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Volume 00, Number 00, 000–000

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in Obstetrics
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal
Fetal Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina,
Charleston, South Carolina

Abstract: Endocrine emergencies in pregnancy can be on a constellation of symptoms, including

life threatening and are associated with increased fever, tachycardia, and central nervous sys-
morbidity for both the mother and fetus. Thyroid
storm, diabetic ketoacidosis, and hypercalcemic crisis tem dysfunction (restlessness, altered men-
require a high clinical suspicion, rapid treatment, and tal status, and seizures). If not treated, it
multidisciplinary care to ensure best outcomes. Crit- can ultimately lead to cardiac dysrhythmia,
ical care consultation and intensive care unit admis- multiorgan failure and even death. Case
sion are often warranted. Fetal testing may initially be fatality rates range from 10% to 30% in the
concerning; however often improves with correction
of the underlying metabolic derangement(s) and de- literature.1 Given the severity of the disease
livery is generally avoided until maternal status process, a high clinical suspicion, rapid
improves. recognition, intervention, and supportive
Key words: pregnancy, diabetic ketoacidosis, thyroid care are needed to maximize the maternal
storm, hypercalcemia and fetal outcome.
Although the exact triggering mecha-
nism is unknown, most cases are due
Thyroid Storm to poorly controlled disease. Preceding
Occurring in 1% to 2% of pregnant women events include such as preeclampsia,
with hyperthyroidism, thyroid storm is a trauma, surgery, infection, stress, and
rare but life-threatening endocrine emer- ketoacidosis have been associated with
gency characterized by a severe hyperme- storm.2,3 A careful search for underlying
tabolic state precipitated by an excess of associated etiologies should be per-
endogenous thyroid hormones. It typically formed.
has an acute onset and is diagnosed based A high clinical suspicion is needed as the
presenting signs and symptoms may be non-
Correspondence: Christopher G. Goodier, MD, specific enough to be confused with any
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division number of other conditions.4 Elevated blood
of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Medical University of
South Carolina, 96 Jonathan Lucas St. Suite 634, pressure, headaches, abdominal pain and
Charleston, SC 29425. E-mail: even pulmonary edema or heart failure are
The author declares that there is nothing to disclose. features compatible with preeclampsia that

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2 Goodier

may make the diagnosis of thyroid storm A diagnosis of thyroid storm requires
more difficult.5 prompt intervention for both mother and
Overt signs of hyperthyroidism such as fetus. Thyroid storm is considered a med-
a goiter, thyroid bruit, or exopthalmos ical emergency and multidisciplinary care
may be discriminating physical signs that is required, including maternal fetal med-
are more specific to thyroid dysfunction. icine, endocrinology, neonatology, and
Interpretation of maternal acid-base sta- critical care specialists. In addition, prep-
tus must take into consideration the mod- aration should be made for admission to
erate compensated respiratory alkalosis an intensive care unit, with the availabil-
that occurs in pregnancy. These metabolic ity of continuous fetal monitoring if the
changes can lead to fetal heart rate tracing fetus has reached viability. Efforts to
abnormalities, including tachycardia, loss correct the underlying maternal metabolic
of variability, and late decelerations ulti- derangement(s) are key in order to im-
mately resulting in increased fetal mor- prove the underlying fetal status. It is
bidity and mortality.6 important to exhaust all attempts to
Laboratory analysis includes thyroid- correct the underlying maternal abnor-
stimulating hormone, free tri-iodothyronine malities before intervening for the fetus,
(FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4), complete as often correction of the underlying
blood count, and complete metabolic panel. metabolic abnormality will improve fetal
Thyroid-stimulating hormone is usually low/ status.8 The presence of a persistent fetal
undetectable in thyroid storm, although cau- bradycardia or the development of cat-
tious interpretation is required in the first egory III heart rate tracing that is unre-
trimester due to the human chorionic gona- sponsive to resuscitative measures may
dotropin effect on the thyroid gland. FT4 and require expedited delivery.
FT3 are often well above the upper limits Intravenous access should be obtained and
of normal in pregnancy. Total hormone cooling measures performed. Fluid balance
levels are also usually elevated. There are and vital signs, including continuous pulse
no generally accepted levels at which the oximetry need to be carefully monitored. An
diagnosis of thyroid storm is assured, and initial echocardiography (EKG) and contin-
there may be significant laboratory overlap uous telemetry is recommended, as arrhyth-
with simple hyperthyroidism. There is typi- mias, such as atrial fibrillation can occur. In
cally an associated leukocytosis as well as addition some patients can have thyrotoxic
evidence of hyperglycemia, hypercalcemia, heart failure due to the myocardial effects of
elevated liver enzymes, and electrolyte dis- excess free T4. Any cardiorespiratory com-
turbances on metabolic panel screening. plaints should be thoroughly evaluated in-
Given a high incidence of case fatality cluding EKG. Treatment is generally the
rates and the need for early recognition, same for thyroid storm and thyrotoxic heart
Burch and Wartofsky7 have outlined a failure. Respiratory failure is generally not
commonly cited clinical scoring system for associated with thyroid storm; however can
the probability of thyroid storm. Points are occur and intubation and mechanical venti-
allocated for elevation in temperature, ma- lation is sometimes necessary.
ternal pulse, and a number of organ system In addition to supportive care, treatment
dysfunctions indicating a high, medium, or of thyroid storm involves the use of several
low probability of the diagnosis. Thyroid medications to decrease the level of thyroid
imaging is of limited benefit; although a hormone. Propylthiouracil (PTU) and me-
chest x-rays and/or computed tomographic thimazole (MMI) are thionamides and act
scan can be useful when looking for asso- within the thyroid gland to inhibit follicular
ciated precipitating factors such as infections growth and development, as well as the
or pulmonary embolus. packaging of iodothyronines into T4 and
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Endocrine Emergencies in Obstetrics 3

T3.9 PTU has the advantage of antithyroid require discontinuation. Emergency thyroi-
effects within the thyroid gland as well as dectomy, with or without plasmaphoresis has
inhibiting the peripheral conversion at the been described successfully in thyroid storm,
tissue level, limiting the active form of but must be considered high risk and last line
thyroid hormone. However, there is a sig- treatment.11
nificant disadvantage of the use of PTU in In summary, thyroid storm is a rare,
that there have been rare cases of fulminate life-threatening condition which requires
liver failure and death associated with its early recognition, multidisciplinary care,
use, including instances in pregnancy. and aggressive therapy.
There is a Food and Drug Administration
“black box” warning for PTU concerning
this link to hepatotoxicity. It is unclear how Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
thyroid storm specifically affects this risk. DKA is a medical emergency, which can
MMI use in pregnancy has been linked to result in both maternal and fetal morbid-
some teratogenic effects, specifically aplasia ity and mortality. Before the discovery of
cutis and choanal atresia.10 In addition, insulin it was uniformly fatal. With early
rarely a life-threatening agranulocytosis recognition and aggressive multidiscipli-
may develop after MMI use. Given these nary management, the overall incidence
conflicting risks there is no clear recom- has decreased from ~10% to 20% in the
mendation for which thionamide to initiate late 1970s to ~1% to 2% in most recent
in thyroid storm. reports,3,12,13 resulting in improved ma-
The use of an iodide-containing medica- ternal and fetal mortality. Preterm birth,
tion inhibits the further release of active both from premature labor and from
thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland. medical intervention, is a common occur-
Oral potassium iodide, 5 drops every 8 hours, rence after DKA.
or IV sodium iodide 500 to 1000 mg every 8 The pathophysiology of DKA occurs due
to 12 hours may be used. One of the side to the lack of insulin resulting in a perceived
effects of iodine agents is the paradoxical hypoglycemia at target cells such as those in
release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid the liver, adipose, and muscle tissues. As
gland, thus it is important to start iodine a result, stores of glucagon are released,
administration ~1 hour after the use of worsening the hyperglycemia and causing
thionamides.9 Corticosteroids are also impor- osmotic diuresis, hypovolemia, and elec-
tant in the treatment of thyroid storm due to trolyte depletion.
the effect of decreasing systemic inflamma- Counter regulatory hormones in the adi-
tion as well as peripheral effects of decreasing pose tissue cause the release of free fatty acids
T4 to T3 conversion. Beta-blockers such as into the circulation which are then oxidized to
propranolol will reduce peripheral conversion ketone bodies. Ultimately a metabolic acido-
of T4 to T3, and lessen the complications of sis ensues which manifests as an anion gap on
tachycardia including high output cardiac blood chemistry. Ketoacids bind sodium and
failure. Long-term use of beta-blockers has potassium, which are excreted in the urine,
been associated with fetal growth restriction, further worsening the electrolyte balance. If
but is generally considered safe in a risk/ untreated, patients can experience cardiac
benefit consideration. Other supportive med- dysfunction, decreased tissue perfusion, and
ications include antipyretics such as acetami- worsened real function leading to shock,
nophen (Table 1). coma, and death.3,14
Conventional treatments may fail after The normal physiological changes of
trials of medical management in the most pregnancy increase the susceptibility to
severe cases. There also may be adverse DKA. Insulin resistance primarily attribut-
reactions to the thionamides which may able to human placental lactogen causes
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4 Goodier

TABLE 1. Thyroid Storm Treatment

Treatment Dose
Maternal Supportive care
IV access LR bolus then IVF at 150-250 mL/h
Continuous pulse oximetry, serial BP
Consultation ICU admission, critical care, endocrine, maternal fetal
Cooling measures Acetaminophen 500 mg q6 h
Cooling blankets
Laboratory TSH, FT3/4, CBC diff, ABG, CMP
Ancillary EKG/telemetry, CXRAY, echocardiogram
Additional testing as needed (cultures, CT scan, etc.)
First line PTU 300 mg PO or NG q6 h
Initial dose given was 30-60 Potassium iodide (SSKI) 5 drops PO/NG q8 h
min after PTU
Block T4- > T3 conversion Dexamethasone 2 mg IV q6 h×4 doses
Heart rate control (goal <120 Propranolol 40-60 mg PO/NG q 6 h (IV
bpm)* alternative = propranolol prn or esmolol gtt)
Monitoring Consult maternal fetal medicine
Initiate fetal monitoring if viability achieved
Fetal optimization Maternal left lateral decubitus
Maternal O2 supplementation
Stabilize maternal condition before delivery

*Ensure no evidence of heart failure or medical contraindication (eg, Asthma).

ABG indicates arterial blood gas; BP, blood pressure; CBC, complete blood count; CMP, comprehensive metabolic panel;
CT, computed tomography; EKG, echocardiography; FT3, free tri-iodothyronine; FT4, free thyroxine; ICU, intensive care unit;
IV, intravenous; IVF, in vitro fertilization; LR, lactated ringers; NG, nasogastric; PTU, propylthiouracil; TSH, thyroid-
stimulating hormone.

insulin requirements to increase with ad- glucose levels; however DKA can occur with
vancing gestation. Respiratory adaptations levels <200 mg/dL in pregnancy.13
during pregnancy result in a compensated Common precipitating factors in
maternal respiratory alkalosis. The com- pregnancy include emesis, infection, beta-
pensatory decrease in serum bicarbonate sympathomimetic tocolytic agents, corti-
reduces the body’s normal buffering costeroids, poor compliance, and medical
capacity, thus predisposing the patient to errors.15,16 Although beta-sympathomi-
DKA.3,12,14 metics (eg, terbutaline) are not routinely
Patients generally present with abdominal used for prolonged ( > 48 h) tocolysis due
pain, malaise, persistent vomiting, increased to the Food and Drug Administration
thirst, hyperventilation, tachycardia, dehy- safety communication in 2011, it is impor-
dration, and polyuria. As the level of acidosis tant to remember that they should be used
worsens altered mental status can occur. The very cautiously, if ever, for patients with
diagnosis is confirmed with documentation diabetes.3
of hyperglycemia, acidosis, and ketonuria. Although the mechanism is not clearly
Other laboratory findings include anion gap, understood, DKA presents a significant
ketonemia, renal dysfunction, and possible risk to overall fetal well-being. The likely
electrolyte abnormalities.12,14 Typically pa- mechanism is related to maternal ketoacids
tients present with severely elevated serum which cross the placenta leading to decreased
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Endocrine Emergencies in Obstetrics 5

fetal tissue perfusion and oxygenation.14 The derangements must be started. Delivery is
fetus has a limited ability to buffer significant generally postponed until after maternal
acidemia, and therefore is quite sensitive to metabolic condition is stabilized, as this will
maternal acidosis. usually correct the fetal heart tracing abnor-
This often results in alterations of the mality. There are exceptions, including se-
fetal heart rate tracing, including decreased verely prolonged bradycardia or a persistent
variability and/or late decelerations. It is category III tracing.
important to exhaust all attempts to correct Table 2 illustrates a general algorithm for
the underlying maternal abnormalities be- treatment of DKA in pregnancy, including
fore intervening for the fetus.13,14 rehydration, reduction of hyperglycemia,
Like thyroid storm, DKA is considered a correction of acid-base and electrolyte im-
medical emergency and a multidisciplinary balance while searching for and treating the
team, including maternal fetal medicine, underlying etiology.3,12,14,17,18
endocrinology neonatology and critical care, The hypovolemia associated with
should be assembled. In addition, strong DKA is estimated at 100 mL/kg of total
consideration should be made for admission body weight and is typically 4 to 10 L.19
to an intensive care unit. Initially, aggressive intravenous replace-
Treatment includes adequate IV access ment with isotonic normal saline should
and placement of an indwelling urinary be started with the goal to replace ~75%
catheter. Significant fluid deficits should of the overall deficit within the first
be anticipated and corrected, insulin 24 hours. Hypotonic fluids (eg, lactated
should be started and electrolyte abnor- ringers and 0.45% saline) should be
malities corrected. Fluid balance and vital avoided initially as they can cause a rapid
signs need to be carefully monitored and decline in plasma osmolarity leading to
documented. cerebral edema. Blood glucose values
Basic laboratory analyses, including a should be monitored hourly and once
complete metabolic panel with magnesium the serum glucose reaches <250 mg/dL,
and phosphorous, complete blood count IV fluids should be switched to D5-0.45%
with differential, urinalysis, fingerstick blood normal saline.
glucose, arterial blood gas, and serum ke- Intravenous insulin administration should
tones should be collected. Additional testing be undertaken immediately to aid in low-
(urine culture, blood culture, chest x-ray, ering of the blood glucose levels. Subcuta-
etc.) should be performed based on clinical neous and intramuscular are typically
suspicion and any potential underlying proc- avoided due to the slower onset of action,
esses. Initially, serum ketones, electrolytes, which is worsened in DKA.3 The initial
and maternal acid/base status should be blood glucose target is 150 to 200 mg/dL in
monitored every 2 hours until ketosis and order to avoid rapid correction and resulting
acidosis are resolved. Blood sugars should be complications. It is important to remember
collected hourly during this time to titrate that insulin requirements can be significant
insulin.3,12,14,17,18 and most protocols suggest an initial bolus
Once viability is confirmed, fetal mon- dose of 10 to 20 units of regular insulin,
itoring should be initiated. As noted, the followed by an infusion rate of 5 to 10 units/
fetal heart tracing will likely appear concern- h. This amount should be increased if the
ing during the initial phase of metabolic blood glucose values do not fall 20% to 25%
compromise. Maternal oxygen supplementa- over 2 hours.
tion and left lateral decubitus positioning It is important to continue the insulin
should be used to increase blood flow to infusion until the anion gap is closed
fetus and improve oxygenation. Adequate and acidosis resolved. This can take
hydration and correction of acid/base significantly longer than correcting the
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6 Goodier

TABLE 2. Treatment of DKA

Treatment Modality Plan
Maternal Identify cause H&P, rule out infection, place foley catheter, serial vital signs,
Consider ICU admission
Consult critical care, endocrinology, maternal fetal medicine
Fluid replacement (estimated Correct 75% total deficit in first 24 h
~100 mL/kg) Begin with 0.9% normal saline
Convert to D5-0.45% normal saline when FSBG < 250
Insulin administration Regular insulin via IV
Goal FSBG 150-200 in DKA IV bolus 0.1units/kg followed by 0.1 u/kg/h continuous
Goal reduction 20%-25% over 2 h (if not increase IV infusion
Continue IV insulin until acidosis and ketosis resolves
Start SQ insulin therapy 1-2 h before stopping IV insulin
Laboratory evaluation CMP/Mg and Phos, pH, serum ketones every 2-4 h initially
Replete K+ once <5 mmol/L (goal 4-5)
Replete HCo3 if pH < 6.9 with NaHCo3 until pH > 7.0
Monitoring Consult maternal fetal medicine
Fetal optimization Initiate fetal monitoring if viability achieved
Maternal left lateral decubitus, maternal O2 supplementation,
stabilize maternal condition before delivery

CMP indicates comprehensive metabolic panel; DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; FSBG, fingerstick blood glucose; ICU, intensive
care unit; IV, intravenous; Phos, phosphorous; SQ, subcutaneous.

hypoglycemia and typically takes 12 to that routine replacement of low serum levels
24 hours. Once it is deemed safe to of bicarbonate have not proven beneficial in
transition to subcutaneous insulin, the first DKA and may cause unnecessary maternal
dose should be given before the discontin- and fetal complications. Replacement can
uation of the intravenous infusion to de- delay the correction of ketoacidosis in the
crease the risk of recurrent ketoacidosis. maternal bloodstream and, if corrected to
Potassium is the most common electro- rapidly, elevate fetal PC02 impairing fetal
lyte abnormality in DKA, although levels ability to maintain adequate O2 transfer.3,18
are often normal initially. The actual
deficit is estimated at 5 to 10 meq/kg.
Once the serum potassium level falls Hyperparathyroidism
below 5 mmol/L, IV replacement should Primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) is
begin with the goal to maintain potassium the third most common endocrine disor-
levels between 4 and 5 mmol/L. Adequate der (prevalence: 0.1% to 0.4% in the
renal function should be documented general population) and rare in preg-
before replacing potassium. Serum potas- nancy. In a review by Ruda et al20 solid
sium levels should be checked every 2 to parathyroid disorders account for 80% of
4 hours as significant hypokalemia can cases in the general population, with the
precipitate a cardiac arrhythmia. remaining cases a result of diffuse hyper-
Replacement of low serum bicarbonate plasia and adenomas.
levels remain a source of controversy and The diagnosis requires an elevated total
replacement is generally agreed upon if the calcium level adjusted for serum albumin
patients pH is <7.0. Some studies have shown [serum calcium+0.8×(4−serum albumin)]
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Endocrine Emergencies in Obstetrics 7

or elevated serum ionized calcium level calcium levels should be checked after
with an elevated parathyroid hormone delivery to screen for hypocalcemia.
level. Patients with hyperparathyroidism Treatment of pHPT includes conservative
caused by a parathyroid adenoma or hyper- therapy such as increased fluids and de-
plasia typically have inappropriately high creased calcium intake with vitamin D sup-
PTH secretion in relation to the serum plementation. Calcitonin does not cross the
calcium concentration. placenta and thus is likely safe; however, is
Symptoms typically include nausea, vom- not generally effective. Bisphosphonates
iting, anorexia, constipation, depression, and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary
mental confusion. Kidney stones, pancreati- due to the effect on fetal bones. Surgical
tis, abdominal pain as well as EKG changes removal of the parathyroid glands is generally
including short QT interval and arrhythmia reserved for symptomatic hypercalcemia and
can be seen. preferred in the second trimester due to
In pregnancy most patients are asympto- decreased maternal and fetal risks. It is the
matic and undiagnosed, as routine calcium only definitive treatment.26
levels are not checked. In addition, nausea Pregnancy tends to offer protection
and vomiting is common in pregnancy and is from maternal hypercalcemia, due to
more commonly associated with pregnancy transplacental transport to meet fetal
associated physiological changes.21 needs, especially during the third trimes-
Once the diagnosis of hyperparathyr- ter. This protection is eliminated after
oidism is ascertained, careful search for delivery and thus there is an increased
the underlying etiology should begin. risk of maternal hypercalcemia in the
Although less sensitive, imaging via ultra- puerperal period.
sound is the first line modality to screen
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