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Absent minded, cannot control her thoughts. Kali phos. Anaemia—
Cerebral anaemia, nervous vertigo. Kali phos. Anguish—Empty feeling
in the head with anguish. Natrum 7 niir.
Backwards—Vertigo, inclining to fall backwards. Silica.
Bile—Vertigo from excess of bile. Natrum sulph.
Brain—Concussion of the brain. Kali phos.
Congestion to various parts of the brain causing vertigo.
Ferrum phos.
Feels muddled and thick. Silica.
Cerebellum —Vertigo commences in the cerebellum. Silica. Lcrcbral
anaemia, nervous vertigo. Kali phos.
Cervical muscles—Peculiar feeling in the cervical muscles. Kali mur.
Children—Brain troubles in children. Unconsciousness, con vulsive
systoms. Magnesia phos.
Closing the eyes—Vertigo on closing the eyes. Silica. Concussion of
the brain. Kali phos.
Confusion—Dull pressure in the forehead with confusion. Natrum
Congestion to various parts of the brain causes vertigo. Ferrum
Convulsive symptoms, unconsciousness. Brain troubles of children.
Mag?iesia phos.
Drunk—Vertigo as if drunk. Silica.
Dullness with every headache, worse from exertion; better from
cold washing or mental occupation. Calcarea phos. Empty feeling in
the head with anguish. Natrum mur. Evening—Sad, apathetic, with
chilliness in the evening. Kali mur.
Exercise—Violent exercise causes vertigo, headache, conges tion to
the head. Kali mur.
Eyes—Flickering before the eyes, dullness, vertigo. Natrum mur'.
Vertigo on closing the eyes. Silica.
Vertigo from excessive use of the eyes. Silica.
Faint, weak feeling in the head and chest when walking in the sun.
Natrum mur. ,
Fainting from suppressed foot-sweat. Silica.
When taking cold. Silica.
Fall forward—The head feels as if it would fall forward. Natrum
Tendency to fall forwards. Vertigo. Natrum mur., Silica. Falling
—Dizziness with danger of falling. Ferrum phos.
Feeling of fullness or confusion, or a dullness accompanying the
headache. Calcarea phos.
Feels as if the head were suddenly pushed forward (Dizziness).
Ferrum phos.
Flickering before the eyes—Vertigo with flickering before the eyes,
and dullness of the head. Natrum mur.
Foot-sweat—Fainting from suppressed foot-sweat. Silica.
Forehead—The vertigo is relieved when sweat breaks out on the
forehead. Natrum sulph.
Fullness—Feeling of fullness or confusion, or a dullness ac -
companying the headache. Calcarca p/ios.
Gastric derangement—Vertigo with gastric derangement. A atrum
Giddiness, vertigo with gastric derangement. Nafnun phos. Giddiness
when out of doors, especially when facing the sun. Kali phos.
Head—Confusion in the head; also in the occiput. Kali mur. Dullness
of the head, flickering before the eyes, vertigo. Nairn at mur.
Empty feeling in the head with anguish. Xatrum mur. Feels as if
it would fall forward, increasing with headache across the
forehead. Natrum mur.
Feels heavy. Natrum mur., Silica.
Feels too heavy. Worse in the morning or afternoon and after
thinking. Natrum mur.
Head—Feels as if it were full of live things whirling around in it.
Muddled feeling in the head, dullness. Natruni sulph. Vertigo as
if a cold wind was blowing through the head. Natrum mur.
Weak, faint feeling in the head and chest when walking in the
sun. Natrum mur.
Weariness in the head. Natrum mur.
Headache as if from a blow; worse from laughing. Natrum mur.
Headache during and after attacks of sneezing. Natnim mur.
Headache every other day from io a. m. to 3 p. m. Natrum mur.
Hemorrhoidal flow—Vertigo from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow.
Natrum mur.
Intoxicated easily by wine or beer. Kali mur.
Left side—Vertigo when lying on the left side. Silica.
Live things—Feeling as if the head were full of live things whirling
around in it. Silica.
Looking up causes vertigo. Kali sulph., Silica.
Muddled feeling in the head, dullness. Natrum sulph., Silica. Muddled
and thick—The brain feels muddled and thick. Silica.
Nausea—Vertigo with nausea. Calcarea sulph., Silica.
Nausea—Sea-sickness without nausea. Kali phos.
Nervous vertigo, cerebral anaemia. Kali phos.
Neurasthenia and epilepsy—Vertigo during neurasthenia and
epilepsy. Silica.
Objects turn around (Vertigo). Natrum mur.
Occiput—Confusion in the occiput. Kali mur.
Old people stagger on getting up from sitting. Calcarca phos.
Pregnancy—Vertigo during pregnancy. Natrum mur.
Rachitis—Vertigo with rachitis. Silica.
Riding—Vertigo when riding. Silica.
Rising—Vertigo on rising from a recumbent position. Silica. Rush of
blood to the head with vertigo. Fcrrum phos.
Sea-sick without nausea. Kali phos.
Sit down—Must sit down during attacks of vertigo. Silica. Sleep—
Vertigo during sleep. Silica.'
Sleepiness—Vertigo with sleepiness. Silica.
Stooping—Vertigo while stooping. Kali phos., Silica.
Vertigo all day while stooping at w r ork. Silica.
Straining the eyes—Vertigo from straining the eyes, or from too
close study. Natrum mur.
Swim—Vertigo, everything seemed to swim around him. Fcrrum
Talking aggravates the pains in the head. Silica.
Thick and muddled—The brain feels thick and muddled. Silica.
Unconsciousness—Brain troubles of children, unconsciousness,
convulsive symptoms. Magnesia phos.
Upward—Vertigo on looking upward. Kali sulph., Silica. Vertigo—
After dinner, better when the forehead becomes moist. Natrum
After shooting in the head; feels as if she.would fall to the left.
Natrum mur. .
After violent exereise, congestion to the head, headache. Kali
As if a wind w T as blowing through the head. Natrum mur. As if
drunk. Silica.
Ascending from the dorsal region through the nape of the neck
into the head. Silica.
Commences in the cerebellum. Silica.
Congestive, from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow. Natrum mur.
During pregnancy. Na trum mur.
During sleep. Silica.
From congestion to various parts of the brain. Fcrrum phos.

From excess of bile. Natrum sulph.

Vertigo from motion. Calcarca phos.
From straining the eyes, or from too close study. Natrum mur.
From use of spirituous liquors. Natrum mur.
Inclined to fall backwards. Silica.
Inclined to fall forwards. Natrum mur., Silica.
Must sit down. Silica.
Nervous vertigo, cerebral anaemia. Kali phos. Neurasthenia—
Vertigo during neurasthenia and epilepsy. Silica.
On closing the eyes. Silica.
On rising; better from lying down awhile. Natrum mur., Silica.
On rising up from sitting. SUica. .
Periodical attacks of vertigo with nausea, eructations, vomiting
and cold limbs. Natrum mur.
Right side—Must walk to the right side. Silica. Sleepiness with
the vertigo. Silica.
Stooping—All day while stooping at his work. Silica. When
rising from bed in the morning. Natrum mur. When standing
near a window. Natrum mur.
When walking. Natrum mur., Silica.
While lying on the left side. Silica.
With deadly nausea. Calcarca sulph., Silica.
With feeling of fainting. Natrum mur.
With gastric symptoms. Natrum phos.
With rachitis. Silica.
Worse from motion. Natrum mur., Silica.
Walking—Vertigo when walking. Natrum mur., Silica.
Walk to the right side—Vertigo, must walk to the right side. Silica.
Weak, faint feeling in the head and chest while walking in the sun.
Natrum mur.
Weariness in the head. Natrum mur.
Window—Vertigo when standing near a window. Natrum mur.
Worse on looking upward. Kali sulph., Silica.
Worse on rising up from sitting (Vertigo). Calcarca phos., Silica.
Worse on rising from lying (Vertigo). Kali sulph., Silica. Worse from
standing after sitting. Kali sulph., Silica.
Worse when walking (Dizziness). Calcarca sulph., Silica. Worse when
walking in the open air (Vertigo). Calcarca phos.

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