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Name : Rusydah G

Nim : 180705120

Class : Kebudayaan dan Kesusastraan Inggris

Final Exam
1. 1. Pip, joe Gargery, Mrs Joe Gaegery, Biddy, Uncle pumblechook, Dolge Orlick, Abel
Magwitch, Miss Havisman
2. pip seems to not even know himself why he loves Estella. He says, “I loved her simply
because I found her irresistible.” (pg 212) This is a circular argument and Pip knows it.
Yet he loves her still. He seems to begin to love her or at least the idea of her when he
first goes to see her at Miss Havisham’s. As he ages he loves her all the more and not
because she makes him happy.
3. Yes she did, she knows his love her but with her mindset that pip being “common” is not
worth her beauty and daintiness.
4. Abel Magwitch who buy his painting because pip save him when they met in graveyard.
And he remembers the generosity of a small boy, feeling the bond of powerlessness and
victimization they both shared as convict and child. He recommits his life, this time a
conscious choice, to do good. He works hard, so that Pip can live easy.
5. he lives with his disagreeable sister and her sweet-natured husband, the blacksmith Joe
Gargery. While visiting his family members’ graves in the churchyard, the young Pip
encounters Abel Magwitch, an escaped convict. Pip brings him food and a file, but the
fugitive and Compeyson—his former partner in crime and a supposed gentleman who is
now his enemy—are soon caught. Later Pip is requested to pay visits to Miss Havisham,
a woman driven half-mad years earlier by her lover’s departure on their wedding day.
6. The decision to marry Drummle was the one thing Estella did have control over in her
life, and it was her way of getting back at Miss Havisham for the way she was raised
7. Because he realized that Abel Magwitch the one buy all his paintings and paid him in
New York
8. Mr, Campbell, Magwitch used that name as aliases so pip didn’t know
9. They love each other even though Maggie always harsh to pip and Biddy.

2.1 he restores his calendar and manufactures his water-clock that Robinson takes
2.3 Robinson Crusoe survives on the island through a combination of common sense,
determination, and ingenuity. He does not take unnecessary risks. He to learn about
animal, how wheather.
2.4 Robinson Crusoe's friend on the island is a native inhabitant from the mainland, and
his name is Friday
2.5 main theme is how to survive or survival
2.6 he was born in 1632 in the city of York, England.
2.9 they ran away and aved himself by creating bushy bed to save himself

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