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Wardaya College Departemen Matematika


Wardaya College Winter Camp Olympiad 2017
1. Into how many regions do n circle divide the plane, if each pairs of cirlces intersect at two points and no point
lies on three circles?

2. Solve the recurrence relation

an − 7an−1 + 15an−2 − 9an−3 = 0
Given that a0 = 1 , a1 = 2 and a2 = 3

3. Given a rectangular grid, split into m × n squares, a colouring of the squares in two colours (black and white)
is called valid if it saties the following conditions:

(a) All squares touching the border of the grid are coloured black.

(b) No four squares forming a 2 × 2 − squareare coloured in the same colour.
(c) No four squares forming a 2 × 2 − squareare coloured in such way that only diagonally touching squares
have the same colour.

Which grid sizes m × n (with m, n ≥ 3) have a valid colouring?

4. On a 2012 × 2012 board, some cells on the top-right to bottom-left diagonal are marked. None of the marked
cells is in a corner. Integers are written in each cell of this board in the following way. All the numbers in the
cells along the upper and the left sides of the board are 1's. All the numbers in the marked cells are 0's. Each
of the other cells contains a number that is equal to the sum of its upper neighbour and its left neighbour.
Prove that the number in the bottom right corner is not divisible by 2011.

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