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1 "He gets sweaty when he eats.

2 "He likes to stop and squat wherever he walks."
3 Place him in a knee-chest position
4 Phonocardiography
5 have the child perform deep breathing exercises, if possible.
6 Parental Health-seeking Behaviors related to desire to be informed about child�s
cardiac disorder
7 This is due to a decreased amount of oxygen to the peripheral tissue.
8 Digoxin
9 Place the infant in the knee�chest position.
10 This is a problem where the left side of the heart did not develop properly.
11 Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
12 Taking pedal pulses for the first 4 hours
13 Digoxin
14 Insertion of a catheter with an uninflated balloon tip into the affected valve,
followed by inflation of the balloon to break up adhesions
15 Slows and strengthens the heartbeat
16 �This disorder is caused by genetic factors.�
17 Administer prophylactic antibiotics before dental work.
18 Increased RBC
19 Strawberry tongue
20 "The feeling of the heart skipping a beat is common."
21 "We can stop the penicillin when her symptoms disappear."
22 "Your daughter has an innocent heart murmur, which is nothing to worry about."
23 Peeling hands and feet and fever
24 The surgery will increase the blood flow to the lungs.
25 femoral pulse weaker than brachial pulse.
26 red-stained drainage appears in a tube.
27 demonstrate stable vital signs, capillary refill less than 3 seconds, and a
urine output of 1-2 mL/kg/hr.
28 Pulses weaker in lower extremities compared to upper extremities
29 The child will be sleeping for at least 8 hours.
30 The liver size increases in right-sided heart failure.
31 Notify the doctor immediately.
32 Raise the caloric density of the feeding beyond 20 calories per ounce.
33 Ineffective tissue perfusion related to inefficiency of the heart as a pump.
34 Tachycardia
35 acute parental anxiety
36 Polycythemia
37 These wires are connected to the heart and will detect if your infant's heart
gets out of rhythm.
38 Child A with a total cholesterol of 150 mg/dL and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
of 80 mg/dL.
39 Coarctation of aorta
40 Prevent dehydration.
41 High-frequency sound waves are directed toward the heart
42 Continuous murmur on auscultation
43 Aspirin
44 Activity intolerance related to inability of heart to sustain extra workload
45 Avoid drawing a blood specimen from the right femoral vein before the procedure
46 "It will determine if the heart is enlarged."
47 Begin formulas with increased calories.
48 Indomethacin
49 This test will check how blood is flowing through the heart.
50 Ineffective tissue perfusion related to inefficiency of the heart as a pump.

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