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Courtney = C.

Arie = A.
Susan = S.
Gramden = G.

Courtney enters

C. Hey.

A. Hey! How’s it going?

C. Good. Um… What’s that behind you?

A. Oh, crap!

C. Yeah, you may wanna take that down. Wouldn’t want to disappoint mom again.

A. Almost forgot about that. Whoops.

C. Heh, scoff.

A. Thank you… Did you just say scoff?

C. No.

A. Oh my gosh.

Susan enters

S. Hello daughters.

A./C. Hi mom.

S. Courtney, you’re doing amazing! Just sitting there, wonderful. Arie. You’re… fine.

Anyway darling, how are you doing?

C. Good mom.

A. Doing good!

S. Oh, um, have y’all been getting ready for Grandma?

A. I’ve got everything taken off the wall, so I think we’re ready.

S. Hmmmm… If you say so. That’s perfect, I hope she doesn’t have any technical issues

coming in here.

A. She’s Grandma.
Gramden enters, muted

A. Hey Grandma!

C. Hey Grandma.

A. Oh, Grandma, you’re muted.

C. Your mic.

A. Okay, look at the bottom of the screen. The big red button with the slash through it, click

that. We can’t hear you.

C. We can see you but we can’t hear you.

A. Go down to the bottom of the screen, big red button. Microphone. Oval. Thingy. Slash

through it. It’s red.

Gramden unmutes but turns off camera.

A. No, okay other one.

C. Oh, you turned your camera off.

G. Red?

A. Click the one you just clicked again.

G. I’m colorblind… Red… Yellow… Green… Yellow… Red…

Gramden turns camera back on.

G. What is all of this, I can raise my hand, why… I can do that on my own. Why does it say

that I can raise my hand.

A. I don’t know.

G. Oh wait, so you all can hear me now?

C. Yes.

G. Okay, well let me restart. Let me restart.

Gramden turns camera and mic off.

A. Oh, okay.

Gramden turns camera and mic on.

G. Ah, now I understand. OH MY BABIES, HOW YA DOIN!? Arie, you are looking fantastic

as always, Courtney looking so good, so good. Oh hey Susan, your Grandbabies looking

fantastic as always, how are they doin?

S. Thank you Gramden, oh they are doing amazing. Well, Courtney is doing amazing,

Arie’s…. Arie.

G. Arie’s Arie? Awww, Arie’s fantastic. I love Arie just the way she is. Oh that’s fantastic. I’m

so glad to be able to see all of you, even in this setting. Eugh, setting’s… weird, I don’t

like- technology. But, y’know I’ll figure it out. Suffer through it, just for you guys.

A./C. Aw, thanks Grandma.


S. So.... About the election…

A./C. No.


C. No.

G. Nope? Oh, well. Okay. That’s okay.

A. Hey, how about we go start eating?

C. Ah, yes. Let’s do that.

Arie walks off to get food

G. Wait… you brought the food, right?

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