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Севим Назифова Мустафова спец. НУПЧЕ 3 курс факт.


1.Which phrases should all your pupils learn as soon as possible?- Good
morning/ afternoon Goodbye Can I……………….,please? Sorry, I don't know/ don't understand/can't.
What's this called in English? What's the English for ... ? Whose turn is it/book is this/chair is this?
Whose turn is it to……………? It's my/your/his/her turn. Pass the……………….,please?

2 How should phrases be taught? Why?- Through picture dictionaries, facial

expressions, puppets and any other means you can think of to get your meaning across.

3. How can you present new language orally (ways)?- Through the pupils, By using a

4  Why is using a mascot one of the most successful ways of presenting

language?- Using a mascot One of the most successful ways of presenting language to
young children. Having 'someone' familiar constantly on hand with whom you can have
conversations about anything and everything is a wonderful way of introducing new subjects and
new language to young children. Through the mascot, pupils can ask and answer questions.

5 Write three dialogues with a mascot as your partner.

Teddy, do you love winter?
No, I like spring
Because the weather warms and flowers bloom.

Teddy, do you want to sing?

no, i want to draw.

Teddy, what do you like to eat?

Which fruit do you love most?
6. What can paper dolls be very useful for?- These are very useful for teaching
7. What are the advantages of drawings? What can drawings be very useful
for?- They have many advantages: they are quick to do; their content can be determined
exactly by you; and they are easy to reproduce.

8.  What can picture cards be very useful for?- They can be easily sorted by size for
group or individual work.
9.  Why is the use of the foreign language the best option when acquiring a second
language?- It is proven that a total immersion situation is the best option when acquiring a
second language due to the fact that, «… in the spontaneous learning of a second language,
sociability has been found to be a major influence on rate of learning. The biggest contact
children have with the second language is in the classroom.

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