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In contrast to the old model, in which dose is averaged over the bone. the currant model
contains separate calculations of the dose equivalent to the active haematopoietic tissue within the
cavities of trabccular bone, and to osteogenic c&s, in particular those on the endoatcal surfaces of

Developing blood cells are found in various stages of maturation within the rod marrow, which
is therefore of concern with rcspcct to the radiation induction of leukemia. The need to limit the
dose to this tissue was rccogniscd in Publication 2, but was not explicitly addressed in developing
the recommendations for bone-seeking radionuclidcs.

The osteogenic cells are the precursors of cells involved in the formation of new bone
(ostcoblasts) and in the resorption of bone (osteoclasts), and arc of concern with rcspcct to
carcinogenisis in bone. The location of the osteogenic cells in the skeleton is not well dcfincd; for
the purpose of calculating the dtrivcd guides. the average dose cquivaknt is determined over a
IO pm thick layer of soft tissue adjacent to the surface of the bone. The following discussion is
limitcd to the example of particulate (alpha and beta) irradiation of et&steal tissues.

Energy deposition in endosteal tissues is averaged over a layer of cells near the bone surfacer,
the mass m of which is taken to bc 120 g. We distinguish bctwccn radionuclidcs that r&de on
bone surfaces and those that are distributed throughout the bone volume. The specific effective
energy for endosteal tissue from a radionuclidc distributed uniformly on bone surface may be
expressed as

SEES(BS-Bone) - [F?CB) AF?BS-CB)+ F?TB) AfiBS-TB) ]Q E/ m , (13


E is the energy emitted per disintegration;

Fs(CB) and Fa(TB) denote the fractions of activity in the skeleton residing on the surfacer
(‘) of cortical bone (CB) and trabccular bone (TB), and Fa(CB) + Fs(TB) - 1.
Cortical and trabccular bone are defined as bone with a surface/volume ratio lus than
and greater than 60 cm2 cm-‘, respectively.

AFa(BS - CB) and AmBS - TB) are the fractions of the energy emitted from the
surfaces of cortical and trabccular bone that are absorbed by the endoateal tiuue at the
bone surface (BS). AfiBS - CB) is normally smaller than AFa(BS - TB) bccausc of
the greater absorption of radiation by the bone itself.

A corresponding equation can be written for SEEV(BS - Bone) for radionuclidcs that dcpoait
within bone volume (“); F”(CB) would then be the fraction of activity that is dispersal evenly
throughout cortical bone, and so on.

Values of parameters for the above formulation arc contained in ICRP 30 (see Chapter 5 of
ICRP 1979a). The quality factor Q for alpha radiation is taken to be 20, rather than IO as in
ICRP 2, and the ‘relative damage factor’ n is no longer used.

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