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Mary Jomalene Acabado Sombrero

2100 Entrepreneurial Mindset


True or False.
TRUE 1. Inherited values refer to values that are transmitted by people around you when you
were still a kid.
TRUE 2. The way we see things is influenced by culture and our environment.
TRUE 3. Hostility, anxiety, and rejection are negative values.
FALSE 4. Entrepreneurship is an overnight endeavor.
FALSE 5. Inherited values are values that someone develops as opposition to triggering
circumstances during his/her childhood.
TRUE 6. Integrity and loyalty are positive values.
TRUE 7. This statement: “My family is the most important thing in my life” positively reflects
TRUE 8. A value that you develop in the later stage of your life by yourself is called self-
generated values.
TRUE 9. The one who can master emotions can master action, and the one who can master the
activity can learn all the future realities.
TRUE 10. This statement: “I am not good enough” is a contrary assumption.


1 What are, in order of importance, your personal top five values?
Note if they are inherited, compensatory or self-generated.
i. Respect (no matter what the age, gender, or race.) [SELF-GENERATED]
ii. Self-love [SELF-GENERATED]
iii. Compassion and Creativity [INHERITED]
iv. Communication [COMPENSATORY]
v. Self-educate [SELF-GENERATED]

2 Among the top five values you have identified, which do you think will help you
accomplish your goals?
Most probably, the one that will help me accomplish my goals is respect.
Respecting others is a big deal. We must respect others regardless of their age,
gender, and race. Every opinion is important but what we must always bare in our
mind is that we should let ourself be educated by other people when we are on the
wrong side. Self-educate is a very important thing. It let us see things differently.
Seeing things differently make us creative by using making positive things in a
negative situation. Self-educate is a value that must prosper and passed to later
generations. This is a big help to practice communication. Having all these values
will make us realize that we love our self by seeing things in a different point of
view which make us know what really love means.

3 How does mastery of emotion help one to experience new things?

Mastery of emotion is important for a person. Emotion, according to the module,
refers to a spirit or the breath of life. It was also stated that he who masters his
Mary Jomalene Acabado Sombrero
2100 Entrepreneurial Mindset

feelings can master his action, and the one who can learn operation can master all the
future realities. One person who masters his own emotion holds an advantage to
other people. He will know what to do in any situations given to him. He will handle
it with such attitude where he will not step on another’s people life. Mastery of
emotion brought us to where we are right now. Every decision we make is based on
how we react to it. On how our emotion respond to it. It can be a tool to describe a
person. About what he is. About who he is. We always experience new things in our
life which make mastery of emotions a tool to handle things how it should be
handled. See, having to master every inch of you is a huge advantage. Mastery of it
will make you see a better perspective. In this perspective, you will not just
understand yourself but you also will see through other people.

4 One of the UNC core values is WE DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT! How
can you apply this in entrepreneurship?
Doing things right is important in every situation. But doing the right things right
is another topic that must be talk about. The idea behind entrepreneurship is to create
a business model that consistently can stand with minimal supervision as time
progresses. This idea will give us another idea that entrepreneurship must be
constant. This will lead us to think that every bit of decisions must be carefully
thought about. And every decision must be taken into consideration. The way we
decide will keep the business run. Decisions must always be done right by doing it
right. The key idea from this is that right words are nothing if it is from a wrong

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