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Survival in extreme environments—On the

current knowledge of adaptations in

Article in Acta Physiologica · July 2011

DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x · Source: PubMed


62 1,622

7 authors, including:

Nadja Møbjerg Kenneth Halberg

University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen


Dennis Persson Hans Ramløv

Harvard University Roskilde University


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Tardigrade View project

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Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420

Survival in extreme environments – on the current
knowledge of adaptations in tardigrades

N. Møbjerg,1 K. A. Halberg,1 A. Jørgensen,2 D. Persson,1,2 M. Bjørn,3 H. Ramløv3 and

R. M. Kristensen2
1 Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
2 Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
3 Department of Science, Systems and Models, University of Roskilde, Roskilde, Denmark

Received 17 October 2010, Abstract

revision requested 13 November Tardigrades are microscopic animals found worldwide in aquatic as well as
terrestrial ecosystems. They belong to the invertebrate superclade Ecdysozoa,
revision received 6 January 2011,
accepted 10 January 2011 as do the two major invertebrate model organisms: Caenorhabditis elegans
Correspondence: N. Møbjerg, and Drosophila melanogaster. We present a brief description of the tardi-
Department of Biology, August grades and highlight species that are currently used as models for physio-
Krogh Building, Universitetsparken logical and molecular investigations. Tardigrades are uniquely adapted to a
13, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø,
range of environmental extremes. Cryptobiosis, currently referred to as a
reversible ametabolic state induced by e.g. desiccation, is common especially
among limno-terrestrial species. It has been shown that the entry and exit of
cryptobiosis may involve synthesis of bioprotectants in the form of selective
carbohydrates and proteins as well as high levels of antioxidant enzymes and
other free radical scavengers. However, at present a general scheme of
mechanisms explaining this phenomenon is lacking. Importantly, recent
research has shown that tardigrades even in their active states may be ex-
tremely tolerant to environmental stress, handling extreme levels of ionizing
radiation, large fluctuation in external salinity and avoiding freezing by
supercooling to below )20 C, presumably relying on efficient DNA repair
mechanisms and osmoregulation. This review summarizes the current
knowledge on adaptations found among tardigrades, and presents new data
on tardigrade cell numbers and osmoregulation.
Keywords cell numbers, cryptobiosis, evolution, osmoreglation, supercool-
ing, tardigrade.

Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are micro- 2007). Tardigrades are exceptional among metazoans in
scopic metazoans (approx. 0.1–1.2 mm). They were their adaptations to the most extreme environments. As
discovered in the 18th Century with the development of is also known from selected species of arthropods,
early microscopes and were first described by the nematodes and rotifers, many species have the ability to
German zoologist Goeze in 1773, who named them enter cryptobiosis; a state of suspended animation
‘kleiner Wasserbär’ or little water bear because of their believed to be ametabolic (Keilin 1959, Clegg 2001).
strong resemblance to a little bear (see e.g. Ramazzotti Corti already noted these adaptations in tardigrades in
& Maucci 1983, Nelson 2001, Schill 2010). Shortly 1774, when he observed that these animals could be
after in 1776, the current name, Tardigrada (from Latin revived after desiccation (Kinchin 1994). In 1962,
tardigradus, slow-moving), was given by the Italian Tardigrada was recognized as a phylum by Ramazzotti
natural scientist Spallanzani (see e.g. Rebecchi et al. in Il Phylum Tardigrada (Ramazzotti 1962). There are

 2011 The Authors

Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x 409
Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades Æ N. Møbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420

currently approx. 1000 described species (Guidetti & between the two major invertebrate model organisms –
Bertolani 2005, Degma et al. 2010), but this is likely far the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Maupas, 1900
from the real number of tardigrade species, as especially and the arthropod Drosophila (Sophophora) melanog-
the marine arthrotardigrades remain relatively unex- aster Meigen, 1830 (Goldstein & Blaxter 2002, Gabriel
plored. & Goldstein 2007).
Tardigrada belongs to the invertebrate superclade Little is known about the physiological mechanisms
Ecdysozoa, however; their precise phylogenetic position underlying adaptations to extreme environmental con-
is still debated and it is presently not clear whether the ditions in tardigrades. Past centuries of tardigrade
group is more closely related to arthropods and research have mainly focused on species descriptions
onychophorans or to the nematodes and nematomorphs and morphological investigations related to phyloge-
(Fig. 1) (Aguinaldo et al. 1997, Dunn et al. 2008, netic analysis. In recent years, however, research in the
Edgecombe 2010). In any case, as noticed in recent field has taken advantage of new molecular tools and an
papers, this group has a central position placed in increasing number of scientists find the group fasci-


















Figure 1 Evolutionary position of tardigrades in the Animal Kingdom. Phylogeny of the Metazoa (animals) based on
Aguinaldo et al. (1997) and Dunn et al. (2008) showing selected phyla with emphasis on the position of the Tardigrada. The
inferred position of the tardigrades is based on EST sequences from Richtersius coronifer and Hypsibius dujardini. Ecdysozoa
includes all molting animals and is one of the two protostome superclades. The marked phyla have cryptobiotic species.

 2011 The Authors

410 Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x
Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420 N. Møbjerg et al. Æ Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades
nating. In particular, the mechanisms underlying the Dewel 1996, Møbjerg & Dahl 1996, Eibye-Jacobsen
ability to enter cryptobiosis have attracted considerable 1997, Jørgensen et al. 1999, Greven 2007, Halberg
scientific interest. This interest is no doubt associated et al. 2009a). They are found worldwide in aquatic as
with the suspected translational output related to a well as terrestrial environments, but depend on free
detailed understanding of the complex stress physiology water to be in their active, reproducing state. It has been
of tardigrades, i.e. in connection with cryopreservation suggested that tardigrades, like e.g. nematodes, have
and dehydration of biological material. Noticeably, the eutely, but detailed studies on the subject are still
phenomenon cryptobiosis touches upon our conception lacking. Cell counts based on nuclear staining with
of life and death; one of the largest enigmas being how DAPI (4¢,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) in four active
metabolism is restarted after years of suspension. This stage adults of the marine eutardigrade Halobiotus
review puts focus on physiological and molecular crispae Kristensen, 1982 revealed a total cell number of
adaptations to extreme conditions found among tardi- around 1060 cells, when excluding gametes (Fig. 2).
grades. We additionally present a brief description of This number could represent a slight underestimate of
the phylum and highlight species that are currently used the total somatic cell number as body cavity cells (also
as models for these investigations. known as storage cells) may have escaped two of the
specimens, which were punctured prior to the staining
(Fig. 2). We did not observe cell divisions (mitosis)
Phylum Tardigrada
during the counts. Mitosis has, however, previously
been reported in post-embryonic eutardigrades (Berto-
Tardigrade phylogeny and evolution
lani 1970a,b, 1982).
About 35 extant animal groups have body plans and There are two main evolutionary lines within the
genes that are distinct enough to warrant elevation to tardigrades, represented by the classes Eutardigrada and
phylum status (Nielsen 2001). The tardigrades, com- Heterotardigrada (Fig. 3) (see e.g. Jørgensen & Kris-
prising the phylum Tardigrada, are one of these groups tensen 2004). The validity of a third class, Mesotardi-
(Fig. 1). Tardigrades are microscopic invertebrates with grada, is currently uncertain. Mesotardigrada only
a well developed organization including brain and contains a single species, Thermozodium esakii Rahm,
sensory organs, muscles, a complex feeding apparatus 1937 originally found in a hot spring in Japan. The type
and alimentary tract, reproductive and osmoregulatory specimens of T. esakii no longer exist and the type
organs (see e.g. Rebecchi & Bertolani 1994, Dewel & locality was apparently destroyed in an earthquake


br pb eo go
Leg 1 Leg 4
Leg 2
Leg 3

Figure 2 Cell numbers in Halobiotus crispae. 3-D reconstruction of cell arrangement in the eutardigrade H. crispae based on
confocal laser scanning microscopy of a DAPI stained specimen. In order to obtain an estimate of somatic cell numbers in this
species, specimens were relaxed in CO2-enriched water, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and ultrasonicated. Two of the four
specimens were additionally delicately punctured with a fine needle. The specimens were subsequently incubated with DAPI and
thoroughly rinsed before mounting. Image acquisition was performed using a Leica DM RXE 6 TL microscope equipped with a
Leica TCS SP2 AOBS confocal laser scanning unit. Cell counts and image processing were performed using the software program
Imaris (Bitplane, Zurich, Switzerland). The total number of somatic cells in H. crispae was estimated at approx. 1060, based on
stainings of four male specimens (mean  SD: 1058  53). This number could represent a slight underestimate of the total somatic
cell number as so-called body cavity cells may have escaped the two specimens that were punctured prior to staining (cell counts for
the punctured specimens: 998 and 1088; counts for the non-punctured specimens: 1036 and 1112). The largest number of cells is
clearly present in the anterior part of the animal containing the brain and buccopharyngeal apparatus. A, anterior; P, posterior; br,
brain;, claw gland; eo, esophagus; gI–IV, ventral ganglia I–IV; mg, midgut; go, gonad; pb, pharyngeal bulb. Scale bar: 50 lm.

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Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x 411
Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades Æ N. Møbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420

Richtersius Hypsibius*
Echiniscoides Echiniscus Milnesium* Halobiotus Paramacrobiotus Ramazzottius*
Echiniscoidae Echiniscidae Milnesiidae Isohypsibioidea Macrobiotoidea Hypsibioidea

Arthrotardigrada Echiniscoidea Apochela Parachela

marine limno-terrestrial limno-terrestrial limno-terrestrial
non-cryptobionts Intertidal Cryptobionts cryptobionts
Cryptobionts non-cryptobionts

Heterotardigrada Mesotardigrada (?) Eutardigrada

Figure 3 Tardigrade phylogeny. Phylog-
eny of tardigrades showing major clades
and position of model/discussed species.
The phylogeny is based on Sands et al.
Tardigrada *Genome projects

(Nelson 2002). However, a thorough re-sampling for

Tardigrade genomes
this species has to our knowledge not been performed.
Tardigrades most likely evolved within the marine There is a huge variation in the genome size of
environment, and marine species are especially numer- tardigrades ranging from about 75–100 Mb in Hypsi-
ous within the heterotardigrade order Arthrotardigrada bius and Ramazzottius to 800 Mb in Bertolanius
(Renaud-Mornant 1982, Maas & Waloszek 2001, (Gregory 2010, C-values converted from picograms to
Jørgensen et al. 2010). Arthrotardigrades are present base pairs using the conversion 1 pg = 978 Mb accord-
in all oceans from intertidal zones to abyssal depths, ing to Dolezel et al. (2003), Bertolanius was previously
inhabiting different sediment types. In addition, marine named Amphibolus). For comparison, the genome sizes
species are found within the other main heterotardi- of Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogas-
grade order, Echiniscoidea, represented by the intertidal ter are about 100 Mb and 175 Mb respectively (Greg-
Echiniscoides sigismundi (M. Schultze, 1865). This ory 2010). The general diploid chromosome numbers of
species may very well be the toughest creature on the eutardigrades are 10–12 and 14 for the heterotar-
Earth, having to endure periods of desiccation and low digrade Echiniscus (Bertolani 1982). Polyploidy with
oxygen tension as well as large perturbations in salinity up to 24 chromosomes is common in eutardigrades
and freezing (Kristensen & Hallas 1980). Nevertheless, (Bertolani 1982). Three major sequencing projects are
the exact range of this tardigrade’s tolerances remains currently ongoing within Tardigrada. However, all
to be investigated. It may be hypothesized that an three projects are investigating eutardigrade species;
Echiniscoides-like tardigrade invaded the freshwater/ no data are presently available for the other main
terrestrial environment and gave rise to the almost tardigrade group – the heterotardigrades. The interna-
exclusively limno-terrestrial eutardigrades (Kinchin tional collaborative Ecdysozoan Sequencing Project is
1994). This is however currently not supported by assembling the genome of Hypsibius dujardini (Doyère,
molecular data (Sands et al. 2008, Jørgensen et al. 1840) as part of an investigation into the ancestral
2010; Jørgensen et al. 2011). genome of the Ecdysozoa lineage. Prior to this project,
The eutardigrades are divided into two orders; the Edinburgh based TardiBASE project, generated
Apochela and Parachela. Two genera within the latter more than 5000 EST sequences for H. dujardini
order, Ramajendas represented by Ramajendas renaudi (GenBank 2010). The German based FUNCRYPTA
(Ramazzotti 1972) in the Southern Hemisphere and project was focused on investigating cryptobiosis in
Halobiotus in the Northern Hemisphere, have second- Milnesium tardigradum Doyère, 1840 through studies
arily invaded the marine environment (Ramazzotti of gene and protein expression (Förster et al. 2009,
1972, Kristensen 1982, Møbjerg et al. 2007). Although Mali et al. 2010, Schokraie et al. 2010). The project
cryptobiosis is common in most eutardigrades, our had in 2010 generated approx. 7000 quality EST
recent findings in H. crispae suggest that among these sequences and aimed at advancing the basic understand-
secondary marine species, adaptations are present that ing of protein expression in tardigrades through tran-
are quite extraordinary (Halberg et al. 2009b). The scriptomic and proteomic studies (Mali et al. 2010). The
tardigrades stay active while experiencing large fluctu- Japanese based Kumamushi Genome Project is assem-
ations in abiotic factors, fluctuations that in other bling the genome of Ramazzottius varieornatus Berto-
tardigrades would induce cryptobiosis. lani and Kinchin, 1993 and has preliminarily predicted

 2011 The Authors

412 Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x
Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420 N. Møbjerg et al. Æ Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades
about 20 000 candidate genes in this species (Horikawa level, anatomically as well as physiologically. In the tun
et al. 2008, Katayama et al. 2009). The great challenge state tardigrades may not only stand long periods of
in the years to come will be to correlate the description of desiccation and exposure to toxic chemicals but also
tardigrade genes with studies on the function of these very low subzero temperatures, vacuum, high pressure,
genes as nicely illustrated in a recent study on a radiation, extreme pH, anoxia and to some extent high
purinergic P2X receptor from H. dujardini (Bavan et al. temperature (see e.g. Wright 2001, Rebecchi et al.
2009). 2007). It has been suggested and to some degree shown
that adaptations to these extremes may involve synthe-
sis of bioprotectants in the form of selective carbohy-
Adaptation to extreme environments
drates and proteins, high levels of antioxidant enzymes
Tardigrades are extraordinary in their tolerance to and other free radical scavengers, biological membranes
extremes, including limno-terrestrial habitats that fre- containing specific phospholipids as well as powerful
quently dry out, habitats that freeze and habitats that DNA repair mechanisms (Westh & Ramløv 1991, Schill
experience large fluctuations in e.g. osmotic pressure et al. 2004, Jönsson et al. 2005, Rizzo et al. 2010).
and oxygen tension. Cryptobiosis, referred to as a In addition to cryptobiotic tardigrade species, we also
reversible ametabolic state induced by unfavorable find species that form cysts and enter diapause (see e.g.
environmental conditions, is a common adaptation Møbjerg et al. 2007, Guidetti et al. 2008). Importantly,
especially among limno-terrestrial tardigrade species it has been shown that tardigrades even in their active
(see e.g. Wright 2001). Four cryptobiosis inducing states may be extremely tolerant to environmental stress
physical extremes are traditionally recognized: dehy- (May et al. 1964, Jönsson et al. 2005, Horikawa et al.
dration (anhydrobiosis), extremely low temperatures 2006, Halberg et al. 2009b). Virtually nothing is known
(cryobiosis), lack of oxygen (anoxybiosis) and high salt about the normal physiology of tardigrades, and
concentration (osmobiosis) (Keilin 1959), with desicca- answers to how they tolerate these extremes may
tion induced anhydrobiosis and freezing induced cryo- actually be found here. We have recently shown that
biosis being the most extensively studied states. the littoral eutardigrade Halobiotus crispae handles
Anhydrobiosis and cryobiosis are not equivalent phe- large fluctuation in external salinity and avoids freezing
nomena and likely involve different mechanisms for by supercooling to around )20 C in its active stage
protection of cells and tissues (Crowe et al. 1990, (Halberg et al. 2009b). This species is characterized by
1992). Little is known of cryobiosis in tardigrades seasonal cyclic changes in morphology and physiology
(Westh et al. 1991, Ramløv & Westh 1992, Westh & known as cyclomorphosis, one of the cyclomorphic
Kristensen 1992, Halberg et al. 2009b, Hengherr et al. stages being freeze tolerant (Kristensen 1982, Møbjerg
2009, 2010), whereas a great deal of attention has been et al. 2007, Halberg et al. 2009b). The morphological
paid to anhydrobiosis (Wright et al. 1992, Wright changes occurring during cyclomorphosis in H. crispae
2001, Rebecchi et al. 2007, Schill 2010). The anhydro- in some respects resemble the formation of dauer larvae
biotic state is characterized by the formation of a so- in C. elegans (see e.g. Cassada & Russell 1975, Burnell
called tun with withdrawn legs and a longitudinally et al. 2005).
contracted body (see e.g. Bertolani et al. 2004). Tun
formation is also seen in bdelloid rotifers, whereas
Cryptobiosis in tardigrades
desiccation tolerant nematodes coil into a tight spiral.
Obviously, the ability to pack internal organs during Many experiments on tardigrade cryptobiosis have been
tun formation is an important adaptation to desicca- performed on the eutardigrade Richtersius coronifer.
tion. Importantly, tun formation is an active, regulated R. coronifer, also known as the giant yellow water bear,
event and not merely an effect of water removal (Crowe has a body length of up to 1 mm (Fig. 4a–c). Both males
1972). Along this line, our unpublished data show that and females are present in some populations, but, as
when we expose the active state of the cryptobiotic commonly found among eutardigrades, several popula-
tardigrade Richtersius coronifer (Richters, 1903) to tions reproduce by parthenogenesis. R. coronifer lives in
water containing high levels of chemical substances, the moss in alpine and arctic environments and is further-
tardigrades will respond by contracting their bodies more numerous in moss on carbonated bedrock in dry
initiating tun formation thus undergoing chemobiosis–a Swedish lowland areas known as Alvar (see e.g. Westh
cryptobiotic response to environmental toxins. The & Kristensen 1992, Jönsson et al. 2001). R. coronifer is
formation of the tun is a critical and necessary event a true cryptobiont, tolerating extreme desiccation as
for tardigrades entering anhydrobiosis. Much more imposed by e.g. space vacuum conditions (Jönsson et al.
work needs to be done in order to understand the 2008, Persson et al. 2011) and it additionally survives
processes undertaken during transformation to this exposures to very low temperatures as encountered by
ametabolic state, from the molecular to whole organism transfers into liquid nitrogen (approx. )196 C) in the

 2011 The Authors

Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x 413
Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades Æ N. Møbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420

(a) A (b) A (c) A


pb mg

* *

(d) (e) (f)

st st

pb pb
pb eo eo

mg mg


* * * *
* * * *

Figure 4 Cryptobiotic and non-cryptobiotic survival in extreme environments. (a–c): Microscopy of Richtersius coronifer from
Stora Alvar on the Swedish island Öland in the Baltic Sea. Richtersius coronifer has been a model tardigrade for investigations on
cryptobiotic survival. (a) Active state; (b) light microscopy and (c) scanning electron microscopy of the cryptobiotic tun state
induced by desiccation. In this state R. coronifer e.g. tolerates complete desiccation as experienced by vacuum condition and
freezing in liquid nitrogen. (d–f): Microscopy of Halobiotus crispae from the Danish population at Vellerup Vig, Denmark. This
tardigrade is one of a few species of eutardigrades that have secondarily invaded the marine environment. Halobiotus crispae in the
active stage (d) uniquely adapted to cope with profound changes in ambient salinity occurring in tidal and subtidal habitats. Upon
transfers to dilute salt water solutions, active stage H. crispae swell (e) and subsequently regulate their body volume to near control
conditions. Halobiotus crispae is characterized by appearing in different cyclomorphic stages. The pseudosimplex 1 stage (f) is freeze
tolerant. eo, esophagus; mg, midgut; pb, pharyngeal bulb; st, stylet. Asterisks mark the position of three Malpighian tubules
presumably involved in osmoregulation. Scale bars: 50 lm.

tun as well as active hydrated state, however,with the infections. A recent investigation in Paramacrobiotus
tuns tolerating considerable longer time of exposure richtersi (Murray, 1911) has shown that regulation of
(Ramløv & Westh 1992, Persson et al. 2011). The antioxidant metabolism likely plays an important role
anhydrobiotic state survives temperatures of up to in defense against the potential oxidative damage
approx. 70 C for 1 h, but survival rapidly decreases associated with dehydration (Rizzo et al. 2010). It has
when the temperature exceeds 70 C, and no specimens long been known that there is a positive correlation
survives exposure to 100 C (Ramløv & Westh 2001). between the time spent in the anhydrobiotic state and
The increase in life span offered by anhydrobiosis in this the time required for recovering active life after rehy-
species seems to be restricted to approx. 5 years (Westh dration (Crowe & Higgins 1967). Recent investigations
& Kristensen 1992). This is less than the cryptobiotic indicate that the longer the time spent in anhydrobiosis,
life expansion observed for the heterotardigrade Echi- the more damage is inflicted to DNA (Neumann et al.
niscus testudo (Doyère, 1840), for which we have 2009, Rebecchi et al. 2009b), which would explain the
revived specimens from moss cushions dried for approx. prolonged recovery time, indicating that considerable
20 years (Jørgensen et al. 2007). What then sets the repair of DNA (and other molecules) occurs in the post-
limits for cryptobiotic survival? Probably accumulated anhydrobiotic state.
damage to DNA and other molecules as well as to
tissues and organs obtained during the ametabolic state. Trehalose accumulation. Current knowledge suggests
This includes damage obtained through oxidative pro- that specific carbohydrates and proteins are important
cesses as well as predation, bacterial and fungal in protecting the cells from damage encountered during

 2011 The Authors

414 Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x
Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420 N. Møbjerg et al. Æ Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades
entry and exit of cryptobiosis. Bioprotectants may response to desiccation, ionizing radiation and heating.
interact directly with macromolecular structures such They reported elevated levels of Hsp70 following both
as membranes, DNA and proteins, or they may act as heat and radiation treatment as well as in tardigrades
osmolytes during osmotic or dehydration stress. As has rehydrated after a period of desiccation. Noticeably,
been shown for other cryptobiotic invertebrates, notice- the authors found that tardigrades in the desiccated
ably in the cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia francis- state had reduced Hsp70 levels as compared to the non-
cana Kellogg, 1906, some, but not all, cryptobiotic treated control group and accordingly suggested that
tardigrades accumulate the dissacharide trehalose dur- Hsp70 may be involved in the repair processes after
ing desiccation (Clegg 1965, Westh & Ramløv 1991, desiccation rather than acting as a biochemical stabi-
Hengherr et al. 2008, Jönsson & Persson 2010). Tre- lizer in the dry state. Based on the M. tardigradum EST
halose has been proposed to act as a molecular stabilizer library, several additional heat-shock proteins have
replacing water and to further stabilize cellular struc- been identified, including two a-crystalline heat-shock
ture through the formation of amorphous glasses, a proteins, and the relative abundance of the transcripts
process known as vitrification (Clegg 2001). The highest coding for these stress proteins have been investigated
trehalose concentrations measured in anhydrobiotic during phases of dehydration and rehydration (Reuner
tardigrades ranges from 2.3% d.w. in R. coronifer et al. 2010). The results obtained suggested a limited
and Macrobiotus krynauwi Dastych and Harris, 1995 role for heat-shock proteins in the desiccation tolerance
to 2.9% d.w. in Macrobiotus islandicus Richters, 1904 of M. tardigradum. The authors found a variable
(Westh & Ramløv 1991, Jönsson & Persson 2010). pattern of expression with most of the candidate genes
These trehalose values are, however, relatively low being down regulated, and only one of the genes (Mt-
when compared with the above mentioned crustacean, hsp90), being significantly upregulated in the dehy-
which accumulates the disaccharide in concentrations of drated state (Reuner et al. 2010). Comparable studies
around 15% d.w. Moreover, trehalose levels are barely in Paramacrobiotus richtersi did not show evidence for
measurable and do not increase during dehydration in an increased expression of either Hsp70 or Hsp90
the cryptobiotic Milnesium tardigradum (see Hengherr between hydrated and dehydrated animals (Rizzo et al.
et al. 2008, Jönsson & Persson 2010). The latter 2010). Additionally, specimens of P. richtersi sent into
investigations, analysing trehalose contents in eutar- space (Foton-M3 mission) revealed no significant
digrades as well as heterotardigrades, show that change as compared to ground controls in the expres-
trehalose accumulation does not represent a universal sion of these heat-shock proteins (Rebecchi et al.
protective mechanism enabling tardigrades to undergo 2009a). These contrasting results indicate that Hsp
cryptobiosis. expression is species specific. A general role in the
cryptobiotic survival of tardigrades can at present not
Expression of heat-shock proteins. Cryptobiosis has be attributed to these stress proteins. Nevertheless, a
been suggested to rely on the synthesis of molecular synergistic effect between HSPs and other bioprotec-
chaperones such as heat-shock-proteins, which may tants such as trehalose or LEA (late-embryogenesis
assist folding of newly synthesized proteins, control abundant) proteins might exist (see e.g. Goyal et al.
their final intracellular location, as well as protect them 2005). Notably, LEA proteins have been described in
from stress-associated denaturation and aid in renatur- many other desiccation tolerant organisms from plants
ation (Clegg 2001). During entrance into anhydrobiosis to arthropods and might analogously be functionally
Ramløv & Westh (2001) described the upregulation of important in tardigrades (see e.g. Schill 2010, Warner
a protein with a molecular weight of approx. 71 kDa in et al. 2010). Indeed, a putative LEA protein has
R. coronifer and proposed that this protein might recently been detected in M. tardigradum (Schokraie
belong to the heat-shock-protein (Hsp70) family. Schill et al. 2010). Consequently, future studies on these and
et al. (2004) subsequently investigated RNA expression other bioprotectants might offer additional clues in our
patterns of three Hsp70 isoforms in active and anhyd- search to understand the phenomenon cryptobiosis.
robiotic states of M. tardigradum as well as during Obviously, cryptobiosis is far from understood and
entrance into and exit out of anhydrobiosis. Only one much more research is needed in order to understand
of these isoforms (isoform 2) was significantly induced the mechanisms underlying this state. Interestingly, a
by the transition from the active to cryptobiotic state preliminary study from the Kumamushi Genome
and interestingly, it showed a considerable increase in Project on R. varieornatus suggests that comparative
expression during the post-cryptobiotic phase, while metabolome profiling of active and anhydrobiotic
the other isoforms were down regulated during cryp- states may provide a novel insight into anhydrobiosis
tobiosis as well as in transitional states. Jönsson & (Arakawa et al. 2009). Additionally, clues to cryptobi-
Schill (2007) used an immuno-westernblot method to otic survival may be found in the extreme tolerance
quantify the induction of Hsp70 in R. coronifer in seen in active state tardigrades.

 2011 The Authors

Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x 415
Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades Æ N. Møbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420

tolerance to perturbations in body volume and osmotic

Non-cryptobiotic survival in tardigrades
pressure (Halberg et al. 2009b). The tidal habitat in
While tardigrades are well known for their abilities to which this tardigrade lives is characterized by large
cope with extreme environmental conditions by enter- fluctuations in abiotic factors; most noticeably, altera-
ing cryptobiosis, little focus has been on their ability to tions are seen in salinity and temperature (Møbjerg et al.
sustain metabolism and remain active during fluctuating 2007). One way of coping with these extremes would be
external circumstances. In this context it is interesting to to enter cryptobiosis. However, H. crispae is not a
note that tardigrades are genuine aquatic animals – they cryptobiont. In the active stage the tardigrade handles
are dependent on free water to be in their active feeding extremes by expending energy on active regulatory
and reproducing states. Truly terrestrial conditions are mechanisms. In addition, the so-called pseudosimplex 1
only survived following entry into the cryptobiotic (P1) stage of this animal is freeze tolerant (Halberg et al.
state. Furthermore, limno-terrestrial tardigrades that 2009b); it is not, however, a cryobiont as the P1 stage does
have the ability to enter the tun state may do so in not tolerate gradual freezing to )80 C. Cryobiosis is
response to environmental challenges (e.g. exposure to defined by the apparent absence of a lower lethal
chemical substances) that in marine species would not temperature (Wright 2001). The P1 stage is distinctly
force the animals into cryptobiosis. In the following we characterized by a double cuticle and closed mouth and
discuss what is currently known about the physiology cloaca (Kristensen 1982, Møbjerg et al. 2007).
and stress tolerance of tardigrades in their active states. Halobiotus crispae kept at a salinity of 20 ppt have an
extensive ability to supercool (avoid freezing) down to
Radiation tolerance. Investigations on radiation toler- around )20 C, enabling active stage animals to with-
ance in Richtersius coronifer have revealed that exposure stand subzero temperatures without freezing (Halberg
to c-radiation at doses up to 1 kGy does not affect et al. 2009b). Similar supercooling points have been
survival of desiccated nor hydrated animals, with reported from limno-terrestrial eutardigrades (Macro-
hydrated animals tolerating doses of up to 5 kGy (Jöns- biotus, Paramacrobiotus and Milnesium), whereas het-
son et al. 2005). Horikawa and co-workers revealed that erotardigades (Echiniscus) had slightly higher points
both hydrated and desiccated Milnesium tardigradum (Hengherr et al. 2009). Much higher supercooling
survive doses of c-radiation of more than 5 kGy, and up to points of )6.7 C and )7.4 C were originally observed
8 kGy of heavy ion radiation (Horikawa et al. 2006). in respectively Richtersius coronifer and Bertolanius
These and previous studies indicate that hydrated animals nebulosus (Westh & Kristensen 1992). These high
are just as good or even better at tolerating radiation. This supercooling points are likely the result of the presence
indicates that radiation tolerance is not due to biochem- of ice-nucleating agents initiating the freezing process
ical protectants associated with the cryptobiotic state, but (Westh et al. 1991). Figure 5 shows thermograms of H.
suggests that tardigrades rely on efficient and yet uniden- crispae kept in seawater with a salinity of 20 ppt
tified mechanisms of DNA repair (Jönsson et al. 2005, (Fig. 5a) and distilled water (Fig. 5b) prior to differen-
Horikawa et al. 2006). Several recent studies involved tial scanning calorimetry (DSC). Water content in the
with the BIOPAN 6/Foton-M3 mission in 2007, funded animals kept at 20 ppt and in distilled water was
by the European Space Agency, have investigated the respectively 73% and 81%. The latter group of tardi-
impact on survival of tardigrades exposed to space grades had a higher supercooling point as compared to
conditions (Jönsson et al. 2008, Rebecchi et al. 2009a, the group kept in 20 ppt saltwater, illustrating the
Persson et al. 2011). During this mission, cryptobiotic expected correlation between water content and crys-
tardigrades (as well as nematodes and rotifers) were sent tallization temperature in species without ice-nucleating
into low earth orbit and exposed to space vacuum and agents (see e.g. Hengherr et al. 2009). Thus, the extent
cosmic radiation. The three studies revealed discrepan- of supercooling and thereby the ability to avoid freez-
cies in survival rates likely reflecting differences between ing, is coupled to osmoregulation.
tardigrade species and experimental setups, however; Halobiotus crispae has a large capacity to tolerate
they unanimously conclude that tardigrades can survive perturbations in ambient salinity making it an ideal
the rigors of space, and that M. tardigradum is likely the model for the study of osmoregulation and volume
most resistant species with embryos as well as adults regulation in tardigrades. Experiments on this species
tolerating space conditions (see discussion in Persson revealed tolerance to a wide range of salinities, with
et al. 2011). Detailed knowledge of the life history of this specimens of the Greenlandic population remaining
predatory tardigrade is available as a result of a compre- active in solutions ranging from distilled water to
hensive study by Suzuki (2003). saltwater with osmolalities up to 2000 mOsm kg)1
(Halberg et al. 2009b). During experiments with trans-
Osmoregulation. Experiments on the marine eutardi- fers to strong hypotonic solutions, active stage H.
grade Halobiotus crispae have revealed an extraordinary crispae swell with up to 60% before regulating back to

 2011 The Authors

416 Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x
Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420 N. Møbjerg et al. Æ Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades
(a) 15 (a) 1400

Hemolymph osmolality (mOsm kg–1)

1200 H. crispae
Differential heat flow (mW)





Heating 200
Osmotic performance
Isoosmotic line
20 ppt. 0
0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
–40 –35 –30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5
(b) 1400
(b) 15

Hemolymph osmolality (mOsm kg–1)

1200 R. coronifer
Cooling Endotherm
Differential heat flow (mW)



7.5 600

Heating 400

Osmotic performance
Isoosmotic line
0 ppt. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
External Osmolality (mOsm kg–1)
–40 –35 –30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5
Temperature (°C) Figure 6 Osmoregulation in eutardigrades. (a) Measured he-
molymph osmolality of active stage Halobiotus crispae from
Figure 5 Supercooling in Halobiotus crispae. (a) Supercooling
Vellerup Vig, Denmark as a function of external osmolality.
in H. crispae kept in seawater with a salinity of 20 ppt.
Figure modified from Halberg et al. (2009b). (b) Hemolymph
Thermogram modified from Halberg et al. (2009b). (b) Halo-
osmolality of Richtersius coronifer from Öland, Sweden as a
biotus crispae kept in distilled water. Cooling and subsequent
function of external osmolality. External solutions with osmotic
reheating of a sample containing 46 specimens of H. crispae
concentrations of 100, 200, 300 and 500 mOsm kg)1 were
from Vellerup Vig, Denmark kept in distilled water for 45 min
prepared from artificial seawater salt (Tropic Marin, Dr Biener
prior to the transfer into pans for differential scanning calo-
GmbH, Germany). Each point on the graph represents
rimetry (DSC). Freezing ()12.2 C) and melting ()1.2 C)
mean  SD of hemolymph osmolality measurements (nanolitre
temperatures were estimated as onsets of peaks of respectively
osmometry; Clifton Technical Physics, Hartford, NY, USA)
exothermic and endothermic events using DSC7 software
made in tardigrades kept in demineralized water and the differ-
(cooling rate 2 C min)1) (DSC7; Perkin Elmer Inc., Wellesley,
ent salt water solution for 30 min. Five animals were used for
hemolymph determination at each of the experimental solutions.
Arrow indicates the upper lethal line for R. coronifer.
near control values (Fig. 4e). Similarly, specimens
transferred into hypertonic solutions shrink and there-
after respond by regulating body volume. In a series of concentrations, R. coronifer will become inactive and
experiments with transfers into saltwater solutions with eventually die, exhibiting an upper lethal limit of
a salinity between 2 ppt (62 mOsm kg)1) and 40 ppt around 500 mOsm kg)1 (Fig. 6b). In solutions ranging
(1245 mOsm kg)1) the active stage tardigrades hyper- from demineralized water to salt water with an osmo-
regulated at all times (Fig. 6a) (Halberg et al. 2009b). lality of 500 mOsm kg)1, the tardigrade, however,
Hyperregulation is likely a general feature of at least the maintains a consistent osmotic gradient of around
eutardigrades, as our data on R. coronifer reveal that 170 mOsm kg)1 above that of the external environment
this species also keeps its body fluids hyperosmotic as (Fig. 6b). In comparison, H. crispae exposed to the
compared to the surroundings (Fig. 6b). Our data same salinity range maintains an osmotic gradient of
indicate that this limno-terrestrial cryptobiont is less around 300 mOsm kg)1 above that of the surroundings
tolerant of high salinity solutions than the littoral H. (Fig. 6a). These data on two different species of
crispae. When exposed to water with increasing salt tardigrades indicate that eutardigrades have a relatively

 2011 The Authors

Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x 417
Adaptation to extreme environments in tardigrades Æ N. Møbjerg et al. Acta Physiol 2011, 202, 409–420

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420 Acta Physiologica  2011 Scandinavian Physiological Society, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.2011.02252.x

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