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1. Kate Blast was adopted and didn't know.

2. The entire story is a figment of Jenny England's imagination. She wants to prove
what a great story teller she is.

3. Earth has been destroyed and they're all living in a virtual reality.

4. The whole things is not a story but a brainwashing tool used by the government.

5. Jenny England is not really dead.

6. Jenny England used to be a man but didn't realise as she has been suffering from

7. Kate Blast was just using Jenny England for information.

8. It's really ten years into the future.

9. The beginning of the story was staged by Kate Blast as a practical joke.

10. Jenny England was switched with another baby at birth.

11. The entire plot was a ruse designed to con Jenny England out of money.

12. It turns out they are all hippos.

13. Christiana Barlow faked her own disappearance.

14. Christiana Barlow was bitten by a zombie much earlier in the story but signs
were delayed.

15. The person we think is the villain is actually working for a bigger villain.

16. Jenny England turns to the dark side.

17. The town they live in doesn't really exist.

18. The whole plot is a premonition, not reality.

19. Christiana Barlow has been dead all along.

20. The whole plot is a play, rather than reality.

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