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NAME: Marco Antonio Sargento Aymachoque DATE: 08/01/2021


In the beautiful city of Puerto Maldonado,

specifically in the area known as the
balcony, there were three brothers, Juan
the eldest, Marco the one in the middle
and sniffed the smallest, every morning
when they ran to school, a stray dog
named Kuki followed them. Fortunately for
them, the dog is not bite, Juan was very
clumsy to attend in class so they often
sent him to the principal, Marco was the
most attentive and intelligent, had good
grades and worked a lot in his spare time, Snupi was different, it was As more
cunning and clumsy at the same time, he always knew what to do with Juan.

They lived with his father, his mother had died when he snorted was a baby, his
father was worried about the future of his children, because he only counted on his
work recycling scrap metal and the only good, he had it was his house. He thought
that each of them wanted to have the house after his death; but his father grew fond
of one as well as the other, and he did not know how to treat them all fairly. He didn't
want to sell the house, because it had belonged to his ancestors, or he could have
divided the money between them.

In the end an idea came to his mind, and he said to his children:
"Go out into the world and each learn a trade, and when they return home, the one
who makes the best use of their work will have the house."

The sons were quite happy with this plan, and the oldest decided to be a blacksmith,
the second a barber, and the third a boxer. They set a time when everyone would
meet at home again, and then they set off.

It turned out that each of them found a smart teacher with whom he thoroughly
learned the business from him. The blacksmith put on the King's horses, and
thought: "I'll be the one who has the house."

the barber, became very famous in the area and was very skilled with scissors.
The boxer received many blows, but he put his teeth, and did not let himself be
turned off, because he thought: "If I am afraid of a blow, I will never get home."

Now, when the given time had passed, they all went home together to their father;
but they didn't know how to get a good chance to show off his powers, and they sat
down to discuss the matter.
Suddenly a hare came running over the field.

"Ah!" the barber yelled, "She's coming just in time."

He grabbed her bowl and her soap, and got her lather by the time the hare got close
enough, then lathered and shaved her as he ran, not cutting her or missing a single
hair. His father, amazed, said: "If the others don't worry, the house will be yours."

"Now, father, you will see what I can do," said the blacksmith and ran after the
carriage and ripped the four horseshoes from the horse as he galloped, and then,
without pausing for a second, put new ones on him.

"You're a good guy, actually," said his father. “You know your business as well as
your brother. I don't know who I'll give the house to at this rate. "

Then the third said, "Let me have a chance, too, father."

As he started to rain, he drew the sword from him and twirled it around his head, so
that not a single drop fell on him. Even as the rain grew stronger, so strong that it
seemed like it was pouring out of the sky in buckets, he swung the sword faster and
faster, and remained as dry as if he had been under a roof.

Their father was surprised, and told them: the house was just a goal that I had set for
them to strive to improve every day, now that they are the best in their jobs they can
achieve many more things than just a simple old house, the truth was that the house
was falling apart because it was about 200 years old.



tells the story of three brothers who lived with their father who was very poor,
he told them that whoever was the best at his job would win the house, this
motivated his children a lot, they studied and worked very hard so that when the
day came , could claim their prize, however the father would surprise them with
his decision.


• Juan the older brother

• Marco the middle one
• Snupi the minorfather
• Father
• the dog kuki
• The narrator

From my point of view, the story of the three brothers teaches us that in life
fighting for something important, striving to be better every day is something
that each of us has to do, the action of their father to give the house as a
reward function, achieving May each of the children be the best in their
respective fields.

Puerto Maldonado – el balcon


the dispute over the house

no one bought the house, however all were successful, all learned a valuable

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