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-, Breached/ Compromised Ryan Tricks Introduction Firstly thank you for purchasing this booklet, this is m fering to the magic community, these routines are something gat have long been in my act and it is genuinely one of the jost powerful pieces of mentalism that I perform it be known upfront that | consider myself a magician, | claim to be a mentalist and as such | approach things from that perspective - the effects | use need to be quick, visual hard hitting. If they lack a pay off or the process is too long lots of mentalism | have seen tends to be) | am not ested in that in the slightest. these effects to work in live environments as peo ily ask me to re-create what | perform on video and I formed these events at many, many major ons and events. my best to be as detailed as possible and 1 have Pout all the ways that I have used these effects and veffects from variations on premise to work arounds ‘features on the phones to achieve a similar Before getting onto the first effe: lot of manuscripts and books They seems to take forever to get to the ety dieu, a8 effect and too much time talking about hy ae Workings; This might just be because of my limited petit Sen, getting into the method, but it helped me in we and wa best way to shape this booklet, You will nor. Mil on ya this booklet that I have been careful to ensure yo ing you ate Brtting ct le * UAC DE known; OW Mentalign, ; hat) 9, 4 Ie 4 all the content and no filler, Effect The performer asks the participant to take chose any contact inside their phone and fend thee’, iene random word, place or picture. The Participant hens performer's instructions, selects a contact and then teen random piece of information to send. Without any fishing ms performer proceeds to guess the person that the Participant jy thinking of, The performer then proceeds to reveal {in as much detail as hhe/ she chooses) the exact thought piece of information the tried it once you will see just how it only takes © moment to learn and you are reudy tc and perform it — My type of material! strong this is. The be For the first version of this effect you will need to download ‘WhatsApp messenger’ if you don't already have it, {f up the statistics online this app is one of the mos popul messaging apps ~ Simply because it is so easy to sl photos and messages without having to pa NEVER been in a scenario where someone 8 for does not have this app @ penny, | have in the group I am familiarised with the app if you have not already got it so Pyou get the gist of it, Once you have downloaded that app 3 te familiar with the layout, you need to down dd this FOR WHATSWEB' you can download this app for © App store if you are on Apple, Google store if you n Android and if you use any other operating system visit m you through the set up procedure (it really is but would hate to think I had not adequately “First sclect what language you want the app to ire square if not simply This is going to sound anyway as | really ly as possible, On IPhone it automatically opens so you can see all of it you are ready to perform — that is the pre-set Up to this, x having to calibrate and mess around simple and Straight forward. The idea with this is in @ moment we are going i, clone the participants phone — well a part of it and you wily have access to every private conversation and picture the participant has ever sent on WhatsApp: When I first realised this worked | realised just how dangerous this'was in the wrong hands, As I mentioned earlier — I take no that you use this, I will not be responsibility in the way responsible if you use this for the wrong reasons, | simply use this for entertainment and that is all. It would be great if you could borrow a phone to try ‘this out so you can sce how effective it is. and how quick it takes to clone the phone I think you will scare yourself with just how quickly this works. Let's imagine you have borrowed a phone — This enables me to outline how to clone a participant’s phone, You literally have to log out on the WHATSCAN app their private information, They can leave (after the performance) and it will still be open, you car fi and it will still be open! | ALWAYS recommend lov soon as the performance is over unte: the ‘Press performance’ (outlined later) Une you are t One thing to note, if they are ty logged in tos simply delete that device and take the photo, This | thing that could stop you taking a photo of the QR code Cloning an Android phone Goto the participant's WhatsApp click the three dots *WhatsApp web” then you scan your QR code (as abe there are any devices logged in simply delete the devices tare logged in and then scan the QR code. It as that! T would recommend logging out as soon as necessary 1O press the point one more time | accept no ibility for your actions. That's it for the set up in ice the rest is self-working. ication for taking the nt’s phone it justifications available to you when don’t have the time to mess around in gigs so I just use the most direct and possible — app hold it casually in my 2" (This type of effect hone lock but that is their WhatsApp try this differently. this might be more fun" them the phone ae Straight bac 7 Simple and easy, it’s ge} long as you nee of course | do ¢ t up now and wi ed to instany the time top quick and Punchy, d 80 you don't ne 1s I don't have effects first, I need it to be This is wher i 8 is re I move into tt erformance ei C 1¢ performa (There different options outlined later) Anoth Z . er perform an effect on the locking 1 phone) then tell the partici Ne pant you are Boing to take 4 picture of a prediction. On your ; phone ensure that you that you can force later (it can be anything 2. «gi force using equivoque anything you are coniidediaail eal the participant to think of). Open this up and then oat “WHATSCAN”, - Participant (like Unlocking Open their WhatsApp, then proceed to clone the phone, of course you can be very blatant because you are doing what you proclaim to be doing (taking a photo of your screen) then say “It’s not very clear I will take that again”. Open the camera on their phone (which will close their WhatsApp), then open tit: photo on your phone (that you want to take a photo of and simply take the photo and move into that routine. After you ame done swiftly move into this routine, When using this appro you can be as open you like. Tell everyone to look away # you don’t want them seeing what you are taking a photo What better cover could you ask for? any doubt about how the setup flies by, cot and I will send you a video of me performing the er effect/ full performance. You can how it eae how 1am not worried when performing thi ne aa you, The justifi jon for the setup of this effe ‘land doesn’t need overthinking. If you are in Now onto the performance Performance The performance of this effect is pure! the way that I perform this but the a this routine is that it is so Open that you are |it perform this in whatever manner you choose, you re need me to explain the ins and outs of it. it is so ver Let’s imagine you have cloned the participant's phone and we will go into this from there, You have handed the participant the phone back. You ¢: ly have your phone in your hand. Ask the parti ipant if they hay WhatsApp, of course you know they do as you h there. But this little moment subtly sug; k “cipant that you do not know if they have pot it. ¥ id ask if they have it if you already know? 8 a tiny throw ut totally makes the method un-back-trackable later ‘contact that you have not talked to for a long while, meone that you want to get back in contact with or faning to contact. This is an excuse to get back in that person and if there is no one you particularly itancously suggests to everyone clse ou could ever know who they are the participant the here, you will get Tie participant wenden their friend their priv, will nolice In the performance video (that wis Previa, promo of thin effect) that during thin procems tury 4 moment while they do this, My metivation in ues Mle thems 8, ta, ae con show the rest of the group the contact ang the a they reality is that fam simply looking at my phone Tot The " a this op know the person and the word Again, what better cover? My entire body is blocking the phone from everyone's view and everyone is busy looking at the participant’. phone. on the audience 1 am performing for 1 might apologiee 1. turning: my back - You need to decide if thin is for you because in some circles turning your back is considered rude. Granted being # performer gives you an excuse to do this ‘without having to feel too guilty. Now you have the information — Honestly this effect couldn't be simpler and I know I keep pressing the ‘Same point but this saying “You thought of * righto> Bee cant then moving on *y You sent a ‘There is something so incredible about this process the information that makes it (in m Bae simply writing it on an imp device/ billet and pecking it. y get to read the rest of the conversation, As my back ie Are what I do is also read the conversation that occurs before that newly sent information (just skim Fead) looking out for things that might be important — 1 allow myself a few seconds tc where things were left off with the participant and the person ‘that they had chosen. | also might (if I feel | have time) click on that persons picture ~ what do I have now? The way that they eok! So | can describe the participant's friend if | want ‘bonus. tting YY opinion) stronger than a is an/ example of turning one hit into multiple after doing rson that I am secing... | am struggling right now to of in my mind. I am seeing ' haired (name the 2 This still isn't giving me an indication of the | have sent though. Think about whether this is c and a few things about this person. What {Reiterate something that you read from the of the connection | am feeling be * 2” (Insert the sex of the what could be. . the little details are the det ure really reading them jed and it then muddi se the nformation you rev that the participant sent in 1 For example. “son a random piece of information, this peen anything right?” They resond “You sent thi literally could h: a thought to me it's either a warm thought or a a warm thought would be a name or picture a number is cold and feels distant to me it is chosen or is meaningful can “When I receive cold one ~ Usually of a certain someone, a place depending on whether be cold or warm”, Of course you Know what information they have sent, for that reason you can determine whether it is a cold or a warm thought with casc. I have in the past had pa nudes to someone (maybe to play If they respond it is not personal then think 80, this is also something thut (s seem very detailed which makes this on, If this wos @ picture of say a person wh there would be details there for me to see" 7 simple thought seem more simultancously. You would exp! was cold or hot (in a throw, whether it is personal or not red § after thi nse) after th Always recommend actually duping the drawing on ab mbstract. If however it is a picture that they = io Say what you saw in the photo. Si you don’t think the participant will have + soto — trust me this gets you a M E rea emuch so they often state that cven though they fat the photo they didn’t notice that detail! Slowly image and tell them to make it clearer and then cribing the image - simple! If it is a place the Similar you describe what you think you know sk them to imagine getting on a plane seeing art and you reveal the place that they are them thinking of a nume - To names and | think it lacks the amount of detail that you mame). If it is a number of digits in there ep. The point | am © several presentations ve variations that and then talk About 14), allow you to use the ; 5 Inbuity £ features on the phone to achieve the SAME effect Additional presentations As I mer simple pi med carticr this is not only limited to revealing these eces of information there are multiple things that you can do with this technique. Here are brief outlines of Presentations and things that you can do to take this from the phone and add more visual revelations to performances, away your One ahead This is simple, get the information from the partici and then turn to your second have you dothe same thing but it imagine a random piece of informati that to a random person”, Now you | an reveal both pieces of inf Using the first Person's” Ask the second participant to think of a ¢ ask if they could ask any question to that qhen finally a third participant is asked to drawing. As above, you get this persc and message that person. question they would type of person and think of a random nto get their phone our ‘You now Know the information (using breached), Point to another participant, “I feel | am getting a good vibe from you, if you don’t mind | am going to try and answer y ‘question first. Imagine telling me the question”. They do. ‘our “lam going to write down what I think the question is and | will pwrite the answer to that question”. Of course instead of actually writing this question and answer you jot down the stion that was text (and you peeked). You then write an to that question. NOTE - | am not going to give an Ne of how to answer the question | feel it would be too ble being that I have literally had so many different asked of me it makes it impossible to give you a ‘@ friend of yours had asked you that question and as though you were answering your friend. [t i on casier to answer from a tactful position. ‘the billet that you wrote upon and hand it to ‘to hold. “I have committed myself, what it you asked?” You now listen to what the n ‘of how you would answer the seem like you are thinking too wing, [ want you to think : reading based on what ! wn what | think the stification for writing ond partic! ipant to think Of a questi, Silos to that type of rae cipant is ask ' b drawing. As above, you get this personae pate nee and message that person, SEReORSEE you now know the information (using breached). Point to another participant, “ ‘ from you, if you don’t ated «i ee ee pe question first. Imagine telling me the question”, They do. a ‘I am going to write down what I think the so write the answer to that question”. tually writing this question and answt question that was text (and you peeked). You then write an answer to that question. NOTE - 1 am not going to give an example of how to answer the question I feel it would be too impossible being that I have literally had so many different things asked of me it makes it impossible to give you a definitive answer. A good way to answer questions though is to imagine that a friend of yours had asked you that question and then answer as though you were answering your friend. It makes the question easier to answer from a tactful position. After writing fold the billet that you wrote upon and hand it to one of the participants to hold. “I have committed myself, what was the question that you asked?” You now listen to what the participant says, thinking of how you would answer the question careful not to make it seem like you are thinking too much. “Perfect”. question is and I will Of course instead of er you jot down the Turn to the person that made a drawing, | want you to think about your drawing I will give you a reading based on what 1 am reading from you and will even write down what I think the drawing is. (This of course gives you the justification for writing multiple sentences instead of just making a drawing). On this second billet write the question that the previous participant just said out loud a moment ago. Fold this billet me participant that was ho} ding the e sé person thinking of the dr, ay and it to th Look at the ; so you can't change the drawin, pillet : oq myself, A E ne u were thinking of?” 8 later what comr was the drawing YO and hée They will say out loud the drawing. “Perfect”. participant with the phone, “this has given end to reply, do you have a question eae kk?” Of course now you write something « th. abor t the drawing and then the drawing - 5, ~fere Turn to the me for your fri j like to asi 9 made at to write. tir would the person whe is an example of wh a strong personality type someone who is outgoing and “I feel al to their close circle of friends. I feel you are at a very lo. crossroads in your life trust your heart and your decision wil] be perfect. Oh and I believe you would draw an INSERT DRAWING” as I have mentioned time is of the essence. I would have this short character statement prepared on a billet before the performance and I would leave the “Oh and 1 ” (The last sentence in the example I shared above) off. believe... In short - In performance I would fill in the last sentence and whatever the drawing is.) (In live performance All three pieces of information have been filled in, fold this billet and hand it to the participant holding the billets. Talk for a second recapping what has taken place and casually ask for the participant holding the billets to take the “pieces of card” d throw them onto the table (this will obscure the order of billets). illets can be opened in any order and each one of them in rings this routine to a strong finish. Extra kicker (Psychic message) The extra kicker to this routine is more mental strong and adds an additional phase which ig visu PU 8 After the above performance take your i contact that the participant aan Geer ie eee “Whatscan app”), type in the answer that you wrote a your the billet (the answer to the question asked to the fend the phone) and click send. That person will receive 4 Svieteen message and it will come from the Participant! The partici ae you are performing on will never know this message has tees sent from their phone (which is perfect for what we want). (If you are wanting to perform this routine, one thing that I have said all the way through this booklet is when performing time is of the essence. Ensure that the answer you wrote on the billet for this participant is short, one sentence short. So when it comes to typing the same message on the phone it takes only a second. Thinking about the little details like this are what separates the workers from the thinkers.) Now the message is sent, address the Participant that sent the message to his friend. “Want to try something strange?” Of course they will say yes. “Look at the answer that I wrote down to that question, at some point your friend is going to message and ask you if you got an answer. Since this all exists in the mind, let’s answer them before they ask, if they haven't already asked. Imagine taking out your phone, typing this answer out (pointing to the answer on the billet) into the phone and pressing send so your friend now knows the answer. Imagine this even harder’. After waiting a few seconds ask the i phone and when they look at it the rehbe sana take oy all go absolutely crazy! cy Sent th (if you are not comfortable using your ph, you can always have somedreleiaanie age out and send it, this makes ev, ‘ the method that I used in aa Vi performance type the mes: hands off. Thi performing this type of effect. Using this kicker in another way Once you have performed the first routine outlined (wi participant sends a word or a picture to a random cont them to imagine a word that they would like to send friend. “If you could choose any word what would it be?” When they say the word you simply text it to that person you can do this or have your assistant do it). After p texting say, “Did you just imagine texting this word OR did you forget you had and you have amnesia?” They open the phone and there it is, you get an insane (as you saw in the promo video). Bio Reveal One other quick routine that but again gets a massive reactii you can do is simple inv ion. You can do this one ne bi - ways. One thing that I overlooked is when I first started i ct is that you can change the picture or e cloned, Change the bio effet ¢ WhatsApp you hav e in a playing card name”. ave done this simply force that Playing card and i let you h t see the reveal, er ie participan oR you can have the participant name a playing card, then t tt after. The first option is much cleaner as oe 2 bio in to the it n in {handling the phone in the middle of the performance, the nety work is done before the selection process. That said the Senetit of using the second option is that the Participant can name anything (not just a playing card = literally any private thought and you can have it appear in their bio). If they think of an image (not a card) you can (if you are using an assistant) have the assistant change their wallpaper on the Participant’s WhatsApp to whatever the image is (using your WhatScan app) Breached using the native text message service There are a couple of ways to perform this routine using the text message service on the phone (so it is not restricted to just VhatsApp) I am going to outline two methods one for IPhone and one for Samsung. The iPhone version is slightly more glamorous than the Samsung version but both will get the job done perfectly if you want to use the text message service instead of WhatsApp. IPhone text version of breached This is naughty, go to “Settings”, then “messages” and click “send and receive” click the participants Apple ID and then sign out. Sign in with your Apple Id and it will send a verification code to your phone (this in writing sounds longe' than it is in actual performance). Type in this code you receive on your phone and that’s all. , this (so the performance is short) is to that has a short email address = re clever way. to do this { sto an email service F When I signed up for an email used the email addreag is company I and this is the em 1 I linked to my Apple ID that way when in performance I am literally typing very, very little wey the password I use is a Siting of the same digits for example “9999” so that I can quickly sign into my Apple Id. ‘thing should be super quick. Or ign ul The servic account with 1 ust thi In pel participant sends from their device ssage that the hone and any text message that they this is a simple inbuilt feature ow about. Any text me: you will see on your Pp! receive you will also see. Again on the iPhone that very few people kn ¢ routine outlined above using The routine is very similar to th the WhatsApp version. You can either take the participant’s phone back and sign out (after the performance) remotely after the performance using your own phone. or sign out Please read the next section it is so important. Samsung/Android workaround (works for iPhone too) The Samsung work around gets the job done, this I have used and it works amazingly and is quick. It is quite similar to the “Call me” method also outlined in this booklet. Take the participant's phone and go into the participant’s contacts cli¢ edit on a contact and punch in your phone number. pow use the forcing method outlined later in this booklet to g ie escent to Cheek at this contact (as the participan! eos e eoutect at “random” it makes it near impossible ~ »t course now when the participant “chooses thi contact at random” take the phone and t cli that you click your) and now a text it will ie oa (make sure phone but the participant will believe they hav taight to your friend. € sent it to their This will also work with the iPhone if ou using the Apple ID method outlined earlier, | NoNaDle (Note to clean this up you need to ot 0 le oa ile Ys uber om te “Add phone” feature on the IPhone and simply delete or number after the performance (leaving the participant’s friend's number still there). Another thing that I do if I feel I have time is when I am deleting my own number and text thread from the participants phone, I simply message whatever word I received on my phone to the actual contact the participant selected. 1 then hand the phone back and then direct the participant to put the phone away. I then perform something else putting a time delay between the phone being used and them checking it again. That way the slight (only a minute or so) discrepancy of when the text was sent is completely lost in the performance and the participant can call their friend after and all the realities will line up. Simple! As you can see there are simple solutions to achieve the same effect on multiple platforms on the phone. Compromised Effect The performer sets thought, asking to the participant a random out to influence : phone to write a borrow the participants e random note the performer after receiving the phone decides that he has much more of a connection than he/ she could of have imagined and i ad asks the participant to make up a heir mind on the spot. random password in tl The performer looks at the Participant, types, the notes and hands the Phone to the Particip participant freaks out as the performer hag managed to guess the Password they just creat Method This effect is called compromised, compromised isac in appearance and is near impossible to backtrack. simple in method but as [ have mentioned Previously ¢} beauty in good magic/ mentalism, and THEN I will outline the motiva to get the password without the Pa ever knowing you have. LEARN BOTH VARIATIONS — YOU NEVER KNOW PHONE THE PARTICIPANT IS GOING TO. HAVE!!! I know I keep mentioning this, but it’s easy to learn one, wl is great but not as beneficial as learning both, IPhone Variation ace your finger against Scanner and it won't register your finger. It will ask you to enter the password, simply enter the Password to the Phone (which I will outline later) and what you will unlock will freak You out. There will be a list of websites, if you click one of the 2 (Amazon and Facebook are my favourites when ) es will give you the participant’s passwords openly none stricted. | have never met an feature exists I have even performed thing ult iphone is storing every password (ha 8 On APPLE staff ‘The That in itself is I find unnerving, t the participant uses, if it is the iPhone X it will look for faci at the screen it will fail, try again, after doing this a couple of times it open the using the phones code. Sim; lal recognition simply look i iP it will fail again and te will give you the option to ply choose this option. Getting the password is really that simple, You might notice that very, very occasionally there is “Accounts and Passwords” section in the phone, this is beeaune the phone is not updated. In this instance it will still work, scroll down to “Safari” instead and then click “Passwords” and enter as above. You might at this point be thinking at this point “I need the phones code to get into this option”. You are right, there are two simple options I use to get the code from the participant’s phone. One is to ask the participant in performance to go to their calculator, type in the code to the phone and show it to their friends. Ask them to press the home button (the big one on the front of the phone) and then lock the phone. I ask them to polish the screen to get rid of the finger prints and hand over the phone. I do this while I say “There is no way I could know the code right?” I simply swipe up from the bottom of the phone and a menu will come up where I can click the calculator. The calculator will open whilst the phone is locked and you will openly be able to see the code! Press the home button and the phone will go back to the screen saver. You now know the code and can unlock the phone as you see fit. If the phone is the iPhone X then you slide down from the top right hand corner of the screen and then click the calculator button as you would if it the code, This of course Peter Ty ; : mner’s which stil] Stands Strong today Toe from | have no worries about these effects when aoa i lat ty I use that is inspi . : Pired by i CALender is I take the Participant’s phoree vi t 1S Open and press “Q + when the Participant Saying “ let everyone see”. This of course further muddies up the method, making difficult for the Participant to even consider backtracking. 0 thing that I always worried about when performing CALendet was when the Participant pressed the erase button more than once and there was no way to recall the pin code. By asking the participant to “TAP” the erase key it conditions them to press it — once before it comes to tapping the erase key. Another way to get the code is to just ask. Simply say “What is the code to the phone?” This is such a great question, you will get one of two answers — One the participant will tell you the code and boom vy ea quickly access the phone. The second pesnonee vous ; es (which I prefer) is “Why don't you tell me?” Then I ro) oa joe the method outlined above to get the code, The sespones 2 i a Betting the code after the participant has challenged y ™ore powerful when you do unlock the phone. ick thing, if the participant locks the phone and you r quick putton and you notice that underneath the the sce the calculator faintly blurred out yappens sometimes and | don't know why) if you ‘on the calculator pops up! Even when the Tap the lock button again and it will android Variation phe android variation of compromised is again as simple as the jphone variation If you have an Android try this, again as pefore not all phones have this feature but most do. click on Google Chrome, click the menu (it will appear as three fois) scroll down to “Passwords” or “Saved Passwords” (some word this differently it will be one or the other) and will be a list of passwords! ain like the Apple Variation you will need to enter the phones Agi this information. code to access On android you don’t have many choices to get the code. If I am working with an android user what I will do is use Michael Murray’s CALander on my phone (which is an iPhone) having the participant with the Android type in their code) as the second number being added so when I recall it I get their phone code and move into the reveal on their phone. | now have their code. If you don’t have an IPhone don’t fear you can always use someone in the group that does and use their phone to use CALender. You can use an Android Calculator to get the code but it is no! as clean (it works but I feel dirty doing it). Get the calculator uy on their phone, click the “History” or “Show history” button. Clear the history and now ask the participant to take thi phone. Put in there a random 4 digit num random 4 ¢ number add in the multiply this by a random two di random number to this, he pin code igit number and Aa lly Press equals Say “If I looked at the total could I tell you the pi phone?” on oe Of course the answer is no, say “Let’s i +: delete the total and hand me te photo i more imp When you get the phone simply press histo third number down, this is the pin code, Yo when you do this, proceed to clear the history and jail phone. Ask the participant if they are happy for you a 7 unlock the phone. Proceed to blow their mind and now ooh move into the password phase. TY and look ap 1 have to be If it is a finger swipe lock screen simply say “This is the OR thing I cannot guess no matter how much I have tried to r someone for these type of locks they defeat me every time) Then simply ask them to show you. Another method is really simple, ask the participant to of the phone and just watch what they swipe in or type in. T Part of the routine is not rocket science but ensures tha can access the passwords section of the phone. Motivation for taking the phone (We will imagine that we have accessed the phone via ai for the code or using the methods outlined above to “1 am going to make a note in the phone, I don’t want see what I am writing as you are going to attempt to what I have written in a moment”. I always try to make »r, by asking the participant easels i 8nd audien, vill look away for a few seconds a CE NOL to wit passwords as outlined carlicn, Wie!” # all Teed OK they got the password, press baci, then YOu have sucess oe™* s the home button and swipe up ACK Again and the s the iPhone X simply pre, Settings: tab will clos ed the information then swipe ae wae T You have will take the menu. This stage is essential for ; i a participant will not be able to notiec eae TE ON the setti ngs tab later on, you want to kil] ant FF participant might have, 'Y Possible Methods that tee Look confused and say “Where do s ou thing? you make & note’ on tile This is a beautiful little moment, the er x > arti r phone and guide you to the notes bit it indirsetty take the the participant that you do not know how to rons as Phone Place the phone face up on the table, “I w: imagins that we had designed a website for this Sea you i imagine your username was (Insert the Pparticipant’s name) 1 (Put a number on the end so it Sounds like a feasible username). I want you in your head to think of a password this can be something you already use or have used or you can just make it up on the spot now. (Remember you looked at a couple of passwords, what you will tend to find is that people use the same passwords for multiple apps and if this is the case you know the participant will think of this. If there are a couple of different passwords I will milk this for two hits.) “You just made this up now right?” articipant is thinking of before the from the routine in this booklet “Call er? MAKE & Netection Call me Effect The performer asks the participant to rand f a lomi in their phone, the participant does tea tree eee contact. The performer then asks the participant to ivesire that the contact they are thinking of is calling. imagine After a few seconds of thinking the partici ; pants phon. ring and it is the contact that they thought off HMA, Method This effect is an effect that wasn’t going to make it into this booklet but after the amount of emails that I received asking if this was included I thought it would be nice bonus to put it in here. The reason that this works so smoothly is because each phase directly leads to the next phase and is logical. Make sure your phone is on silent, it’s important. This works on apple or android. This routine starts by asking the participant for their phone there is no need for a motivation for this. Take the participants phone press the dial button and type in your number, press the call button. It will ring your phone and now you have the participant’s number. This takes no time at all. Do not let the participant’s see you doing this it is done covertly. Go to the contacts list scroll down saying “you have a hell of lot of contacts in here, give me a moment and let me try ce if you are using an iPhone click « oimeing click “INSERT” then punch in your yy

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