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NIM 1191046

Tugas 11. At the Drugstore

1. What are the diffrences between over the counter drug and prescription drug?
Answer: Prescription drugs or medication require a prescription which is a fancy
word for a doctor’s note these drugs are usually for more serious illness. Over the
counter drugs on the other hand don’t require a prescription at all you can just go to
the drug store and buy them from the Pharmacist.
2. A place where you can go and talk to a pharmacist is (.....,......,. ) 3 synonymes.
Answer: Drugstore, Pharmacy, and Chemist.
3. What is symptoms?
Answer: Symptom is some indication or feature of a sickness or a disease, so it is what
that sickness or disease cause in you what you show from it so say for a cold a runny
nose is a symptom.
4. What are the symptoms of fever?
Answer: Your body temperature is high maybe you’re sweating but feeling cold at
the same time.
5. Issues caused by some food that you ate or you feel like you want to throw up is..?
Answer: Upset stomach.
6. Medicine that has no side effect of being sleepy is... ?
Answer: Non drowsy medicine.
7. If you are sick and need to get back on your feet in no time you have to take (drowsy
counterpart or non drowsy medicine)? Choose one only.
Answer: Non drowsy medicine.
8. The other way to say the expression of “What are your symptoms?” is..?
Answer: 1. What’s the matter?
2. What’s wrong?
3. Can you tell me how you’re feeling?
9. Another way to say “runny nose” is?
Answer: Stuffy nose.
10. What is the meaning of “Feel like you have a frog in your throat” ?
Answer: Something is stuck in your throat.
11. Synonym of “wet cough” is...?
Answer: Productive cough.
12. Synonym of “non productive cough” is...?
Answer: Dry cough.

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