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BACTERIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Sept. 1974, p. 272-290 Vol. 38, No.

Copyright ( 1974 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Salt-Dependent Properties of Proteins from Extremely

Halophilic Bacteria
Biological Adaptation Branch, NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035
INTRODUCTION ................................................. 272
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................... 273
LONG-RANGE ELECTROSTATIC INTERACTIONS ....... ................... 273
RESIDUE INTERACTIONS ........................................... 278
CATION SPECIFICITY ........................................... 280
HYDROPHOBIC EFFECTS ........................................... 281
CONCLUSIONS ........................................... 286

INTRODUCTION components of extreme halophiles are discussed

The presence of large amounts of salt inhibits below in detail. In general, all structures inves-
the growth of most familiar microorganisms. tigated were indeed found to be stable only in
There are some bacteria, however, including the the presence of at least 1 M salt. In addition,
halobacteria and the halococci which have most systems required or were stimulated by
adapted successfully to high concentrations of salt at concentrations near or even above this
NaCl. Indeed, as described in numerous re- value. Thus, rather than being destroyed at
views (21, 71, 81, 82), these organisms, collec- high salt concentration, the macromolecular
tively labeled "extreme halophiles," not only structures responsible for biological activity in
tolerate but require NaCl concentrations above halophiles appear, in fact, to be dependent on
10 to 15% for survival, and optimal growth is the presence of salts. A dramatic example of
often obtained above 20% NaCl. In the halobac- this unique salt dependence is the behavior of
teria the osmotic problems inherent at the high the cell envelope of the halobacteria when the
concentrations of salt are circumvented by the salt concentration is lowered. Under these con-
fact that the intracellular cation concentration ditions, cells (1, 81, 82) and isolated cell en-
is also very high and approximates that in the velopes (20-23, 70, 73, 98, 108) disintegrate to
medium (34, 48, 79). The intracellular composi- give slowly sedimenting fragments, and several
tiow of salts is unlike that in the medium, membrane-bound enzymes are inactivated (54,
however. While the growth medium contains 75, 83). It is clear that upon lowering the salt
Na+ in several hundredfold excess over K+, the concentration considerable changes take place
cells concentrate K+ to over 2 M concentration, in the structure of the cell envelope and its
and the intracellular [K+I] is several times the constituents.
[Na+ ] (34, 48, 79). Optimal growth also requires A reasonable hypothesis to account for the
Mg2+ in unusually large amounts, up to 100 salt dependence of halophilic enzymes and
mM, in addition to the usual complement of membranes had been developed by Baxter (5),
trace metal ions (81, 82). The nutritional re- Brown (20-23, 108), and others (70, 73, 98).
quirements of the halobacteria have been exten- These workers proposed that the protective
sively reviewed before (49, 81, 82). Very little effect of salt is due to the shielding of negative
work has been done with the halococci. charges on these structures. It was presumed
The high intracellular salt concentration in that in the absence of salt, charge repulsion
these organisms raises questions about the pos- caused unfolding and loss of activity. There is
sible mechanism of action for the various mac- considerable evidence to support this view. The
romolecular components. The deleterious ef- total bulk protein in halophilic cells (101) as
fects of monovalent salts at multimolar concen- well as membrane proteins (72, 92, 110, 113)
trations on biological macromolecules from var- and ribosomal proteins (9, 122) contain a large
ious organisms have long been noted (65, 124) excess of acidic amino acids. In some cases low
and seem to be caused to a large extent by concentrations of MgC12 or CaCl2 can substi-
dissociation of groups, subunits, etc. which are tute, at least partly, for high concentrations of
involved in ionic linkages. If such ionic bonds monovalent salts (25, 54, 55, 76, 83, 96). Finally,
are lacking in halophilic cell constituents, the Brown showed that succinylation of membranes
physical chemistry of these structures must be of marine bacteria increased their halophilic
unusual. character (22).
The properties of specific enzymes and other As pointed out recently (80), however, the
charge screening hypothesis seems to be defi- stability of macromolecular structures.
cient in several important respects. First, Although a large number of different kinds of
charge shielding by salt ought to be complete at groups are involved in the structure of proteins,
a few tenths of molarity, as it was indeed found the observed kinetics and thermodynamics of
to be in the case of well-studied charged mac- the denaturation process are often quite simple.
romolecules, such as deoxyribonucleic acid Such simplicity arises from the cooperative
(DNA) (64) and polyaminoacids (35, 125). nature of the residue interactions. In such cases
Without additional assumptions, therefore, the one obtains a "two-state" system (17, 119), with
requirement of several molar salt for the integ- no intermediate states having sufficient stabil-
rity of halophilic macromolecules is not pre- ity to exist as separate species and being access-
dicted by the counter-ion hypothesis. Second, ible to experimentation. For irreversible proc-
in many halophilic systems a specificity for esses like these, one may use the rates of
various anions was observed (5, 54, 61, 80), denaturation to obtain activation energies for
which is unlikely to be a result of charge the unfolding. What such experimental data
shielding alone. Third, in a highly charged then reveal are the properties of the forces
macromolecule, such as polyglutamic acid at which act as barriers to the disruption of the
pH > 5, the screening effect of the added cations structures.
is more than counteracted by the lowering of the The factors involved in the stability of mac-
pK of the acid groups at high salt concentra- romolecular structures, defined in this manner,
tions, resulting in destabilization of the second- may be considered separately as: (i) ionic ef-
ary structure (35). As these arguments suggest, fects and (ii) hydrophobic effects. Among ionic
effects other than charge screening must also be effects Brandts (16, 17) distinguishes (i) long
considered if the phenomenon of halophilic range electrostatic interactions and (ii) specific
behavior is to be understood. group or residue interactions, including hydro-
This review attempts to re-examine the liter- gen bonds. These factors are discussed in detail
ature of the enzymes of halophilic bacteria and herein, insofar as they are relevant to the
their constituents in the light of what is known discussion on the proteins of halophiles.
in general about the interaction of salts and
macromolecules. It is the author's aim to arrive LONG-RANGE ELECTROSTATIC
at a more unified view of halophilic systems, INTERACTIONS
arising from the consideration of both the exper- Long-range electrostatic effects arise from the
imental observations available and the current difference in electrostatic-free energies between
theories of macromolecules. the folded and unfolded states of a protein that
carries charges. Tanford considered the free
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS energy of a solvent-impermeable sphere, of a
Protein and assemblies of macromolecules size typical of many proteins, with charges on
exist in a dynamic state; their structure clusters its surface (as calculated from the Debye-
about a most probable conformation. The exist- Hickel theory) and concluded that a substan-
ence of a particular geometry for the folding of tial fraction of the electrostatic-free energy
the polypeptide chain, or an arrangement of remains even at high concentrations of counter-
subunits, is ensured by a free energy decrease ions (117). On the other hand, it could be shown
obtained upon the interaction between various that counter-ion shielding eliminates nearly all
groups or sites. In some cases these interactions of the electrostatic-free energy of a similar
are brought about in the first place by the macromolecule if it is permeable to the solvent
favorable or unfavorable influence of the solvent and ions. It is apparent that the distribution
present. Thus, some residues are sequestered and the sign of the charges uniquely determines
preferentially away from the aqueous phase, the electrostatic contribution to the thermody-
whereas others are exposed to it, due to a namic properties of actual proteins. Neverthe-
decrease of free energy on solvation. In other less, as implied by these calculations (117), it is
cases, competition by solvent molecules can probably a general principle that in proteins the
change the stability of the residue interactions. decrease in free energy, obtained on the expan-
In general, the "native" conformation is charac- sion of the molecule, is due not only to the
terized by chain-chain interactions, whereas the separation of the charges, but also to the
disrupted conformation gives rise to increased increased possibility for charge screening. It
chain-solvent effects (124). In this sense the follows from Tanford's discussion that polypep-
nature of the solvent and its modification upon tide chains can reduce their electrostatic-free
addition of salts and other agents may be energy even by limited unfolding, particularly
expected to have a profound influence on the in the presence of adequate concentrations of
counter-ions. Because the electrostatic effect is tial unfolding even at pH values where they are
expected to influence the folding of the proteins, highly charged (18, 121).
hence their volume and extent of hydration, it The need for considering such electrostatic
can be followed by studying hydrodynamic effects in the macromolecular components of
properties. The pH (and therefore charge)- extreme halophiles becomes evident when the
dependent changes of volumes are indeed read- amino acid compositions of various proteins or
ily observed in hemoglobin (13, 116). The per- protein fractions are examined. It long has been
sistence of residue interactions, which contrib- recognized that halophilic proteins are, in gen-
ute to the stability of the structure, ordinarily eral, acidic (21, 81, 82). Table 1 contains a
prevents gross unfolding by such means, how- summary of the published data. The cytoplas-
ever. In extreme cases, residue interactions and mic (soluble) fraction of whole cells of vari-
disulfide linkages can completely overcome the ous halophiles, of the Halobacterium and Halo-
electrostatic effects. Ribonuclease and beta-lac- coccus type, are seen, from Reistad's results
toglobulin, for example, do not show preferen- (101), to exhibit an excess of acidic groups as
TABLE 1. Acidic and basic amino acids in cells and cell constituents and hydrophobicity parameters
Material Source
Source Aci~~ic
Acidic Mole Excess 1 H~,e
basic% [acidic H vea 1 p Re1

Cytoplasmic protein Halobacterium salinarium 26.8 9.7 17.1 0.958 1.089 101
Cytoplasmic protein Halococcus no. 24 27.8 9.9 17.9 0.936 1.107 101
Cytoplasmic protein Halococcus no. 46 26.8 10.3 16.5 0.956 1.071 101
Cytoplasmic protein Pseudomonas fluorescens 20.9 13.8 7.1 1.054 0.953 101
Cytoplasmic protein Sarcina lutea 21.2 12.6 8.6 1.025 0.917 101
Cytoplasmic protein Escherichia coli 18.4 18.2 0.2 1.114 1.003 109
Ribosomes, 70s Halobacterium cutirubrum 28.2 13.7 14.5 0.943 1.445 9
Ribosomes, 70s H. cutirubrum 26.6 13.1 13.5 0.845 1.321 122
Ribosomes, 30s H. cutirubrum 24.8 13.0 11.8 0.849 1.330 122
Ribosomes, 50s H. cutirubrum 26.5 14.1 12.4 0.834 1.373 122
Ribosomes, 70s E. coli 21.6 12.5 9.1 1.086 0.965 109
Ribosomes, "RNA-rich H. cutirubrum 25.4 19.2 6.2 0.986 1.531 9
Ribosomes, 50sd
Fraction S-1 H. cutirubrum 29.0 10.9 18.9 0.857 1.308 122
Fraction S-2 H. cutirubrum 24.1 15.2 8.9 0.841 1.400 122
Fraction S-3 H. cutirubrum 21.1 16.6 4.5 0.787 1.350 122
Cell envelope, total H. cutirubrum 27.2 7.0 20.2 0.946 1.075 72
Cell envelope, total H. salinarium 25.6 5.9 19.7 0.886 1.149 110
Cell envelope, total H. cutirubrum 27.6 6.9 20.7 0.905 1.204
Cell envelope, red pellete H. cutirubrum 21.5 6.5 15.0 1.019 0.758
Cell envelope, outer layer Halobacterium halobium 28.0 7.3 20.7 0.790 1.423 92
Cell envelope, membrane H. halobium 25.7 8.2 17.5 0.934 1.124 92
Cell envelope, red pellet' H. halobium 24.0 7.2 16.8 0.949 1.022 113
Cell envelope, supernatant H. halobium 29.2 7.1 22.1 0.855 1.371 113
Purple membrane H. halobium 12.2 11.5 0.7 1.241 0.723 113
Purple membrane H. halobium 13.6 7.4 6.2 1.261 0.610 97

Gas vacuoles H. halobium 20.2 12.7 6.5 0.928 1.189 113

Gas vacuoles H. halobium 22.2 9.0 13.2 1.076 0.804 69
a Hydrophobicity index (in kcal/residue) calculated as described by Bigelow (14), who used the free energies of transfer for
amino acids from water to ethanol (118).
Ratio of volume for polar and nonpolar residues, according to Fisher (41).
cDialysis of ribosomes against buffer containing Mg'+, and a low concentration of monovalent cations, followed by
sedimenting the RNA-rich particles.
dDialysis of ribosomes against 0.3 mM Mg2+, centrifugation; supernatant is S-1. Incubation in 3.5 M LiCl-ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic acid (EDTA), centrifugation. Supernatant is S-2, followed by incubation in 3.5 M LiCl-urea, which yielded super-
natant S-3.
' Cell envelopes were dialyzed against 0.01 M EDTA. Centrifugation at 105,000 x g yielded red pellet (J. K. Lanyi and E. L.
Bugna, unpublished data).
' Exhaustive dialysis of cell membranes against distilled water, sedimentation at 105,000 x g for 20 to 30 h.
high as 17 to 18 mole percent, unlike those of possible to show (J. K. Lanyi and R. E. Mack,
representative nonhalophilic cells, included in unpublished data) that approximately 80% of
Table 1. The cell envelopes of Halobacterium the acidic groups were free to react with glycine
are apparently even more highly charged, the in the presence of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide
excess of acidic groups amounting to 19 to 20 (24). More work of this type is clearly needed to
mole percent. Some cellular structures of ex- establish this point. The only purified halo-
treme halophiles have been separated into frac- philic enzymes for which amino acid analyses
tions by lowering the salt concentration. Halo- are given are the DNA-dependent and ribonu-
bacterium cutirubrum ribosomal proteins, cleic acid (RNA)-dependent RNA polymerases
somewhat more acidic than those of Escherichia of H. cutirubrum studies by Louis and Fitt (89,
coli on the average, were fractionated by Bayley 90). These enzymes are not unusually acidic
(9, 11) and Visentin et al. (33, 122) by exposure and will be discussed in a later section.
to buffers which lacked the high KCl concentra- Baxter first suggested (5) that the screening
tions found in the cells (34), but which con- of negative charges accounts for the various
tained 0.05 M MgCl2. A considerable fraction of observations associated with halophilic en-
the proteins was removed by this treatment zymes. The salt-dependent properties of these
from the ribosomes; the detached proteins (frac- systems may be separated, for the purposes of
tion S-1) were found to be more acidic than the this discussion, into: (i) enzyme activity, (ii)
original ribosomes (122), whereas the residual stability, and (iii) subunit association and al-
bound proteins were less acidic (9). Removal of losteric effects. The salt response of the enzyme
Mg2+ produced a second solubilized fraction activity is highly variable among these proteins.
(S-2), less acidic than the first fraction, leaving Earlier reports seemed to show that most en-
behind proteins which were the least charged zymes from extreme halophiles exhibited no
and which were solubilized only in the presence activity in the absence of salt (5, 7, 57, 81, 82,
of urea (122). This kind of salt-dependent 95). However, in many cases the possibility of
fractionation was performed by Stoeckenius time-dependent inactivation at the lower salt
and Kunau (113) with Halobacterium halobium concentrations, before or during the enzyme
cell envelopes and by J. K. Lanyi and E. L. assays, was not taken into account. More re-
Bugna with H. cutirubrum cell envelopes (un- cently, it has been established that some of
published data), and it was found that exhaus- those enzymes, indeed, show little or no activity
tive dialysis against distilled water resulted in at NaCl concentrations below 0.1 M. These
the solubilization of some of the membrane enzymes are aspartate transcarbamylase (85),
proteins, including the proteins of the outer nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-
envelope. As shown in Table 1, in both orga- menadione reductase (75, 76), cytochrome oxi-
nisms these components were more acidic than dase (32, 75, 83), polynucleotide phosphorylase
the rest of the membrane proteins, which were (99), an amino acid incorporating system (10,
retained in lipid-containing membrane frag- 51), citrate synthase (25) and malic enzyme (26)
ments after the treatment. It appears from from H. cutirubrum, NADH oxidase from an
these results that the proteins of extreme halo- extreme halophile, AR-1 (54, 55), and glycerol
philes which are most responsive to the removal dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas salinaria (6).
of salt, at least by the criterion of solubilization, These enzymes exhibited maximal activity be-
also show the greatest excess of acidic groups. tween 2 to 4 M NaCl or KCl, and several were
There are components of halophiles, on the not inhibited at the highest salt concentration
other hand, which seem to be little affected by tested. Another class of enzymes, including
low-salt treatment such as the purple mem- malic dehydrogenase (59), ornithine transcar-
brane of H. halobium (97, 113), which exhibits a bamylase (37, 38), arginine desimidase (38) and
considerable degree of crystalline structure after isocitrate dehydrogenase (3) of Halobacterium
removal of salt (15), and the gas vacuoles, found salinarium, isocitrate dehydrogenase (62, 63)
in some strains of H. halobium (69, 113), which and threonine deaminase (84) of H. cutirubrum,
are morphologically unchanged in distilled and NADH dehydrogenase of AR-1 (56), showed
water. As expected, the protein components of maximal activity at intermediate salt concen-
these structures are much less acidic than the trations, between 0.5 and 1.5 M NaCl, many
bulk protein of the organism (Table 1). Unfor- being inhibited at higher concentrations. Final-
tunately, reliable estimates of the amide con- ly, some enzymes from halophilic bacteria do
tent of the above proteins are not available, for not require salt or are inhibited by low concen-
amide content either is not given or is estimated trations, such as the fatty acid synthetase (100)
from NH, in the hydrolysate. For H. and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (87) of
cutirubrum cell envelopes, at least, it was H. cutirubrum and amylase (50) of H.
halobium. Typical graphs showing the effects of by the membrane matrix, where it is found,
salt on enzyme activity in halophiles are given because detachment from the membrane occurs
in Fig. 1. at higher salt concentrations and is much faster
Although the salt requirement of enzyme than inactivation.
activity is variable in halophilic systems, all The inactivation of other halophilic enzymes
enzymes investigated have shown a time- at lowered salt concentrations does not follow
dependent inactivation at lower salt concentra- such simple kinetics. In most systems the salt
tions and especially in the absence of salt. In dependence of enzyme activity and of stability
many cases the inactivation followed first-order are clearly separable. Thus, the enzyme activi-
kinetics (3, 5, 60, 75, 76, 84, 96). Lanyi found
(76) that apparent first-order inactivation rate 1.01 .10
constants could be calculated at various salt
concentrations for menadione reductase, an _U
NADH dehydrogenase linked to the membrane- 01)
bound respiratory chain (28, 29, 74, 75) of H.
cutirubrum. When the rate constant was plot- zen
ted against NaCl concentration, the curve ob- (I)z
tained was a mirror image of the salt depend- 0
ence of enzyme activity, both reaching limiting
values at 2 M NaCl (Fig. 2). These findings were .05 W
consistent with the kinetics expected for a
rapid, salt-dependent equilibrium of the native, z z
active form of the enzyme with an inactive, H
unstable form. The salt dependence of the
apparent rate of inactivation, as well as that of
enzyme activity, was assumed to reflect a shift
in the above equilibrium toward the unstable, I z
presumably partially unfolded, state, as the salt C -~~I-
zf O
concentration was lowered. The half-life of this 0 1 2 3
species was 40 s at neutral pH and room M NOCI
temperature; the inactivation was faster at pH FIG. 2. Dependence of enzyme activity and appar-
values above 9, reaching a half-life of 5 to 6 s ent first-order inactivation rate constant on NaCI
above pH 10. The midpoint of transition was at concentration for menadione reductase of H. cutiru-
brum. Enzyme activity, 0; rate constants calculated
pH 9.3 and seemed to reflect the ionization of a from inactivation kinetics and determined at decreas-
group (amino or tyrosyl-hydroxyl) critically in- ing salt concentrations, 0; and after restoring NaCI
volved in the stability of the structure. Lanyi concentration to 2 M, A. Reprinted with permission
had shown later (78) that the salt-dependent from J. K. Lanyi (1969), J. Biol. Chem. 244:4168
properties of this enzyme are little influenced (ref. 76).

(a) NOb) (c)

o100- F 140- NoCI

m 120-
X. 100-
et 80
,; 3
60 1X 60--
a. 40- u

z 20-
20 X 10I x
4 0
- 2 3 4 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
w 0 1 2 3 4
a z 2.0

FIG. 1. Salt dependence of enzyme activity in typical halophilic systems. (a) Aspartate transcarbamylase
from H. cutirubrum in 1.1 M NaCl solutions with added KCI to give the stated total salt concentrations.
Enzyme activity, 0; inhibition by CTP, 0. Similar results were obtained with NaCl alone. Reprinted with per-
mission from V. Liebl et al. (1969), Can. J. Biochem. 47: 1095 (ref. 85). (b) Isocitrate dehydrogenase from H.
salinarium in NaCl or KCI solutions. Apparent Vmax in NaCl; isocitrate concentration varying, 0; apparent
Vmax in NaCl; NADPH concentrations varying, A; apparent Vmax in KCI, NADPH varying, U; apparent
Vm.x in KCI, isocitrate varying, A. Reprinted with permission from D. M. Aitken et al. (1970), Biochem. J.
116: 125 (ref. 3). (c) Fatty acid synthetase from H. cutirubrum in NaCl or KCI. Solutions of NaCl, 0; solutions
of KCI, 0. Reprinted with permission from E. L. Pugh et al. (1971), Can. J. Biochem. 49: 953 (ref. 100).
ties of isocitrate dehydrogenase (62, 63) and useful system for studying the mechanism and
threonine deaminase (84) of H. cutirubrum and thermodynamics of the folding of polypeptide
of malic dehydrogenase of H. salinarium chains (4).
(58-60) are optimal at an intermediate NaCl Cooperative or allosteric effects have been
concentration, but the stabilities are enhanced observed in a number of halophilic systems (3,
by higher salt concentrations, up to saturation. 37, 84, 85, 96), but the influence of salt on the
As Hubbard and Miller have shown (61), the regulatory properties of these enzymes has not
most stable form of isocitrate dehydrogenase, been extensively investigated. Liebl et al. (85)
that obtained in 4 M salt, has little activity. It found that the inhibition of aspartate transcar-
may be assumed that the polypeptide chain in bamylase from H. cutirubrum by cytidine 5'-tri-
these enzymes is capable of a reversible, tighter phosphate reached maximal value only at 4 M
folding at the higher salt concentrations, which salt, a concentration similar to that required for
increases the activation energy of unfolding. enzyme activity (Fig. la). Although the low-salt
Unlike the case of menadione reductase, lower- inactivation of threonine deaminase from H.
ing the NaCl concentration did not result in cutirubrum showed some dependence on pro-
inactive states for these enzymes, but under tein concentration (84), implying dissociation of
these conditions the structures were unstable, this tetrameric protein, upon lowering the salt
and both isocitrate dehydrogenase (62) and concentration neither this enzyme nor aspartate
malic dehydrogenase (58, 60) were inactivated transcarbamylase yielded enzymically active
in a time-dependent manner. Both of these subunits. Such active subunits of aspartate
enzymes, as well as several others (58), could be transcarbamylase could be obtained after
reactivated by dialysis against high concentra- polyethylene glycol treatment however (96). A
tions of NaCl, although not by directly adding salt-dependent effect on subunit interaction
salt. The inactive form of these enzymes, ob- was observed by Louis and Fitt (88) in DNA-
tained after incubation at low-salt concentra- dependent RNA polymerase from H. cutiru-
tions, is probably extensively unfolded. Holmes brum, where the 0 subunit was seen to be
and Halvorson found (60) that upon inactiva- preferentially inactivated in the absence of salt
tion the sedimentation constant of malic dehy- and was then unable to form an active complex
drogenase decreased from s20,o = 9.5 to 2.4, with the more stable alpha subunit.
whereas the corresponding values of isocitrate The suggestion that the salt-dependent prop-
dehydrogenase were s2Ow = 5.3 and 2.0 (63). erties of halophilic enzymes are the consequence
Such decreases in sedimentation velocity are of the need to screen negative charges (5)
consistent with the results obtained by Tanford received support from results of Hochstein and
and co-workers (119, 120) on exposing various Dalton (54, 55), Lanyi (76), Lieberman and
proteins to guanidinium hydrochloride, a treat- Lanyi (83), Cazzulo (25), and Norberg et al.
ment generally thought to result in extensive (96), who found that the high concentrations of
unfolding of the polypeptide chains. Because of monovalent cations, required for enzyme activ-
these results, as well as the finding that elution ity and stability in various systems, could be
of inactivated isocitrate dehydrogenase from replaced with lower concentrations of divalent
Sephadex columns indicated higher Stokes cations, such as Mg2+ or Ca2+ or polyvalent
radii than for the native species (62), Hubbard cations, such as spermine. Because these agents
and Miller concluded that the inactivation possess much greater charge densities than do
process caused an expansion of the molecule to monovalent cations, they may be expected to
a less folded state. Circular dichroism measure- participate more readily in ionic interactions
ments indicated (126) that the helix content of required to reduce the electrostatic-free energy
the enzyme decreased from about 35% to near of charged proteins. The above results are
zero under these conditions and that it returned consistent with this kind of stabilization in
partially upon reactivation. Reactivation was halophilic proteins. However, for cytochrome
apparently affected by the fate of sulfhydryl oxidase (83) and menadione reductase (76) of H.
groups exposed during unfolding. Holmes and cutirubrum polyvalent cations were only par-
Halvorson found (60) that after reaction with tially effective, the latter enzyme showing in-
N-ethyl maleimide in the denaturated state no creased Michaelis constant (Kin) for menadione
reactivation could be obtained. The reactiva- in the presence of Mg2+, Ca2+, or spermine,
tion of isocitrate dehydrogenase was complete without added NaCl.
only when the inactivated form was protected As discussed in the beginning of this section,
with dithiothreitol (63). The recovery of full the possibility of electrostatic screening in a
enzyme activity, and apparently the native macromolecule is dependent on its permeability
form of the enzyme, from such unfolded confor- to solvent, that is, the closeness of folding.
mations is a surprising result and may provide a Naturally, the degree of folding is a variable
property among proteins. Charges on mac- be formed with monovalent ions as well, how-
romolecules which are freely permeable to the ever. Saroff (104) suggested that Na+ binding of
solvent are effectively shielded at a monovalent beta-lactoglobulin and myosin takes place in a
ion concentration near 0.2 M. Such a situation pocket involving a basic group, a carboxylate
is obtained for DNA (64) and polyglutamic acid and two carboxyl groups, forming a 4-coordi-
(125). Solvent-impermeable structures, on the nate complex. The stoichiometry of Na+ bind-
other hand, are not completely shielded even at ing by pepsin and pepsinogen (36) supports this
high counter-ion concentrations. In fact, it hypothesis. Another example of complex forma-
might be expected (as discussed in a subsequent tion by monovalent ions is the behavior of
section) that at very high salt concentrations polyvinylbutylpyridinium bromide at high ionic
the volume of proteins decreases and the poly- strengths. Fuoss and co-workers proposed (44,
peptide chains collapse into a tighter conforma- 46) that the decrease in the size of molecule
tion, allowing for decreased charge screening. observed was due to the formation of -N+-Br -
The stability of H. cutirubrum aspartate tran- N+ bridges. Insofar as hydrogen bonds arise
scarbamylase was indeed found to be further from charge interaction, their stability is re-
enhanced by 0.1 M MgSO, in the presence of 4 duced at high salt concentrations. In contrast, if
M NaCl (96). The requirement for very high salt the possibility of direct participation by ions in
concentration in halophilic systems, thus, prob- residue interactions exists, such interactions are
ably does not originate from the shielding of favored at increased concentrations of the salt.
charges. Additional difficulties with the charge- Specific residue interactions are easiest to
screening hypothesis are the specificities with separate from gross structural phenomena when
respect to anions, found with several halophilic they occur near the active site of the enzyme.
enzymes (5, 54, 61, 79), and the finding that the The effect of salt on the binding constant of
alpha-helical structure of polyglutamic acid, a substrates has been investigated by Aitken et
molecule obviously dependent on charge effects, al. (3) for H. salinarium isocitrate dehydroge-
is unstabilized at high concentrations of NaCl nase. In contrast to menadione reductase,
or KCl (35). The analogy with polyglutamic whose Km for the substrate was independent of
acid is thus unworkable, and it appears that NaCl concentration (76), Aitken et al. found
halophilic proteins cannot be represented sim- that the binding of isocitrate in the H.
ply as highly charged polypeptides. salinarium dehydrogenase showed a maximum
For these reasons it is clear that even though at 0.75 M NaCl or at 1.5 M KCl, whereas
long-range electrostatic forces must be impor- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
tant components of the interaction of salts and (NADPH) binding decreased continually with
halophilic enzymes, the unusually high salt salt concentration. Similarly, according to
requirement for preserving the integrity of these Baxter (5), the Km for the substrate increased
structures is not fully explained by such effects. with salt concentration for the lactic dehydroge-
nase of H. salinarium, even though the maximal
RESIDUE INTERACTIONS rate (Vmax) increased under these conditions.
Specific residue interactions in macromole- In these systems the binding of substrates is
cules include what might be termed anoma- affected by the salt concentration. Conversely,
lous titration effects due to the influence of the salt response of other halophilic enzymes
the overall structure of the molecule on the was found to be influenced by the binding of
behavior of individual residues (16, 17). In these substrates. The spontaneous inactivation of
cases side groups of polypeptide chains, for isocitrate dehydrogenase (62, 63), aspartate
example, may show different electrochemical transcarbamylase (96), and threonine deaminase
free energy (pK, dipole moment, ion binding, (84) of H. cutirubrum, NADH dehydrogenase
etc.) or chemical reactivity in the folded and from AR-1 (55), and malic dehydrogenase of H.
unfolded states. An increase in the free energy salinarium (60) at low salt concentrations ap-
of such groups upon unfolding contributes to peared to be greatly reduced when one of the
the stability of the macromolecule. Hydrogen substrates was present. This kind of protective
bonds are thought to belong in this category, effect is probably confined to the immediate
but binding of ions may be also involved in such vicinity of the active site, because the reactiva-
specific residue interactions. The tendency of tion of isocitrate dehydrogenase (62, 63) and
the alkali earth metal ions to participate in malic dehydrogenase (60) could not be brought
coordinate complexes allows them to stabilize about by substrates, but required high concen-
structures where potential ligands are brought trations of NaCl once extensive unfolding upon
into close proximity (4). Such complexes may prolonged exposure to low salt concentrations
had taken place. The specificity of the substrate dependent properties. However, the H.
protection is demonstrated by the finding of cutirubrum enzyme, unlike that from E. coli, is
Holmes and Halvorson (60), that the half-life of very small; the molecular weight of the subunits
malic dehydrogenase in 0.07 M NaCl increased is approximately 18,000 (86). It is probable,
from a fraction of a minute to 48 h in the pres- therefore, that there is only one site, and the
ence of 0.9 mM NADH, whereas malate, ox- effect of salt is to cause a conformational change
aloacetate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, in the protein, resulting in altered reading of the
NADPH, or nicotinamide were virtually com- nucleotide sequences.
pletely ineffective, even at higher concentra- Chazan and Bayley (27) reported a DNA-
tions. Similarly, Hubbard and Miller found (62) dependent RNA polymerase in H. cutirubrum
that H. cutirubrum isocitrate dehydrogenase with entirely different properties from that
was protected only by a combination of iso- studied by Louis and Fitt (86, 88, 89, 91), having
citrate and MnCl2. higher molecular weight (300,000 to 400,000),
The importance of local interactions in the being insensitive to rifampin and lacking the
overall salt response of the enzyme was empha- salt-dependent template specificity. The activ-
sized by Lieberman and Lanyi (84). These ity of this enzyme reached maximal value near
workers found that the binding of the allosteric 0.2 M KCl or NH4Cl and, particularly in the
effector, adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP), purified state, declined considerably above this
which caused a shift from sigmoid to hyperbolic concentration. The relationship of the two en-
substrate kinetics in H. cutirubrum threonine zymes, apparently from the same organism, is
deaminase, changed the salt dependence of not known.
enzyme activity (at saturating threonine con- On thermodynamic grounds, charged resi-
centrations) from mild enhancement at 2 to 3 M dues are expected to be on the surface of the
NaCl to extensive inhibition even at low NaCl proteins, in contact with the solvent. The active
concentrations. Because it appears that subtle sites of most enzymes are influenced by these
conformational changes, involving the interac- charges (65), as well as any charges on the
tions responsible for cooperative substrate bind- substrates, and the pH optima for Km and Vma.
ing, are sufficient to alter the overall effect of reflect the ionization constants of the groups
salt on this enzyme, it is unlikely that more involved. In the presence of high concentrations
than a few residues are responsible for the of salt fully exposed charges are well screened.
salt-dependent behavior. Indeed, although the enzyme activities of malic
Louis and Fitt found (86, 88, 89, 91) that the dehydrogenase (60) and isocitrate dehydroge-
salt response of H. cutirubrum DNA-dependent nase (3) from H. salinarium, of amylase from H.
RNA polymerase was influenced by the source halobium (50), as well as of cytochrome oxidase
of the template DNA supplied. Although the of H. cutirubrum (83), exhibit sharp pH de-
enzyme was active in the presence of all tem- pendence at low salt concentrations, high con-
plates tested except To phage DNA, bacterial centrations (2 to 4 M) of NaCl or KCl cause the
and phage DNA (from H. cutirubrum, Bacillus
subtilis, E. coli, and T7 coliphage) were effective w
only above 2 M NaCl or KCl, calf thymus and
salmon sperm DNA were effective only at very z
low salt concentrations, and the activity with 2
poly [d(A-T) ] was unchanged by salt (89). Some
of these results are reproduced in Fig. 3. The H.
cutirubrum enzyme is a dimer, containing a
single alpha and beta subunit (88, 89, 91). Louis z
and Fitt had shown that the beta subunit is
responsible for chain initiation and that in a Y$ :.::.y
primed reaction, catalyzed by the alpha subu- 0 3 4
nit, the template-dependent salt effects are no SALT CONCENTRATION (M)
longer observed (91). The template specificity of FIG. 3. Salt dependence of DNA-dependent RNA
this enzyme probably resides in a site which polymerase from H. cutirubrum assayed with tem-
recognizes short nucleotide sequences on the plate DNA from different sources. Template, calf
thymus DNA, 0 and 0; template, H. cutirubrum
DNA, preferred for chain initiation. If this is the DNA, * and *. Solutions of KCI, 0 and 0; solutions
case, a possible explanation for the above- of NaCI, 0 and *. Reprinted with permission from
described effects is that the beta subunit carries B. G. Louis and P. S. Fitt (1972), Biochem. J. 127:69
two or more initiation sites with different salt- (ref. 89).
pH curves to flatten. Other halophilic enzymes, protein to be more folded and enhances the
however, show narrow pH optima even at high charge effects on the active site.
salt concentrations. Among these are the aspar- It is evident from the studies described above
tate transcarbamylase (85), polynucleotide that in some halophilic systems the effect of salt
phosphorylase (99) and citrate synthase (25) of may be restricted to a small region on the
H. cutirubrum, ornithine carbamoyltransferase protein molecule. The possibility of such local
of H. salinarium (37), and glycerol dehydroge- effects, perhaps involving a few residues near
nase of Ps. salinaria (6). It is clear that in these the active site, needs to be further explored in
cases charge-dependent effects prevail despite more rigorous studies on purified halophilic
the presence of overwhelming concentrations of enzymes.
counter-ions. Interestingly, Lieberman and
Lanyi found (84) that in the case of threonine CATION SPECIFICITY
deaminase of H. cutirubrum the effect of salt on Binding of cations by macromolecules implies
the shape of the pH curves was reversed when the existence of binding sites and some degree of
the allosteric effector, ADP, was added. As selectivity. Until recently it had been thought
shown in Fig. 4, in the absence of ADP, increas- that the specificity of binding observed in many
ing the NaCl concentration from 0.05 to 4 M biological systems was necessarily due to the
caused a narrowing of the pH optimum of presence of several ligands which, in a coopera-
enzyme activity. In the presence of ADP, how- tive manner, define a cavity of unique geome-
ever, when the cooperative substrate kinetics try, and only such steric effects could lead to a
were no longer observed, the pH response of the preference toward a cation of a certain radius
enzyme was broadened in the presence of the (40, 115). The solvation of alkali metal ions by
salt. It was suggested by these authors that the single non-cooperative ligands, such as exempli-
conformational shift in threonine deaminase, fied by alkyl-substituted formamides as model
caused by the binding of ADP, involves the compounds, is indeed characterized by a lack of
exposure of charged groups near the catalytic specificity, showing a featureless increase in
site, previously shielded from the solvent. Bind- binding energy with decreasing ionic radius
ing of ADP thus reverses the effect of 4 M salt (106, 107). However, Eisenman and Krasne (39)
which, in the absence of this effector, causes the have pointed out the need to consider the
1.00 1.
presence of water, because the affinity of a
(b) cation to its binding site depends on the net
difference in free energy obtained upon remov-
ing the ion from its hydration shell and placing
it near the site of binding. For many simple
0.75 F ligands capable of binding cations by electro-
static forces, such as the carbonyl groups of
formamide in an aqueous environment, this net
free energy difference is not a monotonous
0' function of the ionic radii, but shows a peak
E .^
, .50 F
near the value for K+. Such deviations from
C (a)
.E linear behavior result in a preference for K+ (or
w for cations of different radii in other systems),
0 4.0
which can amount to 2 kcal/mol of enthalpy.

Calculated values of net free energy of binding,
based on simple coulombic considerations,
agree well with the experimental results (39).
Thus, if the analogy between the formamide
w and peptide groups is made, it appears that the
0 binding of alkali metal ions by simple sites,
w 8 9 10 11 8 9
10 11 such as the polypeptide backbone carbonyls,
pH can account, under certain conditions, for a
FIG. 4. pH dependence of H. cutirubrum threonine several-fold preference toward a given ion. The
deaminase. The enzyme was assayed at NaCI concen- selectivity observed with cation exchange resins
trations of the indicated molarity in the absence of
ADP (a) or in the presence of 1 mM ADP (b). of the carboxyl and phosphate type for various
Reprinted with permission from M. M. Lieberman alkali metal ions (19) substantiates this view.
and J. K. Lanyi (1972), Biochemistry 11:211 (ref. 84); If the function of an enzyme is affected by the
copyright by the American Chemical Society. binding of ions, as may be the case for halo-
philic systems, the kinetics of enzyme activity fact, there are no specific cation-binding sites
should reflect any preference exhibited by the on these proteins, which are analogous to sub-
binding site. It is important to recognize that strate-binding sites, but rather loci of higher
the selectivity of the enzyme for a given ion can electron densities, which show cation selectivity
increase over that shown by a single binding through the energetics of the coulombic interac-
site, if there are several sites which influence tion, as described at the beginning of this
enzyme activity. section.
Evans and Sorger (40) and Suelter (115) The envelopes of whole cells of halobacteria
listed a large number of enzymes for which salt are stabilized much better by NaCl or LiCl
effects and specificities for various monovalent than by KCl or NH4Cl (1, 108), whereas isolated
cations have been observed. For most of these envelopes show little selectivity (108). To ex-
systems the salt requirement was relatively plain this difference, Kushner and Onishi (73,
slight (<0.1 M), consistent with purely ionic 98) suggested a differential distribution of bind-
effects and distinct binding sites. Evans and ing sites for Na+ and K+ on the inside and
Sorger (40) treated the data in terms of cation- outside surfaces of the cell envelopes. Soo-Hoo
binding sites, analogous to substrate-binding and Brown (108) disputed this view and at-
sites, and suggest that the specificities are tributed the cation selectivity of whole cells to
largely due to differences in the size of the ions. differential permeability and osmotic effects.
Thus, for many enzymes the effects of K+, Halobacteria cells appear to be passively
NHi+, and Rb+, which have similar ionic radii, permeable to K+ (47, 48), but a conclusive
were similar, as distinct from the effects of Na+ study of the independent permeabilities of vari-
or Li+. ous ions in isolated envelope vesicles has yet to
An assessment of the ionic specificities of be carried out.
halophilic systems is hindered by the fact that
many of the reports do not separate stability HYDROPHOBIC EFFECTS
from enzyme activity at lower salt concentra- When the effective concentration of salt is
tions. The salt-dependence curves of these en- small, the binding of ions by a macromolecule
zymes is not complicated by such considera- may be thought to be specific and it may be
tions at the higher salt concentrations, however, possible to identify a binding site. However,
and the data cited here refer to salt concentra- when larger concentrations of salts are required
tions above 1 M. Most of the information to affect the proteins, they act in a less specific
available concerns the relative effect of KCl manner and exert their effects also through
over NaCl on enzyme activity, because the changing the structure of the solvent. To con-
intracellular concentration of K+ is 2 to 3 times sider such solvent-dependent phenomena it is
that of Na+ (34, 48, 79) and the salt responses of necessary to introduce the concept of the hydro-
halophilic enzymes have been expected to re- phobic bond (67).
flect this fact. As shown in Table 2, halophilic The entropy decrease observed on dissolving
enzymes exhibit various degrees of specificity, nonpolar molecules in water has long been
ranging from little or no preference for K+ over recognized to be due to the ordering of water
Na+ to fairly high selectivities. Of other cations, structure (42, 43). The transfer of nonpolar
Li+ was found to be relatively ineffective for groups, such as alkyl or phenyl residues, from
some halophilic enzymes (6, 54), but not for the interior of a protein to its exterior, with
others (79). Ammonium ion supported partial partial exposure to water, may be expected to
enzyme activity in some systems (27, 51, 54). be analogous to the dissolution of these residues
If the effect of salts on the activity of ex- in water and to contribute an unfavorable
tremely halophilic enzymes is interpreted in free-energy term to the overall process of un-
terms of binding sites, as it has been done by folding. It has been, indeed, possible to account
several authors (3, 5, 60), the kinetics yield for the denaturing or stabilizing effect of various
dissociation constants in the neighborhood of salts on a large number of proteins and other
molar concentrations of salt and up to 4 to 5 macromolecules on the basis of the "salting-
binding sites. Dissociation constants of ion out" or "salting-in" effect of the salts on organic
pairs, such as K+Cl-, formed by random en- molecules, reflected in the Hofmeister series
counter of a monovalent ion with another, are (65, 124). Such effects are, for the most part,
also in the order of 1 M (45, 68). It is difficult to properties of anions only, because these are
understand how sites with such low-cation af- often large, their change density is low and,
finities can provide the geometrical require- consequently, they do not always attract water
ments for selectivity. It is more likely that, in molecules. The presence of the larger anions,
TABLE 2. K+/Na+ preference of various halophilic proteins
K+/Na+ selectivitya [ Enzyme Source j Ref
<2 (low) Malic dehydrogenase Pseudomonas salinaria 7
Lactic dehydrogenase P. salinaria 7
Cytochrome oxidase P. salinaria 7
Isocitrate dehydrogenase Halobacterium salinarium 2,3
Fumarate hydratase H. salinarium 2
Malate dehydrogenase H. salinarium 2
Aconitate hydratase H. salinarium 2
Glutamate dehydrogenase H. salinarium 2
Glucose-6-PO4 dehydrogenase H. salinarium 2
Lactic dehydrogenase H. salinarium 5
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase H. salinarium 37
Polynucleotide phosphorylase Halobacterium cutirubrum 99
Cytochrome oxidase H. cutirubrum 32
Fatty acid synthetase H. cutirubrum 100
DNA-dependent RNA polymerase H. cutirubrum 89
Menadione reductase H. cutirubrum 79
NADH oxidase AR-1 54
'-2 (medium) Glycerol dehydrogenase P. salinarium 6
Succinic dehydrogenase P. salinarium 7
a-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase H. salinarium 2
Citrate synthetase H. salinarium 2
Succinyl-CoA synthetase H. salinarium 2
Isocitrate lyase H. salinarium 2
>5 (high) Isocitrate dehydrogenase P. salinaria 7
Cysteine desulphydrase P. salinaria 8
Succinic dehydrogenase H. salinarium 2
Glutamate uptake system" H. salinarium 112
Aminoacyl transfer RNA synthetase H. cutirubrum 51
Ribosomal proteins H. cutirubrum 11
Ratio of enzyme activities or stability in the presence of KCl and NaCl.
bSelectivity in favor of Na+.
such as CIO- and SCN-, and to a lesser degree others (12, 105) have disputed the view that
NO,-, interrupts the formation, dissociation, salts and other agents act on proteins only
and reformation of water aggregates (43, 94), through their effect on the structure of water.
resulting in lowered mobility for water mole- Recently, in a series of publications (52, 123),
cules, and thus increased cluster size. In the von Hippel and collaborators presented evi-
presence of these anions, introducing a nonpolar dence for another mechanism of action, in
molecule requires less energy expenditure. The which salts are assumed to bind directly to the
dissolution of nonpolar molecules in water is components of proteins, e.g., to the polypeptide
also encouraged by lowering the temperature, backbone, while exerting their effects on hydro-
because thermal motion is reduced and the size phobic interactions through the ordering of
of the water clusters is again increased. Hydro- water molecules in the vicinity of the binding
phobic bonds, which arise because of the low site.
solubility of nonionic residues, in water, are Many enzymes (65, 124), including those of
thus destabilized under these conditions. Con- extremely halophilic bacteria (80, 83, 84), are
versely, the presence of salting-out-type salts, denatured by high concentrations of salting-in-
such as those of Cl-, HPO,=, S04, and increas- type salts, suggesting the involvement of hydro-
ing temperatures (up to 50 to 60 C) encourage phobic forces in their structure. In view of the
the formation of hydrophobic interactions. presence of nonpolar residues in all proteins,
Jencks and co-workers (93, 102, 103, 111) and this result is not surprising. However, the dena-
turing effect of such salts combined with the sis of the slopes of the Arrhenius plots under
stabilizing effect of salting-out-type salts on these conditions yielded very large negative
some halophilic enzymes led Lanyi and co- enthalpies and entropies of inactivation, con-
workers (80, 83, 84) to suspect that in these sistent with the breaking of 15 to 20 hydro-
enzymes hydrophobic forces may have a more phobic bonds.
dominant role than is usually the case. This On the basis of the above evidence Lanyi and
possibility was examined in detail for mena- Stevenson (79) suggested that the effect of salt
dione reductase of H. cutirubrum. As discussed on menadione reductase is divided into two
in a previous section, this enzyme shows an components: (i) charge screening at low salt
absolute requirement for NaCl or KCl, both concentrations (<0.5 M), which could also be
enzyme activity and stability reaching maximal accomplished by lower concentrations of mul-
values above 2 M (76). Lanyi and Stevenson tivalent cations, and (ii) stabilization of hydro-
(80) described the effect of various protein phobic interactions at higher salt concentra-
denaturants, such as urea, formamide, and tions. In order to account for these effects, as
their alkyl derivatives, on the activity of the well as the inactivation kinetics observed, a
enzyme. This information was compared with scheme was proposed, which suggested that the
solubility data, obtained by Robinson and enzyme can exist in various states of folding
Jencks (102, 103) in the presence of these (Fig. 5). Physical evidence for the presence of
agents, of the model compounds toluene and these states has yet to be obtained, however.
acetyltetraglycine ethyl ester (ATGEE). It was The two proposed effects of salt, charge
found that greater inhibition of menadione screening and salting-out, could be separated
reductase enzyme activity was obtained with into distinct components for the cytochrome
those agents which caused an increase in the oxidase of H. cutirubrum (83). The dependence
solubility of toluene, in contrast with other of this enzyme's activity on salt concentration
enzymes (93, 102, 103) which showed such showed two plateaus (Fig. 6), the first reaching
correlation with the solubility of ATGEE, a completion at 0.6 M, the second near 4 M NaCl.
model for the polypeptide backbone. These The first increase of enzyme activity, appar-
authors concluded that the halophilic enzyme is ently brought about by charge screening, was
dependent, to a considerable degree, on the cation-nonspecific and could be obtained also
interaction of nonpolar residues (resembling upon addition of MgCl2 or spermine. The sec-
toluene) for enzyme activity. Similar conclu- ond, larger, component of enzyme activity, on
sions were reached from studies of the ther- the other hand, showed a marked preference
modynamics of the inactivation of the enzyme toward salting-out-type salts. Also, this portion
at various ionic strengths. Arrhenius plots of the of enzyme activity was found to be particularly
apparent first-order rate constants of inactiva- sensitive to denaturation by short-chain al-
tion in 3 M NaCl indicated that at 23 C the cohols. Thus, it appeared that in cytochrome
enzyme exhibited maximal stability, and in- oxidase a larger part of the enzyme activity was
creased inactivation was obtained both above due to folding dependent on hydrophobic in-
and below this temperature, showing "cold teractions. Despite the known complexity of the
sensitivity" (16). The spontaneous inactivation H. cutirubrum cytochrome oxidase (28, 29),
of the enzyme was, as mentioned in an earlier spectroscopic studies failed to reveal any selec-
section, much more rapid in the absence of salt tive effects, at low or high salt concentration, on
than at high concentrations of NaCl. Without the different heme groups present.
added salt, however, the biphasic Arrhenius The suggested effect of salts on hydrophobic
plot was not obtained. It was suggested, there- interactions is consistent with previously ob-
fore, that the protective effect of high NaCl served anion effects. For example, Baxter (5)
concentrations consists of encouraging the for- found that lactic dehydrogenase from H.
mation of new hydrophobic bonds which, under salinarium showed a preference for anions in the
these conditions, become the principal barriers following order: Cl- > Br- > NO8-. Similarly,
to unfolding. Brandts (16, 17) considered the Mochstein et al. and Dalton (54) reported that
temperature of maximal stability to be indica- the enzyme activity of the NADH oxidase sys-
tive of the extent of hydrophobic stabilization of tem from a halophile was supported by Cl- and
proteins. Most proteins show stability maxima SOIL but not by Br-, NO,-, or 1-. In the latter
below 10 C, and some below 0 C. The proximity case, MgCl2 was found to be inhibitory at higher
of the value for halophilic menadione reductase concentrations, whereas MgSO4 was not, as
to Brandt's suggested maximal figure of 25 to might be expected on the basis of the salting-in
30 C indicates that at high NaCl concentrations properties of these Mg salts. The attachment of
this enzyme is rich in such interactions. Analy- some membrane proteins, particularly the fla-
I u m




FIG. 5. Schematic representation of the proposed effect of salts on H. cutirubrum menadione reductase (on
the basis of data in ref. 77). The enzyme is assumed to be optimally folded in state I, which is in equilibrium
with a partially active, unstable species, conformation II. The latter shows increased Km for menadione. State II
is in equilibrium with an inactive form, state III, which is more labile. Low concentrations of monovalent and
particularly divalent cations encourage the III II transition, a result of charge screening, whereas high
concentrations of salting-out-type salts, such as NaCl, encourage the II - I transition, which involves the
formation of hydrophobic bonds. Adding salting-out-type salts, such as NaBr or NaNO,, caused inactivation
without a change in Km, hence a state IV was proposed, which contains screened charges and unstabilized
hydrophobic interactions.
The general significance of the salting-out effect
on halophilic enzymes has not yet been fully
explored, however. Perhaps it is significant that
cold sensitivity was observed in halophilic
threonine deaminase (84) and aspartate trans-
carbamylase (96) as well. Interestingly, the free
energy change of inactivation for menadione
reductase (79) and threonine deaminase (84)
was raised by the same amount, 3.5 kcal/mol,
on addition of 3 M NaCl.
An important characteristic of some halo-
philic enzymes is thus shown to be an inability
to maintain their structure without the critical
involvement of hydrophobic interactions that
are ordinarily not supported by water. The
requirement for salt may be to overcome unfa-
vorable steric conditions which prevent the
0 2 3 4 5 close packing of the non-polar groups. Alterna-
M tively, the need for salt may reflect the lack of
FIG. 6. Salt dependence and anion specificity of an adequate number of nonpolar residues and
cytochrome oxidase from H. cutirubrum. Reprinted the requirement to increase the hydrophobic
with permission from M. M. Lieberman and J. K. character, through the salting-out effect, of bor-
Lanyi (1971), Biochim. Biophys. Acta 245:21 (ref. 83). derline nonpolar residues, such as the side
chains of serine and threonine, and of the
voproteins, to the cell envelopes of H. polypeptide backbone. Table 1 contains indices
cutirubrum was also shown to be influenced by of hydrophobicity and polarity for various halo-
the salting-out character of the salts added (77). philic and nonhalophilic proteins. The data
clearly show that halophilic proteins, particu- ribosomal particles (53, 122). As indicated in
larly those of the cell envelope which are respon- Table 1, these proteins are dependent on high
sive to salt are, on the average, poorer in KCl concentrations for attachment to the ribo-
residues capable of hydrophobic interactions some. Also shown in Fig. 7 are the same kind of
and richer in polar groups. This deficit is data for 26 proteins of the E. coli 50S ribosomes
evidently a consequence of the fact that in these (66, 114). The acidity of the H. cutirubrum
proteins the number of acidic groups is in- ribosomal proteins analyzed is evident from Fig.
creased, at least partially, at the expense of the 7. A more subtle effect is that the lowered
nonpolar residues. The structural implications frequency of hydrophobic amino acids in the
of such a nonpolar residue deficit is that the halophilic system appears to be counter-
polypeptide chain in the interior of the halo- balanced by a higher average frequency of
philic proteins may not fold tightly enough to borderline hydrophobic residues. Means and
bring about the conformation required for the standard deviations were calculated for the
functional state of the molecule. The participa- amino acid mole fractions in Fig. 7 for the two
tion of the borderline nonpolar residues in populations of proteins. Applying t-test statis-
hydrophobic interactions, encouraged at high tics, the probabilities of the means being the
salt concentration, may thus help these en- same for the proteins of H. cutirubrum and E.
zymes assume their optimal conformation. This coli ribosomes were found to be <1% for the
conformation is, naturally, different for differ- strongly hydrophobic amino acids, <5% for the
ent proteins. Given a sufficiently large collec- weakly hydrophobic amino acids, and 60 to 70%
tion of proteins, however, it might be expected for the short side-chain amino acids.
that some statistical correlations in the amino The case for the involvement of weakly hydro-
acid compositions can be observed. Fig. 7 shows phobic residues in the structure of halophilic
the molar percentage of excess acidic amino proteins is perhaps best supported by the amino
acids, of strongly hydrophobic amino acids (va- acid analyses of Louis and Fitt of the H.
line, leucine, isoleucine, and phenylalanine), or cutirubrum DNA-dependent and RNA-depend-
borderline hydrophobic amino acids (serine and ent RNA polymerases (89, 90). The data, repro-
threonine), and of amino acids with short side duced in Table 3, show that these enzymes are
chains (glycine and alanine), determined for 14 not unusually acidic, but contain very low
proteins in the S-1 fraction of H. cutirubrum 50s amounts of hydrophobic residues, as compared


50 32 -23 32 2
30- 21 -30-
C,) 0 28 ~~~~19 28
0 0
0 0
30O 26- 00000 17 26-

0W 0 00
z 201 0~~~~~ 24 0%0%-
15 0 24
0 0

0~~~~~~~~~~ 0
22 * .713 -0 22
.0 0000

10o_ 00 0
0 0
00 0 0 0
0 20 0 000 II%' 0 %00
o 0 0 0

00~~ 018 0 *
0 16 -7 -16 o
0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~0
14 Fi
-0 04I
0 2 4 ; 0 2 4 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
FIG. 7. Composition of 14 H. cutirubrum ribosomal proteins (fraction S-1 in ref. 53, closed circles) and 26 E.
coli ribosomal proteins (from 50S particle in ref. 66 and 114, open circles) arranged in selected groups of amino
acids and plotted as a function of molecular weight. From left to right: excess acidic amino acids, glutamic and
aspartic acid minus histidine, lysine and arginine; strongly hydrophobic amino acids, valine, leucine, isoleucine,
and phenylalanine; borderline hydrophobic amino acids, serine and threonine; short side chain amino acids,
glycine and alanine.
TABLE 3. Amino acid analyses of nucleic acid concentrations below 0.5 M. Such shielding
polymerases from H. cutirubrum and E. colia decreases the stabilities of charge interactions
H. cutirubrum and hydrogen bonding. Nevertheless, owing to
H. cutirubrum DNA-dependent E. coli the high negative charge densities of the halo-
Amino RNA-depend- RNA polymerase DNA-depend- philic proteins, the overall effect of salt is
acid ent RNA poly- ent RNA poly- structural stabilization. At higher concentra-
merase a sub- # sub- merase tions of salt, new hydrophobic interactions are
unit unit
formed, which had insufficient stability in
Asp 8.2b 7.0 6.3 10.2 water, and the molecule assumes a more tightly
Thr 6.7 5.3 5.0 5.3 folded conformation. Finally, local residues ap-
Ser 6.9 15.9 16:1 6.7 pear to be influenced by salt, both through
Glu 11.0 14.2 13.4 13.6 changes in the overall structure and through
Pro 3.7 4.2 4.1 3.4 direct effects on the residues. The relative
Gly 17.6 15.6 17.8 7.4 importance of these effects appears to be differ-
Ala 9.9 8.0 8.2 8.8 ent for the various halophilic proteins studied.
Val 4.5 3.6 3.6 6.7
Met 0.8 0.6 0.5 2.9 The rationale for investigating halophilic sys-
Re 2.5 1.8 2.2 5.6 tems is that they can be expected to contain
Leu 4.6 3.1 4.0 10.9 identifiable structural alterations, adapted to a
Tyr 2.0 1.8 1.9 2.6 drastically different environment, yet they are
Phe 2.1 1.4 1.8 2.8 capable of carrying out the same functions as
Lys 12.0 11.1 9.0 5.4 nonhalophiles. Comparative studies of halo-
His 3.8 3.1 3.4 1.6 philes and nonhalophiles, therefore, may help to
Arg 3.6 3.2 2.7 5.8 uncover the details of structure and function in
Reprinted with permission from Louis and Fitt proteins and to understand their responses to
(1972), Biochem. J. 127:69 and 128:755 (ref. 89 and external perturbation.
This article was written while the author spent a
with the E. coli enzyme. In the subunits of the summer at the Biology Department, University of
DNA-dependent enzyme, but not in the RNA- Ottawa.
dependent enzyme, the hydrophobic deficit is Grateful thanks are given to D. J. Kushner, M.
accompanied by the presence of unusually large Kates, P. S. Fitt, and D. B. Shindler for helpful
amounts of serine. Considering that the activity criticism. Thanks are due also to R. Singleton for
of the DNA-dependent enzyme is absolutely making his computer programs available for the
dependent (89) on 2 M NaCl or KCl (for calculation of hydrophobicity parameters.
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