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Grade :6

Subject : Earth Science

Topic : Astronomy

Answer in one word:

(Big Bang theory, local cluster, galaxy, inner, planet)

1. _______
Planets orbits around a star.

2. ________
Big Bang theory explains about the creation of universe.

3. A group of planetary systems makes up a ______.


4. ________
Inner planets have shorter revolution around the sun.

5. A group of galaxies makes up a _______.

local cluster

Multiple Choice Questions:

6. Assertion (A): Earth is unique from other planets.

Reason(R): Oxygen and water supports life on earth.
a. Both A & R are correct, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A & R are correct, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is correct & R is false
d. A is false & R is correct

7. Statement I: Earth is tilted on its axis.

Statement II: Earth’s tilt leads to seasons.
a. Both statement I & II are correct
b. Only statement I is correct
c. Only statement II is correct
d. Neither I nor II are correct
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8. Dark areas on the moon are known as _______.
a. high lands
b. meteors
c. maria
d. craters

9. Identify the correct statement among the following.

a. Black holes are formed due to collapse of supernova.
b. Moon takes around 50-60 days to complete one phase cycle.
c. Diameter of moon is about ½ of the earth’s diameter
d. Lunar eclipse occurs during every moon cycle.

10. A: Black hole is invisible.

B: Edge of black hole is termed as event horizon.
C: There is no gravity inside the black hole.
Identify the correct statement among the following.
a. Only A is correct
b. Only B is correct
c. Both A & B are correct
d. Only C is correct

11. Match the following:

Column A Column B

A. Phase of moon ( ) 1. Earth’s shadow on the

B. Lunar eclipse ( ) 2. Nicolas Copernicus

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C. Milky way galaxy ( ) 3. Waxing

D. Heliocentric ( ) 4. Spiral galaxy


12. Identify the image:

Solar ______________________________

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Answer Key
1. Planet orbits around a star.

2. Big Bang Theory explains about the creation of universe.

3. A group of planetary systems makes up a galaxy.

4. Inner planets have shorter revolution around the sun.

5. A group of galaxies make up a local cluster.

6. (a) Earth is the only planet that supports life in the solar system. It is unique because

of the presence oxygen & water.

7. (a) Earths tilted axis is the reason for the occurrence of seasons.

8. (c) Dark areas on the moon are known as maria.

9. (a) Black holes are formed due to collapse of supernova.

10. (c) Edge of black hole is termed as event horizon. There is high gravity inside the

black hole due to which no light can be squeezed into the tiny space. These are

invisible to us.

11. Match the following:

A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2

12. Solar eclipse

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