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The most important points for duck are :

To preserve/destroy an entry to a long suit, usually in Dummy
To arrest an Honour card of the Opponents
To develop an extra trick in a suit
To Duck to Preserve an Entry.
Duck to Maintain Trump Control.
Duck to Develop an extra trick in a Suit.

The Throw is usually In last Side suit definite loser after stripping all card from safe side
1. Throw-in Play - An endplay maneuver during the play of the last few cards, where the
player on lead plays a low card to an opponent guarding one or more suits.  With the opponent
now on lead, one of the cards previously held over their right hand opponent now becomes a
2. Tenace Throw-in - Placing one's left hand opponent on the lead  near the end of play,
forcing the opponent holding honors over the leader to play into leader's hand.
3. Trump Throw-in - Sometimes known as an Elimination Play, an opponent is thrown-in
the lead thus allowing a ruff and sluff (discard). 
4. Double Elimination Throw-in - The situation where throwing either player into the lead
wins additional tricks. 

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