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Case Report

Idiopathic gingival enlargement and its

Arvind K. Shetty, Hardik J. Shah, Mallika A. Patil, Komal N. Jhota

Department of Abstract:
Periodontics and Idiopathic gingival enlargement is a proliferative fibrous lesion of the gingival tissue that causes esthetic and
Oral Implantology, functional problems. Both genetically and pharmacologically induced forms of gingival enlargement exist. This
Padmashree case report addresses the diagnosis and treatment of a case of idiopathic gingival enlargement in a 13-year-
Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental old female. The patient presented with generalized diffuse gingival enlargement involving the maxillary and
College and Hospital, mandibular arches extending on buccal and lingual/palatal surfaces and covering incisal / occlusal third of
the tooth resulting in difficulty in speech and mastication since last three years. Patient also gave a history of
Nerul, Navi Mumbai, surgical treatment being carried out four years back in upper anterior region suggesting of recurrence. Biopsy
India report confirmed the diagnosis of gingival hyperplasia. Gingivectomy was carried out in all four quadrants by
using four different methods.
Key words:
Gingival enlargement, gingival fibromatosis, gingivectomy

INTRODUCTION with hypertrichosis [3] and associated with

mental retardation and epilepsy. Unlike in HGF

G ingival fibromatosis (GF) is a heterogeneous

group of disorders characterized by
progressive enlargement of the gingiva caused
and iatrogenic GF, in idiopathic GF (IGF), no
causative agent can be identified and a family
history is always lacking. We report a non-
Access this article online by an increase in submucosal connective tissue syndromic case of GF along with its management.
Website: elements. Many cases are iatrogenic; some are
inherited while others are idiopathic. [1] The CASE REPORT
DOI: etiology and pathogenesis of gingival hyperplasia
are still not well established, however it could A 13-year-old female patient reported to
Quick Response Code: be directly linked to three factors: individual the Department of Periodontics with a chief
susceptibility, local factors (dental plaque, complaint of swollen gums involving all her teeth
caries, and iatrogenic factors) and the action since last three years preventing proper speech,
of chemical substances and their metabolites. articulation, and mastication, causing inadequate
The condition is not painful until the tissue lip apposition and poor esthetics. Four years
enlarges to partially cover the occlusal surface earlier, she was operated for the enlargement
and becomes traumatized during mastication. by a private practitioner. She did not give any
Due to massive gingival enlargement, an history of drugs intake, fever, anorexia, weight
affected child usually develops an abnormal loss, seizures, hearing loss, nor was having any
swallowing pattern and experiences difficulty physical or mental disorder. Also familial and
with speech and mastication. Along with these postnatal history was non-contributory.
features, there may be some interference with
maintenance of oral hygiene and mastication. All Examination
these factors will favor accumulation of materia Extra-oral examination revealed that the patient
alba and plaque, which further complicates has incompetent everted lips and a convex
the existing hyperplastic tissue.[2] Acute pain profile. An intraoral examination revealed
associated with gingival hyperplasia leads generalized, diffused, nodular enlargement of the
Address for to loss of masticatory ability and difficulty in gingiva involving the upper and lower arches,
correspondence: swallowing food. Therefore, these patients have which were pink in color, and had a firm and
Dr. Arvind K. Shetty, a tendency to swallow partially crushed food fibrous consistency [Figure 1]. The teeth were
704, Florence, Opp. SBI, which eventually causes gastric disturbances.[2] barely visible as the enlarged gingiva covered
Vakola, Santacruz (E), The number of patients with this oral lesion till the incisal/occlusal third of the teeth. Grade
Mumbai - 55, India.
have greatly increased in the last three decades. I mobility was seen in lower incisors.
E-mail: drshettyarvind@
Hereditary GF (HGF) is a rare disease, affecting
only one in 750,000 people [1] while it can Investigations
Submission: 19-11-2010 develop as an isolated disorder or a feature of Intraoral periapical and panoramic radiograph
Accepted: 24-11-2010 a syndrome. HGF is most commonly associated revealed no bone loss [Figure 2]. Over-retained

Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology - Vol 14, Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2010 263
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Shetty, et al.: Idiopathic gingival enlargement and its management

Figure 1: Pre-operative Figure 2: OPG

Figure 3: First quadrant – Ledge and Wedge technique Figure 4: Second quadrant – External bevel gingivectomy

Figure 6: Fourth quadrant – Diode laser

Figure 5: Third quadrant – Electrocautery

On the basis of medical, family, drug history, clinical and
histological findings, it was diagnosed as idiopathic gingival

After completion of Phase I treatment, a quadrant-wise
gingivectomy was performed under local anesthesia using
four different techniques. In first quadrant, ledge and wedge
technique was performed [Figure 3] followed by external bevel
gingivectomy in second quadrant after ten days [Figure 4].
Kirkland knives were used for incisions on the facial and lingual
Figure 7: Postoperative surfaces. Orban periodontal knives were used for interdental
incisions. Ten days later, surgery using an electrocautery
deciduous teeth 53 and 74 were present. Hematological device with a medium size, loop electrode was performed in
investigations were within normal limits. Punch biopsy was third quadrant [Figure 5]. A soft tissue diode laser was used
carried out which revealed bulbous increase in the connective for gingivectomy in the fourth quadrant [Figure 6]. Co-pack
tissue, which was relatively avascular and had densely was given in all four quadrants to reduce patient discomfort.
arranged collagen-fiber bundles, numerous fibroblasts, and Use of laser and electrocautery provided excellent hemostasis
mild chronic inflammatory cells. The overlying epithelium and better immediate postoperative result. Also the patient
exhibited hyperplasia and had elongated rete ridges suggesting acceptance towards the treatment was better with these two
histological diagnosis of fibroepithelial hyperplasia. rather than the conventional approach [Figure 7].

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Shetty, et al.: Idiopathic gingival enlargement and its management

DISCUSSION with excessive hemorrhage. Since recurrence could be expected

within a few months after surgery and may return to the
IGF may be congenital or hereditary. Though the genetic original condition within few years, the patient may have to
mechanism is not well understood, the majority of the reported undergo repeated gingivectomy procedures. This often causes
cases have attributed the condition of fibrous enlargement further increase in the patients’ and parents’ psychological and
of gingiva to hereditary factors. The mode of transmission is emotional stress. Hence, psychological counseling is a must for
mainly autosomal dominant. The first polymorphic marker patients and parents.
for HGF phenotype is chromosome 2p21.[4,5] Many cases are
sporadic with no familial background. CONCLUSION

Gingival hyperplasia can occur after therapy with drugs like Even though recurrence cannot be predicted, the psychological
phenytoin,[6] cyclosporine, nifedipine, and nitrendipine. Long- and functional benefits far outweigh the risk of recurrence. Oral
term use of these drugs has to be ruled out. The incidence of hygiene and the superimposition of plaque accumulation have
gingival enlargement caused by phenytoin, an anticonvulsant a crucial effect on the prognosis of GF. Long-term follow-up
used in the treatment of epilepsy varies from 3−84.5%. Whereas, will be required to evaluate the predictability of the different
cyclosporine a fairly potent immunosuppressive agent, used to surgical techniques.
prevent organ transplant rejection and to treat several disease
of autoimmune origin, induced gingival enlargement in 30% of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the cases.[7] Nifedipine, which is a calcium channel blocker used
in the treatment of acute and chronic coronary insufficiency, The study was self-funded by the authors and their institution. No
including angina pectoris and refractory hypertension and conflicts of interest.
nitrendipine an analog of nifedipine have also been reported
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