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Fung Kai No.

1 Secondary School
English Language
Listening Quiz (blank-filling)

Name: __________________ Class: _______ ( ) Date: __________________

Marks: ______________/20
Fill in the blanks while you’re listening to the conversation between Mitchell, Lily and Nancy. Do NOT attempt
questions marked with **** (e.g. (1R) **** ).

Nancy So we’ve watched a lot of these videos. Which ones

(1)____________________ ____________ for you in terms of the funny story?

Lily Well, I really liked the Liberty Sisters’ story.

Nancy Oh yeah!

Mitchell What was that then?

Lily Well, it’s a story about one of the band members, Amanda. Amanda’s got this
reputation for sleeping in all the time. Well, anyway, the band were meant to
be playing at a (2)________________ __________________ at Mei Foo Civic
Hall at 11 am on a Sunday morning. The other two met at 10 o’clock at the
MTR station and surprise surprise there’s no sign of Amanda. So they get on
the phone and she doesn’t answer. Eventually after 20 minutes she answers.
She’s still in her bed. Right, they say, we’ll just go to the Civic Hall to set up
and we will meet you there. You will just have to arrive and go straight on. So
Amanda agrees but she’s still (3)_______________ _________________ and
she gets it into her head the (4)________________ is at Tsuen Wan Theatre
and not Mei Foo Civic Hail. So she rushes to Tsuen Wan Theatre and goes in
the back stage door and somebody tells her she’s late and it’s started so she
rushes onto the stage and suddenly realises it’s the wrong show. It’s a show
for kids with people on stage in (5)_____________________________ dressed
as (6)___________________ ______________ _________________. So she just
joins in and dances with everybody else and nobody notices and she has a
good time.

Mitchell That’s really funny.

Nancy Was there one that you liked, Mitchell?

Mitchell I really liked the story Selena Cheung tells.

Nancy Oh, I didn’t watch that one.

Mitchell Right, well, she was doing an audition for a show. She’s the last performer on
and she sings a really (7)__________________ ballad. During the first verse,
she looks across and one of the judges is sleeping. In the second verse two
judges are sleeping and, by the third verse, all three have
(8)____________________ _____________.

Nancy Oh no!

Mitchell Selena decides to keep going and reaches the end of her song. The judges
are still sleeping. She goes over to the judges and sits down next to them
and gently wakes them up and they are (9)____________________________

(10)_____________________________. So they let her do another song and this

time she decides to sing a real loud rock song to keep them
(11)________________. She didn’t get the part for the show.

Lily Oh well, there’ll always be other shows! I think that shows a pretty strong
side to her character as well.

Nancy Yeah absolutely. I think my favourite was the Hilton College Band. Did you
listen to that one?

Lily No, not yet.

Mitchell No, no.

Nancy Right well, when they were 16 they were asked to play at the birthday party
of a son of a famous Hong Kong actor. They were playing at his house and
there was a small stage built next to the swimming pool. Their original singer
was really good but he used to get really (12)__________________. In their first
song, he goes up to the (13)______________________ like a real rock star and
— the singer is so (12R) **** that he’s forgotten all the words. So he…
he’s you, know, not trying to look stupid and still look cool. So he very calmly
walks to the back of the stage past the drums and promptly falls into the
swimming pool.

Mitchell Brilliant!

Nancy It was then they decided they needed a new singer.

Mitchell Brilliant!

Lily That is a fantastic story.

Nancy Yeah. Right, the other thing was I wanted to get some feedback from you,
Mitchell. Remember I asked you to take a look at the, let’s say, the
(14)__________________ acts. To see what they’re like. Erm, what have you

Mitchell Well, there were a lot of, how can I put it, acts that maybe were not so
suitable. But one of the more (15)________________ groups was The Cheerful
Glee Club.

Nancy Mm, OK.

Mitchell Yeah, they are an a cappella group.

Lily An a cappella group?

Mitchell Yeah, an a cappella group. They sing songs and make music without any
(16)______________ ___________________, you know, they just use their

Lily Just their voices?

Mitchell Yeah.

Nancy OK, but that’s not that (14R) **** , is it?

Mitchell Well, no but they use their voices to create drum beats, violins... and even
animal sounds!

Nancy Oh wow!

Mitchell Exactly. It’s actually quite (17)______________________.

Nancy OK, and any other groups that you’ve seen so far?

Mitchell Yeah, there’s this all-girl Chinese (*18)_________________________ group

called The Flying Sticks.

Lily Chinese (*18R) **** ? OK, so they use traditional Chinese (16R) ****

Mitchell Yeah, that’s right — traditional Chinese (16R) **** .

Lily Well, what is so special about that?

Mitchell Well, they are no ordinary Chinese (*18R) **** group. They use
traditional Chinese (16R) **** to play pop songs!

Nancy Pop songs!

Mitchell Yeah, they play pop songs from, you know, like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry,
performed in a Chinese (*18R) **** style.

Lily Nice. I’d like to hear that.

Nancy OK. Thanks Mitchell.

Mitchell Actually I’ve got one last group I’d like to tell you about.

Nancy Oh, ok.

Mitchell They’re called the St. Patrick’s Big Beats.

Nancy The St. Patrick’s Big Beats? Is St. Patrick’s a school?

Mitchell Yes, they are a marching band.

Nancy A marching band?

Mitchell Yeah, you know, they play their (16R) **** , you know, like drums and
(19)__________________________ and they… they march at the same time.

Nancy Wow! So will they be marching up and down the stage? They’re not sitting
down at all?

Mitchell No, so the special thing about them is that they march around
(20)_________ ________________________ to form different shapes.

Nancy Different shapes?

Mitchell Yes, like shapes of stars.

Nancy Alright, marching and forming shapes of stars. That I have to see.

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