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6 1 Choose the correct words orphr鮪es to comple書et血e sentences.

O I臨海騨売高粧ny brother bec餌sehe always I as time for everybodyタ

ロge肋ng ㊨o初ong* my work colleagues W。 aH w。rk well t。g。th。r.

2 Matt and Christina are having an遍垂加a極z41 He doe§n聴。 Wh。t Sh。 did ,。st。,day.

3 Youand I紺e Very Simi血W㊨a虎研hesane values

4 My sisteris hiving by herselfnow. She likes㊨he擁independent.

7 CompIete the sentences using word§ from the b帆There is one extra option.

COmm押rty「 POWer Sati轟ction 霊講曲車 adventure∴∴creati辛ty wquk ethic

O Ihavc very speciul鮎ends. Ithinkhaving good暗証h卑isreaHy血portant.

器‡l謹書宝器‡誓書豊置lmPO軸me than thenoney

3 Mydad always didhisjot)thebesthe could. He had a‘′ery gOOd 臆WQrk_

4 Ilikehe匝g nyもへ母国車・I-vebeen a volunteerintheschool library fo. yea,S.

5 Amir: Ihear you,re going廿avelingaround血e world.

Ju量ianna: Yes, Ican,t wait, I,m going to血d q±hl養雛」

Sc○re: /5

8 M舶ch仇eきeれ書e調臓3.

O All my boyfriend thinks al)Out is having a good time.

1 Peterwon’t accept moneyfromhisparents. f-

2 Idon’twanttomoveagainwithmyson.織-

3 Luisisproudofhisjob asadoctor. g

4 Igordoesn’tcare about eaminglots ofmoney. A_

5 Jamietakes evening classesin art. c

Ar_ He’s more interested injob satisfaction.

B He likes having that status.

Q- It’s a way for him to express his creativity.

月r He needsto have security,

撃Ijust don’t share血s values,

F He likes tobe independent.

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