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Name : Keren Stefany Munthe

Class : V7-B

NPM : 217110048

11TH Assignment: Comparative Literature


According to the reference of comparative literature, we know that comparative literature can be

called as the comparative study is when we learn about the literature about a country where had

the relations with the literature of other place, how the intertwined process affects one another,

what a literature has taken, and what it represents. The implication is that literature can be

compared with the literature of a nation when it comes to the literary history of another nation.

When we doing comparative study we can compare with some approach which is influences and

analogy, motion and cencension, genre and form, motive, type and theme. As we know, in the

reference Danomo argued that first approach most produced the result from research, regarded as

literary comparison. He also notes that above four categories of approaches lack a firm

separation line. That is because, any study in human science can be a study of relationship in a

sense of influence and analogy. A literary scholar may describe a movement, genre, or motive in

understanding the connections between various national literature. Researchers are confronted by

certain works that all have themes and motives. When doing comparative research we also can

make it with translation, when we borrowing and then developing characters from other nations,

for example: last our ancestors developed a subtracted axiary from india, resulting Javanive,

Sundanese and Bali. Literature as the study of comparative challenged us to developed what we
have borrowed and compare from another nations or other culture and create the new one or by

giving the responses that make the new literature works.

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