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Failure or scanty supply of milk: Acon., Agn. cas., Asa., Bell., Bry., Calc.,
Carb. an., Caust., Chem., Chel., Chin., Coff., Dulc., Form., Frag., Jabor.,
Lac defl., Lach., Merc. , Nux v., Puls., Rheum, Ric., Rhus, Sec., Stict.,
Sulph., Urt. ur., Zinc.


Mammae congested, hot, hard and distended, with little or no milk.

<Agnus castus>

Despairing sadness; milk scanty or disappears.


Deficiency of milk, with oversensitiveness, and when the milk flows it is offensive to the babe;
veins unnaturally distended.


Amaurosis threatens; pulsations and noises in the ears; anxiety and despondency, sallow face-
the woman has suffered from night watching and troubles; rheumatic diathesis.


Suppression from exposure to cold, damp air; milk scanty and skin sensitive to cold.

<Lac defloratum>

Breasts diminish in size and the secretion of milk nearly stops.


Milk scanty, with scorbutic gums, swelling of glands, etc.


Mammae swollen and painful; flow of milk scanty or absent; patient gloomy and tearful, though in
apparent good health.

<Rhus tox>

Entire want of appetite, mental derangement and thoughts of suicide; vitiated lochia, lasting too
long; loss of power in lower extremities.

Thin, scrawny women, whose breasts do not properly fill with milk; there is much stinging in them.

<Urtica urens>

Chief remedy, (E. A. F.)

Nonappearance of milk without any appreciable cause.

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