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var startValue = '0.

00000002', // Don't lower the decimal point more than 4x of

current balance
stopPercentage = 0.00000100, // In %. I wouldn't recommend going past 0.08 and
initial per 0.0001
stopLossVal = 0.00001000;//stop loss value
maxWait = 540, // In milliseconds, 554 my magic key as high wining ration
stopped = false,
fixedHiLo = 0, //0 random, 1 hi fixed, 2 lo fixed
stopBefore = 5; // In minutes
var accu = 0, contLoseCnt = 0, maxLose = 0, winCnt = 0, loseCnt = 0, winRatio =
0.0, hilo = 1;//1 : hi, 0:lo
var $loButton = $('#double_your_btc_bet_lo_button'), $hiButton = $
function multiply(){
var current = $('#double_your_btc_stake').val();
var multiply = (current * 2.2).toFixed(8);
function getRandomWait(){
var wait = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxWait ) + 100;
// console.log('Waiting for ' + wait + 'ms before next bet.');
return wait ;


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