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Icarus Come Down 

Adelynn Barron 
Alas, how terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the man that is wise! 
A useless thing to have as it's doing no good to the person who has it 
Daedalus and Icarus has escaped what was previously inescapable 
Icarus wasn’t one to listen  
for he was greedy and arrogant 
He warns Icarus not to get too high for the wax will melt off. 
But he could now fly  
What does he care 
Oh, for he doesn’t realize he’s too close to the sun  
when the wax in his wings melted 
he was out of the sky 
Into the water where his breath was taken 
He wanted to fly away 
So he did 
But the sun wanted him to stay 
Or was it his arrogance that kept him 
He fell 
And the water overcame him 
At least he couldn't do it again 
Because if he could 
He would 

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