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The Bad Impact of TV

At the past, TV is a new mass media which had important role to give information and to educate
people. But then, since TV had entertainment program and there were a lot of entertainment, since TV
became business thing, TV gave bad impact for society as it is also gave good impact.

From the past until today, TV is the most effective media to change the society through everything
which were broadcasted. However, TV is still believed by most people as something right and good and
also fun. What had been seen from the television would easily change people’s mind about what to do
the next.

For example, from the thousands of advertisements seen on it, people learn about the benefit of the
products, people learn about the ideal live showing on TV. This will make people have desire to have and
to be something like they imagine after seeing the TV.

TV gives bad impact if TV shows something not good like unrealistic and hyper-realistic TV shows,
entertainment, and also fake information. How this will happen? For the example, we can see that
children love to see the entertainment like movie on TV.

Usually they will be angry if their parents ask them to stop watching TV and do their homework. It is
so bad if the TV on the whole day broadcasts kids entertainment because children will only stay in front
of TV, stop doing their homework, stop reading books, and even stop playing outside with their friends
to learn the true world from playing outside.

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