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Fruits – Apple, Apricot,

Avocado, banana,
blackberry, redcurrant,
blueberry, currant, cherry,
cranberry, goji berry,
gooseberry, raspberry,
strawberry, grape, raisin,
coconut, dates, grapefruit,
guava, kiwi, lemon, lime,
mango, lychee, melon,
watermelon, cantaloupe,
orange, mandarine,
tangerine, tamarind,
passion fruit, peach, pear,
plum, pineapple.

Vegetables – artichoke,
asparagus, beetroot, bell
pepper, carrot,
cauliflower, cucumber,
eggplant, mushroom,
onion, garlic – (Seasoning)
, peas, potato, pumpkin,
radish, sweet potato,
tomato, zucchini
Leafs – Lettuce, Cress,
Celery, Spinach, Beet,
Cabbage, Kale,
Cauliflower, Broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, Endive,
Parsley, Chives, Mint,
Basil, Thyme
Black pepper, salt
Juices – fresh fruits or

Grains – rice, wheat,

oatmeal, maize/corn, rye,
barley, semolina,

Beans – white, black,

green, red (kidney), lentil,
fava, garbanzo, peas, pea
pods, pinto, soy

Nuts – Almond, Brazil

Nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts,
Hazelnuts, Macadamia,
Nutella, Peanut, Pistachio,
Pecans, walnut,
Fats and Oils – butter,
cream, oil (canola, corn,
soy, olive, etc.), margarine

Dairy – Milk , Cheese,


Meat and other Proteins

– Beef, Pork, Turkey,
Chicken, Duck, Quail and
other Poultry, Seafood
(fish, prawns, crab,
octopus), Eggs, Egg
products (mayonnaise) –
catchup and mustard.

What I like.
What I do not like.
What do you prefer?
What is your favorite?
Do you usually eat salads?
What kind of salads/greens
(leafs) /vegetables do you
Do you eat grains regularly?
Apart from berries what are
your favorite fruits?
How do you like your beef
I prefer it medium, or
medium to well

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