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Novel Review Question-

Chapter 1
• Why do so few people in Pakistan celebrate the birth of a baby girl? What is
the attitude of Malala’s father toward the birth of his daughter?
• Answer: few people in Pakistan celebrate the birth of a baby girl because,
Baby girls normally are frowned upon because they are simply there to cook
and have children, whereas a boy carries on the name and is allowed to
accomplish anything he to desires. For this reason, many don't celebrate
the birth of a girl. However, her father was happy she was born, and he
broke many traditions to celebrate her.
• After whom is Malala named?
• Answer: Malalai of Maiwand. Malalai was a strong warrior who stood up for
what she believes in.
• What are society’s expectations of girls? What are the attitudes of Malala
and her father about the role of girl in society?
• Answer: Society's expectations of girls is to cook, clean, and have children.
Malala and her father feel that girls should be educated, and that they have
much more meaning to their life than to simply cook and have babies
• Before she was shot, did Malala fear for her own life?
• Answer: Malala did not fear for her life because she repeatedly said ""The
Taliban have never come for a small girl""(Yousafzai 7).
• What are the various religions that have “ruled” the Swat Valley?
• Answer: Buddhist, Muslim, and Hindu.

Chapter 2
• What issue did Malala’s father overcome in his youth?
• Answer: He lost most of his stutter He got his father's approval when he
said a speech fluently without stuttering in a contest.
• Was the “restricted” life of women always the case in Malala’s home
• Answer: It was for the people around her, but Malala's father wanted to
give her more freedom.
• What events ushered in this more restrictive times?
• Answer: General Zia ul-Haq came into power.
• Was Malala’s father a Jihadi?
• Malala father was not a jihadi however, he wanted to be a jihadi.
• Why is Malala’s father called a falcon?
• Answer: A falcon "is a creature that flies high above other creatures"
(Yousafzai 39). His father called him this after he said his first speech in
front of everyone without a stutter.

Chapter 3
• Is Malala’s mother educated?
• Malala's mother started to go to school when she was 6, but she quit
during that same term.
• What were some of the initial obstacles Malala’s father faced when
he wanted to attend the University?
• Malala's dad had to figure out how to get money to pay for the
• Why does Malala’s father believe that education is so important to
• He believes that education is the key to solving all of Pakistan's
problems. It could help educate people and keep them from being
fooled into re-electing poor politicians.
• Who is Benazir Bhutto? Why is she important?
• She is the Prime Minister's daughter. She is inportant because, she
was the first female Prime Minister and she encouraged people to
speak and promoted education.
• Who is Mohammad Naeem Khan? Why is he important to Malala’s
• He is one of Malala's father's friends. He helped Malala's father
financially. So he could go to school. They opened a school together.

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