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Dear Students, please follow the following instructions to complete your lab reports:

Your lab report must contain the following portions:

1- Lab number (at the top of report)

2- Objective (already given in word document just copy from their)
3- Introduction (you can take this part from google classroom, either from PPT or word
document uploaded their)
4- Tables (already uploaded all tables in google classroom)
5- Graphs (In order to give you relaxation and for your time saving, I have decided that
you can make graphs using excel)
6- Conclusion

Lab report of individual lab must not exceed 3 pages. Lab reports will be individually
submitted because it has absolute 20% overall weightage.

Marks Distribution of Lab Reports:

PLO-04 (C-4)

Analysis (Tables +Graphs +Conclusion). 10 Marks.


Completeness of Lab Report (Report must be complete in all respect). 10 Marks

Language & Formatting of lab Report (All the txt must be uniform and justified + Figures &
Tables must have caption + Figures & Tables must be centre aligned). 10 Marks.

Total marks of individual lab = 30 Marks

Total marks of 13 labs = (13)*(30)= 390 Marks. (These marks will be converted to 20%)

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