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ME Upper-

Some kind of bench variation for a 1rm. I cycle through close grip 2 boards, medium grip chain
press, medium grip against bands, light reverse bands, and different eccentric/isometric intervals.

Immediately jump to flat DB presses for three sets to failure.

JM presses for 4-5 sets of whatever. I just rotate the weights between 135 - 155 - 175/200 and hit
rep maxes for each set, record the total, try to break it next time.

1 arm db row with somewhere between 200-300lbs for one big set, 2 back off sets with about
half the weight used

Tons of bicep, tricep, and lat movements. Always finish with some ER active ROM work.

DE day is similar except I always use a straight bar. Currently waving 30-35-40% with mini
bands for 4 cluster sets of 3 with 3 different grips per set.

DB work is the same, just done on an incline

Eccentric focused rollback extensions for 4-5 sets of whatever reps

Vertical pulls w or w/o weight for 4-5 sets

Same isolation stuff. I wave these every 6-8 weeks.

Lower Body Stuff: Basically whatever I can do. RDLs are manageable so I do a shit load of
those. Then do heavy reverse hypers, back extensions, and hamstring curls all supersetted with
either glute or core work.

Here's the one constant I found, the "STRONGER" I got raw the better my geared lifts went. WS
template can be for raw lifters, you just have to taylor it to your needs. I lift in a commercial gym
and in the past I did a WSB template. I would do board work, box squats, deads, GM, chain
suspended GM's, all the assistance lifts. You name it I could basically do it. My squat stance was
as wide as the power rack would allow, I believe it was 43 inches if my memory is right.

I used the aerobic steppers as my box, varied my heights from low to high, I also used them for
my deads and bench to raise or lower my range of motion. I made due with what I had.

I never used my bench shirt or squat suit while in the gym. At the time I was doing box squats
with 675, but I'd add a twist instead of one set of max I had to make due with no spotters and shit
bars. So going heavier wasn't really an option unless shit was to get broken on my or the
equipment. So I did 5x5, 3x3, 2x2 as my top sets. I get heavy and do it for set of lower reps. At
the time I bench 365 for 5x5, was doing 3 board with 475 and 4 board with 500. So with the
above, never benched over 365, never squatted over 675, never pulled over 675 for lower rack
work, GM's never over 495 (rounded or arched).

I met up with my buddies one week for some fun. Got a crew of spotters and monolift, that
Saturday I squatted 950 past depth with a cheap single ply Centurion, single ply briefs, Inzer
power lever belt, benched 650x3 (last one with my foot slipping) with a single ply bench shirt
(not the F6 or Katana) and Inzer wrist wraps. Now I'm not EFS sponsored lifter caliber
(Pegg..???...just messing I got my hands full with Shelby right now), but I can say I got strong
using the template and modified it to suit me the best I could.

Now this is the old guy in my talking to the young or shit even the old. Listen to your body, if
you can't do that make sure you have a planned rest/deload period. I can never get this through
my thick head, nor could I back off assistance lifts. I would freight train through the whole
session and make great progress only to get hurt or over train and have to start over again. So
make sure to do this, I'm now doing DC and trying to loose some fat, but I just took my week off
(even after pushing to hard for to long and getting injured) and I feel awesome can't wait to get
back in and start pounding.

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