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back of book

PDF sewing patterns, crafty kits embroidery. B
Muse of the Morning of your A C
to side the length
brought to you by up at E. Repeat, going from side
embroidery book is
thread under needle, bring back
This little Repeat to make a chain.
and keeping
making a loop.
needle at D needle and pull the thread out,
together to make your book! E
up, insert Keep the thread under the
up and fold D
the thread C Bring the needle back out at B.
cut section
Open the
bringing back into the same hole at A.
After thumb and insert the needle
shown. thread going under the needle. Hold the thread down with your
dotted lines as at C with Bring the thread through at A.
Cut (only!) on back up
bring it
to the left. A B B and
as shown A B
at A. Insert it at
on the lines
Fold page Bring thread up
How To Make This Book! Feather Stitch Chain Stitch
Stem Stitch
Running Stitch Backstitch Blanket Stitch
A Bring your needle up at A
from the back about 1/8" C B
in from the edge. A
Bring your needle up
from the back again,
Bring the needle so it comes out the same spot and
B out from the back of
creating a loop
A the fabric at A, in the around the edge. Bring the thread up at A.
Begin by bringing the needle up middle of where two Insert at B and bring back up
Take the needle
through the fabric. C stitches will be. at C.
through the loop
Go backward and insert the stitch you just made.
Insert the needle back through the needle at the end of the previous This anchors the thread.
fabric about 1/4” from where it stitch (B), pulling the needle back About 1/4" away, put
came up. through at the end of the next stitch the needle through at
(C). B and through the
Bring the needle back up again, It looks tricky, but it’s one of the loop of thread.
about 1/4” from where it went down, easiest stitches and also one of the
making a second stitch. most used!
Continue each stitch Pull the thread through and
Tip: Even when using another stitch,
Tip: The trick to making a running like this around the insert the needle at D, bringing
try using a backstitch when going
edge of appliques it back through B.
stitch look great is to keep the around a corner to make nice, neat
and blankets!
stitches even. stitches! Continue in this way making
each stitch the same length.

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