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Nama Kelompok :

1. Livia Efritania ( 18060 )

2. Muchamad Bagus Saputrawan ( 18061 )
3. Muhammad Iqbal ( 18062 )
4. Nabila Lieskhairani M. ( 18063 )
5. Nahdirotul Azzahra ( 18064 )
6. Nia Alviani ( 18065 )
7. Nur Kholifah ( 18066 )
8. Nur Ria Gusmiarni ( 18067 )
9. Nur Safitri ( 18068 )
10.Qatrunnada Zahirah ( 18069 )

Conclusion procedure of taking the sputum sample in lab

Sputum (phlegm) is the material that is removed from the lungs and
trachea by mouth. Usually also called the ecpectoratorian. Sputum
examination is necessary if lung disease is suspected. The mucosal membranes
of the respiratory tract respond to inflammation by increasing the output of
secretions that often contain disease-causing microorganisms.

Taking sputum should be done in the morning, where it is more likely to

get inner sputum. The sputum released by a patient should be evaluated for
its source, color, volume, and consistency because the sputum condition
usually shows a specific pathological event in the formation of the sputum
itself. When taking sputum, we must follow the procedures that are available
and when you want to dispose of contaminated items, put them in the right
place so that they are safe and do not endanger others.

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