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Exercises in Inferential Statistics

EXERCISE NO. 8 : Chi – square Test

Problem 1   

There are four types of human blood and their proportions, namely: A(0.39), B(0.11), O(0.46)
and AB(0.04). Samples were taken from 700 people and reveals that 250 have type A, 70 have
type B, 340 have type O and 40 have type AB. Can we conclude that this group of people differs
from the general population? Set alpha level to 0.05.

Problem 2   
Students claim not to like morning classes. As a test, a college statistics department offered
sections of basic statistics course at various times during the day. No limit was set on class size.
The following table shows the number of students who selected each class. Setting the
significance level to 0.05, is there sufficient evidence to show that students have a time

Number of
Early A.M. 40
Late A.M. 62
Early P.M. 60
Late P.M. 35
Early Evening 58
Late Evening 45
Total 300

Exercises in Inferential Statistics Chi – square Test Page 1

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