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1. What kind of question should the student candidate begin the history with? Give an example.
a. How can I help you?
2. What 2 things should be avoided in an opening statement?
a. Asking “What’s your problem today?”
b. Restating the reason of visit as documented
3. Why do we start the histories with open ended questions?
a. Allows patient to use their own words
4. When should redirection be used?
a. If patient’ story diverge too far from the primary concern
5. What should the student candidate do if the patient offers a diagnosis for their chief complaint?
a. Add it to their differential diagnoses but must keep it open to other possibilities
6. Will the Standardized Patients on Comlex 2 PE elaborate or answer more than what the student
a. Standardized patients only answer questions that candidates ask
7. What should you do if the Standardized patient gives an incomplete answer?
a. Never abandon a question and must ask about more details
8. What does CODIERS SMASH FM stand for? When should it be used?
a. Chronology, onset, description/duration, intensity, exacerbating & remitting factors,
symptoms associated, social history, medical history, allergies, surgical history,
hospitalization history, family history, medications
b. When candidates get confused while taking the history
9. What does FED TACOS stand for? When should this be used?
a. Food, exercise, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, occupation & sexual history
b. When it is appropriate for the problem at hand

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