 12" and 24” of the southern, board edge and atleast 24” from both the eastern and western board edges (see map). The Good player then deploys the Grey. (Company force anywinere within 6” of the western board edge and at east 24° from both the northern and southern board edges (see sap), They then deplay the Rohan force anywhere within 6” of the easter board edge, The Witch-king of Angmar, Minas Tirith and Harad forces are kept to one side for later in the game, 30 OBJECTIVES ‘The Battle of Pelennor Fields isthe greatest battle ofthe Third ‘Age, and has many objectives. This Scenario has five objectives, for both sides to fight over. As this Scenario will take a long time, we suggest that you gather yout friends and decide amongst you how long to play for (we recomend atleast five hours ~ possibly aa whole weekend) and whichever team has achieved the most objectives by the time the game ends is declared the winner Heroes of the West ~ The Men ofthe West that fight upon the Pelennor ate spurred on by those that have led them into battle Should thei leaders fl, they shall follow suit There ate sever key Heroes of the West upon thie batleield: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, ‘Théoden, Fomer, Imrail and Hein. fat the end ofthe game there are more of these Heroes left alive than dead, the Good player claims tis objective, there ate more of these Heroes dead than alive the Evil player claims this objective Servants of the Dark Lord — commanded by a collection of ruthless individuals who rule through fear and brute force rather than skill, Without these leaders to keep them in line, the forces of darkness will rout if the battle goes il. ‘There are seven key servants ofthe Datk Lord ‘upon this batlefield: The Witch-king, Gothimog, the Mémak War Leader, Suladin, The Golden King, Amdir and the Khandish King. If, at the end ofthe game, there are more of these Tlexoes left alive than dead, the Evil player claims this objective. If there fare more of these Heroes dead than alive, the Good player claims this objective. the forces of Satsron ate ‘The Maimakeil - These massive war beasts thunder across the Pelennor, Ifthey cannot be brought down, they will spell door for the forces of Good. If, at the end ofthe game, there is one or more ‘Maimakil left alive, the Evil player claims this objective, I'there ‘are no Miianakil left alive, the Good player claims this objective. Gates of Minas Tirith ~ The gates of the White City must not fall. Should Sauwon's forces captuse them, the city will be avert, ‘Atthe end of the game, count the number of each side's models that are within 12" of the gates of Minas Tixith. Whichever side hhas mote models within 12° claims this objective. Ifthe score is the same, the result isa draw. ‘The Pelennor — Upon the fields of Pelennor there ate vations points of strategic interest, Holding these will give a significant tactical advantage. There are four Objective markers on the battlefield (see map). Whichever side controls the most ofthese will claim this objective. A marker is considered to be controlled. by whichever side has the most models within 3° of i SPECIA\ Gharge of the Robirrim — The Pelomor is where Theoden, King of Rohan, well forge hit legacy, ipiring his mem ahead ofthe mast devastating cavalry charge of the Third Age “Any Rohan model that charged in the Move phase may declare a Heroic Combat in the ensuing Fight phase without spending Might. This may be done by both Warrior models and Hero models, Dol Amroth for Gondor! — As the battle begin, Prince Imrahil leads ‘the warriors ofthe Fgfoms out ofthe gates and into battle At the end of the first Good Move phase, the Good player moves the Gondor force onto the board, via the Gates of Minas Tisth, Men from the South ~ As the battle rages on, the Dark Lord unleashes his followers from the far south, their war beasts brought to lay siege to the White Ci. At the end ofthe Evil player's fifth Move phase, the Evil player moves the Harad force onto the board, via the southern board edge. ‘The Witch-King - Upon hearing the hors of the Rohirrim, the Witch king of Angmar les off fom the walls of Minas Trith to combat this new threat ‘At the end ofthe Evil player's seventh Move phase, the Evil player moves the Witch-king of Angmar onto the board, via the northem board edge, Designer's Notes: This Scenario rpresent the entre Battle of Plennar Fields and so wll take a lng time and alot of model, We suggest gathering a nurmberof players for this Scenario; sx is ideal as then a diferent player can take control of each force. As this Scenario essentially ‘combines several ofthe other narrative Scenarios listed precious, itis not considered part of the campaign listed on page PARTICIPANTS Gondor: Prince Inrahil of Dol Amroth with lance and amotted horse; Forlong the Fat; Dunit; Hxin the Tall, Warden of the Keys on horse; Ingold, Warden of the Rammas Eehor; 12 Knights of Dol Amroth on armoured horse with lance; 12 Axemen of Lossamach; Blackroot Vale Archers; 24 Warriors ‘of Minas Tivith: 8 with shield, 8 with spear & shield, 8 with bow. Rohan: Théoden, King of Rohan, with heavy annour, shield and armoured horse; Fomnes, Marshal of the Riddermark, with throwing speats, shield and armoured horse; Dernhelm; Gaznling, Captain of Rohan, with Royal Standard of Roba and horse; Déorwine, Chief of the King’s Knights, on horse; Eltheim, Captain of Rohan, on horse; 36 Riders of Rohan. Grey Company: Aragom - Strider with Andiiil, Flame of the West; Legolas Greenleaf wi Elladan & Elrohir with heavy armour Danner of Arwen Evenstar; 12 Rangers of the North; Angbor the Fearless; The King of the Dead: 2 Heralds of the Dead with Pennant ofthe Dead; 12 Clansmen of Lamedon; 2 armour; Gimli, son of Gléin; Halbarad with the Warriors of the Dead, Mordor: The Witch-king of Angmar with full Might, Will and Fate, Crown of Morgul, Flail and Fell Beast; Gothmog, Licutenant of Sauron, with Warg; Gothmog's Enforcer; Gorott, Captain of the Morannons; Gusitz, Master of the Reserves; 48 Morannon Ores: 12 with shield, 12 with spear, 12 with speay & 2 Mordor Trolls shield, 12 with no additional wargea Harad: Suladin the Serpent Lord on horse; The Miimak W. Leader, with 12 Taradvim Wanrioss in the Tlowdah (this isan exception to the normal rules for what may be inchided in the Miitnak War Leader's Howdab); 2 War Mitmaks of Harad each ‘with 12 Haradzim Warriors in the Hovda; The Golden King of Abrakhan; Riza, Fang of the Serpent; 12 Serpent Riders; 12 Haradrim Raiders; 12 Abrakhan Guard 12 Mabiid Raicers, Easterlings & Khand: Amdir, Lord of Blades, on armoured horse; 2 Easterling Captains with shield: Khandish King on Chariot; Khandish Chieftain; 12 Easterling Kataphrakts 20 Easterling Warriors: & with shield, $ with bow, 44 with pike & shield; 9 Khanelish Warriors: 6 with two-handed, axe, 3 with bow; 6 Khandish Horsemen: ‘2 Khandish Charioteers, ‘he Battle of Pelennor Fields has ended, and the forces of Sauron have been broken, scattered and sent fleeing back towards the black lands. Yet the Dark Lord is not yet defeated, and in the wake of the battle, the leaders of | the Free Peoples of Middle-earth have banded together in order to discuss how best to deal with the threat of Mordor, After much deliberation, itis decided that the best way to to create a diversion, aid Frodo as he crosses Mordor drawing Sauron's gaze away from the plains of Gorgoroth and onto themselves. With ther plan formed, the force of Gondor and Rohan march tteards the Black Gate of Mordor, and once more to war. Upon ther arrival at ‘the Morannon, the Men ofthe West are faced with a vast army of Sauron’ minions, The bowel of Mordar have spilled out from the Black Gate, forming an army ofvciows Morannon Ores and Mordor Trolls led by a hulking Tol chiftain and The Mouth of Sauron, a Black Nimmenérean eho fas unwavering served the Dark Lard for centuries Jpon secing the daunting task ahead of them, Aragorn rallies those that follow him ta fight harder than they have evr fought. In his ees, ths will tet be the day that the realm of Men falls. Fllowing his rousing speech, Aragorn leads those atthe Black Gate as they change headlong int the ‘ray; giving ther all in order to give Prd one final chance to destroy the ‘Ring of Power and put an end tothe Dark Lord for good. AW KRRK vt eZ LAYOUT ‘The board represents the barren fields outside the Black Gate, [As there is very little terrain outside the Black Gate (Mordor is, a wasteland aftr all, there isnot much to place on the board apart fiom the Black Gate's walls that run along the eastern board edge, The eastern edge of the board within 6" ofthe centre of the castern board edge represents the opening forthe Black Gate, STARTING POSITIONS ‘The Good player deploys all of their models within 6” of the centre ofthe board. The Evil player then deploys all of their models anywhere on the board more than 6" from any Good models ‘OBJECTIVES ‘The Men of the West are fighting to buy time; not for themselves but for Frodo, If they can hold the Mordor forces at bay for long. enough, then Frodo can destroy the Ring. ‘The game lasts for 15 turns. If at the end of the fifteenth turn, there are 10 or more Goodl models left alive, then the Good player fs the winner, Ifthere are less than 10 models lft alive then the Evil player is the winner. IfAragorn is sill alive, the best result the Evil player can achieve isa draw. SPECIAL RULES. Gandalf’s Staff — Following his encounter with the Witching, Gandalf na longer posesse his Wizard's Staff. Gandalf does not have his Staff of Power, and therefore does not gain a fie point of Will each turn, ‘Teeming Hordes —A seemingly endless ide of Ores is spewed forth from the Black Gate, with more constantly joining the battle. Bach time a Mordor Ore mode! is slain, keep i tone side, Atthe end of each Exil move phase, the Bvi player may move any models kept aside in this manner onto the board from the Black Gate. Greatest of the Trolls ~ The Troll Chiefain that duels with Aragom As unlike the others of ts race ~ tougher, more powerful and far more deadly ‘The Mordor Troll Chieftain gains the Fearless special ule and an additional point of Might, Will and Fate, “The Hordes of Mordor ~ Countlas Ores streamed ot ofthe Black Gate, andthe the fightin numbers, they Become ven mor deadly, ‘Mordor Ore models gain a bonus of +1 To Wound in a Duct in which they outnumber their opponent in the Fight, Note ‘that supporting models do not count far either side for the papoee ofthis rule Stand Your Ground — The Fee Peoples mus sand as one upon the Aull if they are to have any chance of survival Good models may not willingly move more than 12° away from, the centre of the board PARTICIPANTS Good: Aragom — Elessar; Legolas Greenleal with armour inal, son of Gléin; Gandalf the White; Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark; Meriadioc, Knight of the Mark; Pevegsin, Guard of the Citadel; 24 Wanioss of Minas ‘Tiith: 8 with shicld, 8 with spear & shield, 8 with bow; 24 Warriors of Rohan: & with shield, 8 with throwing spear & shield, £ with bow, Evil: Mordor Troll Chieftain; The Mouth of Sauron on armouted horse; 3 Morannon Ore Captains with shield; 48 Morannon Ores with shield: 12 with shield, 12.with spear, 12 with shield and spear, 12 with no additional wargear. Designer's Notes: This Scenario is designed to dept the Black Gate «as seen inthe movies, and as such the Scenario ony contains the characters ‘that can be sen in those scenes, If you would rather playthrough the Black Gate as portrayed in the books, turn to pages 64-67, where you can find ‘t00 Scenarios that recreate the event from that perpectie. ft wy s the Black Gate opens, the forces of Sauron pour towards the Captains ofthe West, traversing the foul-smelling mires that sit between them and theie foes. ‘The Captains of the West have split their forces in two, cach half deployed on one of two mounds, giving them ‘a small tactical advantage. However, even with their superior position, the forces of the Free Peoples are still outnumbered by nearly ten to one. othe left is ther king, Aragorn, and the banners of Minas Tirith. With the rightful king of Gondor stand his companions Gandalf the Whit, Legolas and Gini, the twin son of Elrond, and as many Men from Minas Tirith as could be spared, with Berrgond and Peregrin Took ofthe Guard of the Citadel within their ranks Today, the Men of Minas Tivth and thei allies make thir final stand, {faced by a mindles rabble of Morannon Orce and the remaining forces of the Haradrim that have survived the Batle of Plonnor Fields. Horvibly outnumbered, and with only a small chance of rucces, Aragorn must lead ‘those who follow him against the hordes af Ors and Seuthrons; ony by {fighting wntl the Bitter end can they ope to buy enough time for Frodo to destroy the Ring A Cont fie D> Desormeaile YT e the Black Gate. The represents the hill itself The rest of the board comprises the barren fields outside the Black Gate ow The board represents the left area within 3" of the centre ofthe boa The Good player deploys all of their models on the hill The Evil player then deploys all oftheir models anywhere om the board more than hat there i i e well aware ‘The Captains of the Westar le hope for themselves, yet they can fight hard enough to draw Sauron’s gaze away from the plains of Mordor, they can provide Frodo ‘with the opportunity he needs The game lasts until the end of a turn where the Good force has been reduced to less than 25% of ite starting numbers. If this happens the Evil player has less than 50% oftheir models remaining, then the Good player wins. Ifthe Evil player has more than 50% of their models remaining, the Evil player sins Gandalf’s Staff - Following his encounter with the Witch king, Gandalf no longer possesses his Wizards Staff. Gandalf does not have his Staff of Power, and therefore docs not cach tum, gain a free point of Inspiring Heraldry — The sight ofthe banners of Minas Tirith eld aloft in the face of suck an enemy és enough to tee the hearts of those areund them. The range ofall Good banners is increased by 3" Good: Aragorn — Blessar; Legolas Greenleaf with armou; Gimli, son of Gldin; Gandalf the White; Perege Guard of the Citadel; Beregond; Elladan & Elrohir; 25 Warriors of Minas Titth: & with shield, 2 with spear & shield, 8 with bow, I with banner Took, Evil: Mordor Troll Chieftain; 2 Morannon Ore Captains ‘with shield: 2 Haradrim 65 with shield, 6 with spear, 6 with shield & spear, 6 with, ‘no additional wargear; 24 Haradrim Warviors: 12 with jeltains; 24 Morannon Orcs Dow, 12 with spear. Designer's Notes: Ifyou with, you can lay this Scenario alongside The Black Gate: The Right Hill. Details of hot to do this can be found ‘pon the right hill at the Battle of the Black Gate, the white horse of Rohan and the white swan of Dol Arsroth can be scen held alot, Upon the mound stands omer, the new king of Rohan, with as many Robirrim as he can amuter, alongside Prince lmrabil and the Knights of Dol Amroth ~ an alliance forged upon the Pelennor that ‘must now stand firm against the final threat of Mordor. As the armies of Mordor and Harad swarm Aragorn and those upon the Lefeill, another army of Morannon Ores surges toeards those upon the ight hill Alongside their Orcish allies, ranks of highly skied Easterling warriors march into battle, thir thick golden plate gleaming inthe waning sunlight. The combined arms of Ors and Easterling is one that could easly spell doom forthe armies of Rohan and Dol Amroth As the batilelines clash, warriors fom the kingdoms of Rokan and Dol Amt must fight sidey-sde with one ancther, keeping alive their ney fonged alliance as they fight tothe last against the forces ofthe Dark: Lord ‘If Bomer and Insahil can lead ther flloers in ther all but impossible task to defeat the armies of Sauron, there may sill be a chance for Frodo to reach the fires of Mount Doom before their lives are spent. The board represents the right hill outside the Black Gate. The area within 3" of the centre of the board represents the hill itself The rest of the board comprises the barren fields outside the Black Gate ‘The Good player deploys all of their models om the hill. The Evil player then deploys all oftheir models anywhere om the board ‘more than 6” away from any Good model ‘The Captains of the West are wi hat there is litle hope can fight hard enough to draw Sauron’ sf Mordor, they can provide Frodo for themselves, yet ith gaze away from the plains With the opportunity The game lasts until the end of a turn where the Good force has been reduced to ess than 25% of ite starting nnmbers. If this happens the Evil player has less than 50% oftheir models 1g then the Good player wins. Ifthe Evil player has more than 50% of their mod the Evil player wins, Inspiring Heraldry The sigh ofthe banners of Rohan and Dol Amrth held aloft together in the face ofruch an enemy is enough to tel the heart of those around them. The range ofall Good banners is increased by 3° Good: Prince Inahil of Dol Amavoth; Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark; Captain of Dol Amroth; Captain of Roban, with shield; 12 Knights of Dol Amroth: 1 with banner; 13 Wanriors of Rohan: 4 with shield, 4 ith throwing spears, 4 with bow, I with banner. Evil: 2 Morannon Ore Captains with shield 2 Basterling (Captains with shield; 24 Morannon Ores: 6 with shield 6 with spear, 6 with shield & spear, 6 with no additional wargear: 20 Easterling Warviors: & with shield, 8 with bow, 4 with pike & shield, Designer's Notes: To play this Scenario alongside The Black Gate The Left Hill, place the two boards so thatthe southern board edge from The Black Gate: The Left Hil lines up with the northern board edge of The Black Gate: The Right Hill. This will frm one 24" board forthe game tobe played on. Models must deplay on the board section that they would normally depley on, but after that they may move anyechere on the whole Board if able. In terms of working out who has won the Seenario cxerall, teat them as two separate Scenarios (in which case it isa good {dea to mark out which Morannon Ores belong to wwhich Scenaia). Ifthe Goed side wins both Scenarios, then the Good player is the creall winner, Uf the Evil player wins both Scenarios, then the Evil player isthe winner I, bth sides win one Scenario each, the game isa dre. ere we present you with the Gondor at War campaign, a system for linking your games together in such a way that the results of one game can impact the next, or even one much later on! This will join together the already dynamic Narrative Play Scenarios in such a way. that it will feel as if you are playing through the scenes directly from the books and the movies. As you may have already guessed, this supplement focuses on the batles surrounding the realm of Gondor during the tine of the War ofthe Ring, They range from Osgiliath being captured by Orcs and then retaken by Boromir, through to the Battle of Pelennor Fields, before finaly reaching its conclusion at the Black Gate, where you can choose to either play that final bat how iis shown in the films, or how it is portrayed in the novels — the choice i yours! You can play this campaign with as few as two people, though if you wish, different players can take control of different Scenatios, that way you can get a whole gaming group involved. However, i fs important to note that you should play the Scenar the result in order, as of one Scenario may change how a later one plays. After each Scenario has been completed, itis important to note down which side won, either Good or Exil, This is important as, epencling on who was the victor, there may be a bonus ox penalty to. certain side in a future See rio, For example, ifthe Good side is victorious in The Batlle for Pelargir Scenatio, it will have aan impact on the Docks of Hatlond — a much later Scenatio in the campaign, These bonuses reflect the advantages of success and the edge it will give ether side in the future DEFENCE OF OSGILIATH Good Victory: In the Retaking of Osgiliath Scenatio, the range of the For Gondor! Special rule is increased to 6” Evil Vietory: In the Retaking of Osgiliath Seenasi, Evil models gain a bonus of =1 To Wound when making. Strikes againct either Boromir or Faraanis. RETAKING OF OSGILIATH Good Vietory: In the Fall of Osgiliath Scenario, Faramnir may declare a single Heroic Action each turn without expending a point of Might Evil Vietory: In the Fall of Osgilath Scenario, Faramir starts the game with only a single point of Might. ‘THE RANGERS OF ITHILIEN Good Vietory: In the War Beasts from the South Scenario, both War Miimaks of Harad start the game with 8 Wounds rather than 10 Wound, Evil Victory: In the War Beasts from the South Scenario, each time a Méimak mode! suers a Wound, rll a D6, On a 6, the Wound is ignored. RAIDING OF PELARGIR Good Vietory: In The Battle for Pelargit Scenario, the models anywhere wi Dut at least 6° away from any Corsair model Evil Victory: In The Batile for Pelargir Scenatio, the Good player must instead deploy all oftheir non-Spixit models toxchi the western board edge FALL OF OSGILIATH Good Vietory: In The White Rider Scenatio, Faranir may call a ftee Heroic Match on the first tuum of the game Evil Victory: In The White Rider Scenario, all Good. ‘models, except for Gandalf, must stat the board touching the eastern board edge, THE WHITE RIDER Good Victory: In the Atop the Walls Scenario, Gandalf ray deploy anywhere on the walls of Minas Titth, Evil Victory: In the Faramnit’s Charge Scenario, all Evil ‘models gain a +1 bonus 'To Hit when shooting — even, when using the Volley Fire special rule, | {aff eo ii 12 FARAMIR’S CHARGE Good Victory: In the Charge of the Rohisrim, Scenario, Gothmog starts the game with only 2 single Might point, Evil Victory: In the Atop the Walls Scenatio, the Good player needs to slay 95 models to win the game, rather than 30 models THE BATTLEFOR PELARGIR Good Vietory: In The Docks of Hatlond Scenario, 1 King of the Dead gains the Harbinger of Evil special rule Evil Vietory: In The Docks of Hatlond Scenario, the Exil player m in their force, y have an addltional 12 Morannon Ores ATOP THE WALLS Good Victory: In The Gate is Breached Scenario, Gandalf gains a bonus of #1 when aking a Casting roll. Evil Vietory: In The Gate is Breached Scenario, Gandalf starts the game with only a single point of Might THE GATE IS BREACHED Good Victory: In The Strcets of Minas Titith Scenario, Gandalf gains a bonus of +1 when making a Casting roll. Evil Victory: In The Streets of Minas Titith Scenario, Gandalf starts the game with only a single point of Might, THE STREETS OF MINAS TIRITH Good Victory: In the Black Gate Scenario, Pippin say declare a Heroic Combat each turn without expending Might. Evil Victory: In The Witch-king’s Arrival Scenario, Gandalf starts the game with only 17 Power tokens THE WITCH-KING’S ARRIVAL Good Vietory: In the Denethor's Madness Scenario, Gandalf starts the game with 3 Will points rather than 1 Evil Victory: In the Death ofthe King Scenatio, the Exil player may add 1 to all ols when rolling to see ithe Witch-king arrives CHARGE OF THE ROHIRRIM Good Vietory: In the War Beasts from the South, Scenario, Romer may re-roll failed To Hit and To Wound rolls when using a throwing spear. Evil Vietory: In the War Beasts fiom the South Scenatio, atthe start of any turn belore Priority is rolled, the Evil player may declare that th seizing Priority — there is no need to rol. This can only be done once, DENETHOR’S MADNESS Good Victory: In the Black Gate Scenario, Gandalf may re-roll a single D6 when making a Casting roll each, he fils to cast a Magical Power Evil Victory: In the Black Gate Scenario, Gandalf start the game with only a single point of Might WARBEASTS FROM THE SOUTH Good Victory: In The Horse and the Sexpent Scenatio, ‘Théoden may re-oll failed To Wound rolls. Evil Victory: In The Horse and the Sexpent Scenario, Théoden begins the game with no Fate point maining. ‘THE HORSE AND THE SERPENT Good Vietory: In the Death of the King Scenasio, Théoden gains the Resistant to Magic special rule, Evil Victory: In the Death of the King Scenario, the Witcheking gains a bonus of +1 to all Casting rolls, DEATH OF THE KING Good Vietory: Inthe Final Fate of the Witch-king Scenario, the fist time that Merry rolls To Wound the ‘Witch-king, he gains a +2 bonus to his rol Evil Victory: In the Final Fate of the Witeh-king Scenario, the Witeh-king is only wounded on a 5+. FINAL FATE OF THE WITCH-KING Good Vietory: In the Black Gate Scenatio, Merry may declare a Heroic Combat each turn Evil Vietory: In the Death of Gothmog Scenario, Fowyn, starts the gaone with no Might points remaining, 13; 14 18 19 20° 21 ‘THE RIDE OF THE FIEEDOMS Good Victory: In The Grief of Eomer Scenario, the Good player may deploy Prince Trarabil, Hin the Tall and the Knights of Dol Amroth touching the western board ede. ‘The Grief of Homer Scenatio, the Good. Evil Vietory: In player’s Reinforcements will arrive at the end of the second 1d Mowe phase THE GRIEF OF EOMER Good Victory: In the Black Gate Scenario, Homer tay declare a Heroic Combat each turn without expending Might. Evil Vietory: Inthe Black Gate Scenario, Bomer sats the game with only a single point of Might DEFEND THE GATES Good Vietory: In The Dead Astive Scenario, each ‘War Mamak of Harad starts the game with 8 Wounds rather than 10. Evil Vietory: In The Dead Antive Scenatio, all Wat ‘Miimaks of Harad have the Tusk Weapons upgrade. THE DOCKS OF HARLOND Good Vietory: In the That Still Only Counts as One! Scenatio, Legolas has 7 AP, rather than 6, Evil Victory: In the Death of Gothmog Scenario, Aragorn and Gimli start the game with only a single point of Might each DEATH OF GOTHMOG Good Victory: In the Black Gate Scenario, the model that slew Gothinog increases their Fight value to 7 for the duration of the Scenario. Evil Vietory: In the Black Gate Scenatio, Aragorn starts the game with only a single point of Might, THAT STILL ONLY COUNTS AS ONE! Good Vietory: In the Black Gate Scenaio, Legolas may re-roll sled To Hit rolls when shooting, Evil Victory: In the Black Gate Scenario, Legolas may not use his Deadly Shot special rule to target a model involved in a Fig, THE DEAD ARRIVE Good Victory: In the Black Gate Scenario, atthe start of any tum before Priority is rolled, the Good player may declare that they are seizing Priority — there is no need to roll. This can only be done once. Evil Victory: In the Black Gate Scenatio, the Evil player ‘may select any Hero model in their force, The chosen Hero model may declate a single Heroic Action cach turn their store of Might, without reducin Following The Dead Artive Scenatio, the campaign progresses to The Black Gate, You may have noticed that wwe provide players with s Scenario, ether following 1 you get to thie stage, simply decide among the players which ‘of these versions you would like to play. Once you have played one version, why not give the other one a try = booth ate great fin and have theit own series of challenges! rent ways to play this ‘movies or the books. When 23; eS & Armies MINAS TIRITH tthe heart of the ancient realm of Gondor lies its -apital, the White City of Minas Tirith. For centuries this imposing structure, built into the side of the towering Mount Mindolluin, has been a beacon of hope and a symbol of resistance against the ever-growing power that resides in Mordor. Atte time ofthe War ofthe Ring, the lord Denethor rales over the city the latest in along line of Steward of Gondor cho hae commanded there since ‘he ine of ings faltered. Under his ae the armies of Gondor have fought nar conslanly to drive back th rowing Urea of Sauron force. The runs of Osgilath, the former capital of Gondor, sill sree as an important battleground, housing agaricon of welltained men tat wil fight o hold it at al costs. Further afield in the lands of Ihitien the Stewards own son Faramir commands bands of Ranges of Gondor as they patrol the wilds, ever sn search of intruder in their eal ARMY COMPOSITION ‘This army may include: Aragorn, King Elessar; Gandalf the White; Denethor, Steward of Gondor; Boromir, Captain of the White Tower; Faramir, Captain of Gondor; Hirin the Tall, ‘Warden of the Keys; Peregrin Took, Guard of the Citadel; oas, Captain of the Guard; Beregond, Guard of the Citadel; Ingold, Warden of the Rammas Eehor; Madril, Captain of Ithilien; Damrod, Ranger of Ihilien; Cirion, Lieutenant of Amon Barad: Knights of the White Tower; Captains of Minas Tirith; Kings of "Mens; Warriors of Minas Tisith; Knights of Minas Tirith; Rangers of Gondor; Citadel Guards; Guards ofthe Fountain Coust; Osgiliath Veterans; Gondor Battlecry Trebuchets and Gondor Avenger Bolt Throwers. Yet vem thes forces could not halt the relentless advance ofthe fone of Morden ader the over of night, hordes of Ors crossed the iver in Oxia and Begun ‘their assault. Hepelesty outnumbered by their foes, the Men of Gonder had sn choice but to setet, and those that id nat fle the city with hart rer cut doen os a ea of Morannon Ons, wer the command of Gothnog,flosded the tree of Ogilath Hower, while Gondor burns in theres of tear, the city of Minas Trith has coer fallen, and even as the legions of Mordor march upon her gas, behind ‘the weal ofthe White City the vast standing armies of Minas Tvth man the ramparts. With the Steward’s mind broken, it is Gandalf who takes command of thes fre, leading the Warriors of Minas Tih against th invading (resin he final defence of ther homes. Yt asthe Ores pour over the iy walle ‘and through its gates, the trae hiro ids up the Anduin to claim his righ place upon the throne of Minas Tivth and to lead Gonder in defiance agains the Dark Lord. ARMY BONUS “You are Men of Gondor. Whatever comes through that Gate, you will Stand your Ground!” - Friendly Gondor models from this atmny list incvease theit Courage vale by 1 STRENGTHS WEAKNESSE: pore ot eee ee ee eC cee cee ace ee et ee ee ee er Creme ee ete ee ees ts of Minas Tisith will boost their Fight value, allowing them co High Defence Warriors — M . eee eee ee ‘a Defence of 5 or higher, and many also have a eee eee Ses en tet ret coe ee eee options available that it can be hard to decide what to squeeze Access to 3+ Shoot Value —‘The Rangers of Gondor provide into yout force! eee eee) er ee eee ene eee ren fighting start, KEY MODELS ARAGORN, KING ELESSAR, ‘The King of Gondor himself, Aragorn is the ideal leader for a medium. to large-sized Minas Tiith force. With ‘an impressive statline, coupled with three points each of Might ‘even the mightiest of Sauron’s minions. The King of Gond Will and Fate, Aragorn can stand up against {is « Hero of Legend, allowing him to lead up to 18 followers for a truly impressive warband, Yet, what sets Aragorn apart froma the rest is his Mighty Hera special rile: this gives Aragorn a ‘free’ point truly worthy of aking! Might each turn to spend on whatever he needs to atthe time ~ a rule WARRIORS OF MINAS IRI a At the core of the Minas Tirith army ate the Warriors of Minas Tisith. These warriors are clad in heavy armour and will often carry a hield, bringing them up to a Defence value of 6. They aleo possess the Shieldwall special mation they will have an impressive Defence of protected from Strength 4 warrior, stich as Morannon Ores, rule, so whilst they stay in = perfect for keeping them -MADRIL, CAPTAIN OF ITHILIEN Whilst Madhilsstatline may seem a tad underwhelming when compared to the likes of other Heroes of Fortitude, such as Cision, Ingold or Irolas, it is his special rule that makes Madsil worth taking in a Minas Tixith army. Many Scenarios require forces to roll a D6 to see where a warband can be deployed, or whexe they will enter the board from, Madril’s Master of Ambush special rule allows you to alter that rall by either + or-1 helping you deploy your forces where they are needed, GANDALF THE WHITE SS ‘With the White Wizard available to them, the forces of Minas Tirith have access to some exceptional magical support. A well-timed Magical Power can be the dillerence between victory or defeat, and G: idalf'is among the very best in Middle-earth, With a huge pool of Magical Powers to cast that can achieve a variety of different clfects, the only downside is which of the many options to choose! Not only that, but with a Fig vale of 5, 2 ‘Attacks and Glamdving, Gandalf packs a serious punch in combat A valiant captain of Minas Tit, Ingold was placed in charge of guarding the northern rad that passed through the Raramas Echor~ the encircling ell that protected the White City 1 .asIngld who granted Gandalf and Pippin peonision te passthrough, coon though Deathor ‘ad ordered that no strangers ers the borders of the Steward’ lands, Ye as the Bale of Pdenor Fields approached, Ingold and his men were driven fiom ther postion by an any fom the cas ~ rreating to Minas Tisch to strke out at ther enemies when they assailed the veal ofthe White Cy. The captain of the Citadel Guard, lac i a capable warrior who i completely loyal to his lord, Dencthor. Atop the wall of Minas Tirith Irolas exhorts those under his command to fight to their last in dence ofthe White City drolas' skill with a Blade is soon made apparent to those that pose him, aed is likely the last thing many of them will discover INGOLD, WARDEN OF THE RAMMAS ECHOR 65 POINTS ‘MAN, GONDOR, INFANTRY, HERO - HERO OF FORTITUDE My FS. pawe eae 4 7 2 2 4 WARGEAR Heavy armour, sword and shield HEROIC ABILITIES * Heroic Stike + Heroic Defence SPECIAL RULES Shieldwall. Resolute Fighter USUBL year of holding the gates of th Remmas Echor has made Ingeld a stuBbrn and ele igh, one he wil ot it bck unl the situation i ery hopes: Ingold, and fiiendly Gondor Warrior models within 3" of Ingold, do not Back Avvay if they lose a Fight ~ their opponent must Back Away instead! IROLAS, CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD.....65 POINTS. MAN, GONDOR, INFANTRY, HERO ~ HERO OF FORTITUDE wr sbDAWCo MW tera WY WARGEAR Heavy armour and sword. HEROIC ABILITIES * Heroic March + Heroie Defence SPECIAL RULES Bodyguard. Defend the White City! ESL. with chi fst, oasis abet df what cul be fatal thes eo aging hs sear int the fs of is nei Trolas may use the Shielding special rule even though he is not armed with a shield, If rolas elects to shield, and wins the ensuing Fight, he may make a single Strength 4 Strike against one enemy model from the sane Fight. 78 HURIN THE TALL, WARDEN OF THE KEYS. MAN, GONDOR, INFANTRY, HERO ~ HERO OF VALOUR .80 POINTS An important office ofthe armies of Minas Tit, Hin was the Warden ofthe Kays to the city daring the Wer ofthe Ring. Ax hit name suggests, Hirin boasted animpresioe lature and posed strength to match. Fighting valiantly atthe Battle of the Palenno, Hari, along wth Irak, came to the aid of Eamer following th nw king ft of erief Afr the defeat of Sauron, with Dencthor dead, Farami incspacitated inthe Hoses of Healing and Aragon not yet eruoed ~ the rule of Minas Tit bri fll to Hin asthe Warden ofthe Kes ae Heavy armour and the Warden's Sword, ‘The Warden's Sword EEE — This is a Master Forged hhand-and-a-half sword HEROIC ABILITIES + Heroic Resolve + Heroic Strike * Heesoic Strength OPTIONS Horse 10 points SPECIAL RULES Im Defence ofthe King USHEBL ds Wren of th ys iti arin’ sco day to rte the King, Stewed of Gondor tll sts ‘Whilst he ie within 3° of either Denethor or Aragom, King Elessar, Hiirin gains the Fearless special rule and may resell a single D6 when making a Duel rol. Line of Command DESI Should Minas Tirith ever be without a rule, it falls othe Warden ofthe Kes to command the city until a new ‘Steward or King iin place Irthe leader of your arnay is a Gondor Hero then, whilst INixin the Tallis alive and on the battlefield, your opponent carmot score Victory Points for slaying the enerny leader. THE FIEFDOMS Ihe realm of Gondor encompasses a great many unds and fiefdoms, all of which have sworn an ‘oath to protect Gondor in her times of need, and in turn are themselves protected. Many of the lands in Gondor possess their own standing armies, each trained in the various fighting styles prefered by their people. Itis these fiefdoms that Gondor will call upon should her need ever be great enough. As the Dark Lord's poocr grew atthe elose of the Third Age, and war ‘threatened to engulf Minas Tivth, word was set all across Gondor requesting al loyal mento take up arms and defend the White City from the armies of Mordor that marched upon her gates. From the land of Dol Amaoth, Prince Imrahil mastered the famed Swan Knight, The blood of Niimenor stil flawed through the veins ofthese noble warriors and ‘thee were fw within Sauron’ armies who wer ther match with blade or lance. From the land of Lossarnack marched Forlong and an army of Axemen of Losorach,whilt from Morthond, Duinhir led the archers of the Blackroot Vale towards the Pelennor ARMY COMPOSITION ‘This army may include: Prince Imrabil of Dol Amroth; Forlong ‘the Fat; Angbor the Featless; Duinhi; Captain of Dol Amaroth; Knight of Dol Amtoth; Me Lossarnach; Clansmen of Lat at-arms of Dol Amtoth; Axemen of don and Blackroot Vale Archers Yet whilt the armies of Dol Amroth, Lassarnach and the Blackroot Vale ‘marched to war, the Corairs of Utbar seized the opportunity ta raid the coastlines of Gondor and assoult the port city of Pelargir. As the Corsairs ‘lanedered the city, they were met with flere resistance fiom the Clansmen of Lamedon. Under the lead of Angbor, and with help from Aragorn and the Army ofthe Dead, the forces of Lamedon were able to drive the Corcair from Pelargi, joining Aragorn athe sailed up the Anduin and towards the Battle of Pelennor Fuld Boon asthe forces of Lamedan sail towards war, the defence ofthe White City sinful swing and the Bate of Pelennor Field has begun, From the gates ofthe White City, Prince Imrahil lads the Knights of Dol Amroth ‘and the ret ofthe defenders of Minas Tirth as they charge into battle upon the Plennor. Waves of Swean Knights smash through ranks of Orc, while the armies of Lasarnach and the Blackroot Vale stand stalwart ‘and defiant withthe men of Minas Tiith and Rohan in defence ofthe gates ofthe White Ci ARMY B “For the White City! ~ Special rules matked with an * alfect ll models from this army lst, not just the ones listed Ns % STRENGTHS WEAKNESSE: pee een ea eee ne cements a eee ey a eee 7 Pee eens eae ee ee Ore eee ocean Sea eee High Fight Value Warriors All ofthe combat-orientated fall, the army could soon follow eee! Pee Peng Ore Pee nS ene ene eer ee eee eee eee ata KEY MODELS PRINCE IMRAHIL ‘The lord of Dol Amroth isthe heavy-hitter of the Fiefdloms army, With a Fight value of 6, 3 Attacks, 3 Wounds and 3 points each of Might, Will and Fate, msahil has a statline to envy. By giving him a horse and a lance, Imrahil can reliably slay almost any foe he charges into. Not only is Prince Imrabil an amazing Hero in combat, bbut he also acts ue a 12" banner and boosts the Fight value of Men of Dol Amroth within 3" as well KNIGHTS OF DOL AMROTH ‘The best fighters in the Fiefdoms army, the Knights of Dol Amroth are good whether on foot or on horseback, With a Fight value of 4 and a Defence of 6, these warriors ate hard to beat in a fight and tough to slay even if they are bested. They can also be given horses and lances, allowing thema to ride into battle alongside their lord and deliver a hard-hitting charge. FORLONG THE FAT “The Lord of Lossamach is a great addition to any Fiefdoms arm have a Fight value of and Strength 5, bute also has a mighty 3 Wounds, meaning that he can deliver an impressive attack against his foes as well as take one without being slain. Forlong is also a great support Hero, thanks to his war horn and his ability to allow Axemen of Lossamnach to re-roll Is To Wound when nearby. Not only does b BLACKROOT VALE ARCHERS Blackroot Vale Archers can r-oll 1s To Hit if Dui is / can alto reroll failed To Wound rolls, The ability ( arguably some ofthe best mise troops i the game rom a Heroic Shoot, they 10 xe-roll both To Hit and To Wound makes these archers a ROHAN lo the north of the realm of Gondor is the kingdom ‘of Rohan, the home of the horse-lords. Ever since its founding, the kingdom of Rohan has been a firm ally of Gondor; promising to come to its aid in times of war — a pledge honoured by King Théeden in the closing years of the Third Age. As the Wer ofthe Ring drew ever closer, the kingdom of Rohan weas constantly plagued by its fos. Bands of Dunlendings would attack the villages ofthe Westfold, setting the thatched rf ofthe Rohan houses alight, and patrols of Riders of Rohan were ambushed by warbands of Urukhai Scout Bearing the ymbol of the White Hand, bringing Saruman’s treachery tothe fore. twas ambushes sch ar these that led to the battles within Rohan that ultimately saxo Théodved, the son of the ing, slain upon the Fords of Ten. Within the halls of Edoras, through the use of his puppet Grima Wrmtongue, Saruman poivoned the mind of Théaden and assumed control of Rohan; until Gandalf the White was able to drawe Saruman fiom his lordly hast. The threat of Kengard remained though and forced ARMY COMPOSITION “This amy may inchide: Théoden, King of Rohan; Théodted, Heir of Rohan; Eomer, Marshal ofthe Riddenmnark; Eowyn, Shield Maiden of Rohan; Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight of the Mark; Demheli; Déorwine, Chief ofthe King’s Knights Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan; Gaming, Captain of Rohat: Fiamma, Captain of Rohan; Ethel, Captain of Rohan; Grimbold of Grimslade; Bot the Young: Captains of Rohan; King’s Hiuntsinen; Warriors of Rohan; Rides of Roba; Rohan Royal Guard; Rohan Outriders and Sons of Bot ‘those within Edoras tobe driven back to the fortress of Hels Deep, here they could weather the storm of the Urukhai assault bufore Gandalf and Eamer delivered victor; yet ther period of celebration was to be shortlived As the armies of Mordor prepare to assault the city of Minas Tiith, the ‘beacons of Gondor ar lit; acall for ai to their alles in the north. Upton the sight ofthe beacon of Helifven engulfed in flame, Aragorn confronts the king of Rakan, asking him to ride to the assistance of Gonder. After 4a short deliberation, Théoden makes the decision to muster the Rohirim «and prepare is forces to rid to Gondor and war. An army of Rohirim, thousands strong, marches to bale the forces of Mordor upon the fields of Penner Upon the arival ofthe Rohireion at Pelennor, the sight ofthe vast hosts ofthe Dark Lord seems eoen more hopeless than any had imagined. Yet this army doesnot deter the King of Bohan, instead he reminds his riders ofthe importance ofan oath storm and begins the charge himself. Inspired by the bravery shown by ther king, the resolve ofthe Rohirin is steeds they begin their thunderous charge towards the hosts of Mordor, and inte legend. ADDITIONAL RULES Riders of Rohan within this amy lst do not count towards yous force's Bow Li ARMY BONUS “Ride for Ruin and the World’s Ending!” ~ Friendly Rohan Cavalry models gain “1 ength on a turn it which they Charge STRENGTHS WEAKNESSE: Excellent Choice of Heroes ~ ‘There ie a huge number of OSE Sone at the Heroes of Roban are sneer eee ee ee Pee ee ee find one that suits your needs on the battlefield hetoes of Men, such as Aragorn, Isldur ot Prince Innrahil, 0 don't overstretch them and make sure to pick yout fights! Hard-hitting Cavalry — With the extra Strength bonus on the eer cera eter ee See heen see een ee Rohan Cavalry pack a serious pee ree ee eee eee ee ees eck eet een ey Almost every Model can Shoot — Riders of Rohan come with changing to achieve victory bows as standard, and Warriors of Rohan can have throwing spears, Thie means that, in theory, should you select the right No Spear Support ~ Warriors of Rohan use their spears as See eee eee ea eee eee Tne cee es eee eee eet ee ea ee SS ee eee es Ifyou plan on having plenty of Riders of Rohan, then Théode only does he have a good deal of Might to keep your Riders charging, but he also has a 12” Stand Fast! If that wasn't enough, when Riders of Rohan, Roban Royal Guard and Captains of Roban Charge within 12" of héoden, they receive +! to their Fight value ~ couple that with the Rohan Army Bonus and Théoden turns normal Cavalry i hard-hitting unite! o incredibly he main Warriors for a Rohan force, Riders of Rohan will make up the bulk of most Roban armies, Fast and mobile, Riders of Rohan can skirmish around their eneny, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As all Riders of Rohan come sith a bow, while they are on the move they can chip away at ther foes, making it all the more devastating when they Charge. Atfirt glance, Gaming may not seem like anything special; he has an average statline and nothing that makes him stand out — until you take into account the Royal Standard of Rohan, Whenever a Rohan Hero within range starts a turn out of Might points, they immediately gain one! This rec to constantly be on the move and keep charging far longer than other armies. cling of Might allows 2 Roban force Rohan armies have a Hero for everything. Fomer can cut through swathes of enemies, Grimbold can upgrade Warriors of Rohan to be Strength 4, Erkenbrand boosts the Courage of Rohan models, Eowyn provides an excellent and cheap source of Might, and Déorwine provides Théoden with some added protection. The only y probler will be choosing which ones to it into your anny! DERNHELM orsnses peer Sete cart seounseee7 5 POINTS WOMAN, ROHAN, CAVALRY, HERO ~ MINOR HERO When Merry is told that mo vider oul Bear him wpon thir sted onthe journey to Minas Tirith the Hobbit lies that he wil be unable fight for thos he cre buat Hower, Mery soon finds hiself «place alongside the mysterious Dern, another warir commanded to stayin Eidos ‘Although Merry has Become aware of Deruhelm’s true idewtty, not until thy face the Witching of Angmar that Dershel reveals herself tobe Bnuyn, sho was desperate ride t war and prove herelf as an equal to the men of Bohan cies s 3 ts CDW) seman it, ord and hore Note that Desk isin fact, Eowyn, and that Merry ie options mounted on her hors alongside her. your army inches “Throwing spears 5 points Derek, then it ay naturally ot also include Eowyn ox Merry Fay occa oy HEROIC ABILITIES + Heroic Resolve Derncl s 3 special profile that enables you to wie Eowyn and * Heroic Strike Memy together as depicted in the movies and books, and even * Hexoie Suength allows you to use the rules for Passenger for this pair in your Matched Play games SPECIAL RULES Expert Rider, Horse Lord. ‘Dernhelm’ is Eowyn, Shicld Maiden of Roban with armour and shicld, with Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight of the Mark with ‘Merry ~ When left behind under the orders of Théaden, Mery finds shield mounted as a passenger upon her horse, Both will always ime a place among the Riders of Rohan alongside Dernhelm. start mounted and together Merny follows the rules for Passengers as presented in the Whilst mounted, Dernicln wil fellow all ofthe rules provided main rules manual, withthe exception that whilt he remains on these pages rather than the ones presented in Eowyn's profile; Demme's passenger he may spend his Might points to declate however, should Demmhelm become dismounted, revert tothe ‘Heroic Actions and affect Deruhelin’s rollin any ofthe usual profile and wargear listed above for Eowyn and we them frou ways. Additionally, whilst Merry i a passenger, Dernhie also this point forwards, Any Wounds sulfered, or Might, Willand Fate gains the benefits ofhis Resistant to Magic special rule, Ir Merry is points spent by Demet wil carry over to Eowyn’s profile shan, or dismount, reduce Demnbelin’s Attacks value to 2. 3 : wala ELFHELM, CAPTAIN OF ROHAN. 65 POINTS ‘MAN, ROHAN, INFANTRY, HERO ~ HERO OF FORTITUDE One ofthe Captains who accompanied Thodted to the Fords of len, Bfhel is a talented horseman and a worthy captain. His greatest skillatarms lies in the ray in which he wields a throwing spear. A favoured weapon ofthe Rehirim, Elfkel has acquired absolute mastery ove thes finely balanced spears, hurling them with merciless accuracy to skewer those in the path of his Bored, MF S DAWG Sag SPECIAL RULES G22 22 JIU PY oe 4 Expert Rider, Horse Lord. WARGEAR Pinpoint Accuracy SMB yen’ ithe tring ears eee er ied and Growing car snvisalled within the rns of te Rakim HEROIC ABILITIES lhe may reroll To Hi, To Wound and ln The Way lls Shee, eae aera ee eet * Heroic Defence Se enn pa ape eae eee orrions ia 10 points DEORWINE, CHIEF OF THE KING'S KNIGHTS MAN, ROHAN, INFANTRY, HERO - HERO OF FORTITUDE, A brave man, Diorasine was the Chief ofthe King's Knight ~ the bodyguards to the King of Rohan, Riding alongside his eget the Baile ofthe Pelennor, Déorine joined his lord in charging fearlessly into the fray, smashing aside all who stood in his path. Unweavcringly loyal, Déorwine is prepared t0 lay doen hs lif for Theoden 75 POINTS My Fo S DAWG as ose tr 224 3) (1) (i) eper Rider, Bodyguards Horse Lord. WARGEAR For Théodent ESEIEL Dioroine wil go any lengths teste Peasant ser acl sft of te King of Rohn HEROIC ABILITIES thin 12" of Déorwine, then + Heroic March Déorvine may call a Heroic Combat without using Might. Ifthe * Heroic Strike Heroic Combat is successful, then Déorwine must wse the following ve t0 join Théoden's combat. Ifthis s not possible then Déorwine prions rust move as close as posible to Théoden, Horse 1O points THE DEAD OF DUNHARROW lenturies ago, before the fall of Sauron, the White fountains to the north of Gondor were home toa Kingdom of Men. As the power of the Dark Lord grew, lur came to the Men of the Mountains to gain their allegiance in the fights ahead, and upon the Stone of Erech received their pledge to fight against the forces of Sauron. However, when the time came to take up arms, these who ‘dwelt in the mountains broke their sworn oath. For their betrayal, Isildur cursed the Men of the Mountains to never rest until they falfiled their oath to the King of Gondor, Over the coming years the bodies of the Men ofthe Mountains perished, ‘yet their spite did not, Instead the spirits of these traitors lingered on ser centuries, thir physical forms having long since turned to dust until naught remained but a ghostly form stripped of flesh and metal. Rumours of dead men that reamed the mountains began to spread until these from the lands of Gondor and Rohan feared to walk the paths ofthe mountains. ARMY COMPOSITION ‘This armay may include: The King of the Dead; Heralds of the Dead; Warriors of the Dead and Riders of the Dead. ADDITIONAL RULES A Dead of Dunharrow army listis automatically Impossible ‘Allies with any force that doesn’t also include Aragorn Yet asthe close ofthe Third Age approached, so too did the Dead of Dunarrow's chance at redemption. Aragorn, the heir of Tilda, entered the paths ofthe dead with the aim of raising an army to fight alongside ‘him in the battles to come. However, upon hearing Aragom's demands, the King ofthe Dead is said to have given a sinister laugh, claiming that only the King of Condor could command him and thatthe ine of Kings had deen broken centuries ago — a fact thal was lo be proven false ax Aragorn saied Andisil before the King ofthe Dead, showing him his tru lineage ‘Nou, asthe Battle of Plennor Fields rages on, Aragorn sails up the river Anduin with perhaps the deadliest army in all of Middle arth in tow For the shadow host cares nt forthe armour and weeapons of thet fos: ‘though ther blades have long since lst ther edge, they pas through all lysical protection and cut des into the resolve of ther enemies, The “Army ofthe Dead have but one purpose upon the Pelennr ~ to fulfill ‘the oath they made to the King of Gondor over 3,000 years before, and ‘finally be at peace. ARMY BONUS “The Dead do not suffer the Living to pass” - The King of the Dead gains the Harbinger of Evil special rile Additionally, wasbiands ftom this army lst that contain eight for more models, do not need a Hero to be the Captain of the warband. Instead, one of the Warrior models within the warband takes on the role of the warband!’s Captain for the purpose of deploymenr. STRENGTHS Everything causes Terror — Every single model in this army erste etd Blades of the Dead ~ This special rule allows the Dead to eee eee ens Defence ~ very handy against heavily armoured foes oF Monsters. King of the Dead — Fssontial forthe Arm oan oes by WEAKNESSES Season ce ean entire army, be prepared to be moving second m Ree eat of the tim eee eee ee ene er Dunbarrow costa lot of points, meaning that you will almost ees ae ere cet Sane eet Soca eke eee er Bee KEY MODELS ‘THE KING OF THE DEAD ‘The single most important model in a Dead of Dunharrow force, The King of the Dead to thie army. The undead king has an impressive statlne, with a Fight value of 5, 2 Defence of 8 ~ he also posseses the force's only Might point. When benefits the King of the Dead also gains the Harbinger of absolutely essential Sacks and a whopping 1 from thie force's Army Bonus, special rule, making enemies even easier to slay with the Blades of the Dead special rule. Finally, any model that suffers an unsaved Wound from the King of the Dead is instantly slain — making this king one to be feated! RIDERS OF THE DEAD The Riders of the Dead add some welcome movement to this army. They posses all ofthe same benefits as ther Infantry counterparts, but with all the added bonuses of being Cavalry. They also have the mounts with the highest Defence inthe game, making it hard to shoot their mounts from under them, Riders of the Dead are perfect for ‘hard-hitting counter-charge and will complement your foot objectives quickly, so itis always worth considering a few of Additionally, they can run off and capture ese in your force, HERALD OF THE DEAD SPIRIT, INFANTRY, HERO ~ HERO OF FORTITUDE, Centuries ago, these proud warriors held ther king’ colours ala, and stood beside thee liege in times of war, giving counsel inthe heat of battle. Even tose, a their bodies have been reduced ta but a ghoclly shell of ther former seloes, and their anc proud pennants aren tatters, the Heralds of the Dead tll stand with their king in death, honouring the position they once held in lif 70 POINTS Mv F oS DAWG MW. EF Spectral WatklSUBL rhe march ofthe long dead is not hindered by nore CJC) G) trae ha ena ig ha tim ao wancrar ‘A model with this special rule may move aver water features as if Armour, sword and Pennant of the Dead they were open ground. {fa ‘The King’s Couns inthe ers of thir ie the Heals aid thet igi tins fm, esi th sl rein death Pennant of the Dead — Friendly Spirit Pennant of the Dead gain the Resistant to Magic special rule. dle within OPrIoNs Tithe King ofthe Dead is within 3" of one or more Heralds of Shiela. S points the Dead at the start ofany phase, the King of the Dead ean spend one of the Herald’s Will points to declare a Heroic Action SPECIAL RULES instead of spending one of his own Might points, Herald of the Dead also benefit from the King of the Dead's The Dead and the Living special rule Blades of the Dead, Terror. MORDOR iMlennia ago, the Dark Lord Sauron forged the ruling Ring of Power of Men, Elves and Dwarves to his will and assert his dominance across Middle-earth, Yet there were some who still resisted and, after many years of war, the Dark Lord was defeated and the Ring of Power was lost. order to bind the races Yet Sauron endured, for he himself was bound tothe One Ring and whilst it remained he persisted, Since his defeat, Saurons strength has continued to grow ane his search for the Ring has never ceased. Though he cannot gain a physical frm without the One Ring, his mind is no less potent and those that serve him do so with an unteavering loyally As the ThirdAge of Middlecarth draws oa close, Sauron has gathered his {full strength and has sont it forth to find th Ring and bring destuction spon the Free People of Middlecarth. Bands of Ore, Boil Men and ther foal beings have attacked and besieged the re lands in the name of the Dark Lard, bringing death and rin wherecr the go, and ye {he Dark Lord's hammer Baw could all hardest upon the realm of Gondor tthe west ARMY COMPOSITION, ‘This anny may include: The Witch-king of Angmar; Khamnal the Easterling; The Dark Marshal; The Undying; The Shadow Lord; The Tainted; The Knight of Umbar; The Betrayer; The Dwimmerlaik; Ringwraiths; Shelob; Gothmog, Lieutenant of Santon; Gothmog’s Enforcer; The Mouth of Sauron; Goroth, aptain of the Morannon; Shagrat, Captain of Cisith Ungol; Guritz, Master of Reserves; Gorbag, Ore Captain; Grishnkh, Ore Captain; Zagdish, Ore Captain; Kardich the Firecaller; (Ore Captains; Ore Shamans; Ore Taskmasters; Ore Drummers; Morannon Ore Captains; Captains ofthe Black Guard; Black Guard Drummers; Black Nimenérean Marshals; Mordor Unuk-hai Captains; Mordor Troll Chieftains; Great Beasts of As the legions ofthe Dark Lard spilled orth fom the Black Gate, they marched upon the rains of Oxilath, Gondor’ at line of defence against the threat of Merder. Led bythe cunning Gothmog and those that {followed his orders, the hondes of Ores that assaulted those within the ‘ruined former capital soon claimed the city for the Dark Lord, and those that had garrisoned Oxgliath wee ether forced to retreat or were cut doen asthe tried. (Nox, wader te cover of Black clouds sent forth by the Dark Lord, the armies of Mordor have marched upon the White Cty of Minas Tivth in onder to conquer it inthe name of Sauron. With the forces of Evil amassed upon the Fields of Pelennor, the siege of Minas Tirith has begun. “Huge racks flung from the siege weapons of Mordor rain down upon the city, smashing through buildings and crushing alli their path. Countless (Ones aed huge Tro storm eve the ealls and through the gates ofthe cy, ‘looding the srets of Minas Trith and bringing toar directly to the peaple ‘of Gondor. Without aid from thir allies, the city of Minas Tirith will surely fall othe armies of Mordor. Gorgoroth; Ore Warriors; Ore Trackers; Warg Riders; Morgui Stalkers; Morannon Orcs; Black Guard of Barad-dti, Black Niimendreans; Morgul Knights; Mordor Unukchai; Mordor ‘Trolls; Mordor Siege Bows and Mordor War Catapults ARMY BONUS “Our Enemy is Ready, His fall Strength Gathered” = Whilet you have more models on the board than, your opponent, friendly Mordor Was gain +1 Gowrage and may ve-oll 1s To Wound when making Strikes, jor models

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