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BLANJA Product Owner Challenge

Imagine yourself as one of BLANJA’s Product Owner that can be assigned to a project and can suggest
improvements of product module.

Please select minimum 2 modules from the Appendix 1 list below that you want to suggest making it 10X
better than now.

Then output of this challenge that you must prepared are:

1. Planning
A clear presentation that explain WHY we should do the suggested improvements. Be clear about
the foundation. Be clear about what division and stakeholder that must involve (see appendix 2).

2. Execution and Launch

Create requirements (or epic, stories) for this project.

3. Monitor performance
Create a plan about how to measure the performance of the improvement.

4. Notes if there’s any impact or risk

Define the impact or risk, if any. Then create a plan to handle that.

5. Competitor Check
Provide a simple competitor check that has this feature/improvement.


Blanja Product Area/Module

• User
The mission is to convert new visitors to BLANJA active users, and to ensure their experience
is secure yet comfortable.
• Communication
The mission is to increase trust between Buyer and Seller through fast and safe communication.

The mission is to make BLANJA the best online selling platform in Indonesia where customers can
buy genuine & quality products,
through a safe and convenient online shopping experience. Set up shop with an easy way, then
showcase and sell products online throughout Indonesia and the world.

The mission is to lead users to everything they need (whether they know it already or not) quickly
and correctly. This includes every shopping journey from home all the way through to the product

The mission is to build an advertising platform that maximize the ROI for merchants and
provide most relevant ads to buyers.

The mission is to increase revenue by investing with incentives to buy, which benefit customers
and business partners in ways that lead to conversions and improve retention transactions by
returning customers.

Logistic is the “last door” to complete the whole buying & selling journey that happened in BLANJA.
The mission is to bring the best shipping experience to consumers (buyer & merchant) through
innovative products and reliable services & technology.

The mission is to provide reliable, secure, and seamless experience for our users while checking
out and managing their transactions.

Consistently deliver service excellence to our customers with highest level of quality.

The mission is to provide a safe buying and selling experience to our customers. Build a system
where we can detect and prevent a fraud from happening in our platform. We will need to deploy
some the latest technology to combat fraud.


Blanja Organization Division

Division Division Role and Description
PLATFORM Handle Product Management and Development
CX / UX / UI Handle Experience including UX Management and UI Design
IT Infra and Support Handle system infrastructure and IT Support
Marketing (MKT) Handle all marketing activities
Operation (OPS) Handle all operation activities
Category Management (CM) Handle all related to seller acquisition/development, seller management,
listing management
Public Relation (PR) Handle all Public Relation Activities
Finance Handle all internal finance activities
HR Handle all internal human resource activities
GA Handle all general affair activities

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