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Assessment Activity 1:

1. The main goal of creating a product description is to encourage people or consumers to

purchase the product. Its way to encourage buyers it by giving detailed product
descriptions. The purpose of creating product descriptions is to give or to supply
customers with the most important information about the product like for example ,
giving what is the best features of the product and why it is worth purchasing. Having a
product descriptions in every products enables your target customer to become more
interested to your product and it will leads to up sale/increase sales.
-As a consumer every time I go to market to buy some stuffs, I do bench marking where I
am always comparing two same products but differ in brands but when I look at to its
product descriptions , my eyes will go straight to its benefits and features so that I can
identify on which product is the best. I also observed that many customers like me do
the same thing so that I am confident that this effective way of creating product
descriptions is the major procedure and the best one to persuade customers and to
increase sales. Entice with benefits is where the manufacturer is focusing on what are
the three top benefits or features of the product in which they are likely more unique
to their competitors. Example of enticing with benefits is the surgical mask and KN95
this two type of mask is showing different features and benefits so that they can
encourage customers with that, customers will get excited and look for its individual
specifications and they will realize which is more suitable for them as a consumer.

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