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How to avoid Covid-19

How to prevent and avoid the Corona virus can be done by adopting a clean and
healthy lifestyle. Prevention is considered the best way to avoid disease because until
now there is no cure and the vaccine is not available for the public. So, here are some
ways to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, where the transmission rate is
increasing.The first step use a mask because it is still one of the important personal
protective equipment used to prevent the spread of the Corona COVID-19 virus. Second
step washing hands regularly because Some cases of transmission are predicted to occur
when hands touching a surface contaminated by the virus then accidentally touch the
face. Third step keep your distance when in the crowd. It is recommended that at least 1
meter between you and other people. The next step maintain the immune system in a way

1. Get enough rest. Adults generally need 7-8 hours of sleep and teenagers around 9-10
2. Expand to eat vegetables and fruit. The content of vitamins and minerals in
vegetables and fruit strengthens the body's immune system.
3. Avoid stress. Uncontrolled and prolonged stress can increase the hormone cortisol. In
the long run, the hormone cortisol can reduce the immune system.
4. Exercise regularly. It is recommended to exercise 30 minutes a day, such as walking.

And the last step is to prepare Drugs and Disinfectants. Make sure you have a supply of
medicines and disinfectants at home. If a family member is sick, give an over-the-counter
symptom reliever, then immediately see a doctor at the hospital. Meanwhile, disinfectant
aims to clean the surface of objects contaminated with the virus from sick people. To sum
up plan let's prevent covid-19 transmission starting from ourselves. and still adhere to
health protocols that have been implemented by the government.

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