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Advice for Virtual Interviews

Set up before the interview

A. Physical Environment
Choose a quiet place – find a place free of distractions
Use a neutral, non-distracting background. Tryto avoid virtual backgrounds.
Be intentional about what the interviewer can see – they may ask.
Get a comfortable chair that allows an upright posture
Test the lighting
- Lighting should be behind the computer camera – shining onto your face
- Minimize lighting behind you or you will be in shadow (don’t sit in front of a window)
- Notice the sunlight in the room through the course of the day – does it place shadows on you?

B. Technical Environment
Make sure there are outlets and plug-inthe computer – to avoid running out of battery power
Try to use a private and stable internet service
Place the camera at eye level (may require placing the laptop on books or a higher table)
Angle the camera slightly downward
Test the computer placement (slight changes in lighting, camera, chair height can change your
Test the technology before the interview(MOCK INTERVIEW PRACTICE!)
- Ensure the microphone sound quality and volume are good
- Assess for background noise
- Well in advance ensure you have downloaded the virtual platform being used by the interviewer
- Close all other open programs to avoid distractions
Ensure eyeglasses do not reflect images from the computer
Check that your profile name and photo are appropriate
Ask whom to contact for technical issues and what the protocol for technical difficulties is
- Provide your phone number in case there are technical difficulties

During the interview

Dress professionally
Consider where to keep pen and paper if you want to take notes
Look into the camera when responding to questions (to improve perception of eye contact).
Note: this can make it harder to perceive non-verbal cues and expressions of the interviewer.
Move the interviewer’s image to right below the camera so you can see them while speaking.
Look at the interviewer’s image when they speak.Do not watch yourself speak
Sit still and lean forward
Do not adjust the computer during the interview (this causes distractions for interviewers)
Silence your phone and other gadgets
Suspend video feed when getting up from one’s chair or speaking to another person in the background
(ideally, avoid this altogether!)
Mute mics when not speaking
Stretch and move in-between interviews

1. McKinley SK et al. Successful Virtual Interviews: Perspective from Recent Surgical Fellowship
Applicants and Advice for Both Applicants and Programs. Ann Surg 2020
Advice on Virtual Interviews Ann Surg 2020

2. William K et al. Videoconference Interviewing: Tips for Success. JGME Sept 2015

3. AAMC. Virtual Interviews: Tips for Medical School Applicants. May 14, 2020.

4. Jones R and Abdelfattah K. Virtual Interviews in Era of COVID-19: A primer for Applicants. J Surg Ed.

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