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.. advaita pratyaya ..


Latif Shah was a 16th Century muslim saint who was a Rambkakta.
His samAdhi isat m.ngaLaveDhe.

  !#"%$&')(+,* !-+ " /.011 3, 2 457681, 2 - 9 :

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?@A B. , 2 CDE, 2 -F$GHIJ-+ K:
L(+M " !N, O(L3 9QPSR T+G= . ,< U, V-XW<&Y
Z 9QR" 2[= :
\>N]CZ^ 9Q_ >Z " .O-XW, ?-+`ab -+cd :
 P efh. g "iP =j,- k .)11-+W<?5lNm(1?-in2 :
fh1o, H g pQqsr<=D^.Q-+W<+G+&5ut 1ov :
HTwHx+yZYz{|,= Y 9JR HY<=} R H@~@€Y<;<‚>G(+ .
Yƒ~N P ,- ,†
„ …,<U, wHG+5% R Y<iZ‡, 

Encoded and proofread by Yadunath Moharir dryadu1 at

BSK Vol. 8 pp. 315

Please send corrections to

Last updated July 25, 2005

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