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Health Tips of Honey

Health Tips of Honey

Honey gets us naturally Honey is very useful for us and also for our health
Honey comes to us because of the Bees turn nectar from flowers into honey At least to
become honey ready 3- 5 moths The bees store honey in their room and we kill them and
take the honey we want.The bees attack us and we are not in such a big danger

Be very careful when collecting honey otherwise the bees will attack the mane Honey is
thick in brown and gold for us to see

Health benefits of Honey:

* Honey contains vitamins and minerals

Honey is an anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory for our health Honey Benefit Many
Ways. There is honey in the bikers food we eat

*When our skin burns, we should immediately apply Honey so that our ulcer heals quickly
and stays cool without getting any pain

*People suffering from constipation should take two tablespoons of honey in warm boiled
water for few weeks get best results

*Honey is used in everyday cooking and mostly as a sweetener Honey is also used in the
preparation of syrups and colour manufacturing they are also used

*Honey does not contain cholesterol so it can be taken even by obese people

*Combination of milk and honey together brightens our face and removes any black spots
our face

*honey directly applying to the face just 10 to 15 mints to get best results on face

*Honey can also be taken by heart patients and diabetes patients

*Honey can also be taken by heart patients and diabetes patients.

*Most of the companies in the market are selling artificially made honeys which are not so
good for our health.Take only honey that is naturally prepared


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