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1, LAY (Jehan Regnier 1392-1470) Lot us all pray, both young and old, Pray to Lord Jesus for our good, Pray to this kind and precious king, Let us all pray for have peace in France. Pray to this prince all glorious, Pray to the king victorious, Pray that he grant us grace, Pray that he grant us loyalty, Pray to him that by his power He will hold us in his mercy, Let us all pray that peace come to earth. ‘The war has destroyed so much, Let us all pray and make our penitence. Pray to God with great diligence, ‘And pray that he grant us audience Until our end here below and in heaven. 2. ODE (Pierre de Ronsard 1524-1585) I greet you, oh happy peace, I greet you once ‘and once again; you only, goddess, can make of our life a better thing. |As the field’s scorched carpet of bristling corn ongs for laughing rain-clouds, so did our France await you, men, calm dew that has absorbed the heat that once so burned us. ‘You have ended the ill of war, victorious through your grace that shines today. In place of iron, of threatening flames, you bring us back the dance, the games, and the love of ladies — gently pleasant chores performed again with the strength of our youth. joddess, nurse to 3. SONNET I (Olivier de Magny 1529-1560) Gordes! what will we do! Why can we not have peace? Will we never have peace one day here on earth? Here on earth will we always have war, ‘War which to the people is such heavy woe? I see only mercenaries, only gray horses; T hear only talk of eternal battle, T hear only bugles and tumult and thunder, ‘And only wrath and blood do I now hear or see. ‘The princes of today play with our lives; But when our lives, ravished, have served them, No power or care can make revive us. Woe to us, woe to us who live in such a time, ‘A time which thus leaves us surrounded by horror. ‘The scourge comes from others, but the wreckage is ours. 4, SONNET I (Olivier de Magny 1529-1560) {look for peace but can find only war; Now do I fear, then am I not afraid. Tam in pain, then shortly am relieved; 1 fly on high but do not leave the earth. Within my doubting heart I grasp for hope, ‘Then suddenly. Heel it break away. am myself and yet Iam not mine, Searching for what in turn will prey on me. Blind I can see, can run while standing still; Free I am yet feel myself bound up By threads more beautiful than any gold. 1 freeze in fire, I burn in water cold, laugh in tears and gnaw at my own brain, ‘And like the mindless cricket always sing. 5, SONNET (Fean Daurat 1505-1588) What need have we so much to cry of peace Upon the housetops, in the streets and towns? ‘What need have we of trumpets heralding ‘The price of peace throughout the land of France? Better than crying, let us pray for God To keep us from disquieting troubles. Better itis to sing in little songs, ‘And foud, Long live the King! maker of peace! No other sound: enough now has been said Of peace by those who, time and time again, wanting it so, have made such fearful yells. No other cry: enough now has been said Of peace by those who have so long prayed ‘That God in heaven above has heard their voice. 6. HYMN OF PEACE (Jean Antoine de Bait 1832-1589) wish to praise pea peace that I sing, daughter of friendship above all excellence. Friendship feeds all: all lives by friendship, and nothing dies except by enmity. Concord and love are life's support against that frightful death which comes from greed and hate. Peace did reign once, before the word of quarrel ‘was known, homicidal iron was fired into hell's chasm. inhuman humans, by what blind furious awful error are your souls now enslaved to enrich the cruel one who in your human blood drenches ever more boldly his inhuman hand? LAY Jehan Regnier (1392-1470 env.) NED ROREM Lent et grave, mais sans trainer (J mp Voice —— Pri-ons tres-tous, jeu-nes et vieulx, Pri-ons Jé-sus de Piano en mieulx, Pri-ons ce doulx roy pre-ci-eulx, — Pri-ons pour a-voir tt > aix en_ Fran-ce; Pri-ons ce prin-ce glor-i - eux, fl P . J oS => Coppi 1970 by Boose & Hares, Ie aera aT catia Al eke tase BH. BK. 682 Printed in USA —== po —= Pri-ons ce roy vic - tor Pri-ons quil nous soit - ci-eux,-Pri. - ons qu'il nousdoint al par_ sapuis-san - ——— Sf tisnneen Souf - fran- ce, = py — Laguerre a des-truict plu-sieurs, mp, —= => Pri-ons et fai-sons pen-i-ten- ce, = ——— | ff molto espr. fy, mp en ST APP din | ae je | Pri-ons Diew a grant. di- li- gen-ce, Pri- ons qu'il nous doint molto rit. au-dience A = nos-tre fin las - sus_et_ cieulx ES —— y= [ppt ‘fete rit. 4 \ PP x i a 1 Mar Tose ODE Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585) Allant (J: 109) mp confidentiel, @ mi-voix —I— =] Je te sal-ue, heur- eu - se Paix, Je ————_ te sal-ue et te-sal-u-e; Toi seu - le, —_—S— pr vi-e soit. mieux vou -lue. Ain - Copyright 1970 by Boosey s Hanke, lc, (Copytight for all counties All igh feserved. BH. BK. 682 Prinwed ia U.S.A. >, i champs.ta-pis-sés De pampre, dé-pis hér-is-sés, Dé - —_—— si-rent les fil - les des nu-es, A - pres les cha - leurs_sur-ve- a —_ ye = ce nour - ri-cie- re des Sespr. = se. € qui con- sommes La cha - leur qui trop nous ar - bd mp 3 35 =e Tu as é-teint tout en - nui Des guer-re: —_ an 2 mp =| PEP ———— —= ¥ 7 eroaal! ses, Fai- sant flam-ber_ au - jour-d’hui Tes gra-ces vic-to 10 = h——~ = - ses, En liew du fer out - ra Des me-naces— — mp Tu nous ra - mén-es et a - mour.des_ Da - mes, gnards 12 I SONNET (I) Olivier de Magny (1529-1560) Animé et puissant (J: 10s) oa . = SS martelé * > Sf sempre a Sur la terre au-rons- nous si lon-gue-ment la > @copysishe 1970 by Boosey & Hawes, Inc. CCopyeiat forall counties. All rights feserved. BH. BK. 682 Prined in USA. 13 (es t a guer-re_ qui au peuple est un Je ne vois que sou - dards, que che-vaux et - nois, Je a= Je nlois plusque clai-rons, que 14 sub, nf crese : — tu-multe et ton - ner - re Et rien que rage et sang je n'en-tends Oo —~ || suaimf erese. —>——— mp Les prin-ces au-jour-d@'hui se jou-ent_ de nos a oe =v " Etquand el-les nous_sont a - prés les bienra - ee of 15 mp —= Us mont pou - voir ni soin de nous les re- tour - TD. Mal-heu-reux som-mes-nous de > > = = £ bien rythmé + vivre-en— un tel > age, ——_ r — = Qui = = > (non legato) 16 pouo a poco rit, ¢ dim. ——=—S Magy morse nt temo La cou-pe vientd’au-trui, mais ndtreest —le_dommage. >————_ = ‘= p molto espr. IV 7 SONNET (II) Olivier de Magny Pas trop lent (d:56) pespr. . a, = Je cher-che paix, et ne trou-ve que— re, Or-es jlai peur, mp Tan-tét du mal et tan-t0t j’ai du bien, Dba “oy Qconreh 1970 Boer Hames Ia. Sere ie a at HB 682 noe t 18 etne bow - ge- de-ter-re. coeur dou - teux— ———— Yes - pér-an-ce jen. ser - re, Pais tout a SNe ——~ je lui romps le tien, a Am: of mp —— = mp ne puis ét-re mien, Sui- vant sans— quime suit 2 et eS Se —<=<<— mp —. P 19 = un peu plus allant et_ men-fer-re. Je vois sans yeux,— = je cours sans dé-pla - cer,—— ——— dim. Sf poil si beauque Yor méme Tempo I SS mp mip erese. Jen-glace au feu, je 1 a wo ae eee 20 nf’ = _mp ge mon cer - veau, SS uf —_————~ =— J ; oe mp) bien marqué (doux) Chan-tant__ tou - jours comme fait— = | af —— _ 1p =—=—__—__—_ ¥ la_ci- gal - * & JERR AME 5, Pp valentir @ peine | pp = (amet £ Vv 2 SONNET Jean Daurat (1508-1588) Assez vif et triste (J-126) d-2 toujours mp Quest il he - soin de tant la Paix cri-er Par les can - tons des vil - les et vil-let - es? | Qust-il be - soind'huis-siers ni de trom-pet- tes prghe 1970 by Boosey & Hawkes, Inc. rovTight for ll couaties. All rights reserved. BH. BK. 682 Printed in USA, 22 Pour la paix faite— en Fran-ce mp —_== » L_vau-drait mieux, en cri - ant, Dieu pri-er Quill Ia gar-dat trou-bles in- qui - he Il vau-drait mieux, en chan-tant chan - son - net - tes, 23 Vi-ve Ie Roy por te-paix, 8’ - cri-er. a FJwi-. Trey Sans au-tre bruit as-sez est pub-li- ée_ = Fs maf Lapaix,de ceux, quimille et mil - le fois > = La dé-si-rant ont fait z st grands] a) bole: 24 —= SF. mp ape Sansau-tre cri as-sez ja est. cri-ée La paix, de SS pico rit. ceux qui ont haut pri - ée- Diew au ciel en a ou-y. surtont sans ralentir VI 25 : L’HYMNE DE LA PAIX Jean Antoine de Baif (1532-1589) Maestoso (4-63), d/lant lou-er laPaix:cest la Paix que je Lafil- le da-mi-tié des - sur tout ex-cel - lan - te tout vit par a. mi - tié, @Copyrighe 1970 by Boosey &e Hawkes, Inc Copjeight forall counties All right terved ‘BH, BK. 682 Printed in USA. 26 St — rien ne peut - rir que par i - ni- mi-tié. ——_~, | Vef-froy-a - ble mort vient de haine P (espr, dolce) LaPaix a voit sonregne et le — p sub, dolce + poco eae | nom de quer- el - le Pour lors n'é - toit con-nu, nf dim. Na-vait es - té ti-ré des a - _bys-mes d’en- mains in - hu-mains quel-le fur - T eur si for-te Vos es-prits for-cen-ez a - veugle er- reur trans- ——— | i P 28 crese. e rit, molto dans Ie sang hu Tram-pe plus har-di - ment __ a crese.e rit. molto | —=| of 5 mp tif a A a tempo are AS molto rit. (sensa rit) a i 7

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