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LISTENING Describing a meal


describes food or drink with a nice flavor

tasty adjective
This pizza is very tasty.

describes food which has a lot of salt in it

salty adjective
The chips are really salty.

describes food with a strong taste of spices

spicy adjective
Mexican food is spicy.

describes food or drink with a lot of sugar

sweet adjective
Cake and candy are sweet.

describes food which someone recently picked or made

fresh adjective
Fresh fruit is delicious.

describes uncooked meat, fish or vegetables

raw adjective
Sushi is raw fish and rice.

describes food or drink which has a high temperature

hot adjective
Soup is served hot.

describes food or drink which has a low temperature

cold adjective
Ice cream is cold.

describes food which does not have a strong spicy taste

mild adjective
Rice is very mild.

describes food which is old and does not taste good

stale adjective
If you leave bread out it becomes stale.
LISTENING Describing a meal

Listening Practice: Transcript

Tom: Well, this is nice, Jane. Nicer than eating at home!

Jane: You’re right, Tom, and we never go out. I thought your friend, Kevin, was

Tom: No, he’s working. Oh, here’s the waiter with our food. Yum, this has a
strong taste of pepper and mustard. Good! I love spicy food! Oh! This
bread is awful. It’s stale.

Jane: Well, mine looks nice. Oh, wait. The chicken isn’t cooked enough. Yuck.

Tom: I’ll call the waiter and ask him to take it back to the kitchen.

Jane: I’ll have something else. Something cold…a fresh salad.

Tom: No, Jane. We’re paying for the meal and I want you to have something nice.

Jane: Okay. Wow, this place is expensive! The menu says the chicken is $18!

Tom: No, that’s for my hamburger. The chicken is $21!

Jane: What? I thought it was less than $15!

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