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Thoughts came crushing in ever since I have heard the song “This is not goodbye” by Sidewalk Prophets.
Primarily, I didn’t write this for the sake of “MEMASABI LANG.” I personally lost both of my parents. I
have been an orphan for 8 years. I admit that those were the most painful days of my life. I never ever
thought that I would still be here standing strong and HAPPY.

We can’t force life to give us extensions. That is why first and foremost we have to nurture
ACCEPTANCE. Accept the fact that we can’t have all the GOOD things for too long. Even your favorite
food has its expiration date. Just like food, we have to let go of those we value and treasure the most.
We all have the right to grieve. I have been grieving for 8 years. No one can take that away from you
since IT’S THE ONLY THING THAT YOU CAN DO. Whenever you feel like crying, cry it all out. If it does not
suffice you can shout all the pain ‘til it lightens a bit. Losing someone (by death) is no easy thing. It’s the
greatest pain one could ever go through. It more painful than your usual break-ups. (let’s pretend as if I
have experiences) Someone’s death can cause us to loss motivation to keep going, to loss our reasons to
smile and the scariest thing is to loss the enthusiasm TO CONTINUE LIVING.

Many would beg someone to keep on fighting without asking whether they are tired or not. We may be
too selfish to hold on to them, but we can’t blame ourselves. You can see it in their eyes whether they
are tired or not. Trust me they still want to be with you. They still want to breathe the same air that you
do. They still want to make you smile. Unfortunately, it’s not their choice anymore. When that time
comes, LET THEM GO. Let them go with a light heart knowing that they won’t suffer anymore. Be filled
with bliss and gratitude that even for a short span of your life they were there. No one has the right to
tell you that it’s easy to let go ‘cause FUCK IT IS NOT!! It’s hard to let go but you know deep down that
it’s the right thing to do. You never truly lost them. You have your memories to treasure forever. You
only lose them ONCE YOU FORGET THEM. Something which I believe will never happen. Don’t let fear
stop you from moving on. The fear of being the only one left at the endpoint missing. The fear of being
the only one left with memories. The fear of being the only one left with pain. The fear of being the only
one with regrets, sorrow and a bunch of dreadful thoughts. Remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You never
lost them. They’re inside your heart. They’re a part of who you are. You are a REFLECTION of who they
were in this life.

Lastly, just like the title THIS IS NOT GOODBYE. I realized that I was wrong to say that when someone
you love dies it means an ETERNAL GOODBYE. It’s not. At some point you will meet again. It’s hard to let
go but in the afterlife you will still feel the warmth of each other. Be happy that they have fulfilled their
life’s purpose and became who they were meant to be. Are you not happy that there will be someone
who will guide and watch over you up above?? You know what?? The best thing that you can do is to
make your life meaningful the way they dreamed it to be. You need not to atone for their sacrifices and
make amends with the past. You just have to make sure that you live your life with happiness and make
the most out of it. Fulfill their dreams for you and they’ll be at peace wherever they are. It is not
goodbye. It is I LOVE YOU until you both meet again when God permits. God never placed you in this
situation to suffer but to teach you that life is short. Never ever take someone or something for granted.
Look up at the sky, one of those stars is the person you just lost. Believe me, they’re up there watching
and guiding you. Never blame God or yourself for your loss. I’ve done that, it didn’t work out so well.
Remember that there’s someone greater than who we are and who knows what’s best for us.

Begin anew and make peace with yourself and the pain that you carry. One of these days you’ll feel at
ease and the only thing that you’ll be able to feel is felicity. Treasure the good memories. They’ll keep
you going. If there’s one thing I learned when I lost my parents it’s the fact that THERE IS NO GREATER
GIFT THAN HAVING YOU PARENTS!! I may have achieved their dreams for me but at some point I still
feel empty ‘cause they’re not here to celebrate it with me. I tell you this, be happy that you were gifted
with such amazing people. Lead your life in their memory. Continue to thrive and hope for that precious
day to come when you’ll be able to greet, hug and smile at each other once again. Cry all you want but
after the pain and the tears be sure to continue to take a step forward. Be strong ‘cause HE knows that
you are. This letter may not ease the pain but I want you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

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