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Name : Riski Paulina

Class/Program : 1-10/Tax

NPM : 2301180741

My Future Idea

Everybody has dreams and hopes in their life. Without dream, our life will
be meaningless. We do not have targets and goals to be attained. We will not
change and develop. We just walk on the same place. That’s why we should have

As human, I also have dreams. I want to always develop myself with

target that I made. Although I was accepted as PKN STAN’s student, everything
is not over. Becoming PKN STAN’s student is not only my dream and through
this writing, I will share what is my future idea.

As PKN STAN’s student, I want to balance my achievement in academic

and non-acandemic. Why? Because I want to make my family and people around
me happy and proud of my achievement. Beside it, I realize that to be a good
fiscus, I not only need knowledge from the lesson, but I also need some
experiences in non-academic such as becoming part of organization in colleges.
To can make it true, I must good at dividing my time. I must know whether my
priority or not.

After I graduated, I will be a government employee under Finance

Ministry as a fiscus. I want to be trusted and skilled government employee. One of
my life principle is that I must useful person to the others, because life is
meaningless if you don’t care to other people. If I can not be trusted and skilled
government employee, I just can make society feel fidgety because the money that
society give to government is not managed optimally. If the money is not
managed optimally, the infrastructure building process will be delayed and the
society can not enjoyed the facility. I do not want those thing happen, so I must be
trusted and skilled government employee.

After working as government employee for approximately 2 years, I want

to be part of PKN STAN again, as D IV of Accounting student. I want to expand
my knowledge about finance, so that my competence in finance can improve.
Why I want to be PKN STAN’s student again and not as part of other
univerisities? It’s because as government employee, it will be easier if I will be
PKN STAN’s student and not as other universities’s student. I can economize the
education expense and energy because if I go to another universities to get
bachelor title, I keep on my working as government employee and study at the
university on the weekend. It is so exhausting.

My other dream is becoming tax lecturer. I want to share my knowledge

about tax and economy to other people. To can become tax lecturer, I should take
master from a university. It can from university in Indonesia or in abroad. I hope I
can continue my study and take master abroad as another lecturer in PKN STAN

I also want to be good daughter, wife, and mother to my family. Although

in my future life, I will be busy person, I’m not allowed to forget my family. After
I’m succed, I want to help my family to fulfill our needs and help my younger
sister to get her dream. I want to be wife who treat my husband well. I want to
raise my children well too and give my love to them.

Well, those are my future idea. Maybe, some people think that after I
graduated from PKN STAN, I can’t reach them because of my new status as
government employee. They say that our future will be constant. It is just like that
we will stuck on the same place. But, I don’t agree with the opinion. I think I still
can make my dreams come true. I will try my best, say no to “give up”, and reach
my dreams.

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