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In the Midst of Hate, Why Not Do What Pleases

Truth seekers who get the chance to listen to my preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
inevitably develop an intense desire to serve God and be a part of the Church of God
International. Not only that, because of the overwhelming joy that they feel, they also want their
loved ones to learn what they have learned and to also join them in the true Church that they
have found and to serve God all together.

Unfortunately though, sometimes things do not always happen in accordance with what they
desire. There are instances wherein, not only do their loved ones resist the idea of changing
religions, but their loved ones also prevent them from further listening to the Christian doctrines
that I preach, more so, from joining the Church of God.

What is more saddening is that their loved ones’ objection and resistance are not really founded
on any solid ground such as doctrinal matters, but mostly out of sentimentality. They simply
want the truth seekers to stick with the religion that their parents and grandparents introduced to
them, which they have been practicing all their lives, regardless of its unbiblical and erroneous
beliefs and practices.

With the reactions that their loved ones show, these truth seekers are faced with the predicament
of how they could convince their friends and family members to also join the Church of God —
because they love them and also want them to be saved.

This is actually a dilemma experienced by many people. But this is not really a big problem
because the Bible teaches us how we can lead our loved ones to serving God.

1 PETER 3:1 (KJV)

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they
also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

According to the verse, a wife can be instrumental in the conversion of her husband; she can lead
him to faith without using words, but only by doing good deeds. The wife does not have to use
persuasive words to convince her husband because her good deeds are capable of saying more
than enough. As an adage says, actions speak louder than words.

Once the husband sees the positive changes that are happening in his wife because of her
obedience to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ being taught in the Church of God, even
without saying anything, the husband will readily believe that the Church that his wife joined is
really of God. The husband will develop a curiosity at first, and later on, an interest in joining the
Church of God.

Although the given example shows how wives can lead their husbands to God, this is also
applicable to the other members of the family, and even to friends and workmates.

By putting into practice the teachings that you have learned in the Church, by doing good deeds
toward them despite the cold treatment that they may give you, they would know in their hearts
that you are not mistaken in joining the Church of God. And before you know it, they will be
with you in your service to God. Just never get tired of doing good deeds.

1 PETER 2:12 (KJV)

Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as
evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of

If you keep on doing good things, if you continue to treat people with kindness despite the
negative things they may say about you, time will come that even those who do not acknowledge
God will learn to acknowledge Him; they will also glorify God.

One piece of advice to those who experience the same predicament: Do not be afraid of the
rejection of other people; do not let their opinions hinder you in your desire to serve God. What
you need to have is the kind of conviction that the apostles had — and your foremost concern
should be to obey God before anybody else.

ACTS 5:29 (KJV)

Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Our obedience should be rendered to God first, not to our family and friends, not to the rich and
the powerful, and not to anybody else. God is our Creator; He is the owner of our lives. For that
alone, it is but proper that we give Him our absolute obedience, full commitment, and love
without reservations.

There is nothing wrong with loving your spouse, parents, siblings, and friends; there is nothing
wrong about caring for them. But just see to it that your love for God is much, much greater than
your love for any of them. Our love for other people only comes second to our love for God. We
should love God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind.

As it is written in MATTHEW 22:37-39 (KJV),

37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy mind. 
38  This is the first and great commandment. 
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

So, if you want to serve God, if you want to heed His calling, you have nothing to fear; you
should not let anything or anybody get in the way. If you truly love God, then nothing else
should matter.

Do not be afraid of what other people will say. In the first place, they will always have
something to say whatever you do, as you cannot please them all. So, you might as well do what
is pleasing to God.

And it is pleasing to God if you will obey His teachings and if you submit yourself under the
jurisdiction of His Church. And once inside the Church of God, you will be constantly taught to
do good deeds, which you can apply when dealing with your loved ones.

And with God’s help, when they see how you’ve changed for the better, you will not encounter
much difficulty in making them accept the faith that you have embraced.

May God bless you!

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