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My name is Ion Ciobanu and I am a sixth-year student at the Faculty of Medicine,

State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Republic of

Moldova. I am delighted to seize this unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
which will expand my solid education and create new opportunities for my future
As I have always planned to spend some time abroad during my studies, I am
eager to enrich my knowledge, develop my professional individuality and
experience the student’s life abroad. I am excited to exchange ideas with different
people all over the world and hear their perspectives.
I have an excellent command of English language which would enable me to
adjust easily to an English speaking university.
Finally, I would admit that I am extremely self-motivated and once I set a goal, I
strive to achieve it. I have travelled internationally alone on numerous occasions
and I am fully confident that these experiences and my open-mindedness make
me an ideal exchange student and perfect for this programme. It would be a
pleasure and an honour to represent my home university and my country.

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