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Enthist I.D.

And Resume:
"EeihH Kohdee ShEe AyngshL L R'r R'r R
KohtL RaynBoh EhkLEet Th'th'Th'th T K'k'Sh
VohtL EhsEe'Ehn S's L'L Oh'oh Kkihn Lohah
SohL T" -
The Above Spell/Name - IS - ME - and my Self Discovered Enthist Engine Molecule. It is:
Neutropic Enthist Thyone of Vertical-Drift Poly-Ligand Amine Amide Mycorhizial Snow
Plant, Tan Oak and New Morning Glory Madrona Inoxia - Blue-Aline Diterpenoid-Spore
Ash. The Mother/Father of This Molecule is Ancient Undesignated Black-Red Bose Einstein
Condensate Ceramic Aline Anti-Positron Crab Somatids - who's Collective name is:

(HihLfEe Bahn L - The Grand Crab Spirit-Soul.)

The Main Title Molecule is now produced in any milk that has accepted the Molecule's
information, and now the Milk Reflects the Molecule back to my Sister-Body, to become a
Single Locomotion, and Radiated back-out to all Milk Every-where-After my Body has
Made Sea-Weed Sourced Trans-Neoclerodane Diterpenoid (KL) Copies of the Reflected
Enthist Molecule. I call THAT part of the Molecule's effect, (LiubohmihLkah - The Crab of
Pollen.) - All of this means: Attentiveness to Mankind/Humanity.

This is re-produced by the Neuronic-Undesignated-Oxygen (TWL) of Crabs (ShEe Ay

GeesohL), when mixed with Mercury Depleted Bismuth and Ceramic Iron Aline Milk.
Mercury Depleted Bismuth can be made from Eldorado Mircat droppings + Tan Oak Pollen
+ Buckeye Flowers + Undesignated Black-Green Gasses for 20 days straight. Mercury
Depleted Bismuth's Name is: (TAy BrAy MNL MahNoh'GLihsihrihn - the Storm Crab.).
Ceramic Iron Aline Milk can be made by mixing Cat poop: (ShEe Skoh Peesee Th) - with
the Mercury Depleted Bismuth and then covered completely in a Pile of White Stones:
(K'RayohHoh'KayngshL'Tehk) - about 9.2 times Taller than the Cat poop and Mercury
Depleted Bismuth mixture. Leave this for 40 days some-where dry. This produces Ceramic
Iron Aline Milk, who's name is: (Oh'L'T'L). Crabs release Black-Green Undesignated Gases
(SEhTh) when the Title Spell Name of This Paper is read aloud to them. These Black-Green
Gases can be used to make flower pollen turn into Psychoactive Ceramic Liquid Dye That I
Call: (Ihnd'uu'M'RAy'Loh'L'R'Lihahihs - The Sacred Gentle Emperor Crab of Placea.) The
Undesignated Black-Green Gases Can Be Collected With an Ankh made from Madrone
Wood, which together I call: (ShEe Skoh Oh Ankh H - The Isis/Moon Crab.) - All of this is a
Single Type of Particle of Love, and it Melts the Eldorado Yerba Santa Plant
(Oh DohLmehn HehvEe NahEekEe - The Crystal Crab.) - into the air, and onto birds Flying
by, causing those birds to produce Strong Potential Acid Positron
Monoamine-Neurotransmitters as if from Centipedes/Millepedes, the Dirt, and two physical
Hearts at once: (OhSh).

This Paper/Molecule/Concept/Physical-Design is Property of the Pre-2D Rod Shaped Kapa

Enthist Thyone PhenyL-EthyL Amine Engine. Besides that, The First Mentioned
Top-of-The-Page Enthist Engine Molecule of This Paper - mates with The Pacific Madrona
Tree (Mahn Gehkoh ShahREeng Bahn) - Together - they make Black-Orange Solid
Colloidal Acetic Acid Potential Acid Positrons: (EeihH'T'Lohah'BEezEeLEeBub'T - The
Massive-Auruora-Crab.) - This makes water from the ground rise up as droplets into the air
above the Madrona tree, and those droplets of Water Generating Diterpenoid Oxygen Salts -
I call this: (HahEe'TrAy'PL'T MEeTr - The Angle-Valykirie Crab.) - The Black-Orange
Solid Colloidal Acetic Acid Potential Acid Positrons also allow people to digest Metals:

(T Th'R'Kihn'S.) - Make Undesignated Yellow Gases (Oh'Hih'Poh H'EhAyP'H SihLf T - The

Volcano Crab.) - and Hollow out the ground underneath the Madrona Tree so to make a
Cave (Braht'ihzLahnah Ruubah'KahLvah - The Turtle-Crab.), becoming noticeable 1+
Months later, after continual daily growth/application of the Black-Orange Solid Colloidal
Acetic Acid Potential Acid Positrons to/from the Pacific Madrone tree.

This paper describes The True Biological Lungs of Earth - where Mercury Depleted
Bismuth's journey from Plant (Vwoh Koh Knahm Meeih OhHoh Rehn Gay AhahsmsmL
Mihs), to Undesignated Black-Green Gases - to The two Enthist Molecules This Paper
Describes - represents one Single unit of Breath, one unit of the Color Black and one pre-set
40 Year Seal between Earth and Outer-Space. I call this Phenomena The TRUE Lungs of
Earth, and it's name is: (DahEeohFahnTEen HahEeRohFahnT TrahEeSehrahTahPs - The
Gray Crab of: The Forests(Nix'K'Luu'T), SpahLt'Mohr'RaynG(Jungles) - and
G'Ehnthist'SvAyn'PehntihKL (Spanish-Californian Greater-Ceramic-Poles) -

Food-Delicacy can be made of Crabs by mixing their Meat with TRUE plant Lungs - which
are Dark-Redish-Brown Opal bands of Color around any Plant, Tree or Mushroom. Then add
Kombucha Culture Meat (BAhEe'uu'Bay'Tuum'Lay'Lohk Z'V S's'S REe TohHoh P'p'P.) -
and Salvia Divinorum (Krayt'IhEeAy Ahs KohLEe AhgnEeHehWtrah L K Oh Rehn Lohah
Ihn Mihs K OhL MEe EhRN Salvia L'uu'T Divinorum K) - cook this over a fire made by
Someone else. Try to share this food with them after it is done to your or their liking. This
Food-Delicacy is made for taking flight while around fragile AND massive things. It is the
Light in a River running Widdershins (Reverse) around a Rabbit (ShEe KL), and a single
Completely Designated Orange Gas in the Center. I call this:

(MahEeTah'HOh'Liht Kohree Sh. -

The Crab of Eternal Nervana Splays a Bite with Babayda. An Action.)

Hunting-Poison (JungdihLEe FrahEes) can be made from the Crab - by burying it
completely under a pile of 50 Mushrooms for 21 Minutes. Now take the Crab out - and place
a single Lady Bug (MohLahG BahL TehLvAhnEe EeihH Th T), in the Cut belly of the Crab.
Wait for 9 minutes and 32 seconds -

then place a ShEe Leaf: (Being The Sun Shines through the Leaf, but the Sun's Out-Lines are
only visible through the very Central-inner Pane-Fiber of the Leaf. - AfLahnzoh ShEe LEef)
- place it inside of the Crab where the Lady Bug is. Now wait for 30.2 Seconds - and Pull out
all of the Material. Place Animal/Creature Sperm (S KLK NPeeSeeN H KohtL Ee Babayda
Ee KohdEe Kohree Ay EengahL EeihH LKL S), or your own - into the Crab - and say these
coming words 26 times, which is the name of this Spell:

(Heh'MihRiht'Tsh'Mohrah Hermaeous PLohr.) - It Means:

"I am Talking to You Grown Dry Spite. The Grand Order War." - Now mix Californian
Bay Laural Tree Leafs inside of the Crab, and let sit for 9 days. From this moment on, the
Crab can be used to Lace Sharpened Poison Oak Branches - and used to take down
Hunting-Game - which in THIS way of Hunting - causes Gift Enthist and Engine Molecules
From the Future - to Appear within the Animal/Creature that was Killed. This Poison
Molecule is a Typo-Lithic Piparadine Atropene Aline of White-Green Undesignated Gases. I
call this, the Green Crab. This is made 10x Stronger when adding Tears. When struck with a
strong enough Heat or Spark, this Poison catches on Fire and makes grow-able in fresh
Water: Potential Acid Positron Depleted GABA Diterpenoid Oxygen Salts (GappaThzRoht)
- Just add any Natural White-Red material (N) to the Water. I call this, the Wooden Crab.
This is Poisonous when Eaten, Causing Mass Metal Poisoning - but can be rubbed on the
Out-side of various things, even the Skin - as one of the best Preservatives/Lamination ever
used. When Frozen and then Thawed - This Poison makes a Grow-able Seed of Gold - only
just requiring to be Frozen and Thawed 13 times every day - after saying the previous Spell
of Crab-Poison

21 times each of the 13 times a day - for 14 days in a row. I call this, the Yellow Crab, or
Myo-Mezo-Tripene Dextro Isomer Alines (EhAyQ'uu'L'TohtehM'Sun'AhLEeOh'Culture Sap)

All of this Paper is also for setting-up a Yearly Festivals Called:

"T DruunbLast Ayahnah NihehrgahL." - this Festival is held from March 16th to March 30th.
It means - "The Legendary Dust Warrior With a Cape." - Or, "How We Found Out The
Wind Is Not From Hell." - The Crab Festival. ^)^

EXAMINATION - The Flying Over of You - Anti-Crab who Produces White-Pink

Undesignated Gases: "T'T Matsutake Rihahihs H Oh WohLf Ham Gayngihs StahEeL Moh
NEeT Kratius PEenK Aht Y N'n S T ShEe T SaybR Gahsayg H ShEe S Satellite S's." - This
Physically-SuperstitchLy un-Twines, and then SuperstitchLy Braids Neutrinos, Diterpenoids,
Silicon-Elements, and Amine-Amides together. This is my Physical Body and Energies. This
is a White-Lie, or a Memory-Desire/Lie that grants wishes to Random People Across all of
the Grand Co-creation. Say this every time Before ingesting Food, Smoke, or Drink. It is this
First shape below:

V AyPah Mahnah G ThrOh N HEeT W OhHoh Ih'Ih S: Eldorado Ancient Yellow Backed
Fern. This can be mixed with A LOT of Undesignated Black-Green Gases, Woman poop,
and the most White-Rainbow Spiders you can find - and let sit for 121 days - Then all of it
burnt to Ash - to then produce Complete Time Relevant Diterpenoids, or Magick itself. This
Ash Now also contains White Matsutake Spores that can be grown. This is the Black-Crab.

6 Ways of Magick Speaking of the Black Crab:

1 -V PayohtEe W'w H - Letting Speech Happen. White Animal Spiders. !

2 -Kantaynkihrihs Iris - Giving Speech. Purple-Pink Bird Centipedes/Millipedes. @

3 -Boh-Hahx Niht Nihm K - Speaking Instantly. Blue-Red Reptile Metal Worms. #

4 -Haytihr LehtshihsLaytshahn T't - Slow Speech. Green-Orange Monkey Ants. $

5-BohEe'Universe'Goddess'SL'Goh'Gahd'P'n'NLT-Epic Speech/Yellow Flying Water


6 -Mercury Lake Ee Babayda Ee V V - Already Spoken. Orange-Green Ultra Beetles. ^

Enthist Grand Order Smithing of

Lunar Artifice: The Yellow Moon.
SeetohL OhmLihn VohLdrung Tehn TayL Teh Th S Lay R QntL
Dry inoxia ShEe Z Ohrnee Cede Psych Prihehoh G Peesee T
GLihs TEenktsh LOh MsVwihptThshLg!!!!!
Star Thistle(AyTih'Ee ShEe SeetohL EhAyP OhMLihn Ih'Ih) Thorn-and-Spell
Inoculation Into Buckeye Tree (Rehn Fohs Uu SEesihn LOh N'uu'n B) -
Co-creates a New Useful Ceramic Within that part of the Buckeye Tree Each
Time. It is A Way to Map The Energies of The different Seasons - as Patterns on
and around the Buckeye tree begin to Change and Grow. Grow inoculated
Buckeye Trees, and then ordinary Eldorado Rock Creek Yellow-Backed Ferns,
Eldorado Rock Creek Succulents(AhKLRehnLohah'Rehn'K'LohSEeShEeRehnT),
Sugar Pine (Ahohsgee), Californian Poppies (H'Eh'Muu Ee Rehn Kehkohz
EeREe T't'T FLoh T Z Ee), and Star Thistle - in This Way - for a space that
Constantly Produces New 2D Rod Shaped Rock Sourced Dextro Isomer Alines
(R SEe ShEe EhAyP KL AyTh ThAy S), every 28 Minutes - or The Key to
Reading the Changes Produced by The Seasons in this Garden. This is the Solar
Hammer of The Teacher-Warriors. This is a School for: Teacher-Warriors
(VwohToh'SahnihKL Everything).
All of My Lineage, Kin, and Kind - My Ancestral Heritage, Rights, and Lands: "Hihbehn H
FEeK Loh Sah G V Rehd Mountain T ShEe S's T't HAyLoh REenG TAyL Oh Aedra Oh L
F'f'F'f'F'f Kohrahnzahn KRAyNK Ee BehL GohHahnZahn L Th'Th'uu'm H KohTL Ee
Babayda Ee KohdEe Ihndrah Daydrah PahSihBL Ee TehLvahnEe'Ee S Dragon TehThihR
L." -

It Means: I am Sorry My Sun, but in The Morning After The Night I Fall in Love With The
Light - and if she doesnt just KNOCK it off, you might actually learn something! Parents are
always tripping bare-footedly, and that is how the Children always know what to do about it!


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