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In the spaces provided below, describe how you will overcome the following
challenges if they occur:

Lack of participation: Invite only those participants who are most integrally involved
and will have the most to contribute to respect of the subject and purpose of the
meeting. Take care to schedule the meeting at a mutually convenient time for all and
provide ample notice and reminders.

Losing focus: The chairperson leads the meeting, keep order, encourage each
participant can contribute and ensure that timekeeping and focus are maintained.  

Group does not have an established dynamic from working together often: Open
communication is central to good team dynamics, so make sure that everyone is
communicating clearly. Participants can give their opinion and object on any decision.
All members will pay attention on the meeting to avoid disrespect of all members.  
Every participants need to understand roles and responsibilities and agenda purpose
before meeting.

Disagreements or differences of opinion: There is no need to be personal in the

meeting. Everyone has full rights to offer opinion and solution. Participants can ask  
question and the chairperson ask questions and permission during the meeting.

Non-attendance by a single attendee:  

Meeting runs over time without achieving purpose:  

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